DFC Continue: Operation Raksha

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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We remember the day clearly when we went for the first time to dig out the tar/cement from around the trees. It was a scorching day. We were 10 students in all and two teachers. We saved 5 trees that day, I even remember how after our job was done, the teachers gave us a treat of frootis and chips. It has been 2 years now, since we started saving trees. Earlier it was for the competition but now, it has become our mission.

Earlier we were only 10 students but now we are more than 30, even our juniors have joined us. They take keen interest in saving the trees. Every time we have asked the students if they would like to help us save trees, the numbers have increased.

We have saved 160 trees till now and are planning to do a lot more. Earlier we faced a lot of opposition but gradually, people started understanding the cause and now, they are a lot more aware than they were. Autorickshaw drivers, barbers and the women vendors who need the shade of these trees have helped us a lot in digging out the tar. Now we can actually see the difference in the thinking of the people about clamping up the trees.

The people have covered the outsides of their houses with cement to make the surroundings neat and clean without thinking about the trees. On making them understand, they have cleaned the cement with the help of their gardeners and servants. This is also helping us achieve our goal.

When we pass through the places where we have saved the trees, we have the feeling of achievement and pride on seeing them lush green and providing shade, and we don’t forget to mention that they are there because of our awareness and hard work.

The hard work we did is paying us in the form of a greener Jaipur. It is just a step, we have miles to go and for that we have approached ‘Srishti’, an NGO that works for the environment in Jaipur. They have promised to help us in all possible ways. We students have taken an oath to save every single tree in Jaipur from the clutches of tar.