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Ectodermal Organs

Developmental Biology – Biology 4361

November 22, 2005

Germinal neuroepithelium external limiting membrane

neuroepithelium neural tube

Figure 13.3

(stem cells)

Neuroepithelial derivatives

Figure 13.4

Figure 13.5


Figure 13.7

Human spinal cord development

­ neurons in alar and basal plate

­ glial cells in floor and roof plate

­ mantle (gray matter) – neurons bodies

­ marginal layer (white matter) – myelinated axons



Figure 13.7

Human spinal cord development

­ afferent – receive impulses from skin, muscles, organs

­ efferent – send signals to muscles and glands

­ commissural axons – connect afferent and efferent signaling centers

Establishment of dorso­ventral pattern in spinal cord

Figure 13.8

notochord graft experiment ­ floor plate induction ­ efferent neuron induction

notochord removal experiment ­ no floor plate/efferent neurons ­ extended midrange

floor plate graft experiment ­ additional floor plate ­ additional efferent neurons

notochord/floor plate

= efferent neurons, no afferent neurons

= ventralize neural tube

Establishment of dorso­ventral pattern in spinal cord

Figure 13.10

NOTE ­ antagonistic signals!

sonic hedgehog (Shh)

Inductive signals:

chordamesoderm notochord floor plate

Ventral (floor plate & efferent neurons)

Dorsal (roof plate, afferent neurons, neural crest)

BMPs, Wnt family

epidermal ectoderm

roof plate

Figure 13.10

Shh morphogen gradient ­ increasing concentration of Shh induces

distinct types of neurons in vitro

­ Shh and dorsalizing signals interact to specify a dorsoventral pattern of motor neurons, interneurons & spinal cord

Figure 13.11

Spinal cord

Nervous system

Vertebrate brain development

­ brain develops from cranial part of neural tube

­ dorsoventral pattern is induced by same molecular mechanisms as spinal cord

­ however, organanization is different

­ central canal forms fluid­filled spaces (ventricles)

­ brain regions have different structures/functions

­ further differentiation of gray and white matter

Figure 13.13

Vertebrate brain development

4 week human embryo

Brain development in vertebrates 2

Figure 13.12

Vertebrate brain development

5 week human embryo

Figure 13.12

Vertebrate brain development

Figure 13.13

Vertebrate brain development

Figure 13.14

Myelencephalon ­ medulla oblongata

human – 6 wk

Figure 13.15

Mesencephalon­metencephalon ­ cerebellum

human – 8 wk human – 4 month

Figure 13.16

Brain development ­ cerebellum

8 wk 12 wk

13 wk

15 wk

5 week human embryo

Figure 13.12

Vertebrate brain development

prosencephalon: ­ diencephalon

­ telencephalon cerebrum (2 hemispheres)

optic cup

Figure 13.17

Diencephalon &


human – 8 wk

Brain architecture: ­ nuclei – areas with specific functions

­ gray matter migration/stratification ­ vertical – neurons move outward ­ horizontal (6 layers)

Human brain development

Figure 13.13 spinal cord

main portion of the cerebrum; covers most other parts of the brain

extends into olfactory bulb, sense of smell gateway for sensory fibers from spinal cord regulatory center for visceral functions

forms posterior lobe of pituitary gland endocrine organ ­ circadian rhythm, annual repro.

relay station for visual and auditory reflexes

coordination center for posture and movement

pathway for nerve fibers controls reflexes of neck, throat, tongue

mediates reflexes of trunk and appendages

Vertebrate brain development

Figure 13.19

4 month human fetus ­ all major brain areas developed

Human brain development

Peripheral nerves

Cranial Nerves

Figure 13.22

Neural crest origins

­ only found only in vertebrates

­ originate from cells located between epidermal and neural ectoderm

Neural crest cells:

­ migrate to different positions within the body

­ variety of fates ­ head cartilage ­ pigment cells ­ neurons ­ hormone­producing gland cells ­ smooth muscle – cardiovascular system

Figure 13.24

Embryonic origin of neural crest cells

Juxtaposition hypothesis: NC cells arise at boundary between neural plate and epidermis

­ both grafts in this experiment will give rise to NC cells

­ NC cells are induced by local interactions between neural plate and epidermis

Figure 13.25

Neural crest cell fate mapping

­ fluorescent dyes & immunostaining

­ genetic labels: e.g. transplantation between quail and chicken

­ homotopic transplantation from radiolabeled donor to non­labeled host

Methods used to monitor NC cell migration:

Neural crest transplantation

chick / quail chimera

Figure 13.27

Neural crest cell migration

­ slug may activate other regulatory genes involved in migration

­ slug expression causes dissociation of desmosomes

­ onset of migration controlled by regulatory gene slug+

­ NC cells lose epithelial connections, cell adhesion properties ­ migrate


Migration routes

dorsolateral – skin melanocytes, xanthophores ventral – neurons, glial cells, visceral nervous system

Trunk NC cells

Figure 13.27

Neural crest cell fates

Trunk ­ melanocytes, xanthophores ­ neurons, glial cells ­ visceral nervous system

sympathetic parasympathetic

­ Schwann cells ­ adrenal medulla


­ hormone­producing cells ­ parasympathetic ganglia ­ sensory cranial ganglia ­ pigment cells

­ bones, connective tissue

Cardiac (overlapping head and trunk)

­ melanocytes ­ neurons

­ cartilage and other connective tissue

­ connective tissue, muscle of large blood vessels

Are NC cells pluripotent ?

­ all other NC derivatives can be formed by NC cells from anywhere along the anterior­posterior axis

NC Cell Potency:

­ cranial cartilage only from head NC cells ­ some cardiovascular structures limited to

cardiac NC

Figure 13.28

NC fate and potency

(determined by heterotopic transplantation):

Figure 13.29

Neural crest cell determination

­ each NC cell has the potential to form many or all derivatives

­ external signals cause their determination

­ all NC regions contain mixed populations of determined cells, each of which has just one fate

­ external signals limit NC cells to certain migration pathways and differentiation patterns

Pluripotency hypothesis

Selection hypothesis

Clonal analysis in vitro:

NC cell determination

­ many NC cells are originally pluripotent

­ NC cell fate becomes restricted in a stepwise process

­ NC cells proliferate and form clones

­ some clones differentiate into only one or two cell types

­ most clones differentiate into several cell types

Figure 13.30

Double­labeling experiments:

­ descendants of a single NC cell can be located in different tissues

­ dorsal root ganglion ­ ventral root ­ sympathetic ganglion

NC cell determination

Clonal analysis in vivo: ­ clones from pre­migratory NC cells usually contain several cell types ­ clones from older, migratory NC cells often contain more than one cell type

­ most NC cells are pluripotent

Figure 13.27

NC cells follow defined migration routes:

Spatial restrictions on NC cell migration

‘repulsive guidance’ by ephrins and their receptors

inhibition by somitic mesoderm

­ ventrally migrating trunk NC cells pass through anterior halves of somites, ­ not through posterior halves

­ inhibitory signal from notochord ­ chondroitin­sulfate containing glycoprotein

­ avoid notochord area

Figure 13.23

Temporal restrictions to NC cell migration

NC cells ‘behave’ according to their age: ­ chicken NC cells enter ventral pathway first, then dorsolateral pathway

­ isolated NC cells ‘aged’ in vitro, then transplanted into hosts at various stages of NC cell migration

­ transplanted aged NC cells behave according to their age, not according to surrounding host NC cells

ECM influence on NC cell determination

Figure 13.32

­ nitrocellulose microcarriers coated with ECM components from: ­ dorsolateral pathway (pigment cell route) ­ ventral pathway (dorsal root ganglia route)

­ dorsolateral ECM components induce NC cells into pigment cells

­ ventral ECM components induce NC cells into neurons

Extracellular matrix (ECM) ECM – fibrous and gelatinous material released from cells

­ amorphous ground substance (attracts water; forms gel) ­ fibers (form meshwork; resist expansion)

­ provide multiple binding domains

ECM functions: ­ basement membrane ­ matrix for bones and teeth ­ tendons – tensile strength ­ cornea – forms transparent layer ­ influences cell division, shape, movement, differentiation

(binding sites for growth factors, etc.)

Ground substance: glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans ­ amorphous, hydrophilic

hyaluronic acid heparin

Fibrous components: glycoproteins collagen fibronectin laminins

ECM influence on NC cell determination

Figure 13.32

­ nitrocellulose microcarriers coated with ECM components from: ­ dorsolateral pathway (pigment cell route) ­ ventral pathway (dorsal root ganglia route)

­ dorsolateral ECM components induce NC cells into pigment cells

­ ventral ECM components induce NC cells into neurons


­ subpopulation of NC cells

­ diffusible signals from notochord, somites and potentially other tissues

­‘age’ of NC cells


­ subpopulation of NC cells

­ contact signals provided by ECM components

­ region­specific growth factors ( endothelins, TGF­β superfamily & others)

Factors affecting NC cell migration & determination

Figure 13.33

­ areas of ectoderm in head region ­ induced by underlying parts of the brain

­ epibranchial placodes ­ contribute to sensory ganglia of cranial nerves

­ dorsolateral placodes ­ contribute to sensory ganglia of cranial nerves ­ form parts of ear, eye and nose

Ectodermal placodes squamous


­ forms otic pit à otic vesicle à inner ear

­ induced by rhombencepahlon & mesoderm

­ otic vesicle expands unequally into complicated shape; forms the labyrinth

Figure 13.34

Otic placode

Labyrinth: (higher vertebrates)

­ squamous and columnar epithelia form sensory epithelia

­ registration of gravity & acceleration in semicircular canal

­ perception of sound in cochlea

­ transmission of sounds to inner ear by tiny bones and membranous window of middle ear

Figure 13.35

Otic placode – labyrinth formation

Figure 1.16

­ induced by complex interactions of head ectoderm with pharyngeal endoderm, heart mesoderm, neural crest & optic vesicle

­ invaginates to form the lens vesicle

­ lens vesicle cells differentiate into lens fibers

­ synthesis of crystallins

Lens placode

­ eye development requires simultaneous development of lens vesicle and optic cup

­ outer layer of the optic cup forms the pigment layer of the retina

­ inner layer of optic cup: neural layer of retina ­ converging axons form the optic nerve

­ opening of the optic cup forms the pupil

Figure 13.36

Lens placode – eye development


Neural retina

human 25 wk

Figure 13.39

5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks 10 weeks

Nasal placode

­ induced by underlying endoderm and telencephalon ­ forms lateral & medial nasal swellings & nasal pit (placode forms floor)

­ fusion defects: harelip

­ fusion forms nose, lip (partial), jaw (partial), palate (partial)

­ increase in size of maxillary swellings pushes nasal swellings towards center ­ placodes surrounded by swellings (ridges)

Figure 13.40

6 weeks

7 weeks

9 weeks

Nasal placodes – nose formation

­ epithelium of the nasal pit forms the olfactory epithelium which lines the roof of the nasal chambers

­ nasal chambers elongate while secondary palate & secondary choanae form

­ oronasal membrane between nasal pit and oral cavity ruptures to form the primary choanae


­ largest ectodermal derivative ­ outer layer of the skin

­ periderm ­ temporary outer layer

­ germinative layer or basal layer ­ progenitor cells ­ differentiate into epidermal cells

­ keratin synthesis in granular layer

­ cornified layer ­ dead keratin sacs

­mesenchymal dermis supports the epidermis and induces formation of hair, feathers, scales & glands

Figure 13.41


Figure 13.42

Hair development in humans:

­ dermal mesenchyme cells induce formation of epidermal hair buds

­ dermal mesenchyme cells are enclosed by base of hair bud = hair papilla

­ hair papilla and differentiated epidermal cells form the = hair follicle

­ core cells of hair follicle are keratinized and pushed outside = hair shaft

­ differentiation of blood vessels, nerve endings & associated glands

Epidermis – hair development

Figure 13.42

­ core cells of the hair follicle are keratinized and pushed outside

= hair shaft

­ melanocytes transfer pigment to hair

­ secretes the oily sebum sebum + shed peridermal cells

= vernix caseosa

­ bulb containing pluripotent hair follicle stem cells

­ root sheath is formed by epidermal and mesencymal cells

Epidermis – hair development


Mammary gland development

7 wk human (generalized mammal)