Diamonds in the rough

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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It was a cool summer night. James gripped the gun tightly as he slowly inched forward toward the massive diamond. This was the first mission he got to do with a gun and he’d never had to do something so tricky. The mission required him to recover the stolen diamond that was heavily guarded in the basement of Keith Moore’s home. In the mission briefing it said that Keith had gotten out of jail and restarted KMG(Keith Moore’s Gang). Keith had someone steel the diamond to try and regain some of the money he’d lost.

James took out the security camera and with luck no alarm went off. He saw that what he had to do next was disable the laser security system. He stood there and thought for a while when he saw the mirrors that reflected the light. Then he knew that if he shot the first mirror the whole system would shut down.
















After James had shot the top Mirror the lasers one by one went away and the diamond was unguarded or that’s what it looked like. He slowly started moving forward.




\Holy Crap


That’s when he saw it. A giant dog that could take his head off in one bight. He backed up in fright. The Rottweiler’s eyes followed his every move. James had been through training to deal with possibly dangerous animals and learned that if possible aim for a place that would wound it.




James waited until the time was just right. He shot and the dog went crazy as the bullet hit it strait on the shoulder.















James crept toward the diamond hoping that there wasn’t anything else that would try and kill him during this mission. Just then the roof exploded from three missiles and the loud noise of a helicopter propeller whirred though the air. “Finally I can get out of here.” said James

“James lets get out of here I’ve got a couple of choppers on my tail.” yelled one of his instructors, Ewart.























After the light was gone James sprinted trough the woods so fast he didn’t even remember that Ewart was still in the broken helicopter. Fear ran through his veins because he knew that if he got caught then the whole mission would be blown. He dodged between the trees and ran as fast as he could through the night.

James saw the lights of campus and had a feeling of relief go through him. He had been running for hours and now was exhausted. He jogged toward the bright lights of the building. He knew once he was inside he would be safe and could finally get some rest from the dangerous and scary mission he’d just been on.