Diabolic genius brain

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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10 Diabolical Ways Your Brain Is

a Devious Genius at Deluding You

Mark Brady, PhD



1. It convinces you that you don't suck at

multitasking, when you really do…

… while making yourself vulnerable to higher risk of Alzheimers.

2. It diabolically disguises and complicates

things called feelings.

3. It pretends all light comes from heaven.

… which is why the circles on the left look recessed

and the circles on the right look raised.

4. It seduces you into taking up critical

neural bandwidth remembering stupid stuff.

5. It rarely let's you see the unintended

consequences hiding in the Big Picture.

6. It suckers you over and over with its

anticipation-reward circuitry…

… making you a slave to your pleasure circuits.

7. It resigns you to "satisficing"

just so you can manage stress hormones.

8. It seduces you into believing you can make

consistently good choices in a world where

grocery stores carry 40,000 items.

9. It pretends that you can spend

"metabolic currency" like free money.

10. It convinces you that you can’t stop short at 9 diabolical ways.

Background Image: wallalay.com/free-background-96-341097-desktop-background.html

Credits and References:

Title Slide: Brain Image - http://absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.com/art/Brain-FREE-Transparent-PNG-130589663

Slide 2: http://davinci41.deviantart.com/art/Multitasking-Motivational-Poster-410317238

Slide 3: http://mentalfloss.com/article/33466/diabolical-motivations-11-video-game-villains

Slide 4: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/seeing-is-believing-aug-08/Slide 5: http://nicktumminello.com/2014/08/why-smart-trainers-believe-stupid-

things-part-3-regression-to-the-mean/Slide 6: http://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/attachments/politics-religion-


Slide 7: http://www.guymag.net/articles/health/nutrition/junk-foods-secret-power/

Slide 8: http://michaeljswart.com/tag/sql/Slide 9: http://www.warehouseiq.com/profiling-warehouse-abc/Slide 10: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/67976275596658178/Slide 11: http://www.threefatesgames.com/2013/02/01/top-five-picks/Michael
