Diamond Chemicals

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Diamond Chemicals

Team #7: APEX

Members:Christina FisherJason SchollJohn Silmon Josh KingJeff McGinnJeff Mochal


Case introduction

Main Characters:

Lucy Morris: Plant Manager, Merseyside; high achiever; Notre Dame MBA

Frank Greystock: Controller; President, Diamond Chemicals WAG club

Plot Summary:

Major competitor in worldwide chemicals industry & a leading producer of polypropylene

Morris is recommending a £9 million project;

– Renovate and rationalize a production line at Merseyside

– To make up for deferred maintenance and increase production efficiency

Several objections to the project have been raised at corporate, and the initial analysis from Greystock contains errors that need to be fixed


Initial Greystock Analysis






Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Key Variables Assumption

Annual Output (metric tons) 250,000

Output Improvement 7%

Discount Rate 10%

Inflation Rate 0%

GM% Improvement +100 bps (from 11.5% 12.5%)

Overhead Investment 3.5%/per year

Prelim Engineering Cost £0.5M

Transportation Investment £0.0M

Lost Sales Impact £18.1M


IRR 25.9%

What changes should Lucy Morris ask Frank Greystock to make in his DCF analysis? What is the justification for each of these changes?


Recommended adjustments

Cash flow and discount rate consistency

Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering sunk costs

Transportation investment

Lost sales impact


Recommendation #1

Cash flow and discount rate consistency

As Gowen points out – cash flows and discount rate need to be consistent in their assumptions about inflation

10% initial rate proposed by Greystock is a nominal rate – real rate is 7%, Inflation rate is 3%

Two options: Keep the discount rate at 10% and include a 3% inflation rate in cash flows; OR keep cash flows the same (with no inflation factor) and change discount rate to 7%

Recommendation: Change discount rate to 7%







Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Change to NPV


Recommendation #2

Annual pretax charge for overhead

Corporate manual states overhead costs be reflected at 3.5% rate

This project is expected to reduce overhead costs and should not be required to charge an annual pretax

Recommendation – Remove 3.5% pretax







Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Change to NPV


Recommendation #3

Engineering sunk costs

£0.5M sunk cost for renovation efficiency is included in the analysis

Sunk costs are retrospective costs that have already been spent and cannot be recovered, according to the with-without principle, not relevant to present decisions

Only prospective (or future) costs are relevant to an investment decision

Recommendation – Remove £0.5M sunk cost







Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Change to NPV


Recommendation #4

Transportation investment

£2M cost for purchasing new rolling stock to support anticipated future growth was not included in the DCF analysis

Cost should be considered a cash outflow and expense

The tanker cars are necessary to accommodate the increased throughput that is associated with this project

Transport Division and Merseyside – *One Company*

Recommendation – Include £2M transportation investment and the 10 year depreciation







Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Change to NPV


Recommendation #5

Lost sales impact

Greystock’s DCF Analysis concludes that all customers will return within one year

Conservative approach concludes not all customers will return so quickly and this will impact sales and should be included in the analysis

– Potential factors include the overall state of the economy and improving competitor efficiencies

Reduces both the NPV and IRR but the project remains attractive

Recommendation – Include customer losses






Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Change to NPV







Greystock’s Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV

Summary of adjustments to NPV



Recommended Changes






Greystock's Initial DCF Analysis

Cash flow & Discount Rate


Annual pretax charge for overhead

Engineering Sunk costs

Transportation Investment

Customer Impact in Year 2

Recommended NPV


Key Variables Initial Assumption Changes

Annual Output (metric tons) 250,000 250,000

Output Improvement 7% 7%

Discount Rate 10% 7%

Inflation Rate 0% 0%

GM% Improvement 8.7% 8.7%

Overhead Investment 3.5%/per year 0%

Prelim Engineering Cost £0.5M £0.0M

Transportation Investment £0.0M £2.0M

Lost Sales Impact £18.1M (£27.1M)

IRR 25.3%