Diabetes Mellitus - Mgt

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Diabetes Mellitus - Mgt. Calculate and define diets for diabetes mellitus. Integrate physiological functions of organ systems and effects of disease on MNT. DCCT. 10 year study 1,400 subjects Decreased risk of complications by 70% if blood glucose as near normal as possible. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Diabetes Mellitus - Mgt

• Calculate and define diets for diabetes mellitus.

• Integrate physiological functions of organ systems and effects of disease on MNT.


• 10 year study

• 1,400 subjects

• Decreased risk of complications by 70% if blood glucose as near normal as possible

Management of DM


• Medications

• Exercise

• SMBG and Pattern Management

• Self-management education

Goals of MNT

• Near-normal blood glucose

• Optimal blood lipid levels

• Provide adequate kcal

Goals of MNT

• Prevent, delay, treat nutrition-related risk factors or complications

• Improve or maintain overall health through optimal nutrition

Role of CHO


• Scientific evidence does not support the restriction of sucrose in an overall healthy diet

Role of CHO

• Sucrose and sucrose-containing foods can substitute for other CHO foods in the total meal plan

• Next 2 slides research by Bantle and Laine in Type 1 diabetes mellitus and varying % kcal from sucrose


Sucrose & blood glucose values in Type 1 diabetes mellitus


Sucrose & blood glucose values in Type 2 diabetes mellitus

15 g CHO

• 2 small cookies

• 1/2 donut

• 1/2 cup ice cream

• 1 tbsp syrup

• 3 cups popcorn

• How much fat in each item on previous slide?

• How may kcal?

Food Myths

• 50 – 60% of protein becomes glucose

• Eating a protein with a cho snack slows absorption of cho

• Bedtime snack needs protein

• Eating too much protein can damage kidneys

Food Myths

• Protein foods are like meat, cheese, and peanut butter.

• Look up kcal from pro, fat & cho of shrimp, extra-lean ground beef, Am cheese, bologna, 2% milk, % lentils

• Look up kcal from pro & fat of sirloin, mozerella cheese, almonds, p butter, hot dog

• Will work with meal plan approaches in a case study format

• Please read in ADA Clinical Manual & text


• Www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/pubs/med/index

• Medicines for People with Diabetes

Medication - Insulin

• Handout of insulin types and oral hypoglycemic agents

• Next slide lispro or Humalog

Lispro - fastest acting human insulin

Peak Effect of Insulin

• At your tables draw what the blood glucose might be at the peak times of Humalog, Humulin N, Humulin U

• Blood glucose starts at 100mg%

• All taken at 8am

Medication - Oral agents

• Sulfonylureas

• Biguanides

• Thiazolidinedione

• Meglitinides

• Alhpa-glucosidase inhibitors


• Stimulate pancreas to make insulin

• Can result in hypoglycemia

• Do not take with alcohol

• Wt gain

• Orinase, Tolinase

• DiaBeta, Amaryl, Glucotrol


• Antihyperglycemic in effect

• Not at risk for hypoglycemia

• Enhances peripheral glucose uptake

• Do not take with alcohol

• Metallic taste

• Glucophage


• Helps cells to take in more glucose

• Monitor liver function

• Gain wt

• Risk of anemia & edema

• Actos

• Avandia


• Repaglinide

• Helps pancreas make more insulin right after meals

• Can get hypoglycemia

• Gain wt

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

• Gas, bloating, diarrhea if dose to high

• Take with first bite or 30 min before meal

• Glyset

• Precose


• Glucose will enter muscle cell without insulin

• What might be potential problems?

Exercise Guidelines

• SMBG before and after ex.

• Adjust food intake or insulin dose

• 1 hr increased ex need additional 15 g cho

Acute Complications

• Hypoglycemia– hunger– shakiness– cold sweats– palpitations

• Hypoglycemia– headache– confusion– lack of

coordination– anger– seizures, coma ,


Acute Complications

• Hypoglycemia–Why these symptoms?–What are the causes of hypoglycemia?

Acute Complications

• Hypoglycemia– treatment– 15 g CHO– SMBG–more 15 g CHO if not increasing

Long Term Monitoring

• Glycosylated hemoglobin– glucose attaches to hemoglobin non-

enzymatically– normal 6%

Long Term Monitoring

• Glycosylated hemoglobin

• Next slide the relation between average blood glucose & HbA1c

HbA1c and average blood glucose

Long Term Monitoring

• Ketones in urine– important during illness– check if blood glucose consistently

over 240 mg%

Long Term Monitoring

• Triglycerides

• Blood cholesterol

• End lecture on management

• Questions

• Now to work on case studies and do the work