Developing Mobile Applications Using SAP NetWeaver* Mobile

Post on 29-Dec-2021

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Thomas Pohl, Ramprasadh Kothandaraman, Venkat Srinivas Seshasai

Developing Mobile Applications Using SAP NetWeaver* Mobile

Galileo Press

Bonn • Boston


Preface 15

1.1 The Impact of Mobility on the Business World 21

1.2 The Mobile Workforce 21

1.2.1 Types of Mobile Workers 22

1.2.2 Mobile Work Styles 22

1.3 Different Types of Workers 24

1.3.1 TacitWorkers 24

1.3.2 Transactional Workers 25

1.3.3 Transformational (Physical) Workers 26

1.4 Mobility Case Studies 26

1.4.1 SalesRep 26

1.4.2 Field Service Technician 27

1.4.3 Warehouse Management 28

1.4.4 Homeland Security Agent 28

1.4.5 Insurance Agent 29

1.4.6 Healthcare Employee 29

1.4.7 Plant Production Management 29

1.5 Advantages o fa Mobile Environment 30

1.6 Requirements for a Mobile Platform 31

1.6.1 Device Management 32

1.6.2 Backend Integration 32

1.6.3 Data Distribution 33

1.6.4 Business Data Abstraction 33

1.6.5 Peripheral Support 34

1.6.6 Security 34

1.6.7 Component-Based Architecture 34

1.6.8 Application Extensibility 34

1.6.9 IDE to Design New Mobile Applications 34

1.7 Summary 35

2.1 Mobile Devices 37

2.1.1 Laptops and Notebooks 37

2.1.2 TabletPCs 38

2.1.3 PDAs 39



2.1.4 Smartphones 41

2.2 Application Development and Runtime Environments

for Mobile Devices 42

2.2.1 Java Technology for Wireless Devices 43

2.2.2 Microsoft's .NET Compact Framework 47

2.3 Connectivity 48

2.3.1 Application Types Based on Network

Connection Availability 48

2.3.2 Network Technologies 50

2.4 Summary 56

3.1 SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 Challenges 57

3.1.1 Numerous Synchronizing Devices and

Multiple Sources of Information 58

3.1.2 Long Synchronisation Times 58

3.1.3 Data Volume To Be Sent to the Devices 59

3.1.4 Data Consistency 59

3.1.5 Real-Time User Experience 60

3.1.6 Frequently Changing Organizational

Structure 61

3.1.7 Manageability of the System Landscape 61

3.1.8 Model-Driven Application Development 62

3.2 SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 Capabilities 62

3.2.1 DOE 64

3.2.2 SAP NetWeaver Mobile Client Platform 68

3.2.3 SAP NetWeaver Mobile Administrator 70

3.3 Summary 72

4.1 DOE Design Time Conceptual Overview 75

4.1.1 ABrief Recapofthe DOE 75

4.1.2 Meta Model Overview 77

4.1.3 Data Object 79

4.1.4 Backend Integration 82

4.1.5 Distribution Model 83

4.1.6 Device Assignment Logic 87

4.1.7 Subscription Generation Data Object 88



4.2 Modeling Data Objects and Backend Adapters 90

4.2.1 SWCV 90

4.2.2 Handling Data Objects 92

4.2.3 Backend Adapters 101

4.3 Data Distribution Modeling 112

4.3.1 Data Distribution 112

4.3.2 RMM 113

4.3.3 Distribution Model 117

4.4 Summary 134

5.1 Mobile Applications for Laptop to Build Occasionally

Connected Mobile Applications 135

5.1.1 Integration 136

5.1.2 Prerequisites for the Client Device 137

5.1.3 Developing a Mobile Application Using

Mobile Applications for Laptop 140

5.2 Mobile Web Dynpro Online 158

5.2.1 Overview of the Available Ul Elements 159

5.2.2 Specific Considerations for Nokia Series 80

Devices 160

5.2.3 Specific Considerations for BlackBerry

Wireless Handhelds 160

5.2.4 Specific Considerations for Pocket PCs 161

5.3 Summary 161

6.1 The Mobile Application Development Process 168

6.2 Initial Setup 174

6.3 Mass Device Administration 177

6.3.1 Device Class 178

6.3.2 Device Inventory 179

6.3.3 Device Configuration 181

6.4 Administration and Monitoring Tools 182

6.5 Third-Party Device Management Integration 187

6.6 Patch Deployment and Upgrade 188

6.7 Lifecycle Management of Mobile Web Dynpro

Online Applications 191

6.8 Summary 191



7.1 Scenario Description 193

7.2 Development Process 194

7.3 User Interface 195

7.4 Defining Data Objects and Distribution Model 197

7.4.1 Creating a Software Component Version 197

7.4.2 Modelingthe Data Objects 198

7.4.3 Creating the Employee Data Object 200

7.4.4 Creating the Equipment Data Object 203

7.4.5 Creating the Customer Data Object 206

7.4.6 Creating the ServiceOrder Data Object 209

7.4.7 Creating the WorkCenter Data Object 211

7.4.8 Create the Associations Between the

Data Objects 213

7.4.9 Customizingthe RMM 215

7.4.10 Define the Distribution Logic 216

7.4.11 Defining the Distribution Model 217

7.4.12 Creating a Distribution Dependency 219

7.4.13 Adding a Rule to the Distribution Model 220

7.4.14 Defining a Data Completeness Group 222

7.5 Defining Backend Adapters 222

7.6 Configuring SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 226

7.7 Creating Development Components 227

7.8 Importing Data Objects from the DOE 229

7.9 Defining the Model Classes as Public 230

7.10 Defining the Queries 231

7.11 Creating the Application 232

7.12 Defining Context Binding 2.33

7.13 Defining Supply Functions for the Node Elements 236

7.14 Defining the Method for Calling the Query 239

7.15 Specifyingthe Navigation Schema 240

7.16 Specifying the Navigation Schema for the

Exit Button 242

7.17 Customizing the CustomerDetails View 243

7.18- Customizing the OrderDetails View 247

7.19 Building, Deploying, and Runningthe Application 250

7.20 Summary 251



8.1 Peripheral Input/Output Services Infrastructure 254

8.1.1 PIOS Architecture 254

8.1.2 PIOS Design Time Components 255

8.1.3 PIOS Runtime Components 256

8.1.4 Driver Selection Tool 256

8.2 PIOS API Core 256

8.2.1 Printer API 257

8.2.2 Scanner API 260

8.2.3 RFIDAPI 266

8.3 Summary 268

9.1 Selectingthe Appropriate Devices 271

9.1.1 Device Form Factor 272

9.1.2 Device Processor and Memory Capacity 272

9.1.3 Data Entry Method 272

9.1.4 Network Support 272

9.1.5 Peripheral Device Support 273

9.1.6 Other Considerations 274

9.1.7 Conclusion 274

9.2 Performance and Sizing 275

9.2.1 SAP Standard Application Benchmark (SAPS) . 275

9.3 Sizing of Mobile Applications 275

9.3.1 Initial Replication 276

9.3.2 Delta Synchronization 276

9.3.3 Client Sizing 277

9.3.4 Network Sizing 278

9.4 Security 278

9.4.1 User Management 279

9.4.2 Communication Channel Security 280

9.4.3 Single Sign-On 280

9.5 Summary 281

10.1 Scenario Description 283

10.2 Development Process 284



10.3 Prerequisites 285

10.4 Creating a Web Dynpro Project 286

10.5 Import an Adaptive RFC Model and Generate the

Java Proxies 287

10.6 Creating a Custom Controller Context and Binding

it to the Model 289

10.7 Mapping Custom Controller Context Elements to

View Context Elements 290

10.8 Creating Actions and Declaring Methods 291

10.9 Defining the View Layouts 292

10.10 Implementingthe Action Event Handler and the

Method of the Custom Controller 294

10.11 Building, Deploying, Configuring, and Running

your Application 296

10.12 Summary 298

11.1 The Component Concept for Mobile Applications 302

11.2 Relationship Between Mobile Applications for

Laptop and Mobile Applications for PDA 304

11.3 Summary 306

A SAP Mobile Application Portfolio 309

A.1 Mobile Enterprise Applications 309

A.2 The Mobile Ecosystem 311

A.2.1 Wireless Carriers and Service Providers 312

A.2.2 Device Manufacturer and OS Supplier 313

A.2.3 IT Department 313

A.2.4 Mobile Application Supplier 314

A.3 SAP xApps for Mobile Business 314

A.3.1 SAP xApp Mobile Time and Travel

(SAPxMTT) 316

A.3.2 SAP xApp Mobile Asset Management

(SAPxMAM) 319

A.3.3 SAP xApp Mobile Asset Management for

Utilities (SAP xMAM for Utilities) 323

A.3.4 SAP xApp Mobile Sales for Handhelds

(SAP xMSA) 326



A.3.5 SAP xApp Mobile Direct Store Delivery

(SAPxMDSD) 328

A.3.6 Cross-Application Components including

RFID, Mobile Alert, Electronic Signature

Capture, and Geographica! Information

System (GIS) integration 332

B Glossary 335

C Bibliography 339 D TheAuthors 341

Index 343