Dhahran Tops Exhibit Winners Named Abqaiq, Annual … · Dhahran Tops Abqaiq, 12-1; In Net Opener...

Post on 29-Jul-2018

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Dhahran Tops Abqaiq, 12-1; In Net Opener

Mwhmn's chmplmshlp lnkr- dlshlct hnnls tmn, omry to on Irnprmalve start In dafmu of lh tltlm, wil l oppou ch. mwly- antwed Aft bse sqwdm Dhah- ran's nmvcourh Frldoy at 9 o m . In Ih suond mtch.

Ahqolq took one match fmm k h m n ' s mon and m m ploy- m lolt Friday and lat, 1 2 b 1. k i n g different ployon i n e w y makh, 16 In all, k h m n Imt only the No. 2 mm's doublr, In whlch y k and V a n b b l won over Bu a and Cloyd, 6 4 . 6 9 .

In the feoture nmn's match, m l a n Gulf singla chmpion R. Bi l l Taylor d w m d Jahn Zadzimki , 6-4. 6-1.

Dhohmn's wanen p l a p n - b l s Taylor, Mary k r q w r d t , bnlmnarl. & Hwr and Jg* bII - w o r d a thmematch n m p . Mn. Toylor & f w t d the youthful Abqaiq newcumor, k r l o n o Gulon, 6-2, 6 4 .

The sunmorlr Mm's Slngler Toyla (D) &-

fated Zmod.lmk1 (A) 6-4, 6-1; GrehanW d o f w d bysk 07-5,6-3;D.Hnr(D) Mmt- ed V o n R b l (A) 6-2, 6-3; Tletien (Dl b f w t e d Kwrney (A) 64,6-2; Sutherlond (D) d.- fwted Kandoh (A) 6-1, 6-1; Rex (D) &feotd Cldver W 64,6-3.

Wornen's S ing l r Toylor (Dl defeated Moriona Gulon (A) 6-2,64; k r q w r d t (D) & f a t - ed VanDabl (A) 6-1, 6-1.

Mm's Doubl r Henry a d McEd*od (D) M e a d Zaod- zlmkl and Hoopr (A) 6-3, 6-1; byck and VonhPol (A) Mwt- ad Burke and Cloyed (D) 6-4, 64; Gwrg.rlon ond body (D) M w t e d Wlllard ond Carml W 6-3.64.

Womm's Daubla: RHmer and bII (D) &f.otd Gulon ond V a n b b l (A) 6-3.64.

American Express

Resumes Activity

The Amerlcon Exp.uCmpony, Ins ., has n t~d lh acHvlHn In Saudl *la, according (o

k r k 6 1 ~ 1 , the sanpay'r awn8 ot Dhahmn.

Mr. Colouri odvlsm hat 6 0

to the vmually hmvy trow1 in h m p , o l l hok l and trampotto- tlan m n o t l m s h w l d k mqw ed at tha a r l l r t poolble doh.

Thcompony's repmnlutlvm wl l l k In Abqolq Mmdap md W d p md in R a T a m 1- and T h u d g . FuAr Infonmttonmclybo o k l w d fmn ck onpony's ORlceot #dva Air bu,phom Alr bu 3189.

4.D. hbtr, ostlng wpintmndmt, Dkhrpn DIIWIC~ C o m n n l c d m ilvblon, dbployl o mllllm-tmn-hour d e t y p l a q ~ e o w a d d tha divhkn l a s t m k by J.D. Span , atlngmsblanl dbklotmmgmr.

Dhahran Applauds Dramararnco's Production of 'Petticoat Fever'

Canpatant actlng In on ~ i g l - c

m l utting, held fogather by p mll-paced direction, cab i rud f b d e *Fbtticcat Fevern o d ~ucc.uful candy. Produced In t lhm osh by Dramumco, the n day mn Frlday, Saturday a d iundcly ot ch. Senlor Sbff L rh.ahr, won. E

MI1 Mcbnough as h s c m h W-, a mdio opomtar with a m inhrnatloml pot, i n self- n m p o d exile i n L a k d u , car- c led a dlfflcult moln mle with c m a ond boyish huna. Support- ~d by 1 1 1 Paulson or Klmo, an b

bklm Man Friday, and Byron c Curtis as o panp~u titled f :amdlan, the "iwlatsd" mdlo- k mn wm aided by the colt In I n i w l n g *vary bit of laughter 1

ioln the slow script. t L.. Slmpmn In the i n p w

mle of E h l C m p i m m d Mikl both ol the slightly more a i d :lam kllm played the m i d - i ~p flonwm with authaity 4 :harm. Ed k r l i n m a tlppllng kstur, MiluHDmdo osa I m h - , l k ~ & sm coptaln m d Jock Egon m hts d m t w l l a ol-

~lstmt kony, provided comic touch I n their :haostu bib.

I e f f t v * I Tha action tabs place ot o

w l m l r p o t in rmotehbmdor / when the k e w hm not seen o womm forflve month a o bow- tlful - for Wo yeon. The =lit& CM.~ Mnwr.'s in- svabl* dlIeau, .Petticoat Fevr: Hb mgagnnent ta baoutiful Clam In MMltrwl hod never matwlolizd bsouse she cwldn't stand the cold, or, p r - hop, sh. cwldn't stand him.

Di- and K i m are rot Idt A phllmophixlng long, for sonyrany ~oon b q l m ta arrive wllh ch. npulorlty of a mllk- -In. Wh.n a p l w t e plma

:& In the viclnlty and &- lo.lh Slr bm Fonton and his l a n c ~ Ethel Camplon on the bontep of the w1rel.p station, he inevlt&le taka place with mthanatlcol pacision.

Of c a r u , Slr h a Is m- uambly stuffy, but funny in lynm Curtis' Interpretation, ol

18 umbah the mdlo oporotor's tttmtlonr to his fiancee. Dim- we's cwrhhlp, complete with I moke-rhift dinmar party, isone ,f the hi9h~iphh of me ploy.

The &an co l lapn when the rlsltlng coupleottmpton.rsapq mnd Clam, the long-lost love ioln Mon(rsol Is &red in by0 h t e r l w sea coptaln. A l t h w h M- mv l o w Ethel, Clam tlll lwa Mnanon, whlch Is m much evm for an operator.

The cmnpliwtiomore resolved (Continusd on p q e 4)

Art Exhibit Winners Named 1

At Dhahran's Annual Event ,

T h Dhmhmn b t w d c k k m h ~ M b ( I ~ o o M ~ M d lb ucondamrol art &hb lot w d bukct rlmn in k rdk of '

O~I, MU ond b ~ d md AIM. T h tdlorh

Communications Sets Second Safety Record

The Conrnunlwtiar division, Mwhran DUrlct mcelwd a we- ond m r d wlthln h lot tan y a n for ccinplmrlng 'ow mil- lion rnon-houn w l h w t a lat- time a~c ldan t .~

A.D.klr, actlng wpr1nt.n- dmt, bnwrrnlcatlan dlvidon, accopid the lclfety p loqu for the dlvlslon fmm J.D. Symar, ~ t l n g orlttant dlstrlctmanog.r, Dhahran Wlhkt dving cu.no- n i n Tuadoy, Aprll 10, In tha Communlcatlonr hop, Dhahmn.

in .speech o f t r the p a m m - tion Mr. S p o m cmgmtulohd the anployoes for h l r achiwe- ment, which represenh approxi- mately 4 1/2 yar5 of ~ c t d a n t - free work with telephom, mdlo ond wireless aqulpent.

George hack ,rofe(ysnglnwr, Dhohran District, wtllned the importance of safe job pmsticm ot the presentation a n d e d b y abwt 100mmb.nof thedivldon.


Abcph 101 66 Dhahmn 102 71 Ro T w m 92 63

HUMIDITY Abqoiq 100 15 Dhohmn 100 16 Rm Tmm 1 m 25

k a k t polnHq, (h. m a l dlfflcult llh of dl, Ye m- v i m f o w l mat d*. wwk -: lacklng In m h r l t y md hr '

d.*eLam~~ent. (tt brhm to mind 4

Henry C Kristoffrson, New Manager of Aviation

the R o d Pnybody Here Know 'Ca Ira3

pnrd by thm h y and-iovlal Dhahran Eiay huh smup around o 6andelobn dvlw 0 oour) d homr b wnk. K n d h ( Id t A rl&) am Don Kelly, klhur Cmnbky, Clwck 6m. klrob Moll, Rkr Tkhamr, hR. Balmn pnl Dale &id. Skndlw (ldt to right) a n ~ l m ~ w n , aDIlh Horhy, ~ i m Mll*pn. Dl& &yon, Icouhapctar Jim Rmlwvy, Dwld Ellen. W o y n Wbn.hy bll-ad MIlr MAbndwId.

Around Abqai r Softball

&la In ihrw m. And tha drorip(ton drnorrtclp m a &m h mhwl adumff ictd, loo, caukblng It wm Id hum Manh C a b .

Tha a l y thins l a that plamor # d m @ b o c l r - C p l h . 4 can- #Itch wlfh tha 0th- m t y p a Clmlmllo r l i pp rd . An n i n b r d e o m u w o m h m n ~ h a &lr m tn~o+-llh story of o Jmph Hdlyumd Ionwept off h u fed by a Qthllp hl rsa Chomlng . Tllm don con id- fy tha pmpa -pt and by chn ka*r tho (rant - mbYihu camon- w a l l 4 nu, M. k m - whltm, since tha f l m w d a am ow, wa m w cultlvah our

m, aRuthafamtlng and darlq an fh. w m , t b g o o d d , dapla, littie p r p l o d Mwmo l l lppd bock A ckir pmnm caclm 5 d cranSrr. -A.B.G.I.

Scouts Hold Court of Honor

H A S .H. Rlnu hnbr g i l d

'&ddd h a m e i l q d fhalr . ad anMmIs, db mrl& n. am. d y hm. n. rllw w. At fht, b.rrornllnla

, . * mt al l d tha 4- - mL*n(mddhltcc~.lld

Mildmd Cram I m v a wt mall for tha states, p d n g ~&nd Sbn by tw. nonl)r. iton wlll n m l n for tha produ- ~tlon in Juna of thdr two rar, m y and Rldlard, fmm ih. h w l m C m m l t y khool in btrut.

Don4 forget th.A.E.A. social mhlrtrp tha A m h Knlehh, itorfingat 9 p.m. Ih& on ha Potlo.

Clara Gslston Is p t t lng rmdy o l ava N w York J w 6, to :ma to fha Fldd to n-loin hr wnnts Mal and C l a . M.1 is wp.rvlar, Oldr bncrol, Swnarol Stam. C t m b omlor. wlorlng in Ecaanltl at th L l lmged St. M i d , C a - g e n t Station, N. J. Sh. wlllb. rscanpanlad by Kathy Dnh, faughta d S r m b r p r h a mrllon. K&y Is a(kngwMsy Imnoculata School, Oulnlm, N.Y.

AMUIQ - The Intm-Mstrlct Sahbell Langue ueh under way Saturday, April 21, wlth Main- hnanse and Shops rnmetinp 011 qHmHon. O h r toam In the Imgw this yeor o n Materlalr Supply aid C v u n l t y Swlcer undo taanr madaupof &r da- parhnenh and IOU hands.

Jahn C. Colhounwmpluwnt- ly wrprlrad Friday, April 13, whan several him& gave an Impmmptu bidday party in liir honor. I t w k d mt only h a m t m a y of his n&l day, but d m tha fourth h n t h ) mnlm- rsy d h i r flre-orplmr.db.crrd.

Tubrlng is being p h n for a nunbr of &nh at ha Senior SbH School, and wlll continua thrsughouthprll. Rqular c l a a will cmvma far tha third h imrhr on Saturday, k y 5.

Ellrobnth "WLU Routead n- t u r d to Abqalq aRw a wrk's vouatlon i n lbinr).

b y Adslt welcamd hlr w i h Kothyn and doughw Swan, who arrlwd to the Reid lmt w r k fmn Son Fmnclua.

Mauy bhaqw. QI. of .U- qoiq'r leading tonk skn, re- t u r d lat Th+ from lam -ation.

to nut& the drams c a t SR 8. MonysaamdwbolMq mlh a n at hchn €1~918. Rrd and Jw Haydon, Jr., senior stack-

mun, G o n n l Staa, his wlfm &tty h a n d doughtar lolno n- turnad frorn long vocotla o(

Oxnard, Callf. " ~ t l f u l mathw the whola time In 611- lamia," &a sold.

G w p Froncqactiw oniabnt ~hw&.eper, G M Y d S-, hm mumed fmn mot ion dw lq which he hpmvedhb plfocllna. Gearpa and his wlfa Dwthy klpd their .Id& #on Chlste- pher George calabratm hlc feu& birthday 1-1 hldoy.

Poopla k n p mklng Val WI - Ilomr, ruprlntendmt of RaI . dnt ial S w i m , What, nc rodio7* Sssmr ha t a radio l r not stondDId equipant a h 19% &I Air.

M i l a and Edna Llplan antar- t d w d Mr. and Mn. Arthur Tut- tlo, blmdrof laqtrkdrp fmn San Motso, Callf., mshd WJWtlonfmn ulodn.Wn. Tub t1e 1s tha s i a a d ifnHonlltn, Mataiolr Supply md Tmfflo, G.nml msa.

tha h&. Larku*rforboy In durdy dark b n b om fmn U8bS 16.

NATIONAL ST- Withln hm malthB, th NoHar l smre ecp.pb a cospkt* shtpnml of My c b k fnrn lha United Uar. N o t l a d now hm "B. F. Oordrish'bdypnla In stock at picrfmmSR21/2toSR3.

lhpr~.po*l(onn ad Graoltononearldolongwlth on.*enllmtwl.ctlm d E u o p - onadSahaM.*.

El.4Al.W GENERAL STORES, o m WWnr,t, haa on w r of posketbadu for tha lmMorPblm j~unia mia by ~ ~ M I d p W d N w Y a k In p l d u , patent l& and e a c h n a t o p p o * ~ y S R 10.

WT AND WEST STORE; Q- tr*h nno*otla* dl1 be IrJlr*r b# mid-June, in -lbrlh.-hd n*l

Ihipmnh, 4 a "Kaywr' haiey, h e m ond men's roslu, .btalinog bothlnp w l h end 'Sandlar of Boston' rhosr. "b" homCna* taby

clethnaranaw In rtockot p l c n ~ l n o f r o r n P 6toSR 24. Mob in (h. United Stohl, but trh- mad with hand anbmldary and lose fmn th. Rdlippinr, the clothn carn In pi*, yellow, bJuo, p m n md whlte.

GREEN FLAG hm an u c d - I n t w w l y d baby b l a * m at SR 16, SR 18 m d SR 22. "Tiny-

'-1 O(I .* bl% 'I*IlG AWS#Il

Y'dm'E'MUD1ayUuwqa - wHna111=DI1 lllDJU1 p.(&O

'* *~1-611~"~l em r14w unop olrl .qo~q rJnu.1 *=a udarnq pun uwtq Jl*W w

'"'~SL'LI pw '"d 8 %z lldV '~'~soY'L'sE~'~:I a II& WII- (0- uuyl *Wl 'Awl --ds

30rO3WVNMt)V - wnu:

.~d SIP '''a 06'1 I a PEW wd 'oE:L'oEz'~~'~ n I* POOL) MV m '-0 '-H,O ""J'W

VAlaO9 AaVl

SIB1 'SOU 'L '06% g I* POOL) 0- mum A.II*% 'u-oylq b

rates Down ,,eelere, 4 - 2

k Walt ChqDlln lha intu-MsMn b \ r i l ngTn r

nanmt wm in LII d n g l o t d wlth b ton^ ladlng In tk man's divisla and Abqmlq kpplng tha wanmk Wlm. d h ekth lmlq lot Thu&

m b( rh. flghtirp mdUm I

W o n , 4-2. Allhwgh wt- Joua m a t d h a roy,.tha 1 6 d r k a k o c k a 1 ~ , a d a ) r a - p r p r l o p . I n t ! u H & c * f n r d h a S w l r r , owplod whh Ik.dyMtt lq, t o u o n h v n m In b holf of tha slxth m nwp rh. vlctor.

Grub Id off wlth a d w l a m sml

I w m t w l m r r d h k h m n Wonmk City h l l n g T a n a u n t an (frat raw, Iaft to rlgh) Mrry Findall, Jwnim Haey, M b a ka t l n m d Olga Corlton. Standlng (Id to rlght) a n Mnrty Frn- burg, Calla Bbal and brnlce Faughn.

Personnel Assignments

W.B. Glllespla nhawd fm Imp rosatlon and mowmad h l ~ ragulardutlrondwpow1blliUa m chlmf pilot.

J. C. Vmdanburgh, 4- mta, T r ~ u l y bpomnt, 6- pohdApll12onlong d o n . M n g his obmse, W.M. Hat- inp ha aumd tho dulfa d mctlnp coordmtw, i n aldlUm ta his ragula pdtla a stoff flmnclal advisor.

W. Eltlsfa d.prkd 11 m long vocation. Dulng hi1 0bmca.C.W.bhOl ounud the dutla and rwponlbl l l t l r d meting momgmr, lvob IwhMa l b v e l o p ~ t bp0IImMt.

F. 5. E l lm wtll &part a long vawtlon April 19. Durlng hls &anem, H. W. Tlrlalh.lm wlll auuma tha & U r ad nyrardbi l l t ladmUng mmagm Engtmrlng dmpmmnt.

W. K. h l l w a ~ q*olnhd antstant m a w , Rnaml, Nmv Yark, affnUva April 2. Alw mffuHw Aprll2, rh. Now Yark Wag. and Salay dlvldon nus corrdldohd wlth th* Penonnel b p n r t m ~ t .

lbul C)rr rollfng a 248 gam. Th. mn'sctondlnp o m k

1-, l5,906iLQpoiq, 15 ,m - Dholwn, 13;W& and Alr k.,

Oil Operations Tops E & MS, 6 - 4 Trim Accounting - Z.R., 5 - 2

In the lint wntat.Ol1 Opm- t i o r . ~ o r d l n c k b a t k m o f the slxth Innlngafhr a ~ m l m n flva Imlrgl. Irbrty lubrtln ad ndla Dmvboth gotonma n w l t of lnflald .non. la kill w a hlt by a p1kh.d ball, loodlng mi. rah. Al hcaminl's inflmld out, V l w k x L singla to rlght, M.oinp.r's md Al Pachulis' uolla and Lynn Milan's bon hit b fight p0dUC.d f l ~ r N W .

Accounting-IndurMal k la t lom swredinthmtqr of t h e w n t h inning. Ibb O l m doubled to I&, 8111 O o d m r b d w t on Infield hit ad O l m mnt ta thlrd. An Oi l Opmtlonl thraw- ing a m pnnithd boh Nnmn 10 score.

Playing In w M d m e of the 4, 011 Opamtlons cmwfron M i n d to s c a r htr t ima in the tqr of the w m t h to d&t E and M, 6-4.

Flndlrp i b l f m the h. ~d a fa4-3 gamminthatcpof the seventh, 011 Opuetlonr tmk advantrpe of ivo E a d MS mis- c w w h n kbrty Martin doubled and Dole l b w tripled, scoring three Nm.

Martin led the 011 Op.mtionr ethxk witha triple a d double in fwr trip to tha plate. Ed Ruth had a pair of darb l r b lead hi1 team at the plah in addltion to limlting the0110p.mtimr grwp to wren hits. Blg Dick Angle- my- b l ehd hls d mund- tripper ofthe- -in the fifth wilh the barn omm.

W l n d thah.~trallad plkhlng of vehmn b+ obM.ringr, Oil Op.ratloru tappad Ascwntlng- Industrial RalaHw, 5-2, and dmfwtad Eng imr i q and M.- ohmlcol Srvlca, 6-4.

Golf Victors Receive Trophies

Wlnmc d the b l l l ng Hills Splng Golf Tounannt m e pramted dlw hophim ot the Golf Omup's f m m l IatThunday m n l n g In h. Dintng Hall.

for1 R~~IOII won tha man's champiamhip tm& of tu &- fmoting bb Ryrhalm 6 and 5 in ut, 36-ho1. nml m h .

Helm Stwnrt r e t o l d her w as wanan's chanpion, win- n iw frcm H a m bmford 2 up. Fin1 flight haon went to ktty M.y.r, *hlla Vi kbp tappad the ucand Rbht.

Roy i n th. flml tounxmwnt of tha -, a 36-hole handl- crp wmt, wll l b q l n this w d - end. At in cancluslon the golf- ilp gloup w n stat Indulging In the luxury of sleeping in on Fri- dw raomirm. - W.R.B.

Dhahran Applauds

Tetticoat Fever'

(Continuad fm m a I) mffut lnly by tlu v t l w c w p l r chonglq prpw~ at ihc a u t p m t w ~ ~ ktha abnbh. m n t of K h , Ih. lou-wnhc Wmo.

Th. flnt at WI s l a , a fault of the urlplwhlch ouw thaaatorr to n l y l a o m r h a buslrsr and not mwgh m wl] llna. Howam, tha uad a with in lnkobctlon of dmrac. ten and c h m r d mood wa ~ c a I l a n t . ~ ~ ~ h i n g lk c l l l ~ ~ 11 the d i m u Rply nau, a -In in Clw's n k a c m . Tk hu tbu t f a t third act, cl lmaw by tha wlconvemionol wddl* scan, mob a cmieal dnou- nnnt .

In Hospitals

" d - t i m e r s ' D W M N - Fc*. F. Finmy

o n d h a r S . ~ , b o t h d Abqdqi F law Lnnaul d Al- lhQli Dr. Sdrra MAamld R k l d C I d k A p m , both d h m m q Lamb Shda, remy Schoukn, L.wk A. c-I, J. C. h, Cvr Sh,Vd&E.S(rm. h l d K.lunbu()l ,WG. Mar- l&, D d a Lyle, *nrLm P. M l k h ad nd A. Mr, dl d Dhdrqt Tmno %, C M a lkrHn ad W l l l h -, dl d ROI lonm-


Oi l OpraHaa 2 0 1.000 E a d M 1 1 .a Msadcs 0 I .ma

h i d m tha h.lnclpL, I

rps la l bo**lwld go to Chdq Cmby, Tar* glnia Huthi+, who d r l g d sw d u a n t a d c k h . a r ' I ~ to bb Attlx md hk uw fa their Arctic wund &&,and h J h a Fu l l r ta , &meter, wh~ wmldad thm anHm prokHa Al-Khohr Stores

Set h d h Hours into a wseafu l rrhd.. - M A . I.

Abqaiq Women's Oroup