Devine Nutrition Program

Post on 11-Mar-2015

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Amruthapana 448 is a Purification process of Your Physical Body, emotional Body,

Mental body and cleanse the Pranic System and removes all the un-necessary fat

and karmic pains, following the process for three days will bless you with

“Unexpected and total rejuvenation, all encompassing feeling of unusual lightness and

fullness of health, experience of overall contentment, bliss and perfection, and feeling of

unusual vitality and energy”

This Purification process is a gift from our elders which is more than 3000 Years old,

cost less than our daily diet, provide more calorific values & very hygienic, even today

our sages in Himalayas will follow the same. This process has been tested for the ages of

14-102 years.

The Amruthapana 448: It is therapy/Vrut or process should be followed for min of 3 days

to get the Result. The Following Only food Items to be consumed during the process

4 – Dry Figs (Anjeer)

40 – Dry Grapes (Kishmish) – Green – to Strengthen bones

Red - to improve memory

Purple – for Old people

8 – Dry Dates (Chuwara)

While practicing this, we might experience

• Headache, nosia

• Body ache for which we MUST NOT take any tablets.

• We must not watch TV

Procedure: Wash Dry Figs & Dates with Hot Water & Dry Grapes with cold Water,

Then Soak the ingredients in 3-3.5 glasses of water (600 ML) for 12 hours (overnight) in

SILVER / COPPER vessel. (Silver preferable) with a lid closed.

Please try to avoid and electro-magnetic radiations like using of mobile phones,

monitors, tv’s during this 3 day program.


You must exercise in the morning like rise hands, side turns, lying down on stomach and

raising back all warm up exercises.

Pls DO NOT Sleep in the Afternoon

DAY 1:

Crush the ingredients with HAND (No electronic crushers like mixer etc., has to be used)

Divide in 3 equal parts

Consume The first part at around 8:30 AM

The second part around 1.30 PM

The third part around 7:30 PM

Have 3 to 4 liters of water.

Drink Kayamchurna with little luke warm Water in the night before going to bed.

Work as usual, infact work more than routine, work out if possible. If you go to gym

don’t miss the same.

(Soak the same ingredients again on Day 1 for next day meal)

DAY 2:

Vamana Kriya:

Wake up early and Add rock salt (white) 2 to 3 spoons in 6-7 glasses of Luke warm water

and drink continuously; you will have vomiting sensation, put your finger in the mouth to

touch lower tounge and vomit. You would vomit out all the water you drank.

Follow the same as Day 1

Kayamchurna is must.

Day 3:

Follow the same as Day 2.

Day 4: (Break the fast)

In the morning start with a glass of tender-coconut water. Mix half piece of Lime and 1

spoon of honey in the coconut water.

After an hour have Pure mausambi juice.

After an hour have papaya and watermelon.

After 2 hours start eating light on this day like

Green Gram Sprouts mixed with tomato and cucumber

idli (no chutney) or

Fruits(Best) or

Sprouts mixed with tomato, onion and cucumber

This cleanses the whole body and rejuvenates the entire system.

All the dead cells and tissues in the body and removed and new ones are formed. One

feels fresh and every breath he takes is equal to meditation.

This makes all the body parts like liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, etc function better.

(Note: If you have any Special ailments Please contact SAIBABA, 98450 24396)

Sanka Praksalana

From sanskrit it translates to ‘conch cleansing.’ It should be done at least once a year

every year of your life, but preferably at the start of each season (in India there are six

seasons so that makes every two months). It does the same thing as a colonic or enema,

but it is completely natural and doesn’t involve over-stretching the large intestines by

forcing water up through a tube. Instead, you drink large amounts of salty water and it

goes down the stomach and intestines cleansing through all the crusty, molded, fermented

“mucoid plaque” that we all collect through just living and which if left there spreads

toxins through out the body causing all types of things ranging from premature aging,

body odour or cancer. After performing this ancient Indian technique you will feel

lighter, your skin will be radiant and pimples will vanish, it also helps you lose excess fat

and countless other diseases are supposedly cured or prevented. The Hindu scriptures

state: It is the best dhauti. He who practices it with care and ease purifies his body of all

impurities and makes it radiant and godlike.” So here are the instructions. Make sure to

do this on an empty stomach, best thing is in the morning:

• Heat up 6-8 litres of water and put one tablespoon of sea or rock salt per litre.

• Drink one 250 ml cup and then perform the following exercises under yoga. Do

each of them four-eight times on each side.

• After six cups you should experience the “unleashing of the siphon.” Sometimes

it may take three litres but be patient! Don’t be too rough on yourself. Continue

taking one glass and then doing the exercises and squatting a lot as you begin

running to the toilet. Keep in rhythm. At first it will be poop and then little pellets

and then murky water and then continue until the water coming out is as clear as

possible. Good luck!

• The first meal is super important. It must come within 30 minutes to one hour of

the last savoury cup. No less and no more. It must be well-boiled rice with at least

40 grams of butter or olive oil. After that you may not eat milk, yogurt, acidic

food and drinks, raw fruits and vegies and cheeses for 24 hours. For a whole 48

hours afterward you cannot eat any spices besides salt, nor can you have any

alcohol or meat for two days. Give it a go!

The other technique was called vamana dhauti. It involved less water but instead making

your self puke until all the water (and the contents of your stomach) came back up.

vamana dhauti is recommended in Indian hospitals for patients and also for yogis who

perform it every morning for 49 days and then less frequently.

Colon purificationColon purification ((śankaśanka prakśalanaprakśalana movementsmovements))