Diamond Geezer

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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What has happened?

Google Penguin

Earlier this year, Google updated its search engine algorithm – the method with which it uses to calculate its results page. This change is known as the Penguin update. Here’s some background on what this means.

What does this mean for DiamondGeezer?

Since the Penguin update, rankings have fallen heavily. Here is a list of the possible triggers. • Links from poor quality or irrelevant sites • Keyword stuffing or excessive on page optimisation • Excessive duplicate content • Thin content, or pages that not updated regularly

• A high percentage of keyword rich anchor text in inbound links

The first three points are not relevant to your site. However, the second two look to be the source of the issue.

Thin content

While the site is well designed, there is little content on each page. Let’s take this page as an example:


Word count: 485

Now, let’s compare that to the #1 result for ‘wedding rings’:


Word count: 2579

As you can see, the second site has around 5 times the content.

Anchor text distribution

Going back to http://www.diamondgeezer.com/wedding-rings/, we can see that the term ‘wedding rings’ dominates the page’s inbound links.

So, what’s next?

Content Marketing

Over the next few months, our suggestion is not just to improve pages such http://www.diamondgeezer.com/wedding-rings/for SEO, but to build them into a leading resource. As this infographic suggests, becoming an authority in its niche is the way forward.

To improve the pages, videos, images etc will be added, along with ‘how to’ guides, articles and other useful resources.

Our intention, simply, is to make them the best on the web.

Why us?

In this new climate, we believe that we are best positioned to not just meet Google’s new requirements, but exceed them.

Our team of writers have won numerous awards, published novels, blogs and works of non-fiction, and taught and lectured all over the world.

We appreciate that this is a major difference to our previous proposal. However, we firmly believe that this is the most effective way going forward.