Dharwad trip slideshow

Post on 10-May-2015

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The Milaap Team went on a field trip to Dharwad last week.

A new batch of students started their GRAVITY vocational training.

Here are some pictures…

The students get acquainted with each other

Listening in rapt attention as the course outline is explained

A session in progress. Mr Murali, one of the trainers talks to them about life skills...

Group assignments!

Me! Me! Me!

Using optical illusions, the trainer encourages them always to see things from a different perspective…

We met Rajeshwari, who finished her training last month & is now employed at First Source, a call

centre in Hubli.

We also got to meet the very endearing Hina, who finished her training last month and is now employed

at Cafe Coffee Day in Hubli


Loan a little. Change a lot.