Diary of an Eco-Outlaw Excerpt

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8/7/2019 Diary of an Eco-Outlaw Excerpt

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8/7/2019 Diary of an Eco-Outlaw Excerpt

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Ebcpthr dlh

K C M H O L ] H R C U 7 C LC E E O M H L ] C J C E ] O Y O U ]

Obcvh aol c`dvh clm `hjdw mort ol ]hllhsshh, Dacjcbdkc, Craclscs,

clm ]hxcs, `ut ]hxcs wcs tbh wdrst omhc ky wclmhrjustolf frclmpc

hvhr bcm. Cithr Frclmpc fcvh ol td bos hvhrjcstolf ldtodl td kdvh,

cfcol”jhcvolf cjj bos `claldths td c `rdtbhr ol Dajcbdkc wbd fdt

roeb dl tbhk cithr Frclmpc tdda bos thl aoms clm whlt td ]hxcs”bhjj

stcrthm jddaolf fddm.

Frclmpc, Kdkkc‟s mcmmy, jclmhm ol ]hxcs dl kdstjy wcthrirdlt

‚tbos-clm-tbct‛ vcecthm `y tbh kcfloffiehlt, dithl shvhl-iddt-tcjj

Acrclacwc Olmocls wbd bcm ̀ hhl sdulmjy kcsscerhm dl c kumffct ldt

icr cwcy clm tbhl rul dii td Khxoed. C thl-kojh strhteb di kummy ̀ cy

`dttdk, pjus tbh cidrhkhltodlhm `jddmy kumffct, bom stolfrcys wotb

shrrcthm, aloih-joah `cr`s tbct edujm hcsojy sjoeh oltd clm bcuj dii twd-

bulmrhm-pdulm ffisbhrkhl (clm O okcfolhm ldt c ihw Acrclacwc) clm

tbct icet cjdlh hxpjcolhm wby tbh ffirst poheh di olidrkctodl Frclmpc

rhehovhm dl sthppolf oltd bos lhw bdkhtdwl di Uhcmroit wcs bdw td

kcah c pdujtoeh idr stolfrcy wdulms irdk wojm moteb dlodls, shcwhhm,

clm shc scjt.

Frclmpc wcs oltd icrkolf `of tokh sd bh `dufbt tbh bofbhst mort

spdt bh edujm ffilm ol Uhcmroit (dljy bdjmolf wcthr ol tbh wdrst burro-

eclh edlmotodls, bh wcs tdjm) clm pcom idr ot wotb tbh djm Mdmfh ecr bh

eckh ol dl, kolus tbh thl aoms. ]bhl bh prdkptjy put mdwl rddts dl

thl sclmy cerhs di rcttjhslcah-olihsthm mhw`hrry volhs wotb dlh poteb-

idra, dlh pjdw, dlh mdlahy, twd edws, ffiithhl rclfy eboeahls, clm c bddt

clm c bdjjhr irdk bos fddm dj‟ @o`jh. Kdkkc‟s idjas whrh lhwedkhrs

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=  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

joah kdst hvhry`dmy hjsh ol tbh tdwl (tbh drofolcj Acrclacwc rhso-

mhlts whrh rul dii, fdlh, acput) sd tbhy moml‟t rhcjozh tbct tbh trcmh-

dii idr Dajcbdkc‟s mry fujebhs wcs ]hxcs‟ mrddpolf, lhhmjh-pdolthmkcrsb frcss wotb ots vcrohty clm voeoduslhss di slcahs”rcttjhslcahs

clm edpphrbhcms, kdstjy, clm tbhsh idrhvhr jddaolf idr cl clajh td

 wbcea. Idrtulcthjy Frclmpc wcs c iujj fdsphj prhcebhr, shji-tcufbt,

shji-drmcolhm, clm ecjjhm `y Fdm Cjkofbty bokshji, sd bh clm bos woih

Pdsc @hjjh prcyhm tbrdufb tbh vcrodus slcah`oths, jottjh clm `of, `ut

tbhy edujml‟t prcy tbrdufb tbh jofbtlolf `djt irdk bhcvhl, plhukd-

loc, dr fulsbdt td tbh ebhst sd `y tbh tokh Kdkkc wcs ffiithhl, tbrhhdi bhr ickojy khk`hrs whrh phrkclhltjy vosotolf ol tbh frcvhycrm.

 ]bhl ot fdt wdrsh. Ct jhcst tbct‟s tbh wcy Kdkkc thjjs tbh tcjh.

Kdkkc kcrrohm c ffisbhrkcl.

Ol tbh `hfollolf, sbh scom tbct sbh gust jdvhm tbh omhc di ffisbolf

`dcts clm tbh wdlmhriuj stdrohs di tbh bclmsdkh porcth Jcffitth wbd

suppdshmjy fdt jdst up tbh lhcr`y Jcvcec Povhr clm suppdshmjy ̀ urohm

eclldls jdcmhm mdwl wotb fdjm ol tbh kummy rovhr `dttdk. Clm

 wcsl‟t Mcmmy gust wojm clm bclmsdkh cs cjj fht-dut ol bos ru``hr ̀ ddts

clm jddaolf c wbdjh jdt joah porcth Jcffitth clm sdkhtokhs jhttolf bhr

bdjm tbh wbhhj di bos ffisbolf ̀ dct gust sd bh edujm put bos crks crdulm

bhr clm sbdw bhr bdw ot wcs rhcjjy mdlh4 Ol bolmsofbt, Kdkkc scom

sbh wcs wcy tdd ydulf td aldw wbct sbh wcs ffixolf td fht bhrshji oltd.

 Clm `hsomhs, mdl‟t ydu gust jdvh wbct ydu‟vh lhvhr bcm4

 Clybdw, tbh edurtolf eckh clm whlt, tbhl tbh kcrrocfh, tbhl tbh

`c`ohs, clm cjdlf c`dut tbh thltb yhcr di tbhor tdfhtbhrlhss tbh rhcj-

oty di ffisbolf  pjus  kcrrocfh pjus  aoms aoeahm ol. ]bct‟s wbhl Kdkkc

stcrthm bctolf tbh `cy wotb c khmoecj-thxt`dda sdkhtbolf dr dtbhr. O

mdl‟t aldw tbh moshcsh. Clybdw, sbh bcthm tbh `cy sd kueb tbct sbh

edujml‟t shh strcofbt clm tbct‟s wby sbh jdst dlh hyh dut ̀ y tbh ejdtbhs-

jolh wbhl sbh wcs bclfolf dut wcsb. Ubh fdt tbct kcm. Ubh bcthm

iryolf ffisb clm sbrokp hvhry lofbt. Ubh bcthm tbct sbh wcs tbh sdjh

eddahr, ejhclhr, wcsbhrwdkcl, clm ecrhtcahr di shvhl wojm aoms wbojh

Mcmmy wcs dii bcvolf c jdjjyfcffolf fddm dj‟ tokh dl tbh ̀ cy. Ubh bcm

jdlf soleh fovhl up romolf dl Mcmmy‟s `dct idr pjhcsurh `hecush sbh

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  kcmh ol thxcs7 cl ceeomhltcj cetovost 8

bcm wcccy tdd kueb wcsb td md ct bdkh clm `hsomhs shvhl aoms”

edult, shvhl aoms!”dl c `dct wdujm mrovh cly wdkcl stcra rcvolf

erczy clm, Jdrm aldws, oi sbh wcsl‟t wctebolf tbhk hvhry koluth,bdw kcly aoms wdujm icjj dvhr clm mrdwl clm tbhl fht pjdpphm mdwl

cjdlfsomh tbh dtbhr tbrhh jyolf dut ol tbh frcvhycrm4 Ldw, wdujml‟t

tbct  `h gust c `crrhj di jcufbs. Udkh mcys whrh wdrsh tbcl dtbhrs idr

Kdkkc clm dl tbdsh mcys sbh whlt dut ol tbh ycrm wotb bhr bdh,

pdolthm ct sdkh whhms dl tbh frdulm, clm scom, ‚]bct‟s ydur mcmmy.‛

 ]bhl sbh wbceahm tbh jovolf mcyjofbts dut di tbh whhms.

O mdl‟t tbola Kdkkc rhcjjy wclthm td aojj Mcmmy. Bhr `of mhcj wcs7 Vbhl wdujm @ojjy @dlhs (tbh porcth lckh sbh‟m jdlf cfd fovhl

Mcmmy wbhl mrhcks di Jcffitth stojj sworjhm ol bhr bhcm) fht c rhcj gd`4

Udkhtbolf `hsomhs tbh `cy! Vhjj, Mcmmy wcsl‟t fhttolf c rhcj gd`. Clm

bh wcsl‟t fhttolf dii tbh `cy. Bh wcs c ffisbhrkcl tbrdufb clm tbrdufb

clm, kctthr di icet clm usucjjy, tbh mcys tbct Kdkkc `jhw up clm

tdjm Mcmmy td fht c rhcj gd` whrh tbh mcys bh whlt dut ol tbh ycrm clm

stcrthm `uojmolf cldtbhr lhw `dct. Clm Mcmmy moml‟t fd td tbh `cea-

 ycrm td `uojm bos `dcts. Bh whlt strcofbt td tbh irdlt ycrm wotb lhw

kcrolh pjywddm. Clm bh bcm shvhl `dcts.

Oi Mcmmy bcvolf c iul dj‟ tokh dl tbh `cy wcsl‟t hldufb td mrovh

Kdkkc erczy, tbh icet tbct tbrhh di ky `rdtbhrs fdt `dcts, tdd, clm

 whlt ffisbolf wcs. ]bdsh idur `dcts ehkhlthm idrhvhr wbcthvhr quora

Kdkkc bcm c`dut tbh `cy sd bhcvhl bhjp us, Jdrm, oi cly di us forjs

 whlt td tbh `cy cithr tbct. Ot wcs sdkhwbhrh ol tbh @o`jh c`dut forjs

ldt `holf cjjdwhm dl tbh `cy, Kdkkc scom. Ud sbh mom bhr `hst td

mrovh tbh `cy irdk us cs rhjhltjhssjy cs tbh kddl mrdvh tbh tomh, clm

sdkhwbhrh ol bhr bhcm ot wcs fdllc `h dacy. ]bolfs whrh fdllc fht

`htthr. Kcy`h wh‟m cjj frdw up td `h lurshs.

O wcs hofbt yhcrs djm wbhl dur ffilcleocj strcots shlt Kdkkc‟s

ld-ld tuk`jolf dl ots hcr. Ot cjj `hfcl wotb wolthr clm `dcts sola-

olf clm fddm-idr-ldtbolf mheabclms ldt aldwolf wbhrh tbh wrheas

 whrh clm frcmucjjy tbh omhc eckh td Mcmmy tbct kcy`h ot‟m `h ebhcphr

oi dlh di tbh jottjh forjs mheahm. Idr c sukkhr, clybdw. Oi tbhrh bcm

`hhl c ihkolost ol dur ffisbolf tdwl, sbh wdujm bcvh bcm c bhymcy clm

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9  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

 wdujm bcvh joahjy sbduthm tbh lhws irdk tbh tdp di Uhcmroit ‟s rusty

 wcthr tdwhr. C forj dl tbh `cy! Bcjjhjugcb! @ut ldph, tbhrh wcsl‟t c

ihkolost ol dur tdwl dr cly`dmy tbct rhkdthjy jddahm joah dlh”ldthvhl ejdsh”sd kcoljy tbct skcjj voetdry whlt ulldtoehm. @ut ot moml‟t

burt ct cjj”ol icet ot bhjphm”tbct O wcs c`dut cs ctthltodl-fhttolf cs

cl dysthr sbhjj, clm ghjjyffisb ffdctolf ol tbh ̀ cy bcm ̀ htthr phrsdlcjotohs,

sd Mcmmy bcrmjy alhw O wcs dl tbh `dct clm lcry c bcor storrhm dl ky

Kdkkc‟s bhcm. O edujm `h tbct olvoso`jh.

Lhxt ̀ csh ol ky ̀ ummolf ffisbolf ecrhhr rhquorhm fhttolf dlh dvhr dl

tbh ffisbhrkhl `hecush lhvhr tbola idr c shedlm tbct ‚Irhh. Edkh clmfd cs ydu pjhcsh‛ khclt irhh idr jottjh forjs. Bhea ldph. Irhh khclt irhh

idr khl! Clm tbdsh ffisbhrkhl whrh cs `cm cs Kdkkc c`dut wdkhl

dl tbh `cy clm tbhy whrhl‟t stupom. ]bhy jddahm sjdw, cjj rofbt, `ut

tbhy whrh quoea, quoea dl tbh `cy. ]bhy edujm ecjeujcth oeh clm iuhj

edsts clm tbh ckdult di ffisb clm sbrokp ecufbt ol c soxthhl-bdur mcy

td tbh hxcet pdulm. ]bhy edujm rhkhk`hr wbhrh tbh ffisb whlt, bdw

tbh rhhis rcl, wbhrh tbh rdshcth spddl`ojjs (tbh pola `orms!) ffhw up

irdk tbh kcrsb ol wcvhs di pola ejdums, clm wbhrh hvhry mclf wrhea

ol tbh `cy wcs. @ut tbhor ecltclahrdus `hjohis c`dut wdkhl whrh sht

ol tbh soxthhltb ehltury dr tbhrhc`duts clm tbhy whrhl‟t ol cly kddm

td jhcrl moiihrhlt sd tbhy rdusthm dut cjj tbolfs ihkcjh dl tbh `cy cs oi

 wh whrh pjcfuh-ecrryolf rcts.

O bhcrm c kojjodl stdrohs. C kojjodl! Vdkhl fhlhrcthm stdrks.

 Vdkhl whrh hthrlcj eurshs dl tbh `cy. ]bh ffisbhrkhl scom tbhy bcm

shhl ot bcpphl tokh clm tokh cfcol. ]bhy whrh hyhwotlhsshs td tbh

bdrrdr! Dlh ffisbhrkcl tdjm kh c`dut c ecptcol‟s woih wbd bcm eckh

c`dcrm clm, stupom-joah, turlhm dvhr c `dct‟s bcteb edvhr ol tbh hcrjy-

kdrlolf bdurs `hidrh tbhy sht dut. Vhjj, db, ky fdsb, tbh kosidrtulh

tbct `hihjj tbdsh pddr uljueay khl. ]bhy whrh jueay tbhy hsecphm

 wotb tbhor jovhs.

Dlh ffisbhrkcl gust jdvhm td irofbthl kh wotb stdrohs sd bh‟m edult

dii dl bos ecjjushm ffilfhrs wbct cjj edujm bcpphl oi O wcs sddd stupom  

cs td fht dl c sbrokp `dct. ‚Vbct oi ydu‟rh tbh ecptcol clm ydu jdsh

sdkhdlh dvhr`dcrm, kossy4 Vbctebc fdllc md4 ]bct‟s ot. Bh‟s fdlh.

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  kcmh ol thxcs7 cl ceeomhltcj cetovost 6

 ]bhl c `ddk ecl `rhca dr ydu ecl sola clm mrdwl ct shc. ]bhl wbct

c`dut tbct wolthr wbhl tbct `utclh `dttjh hxpjdmhm dl Bdkhr‟s

sbrokp `dct4 Clm tbh `dct `jhw up4 Jdst tbh sbrokp lhts clm tbh`dct! ]bhl tbh whctbhr! Db ky fdsb! _du fht ecufbt dut ol c burro-

eclh clm wbctebc fdllc md, jottjh kossy4 Bcm dlh fuy eut bos ffilfhr

ejhcl dii   murolf c stdrk clm cjkdst `jhm td mhctb `hidrh bh fdt `cea td

tbh mdea. ]bhl c wcthrspdut ecl bot ydur `dct clm sdkhtokhs ydu fht

c mheabclm tbct gust jdshs ot. Jdshs bos bhcm clm fdhs wojm erczy, bh‟s

sd secrhm. Dlh fuy O alhw whlt dut dl tbos trop td Uporot Ehlthr @cy

clm c wcthrspdut bot tbh ̀ dct clm bh gukphm dvhr`dcrm. Vh poeahm upbos ̀ dmy ol tbh lht. ]wd mcys jcthr!  ]bhl tbhrh crh hlfolh `rhcamdwls.

 ]bhl bdw c`dut fhttolf cl olihethm iddt `y sthppolf dl c bcrm bhcm4

Pdt ydur iddt dii! ]bhl sbrokp guoeh hctolf tbh saol dii ydur ffilfhrs!‛

Iolcjjy, tbh ffisbhrkcl wdulm bokshji oltd c irhlzy clm whlt oltd tbh

kdst mosfustolf othks di cjj7 Vbct bcpphlhm oi c wdkcl wcs dl tbh

mdwlwolm somh wbhl c ecptcol spot dut bos ebhwy td`ceed4 Dr wbhl

bh bcm td phh4

Oi tbhrh wcsl‟t tbct hthrlcj mroit jolh di stoeas dut ol tbh wcthr td

dtbhrwosh bypldtozh tbhk, ffisbhrkhl wdujm tcja dl tbh rcmod cjj mcy

jdlf c`dut wdkhl clm tbh `cm juea tbhy `rdufbt c`dcrm. Ot moml‟t

hvhl lhhm td `h c rhcj wdkcl1 ldt gust twd crks, twd jhfs, sdkhtbolf

ol irdlt clm sdkhtbolf ol `cea clm c bcla di bcor.  Clytbolf ihkcjh-

jddaolf wdujm md ot. Dlh stdry tbct kcmh tbh rcmod rdulms idr c sdjom

 whha dl tbh `cy wcs c`dut c bhl. ]bos bhl! ]bos bhl! Clybdw, tbos

bhl rdmh td tbh `cy dl tbh ihlmhr di c sbrokphr‟s truea clm wbojh tbh

sbrokphr wcs ̀ usy uljdcmolf cjj bos fhcr clm rhcmyolf up tbh ̀ dct, tbos

bhl ejok`hm c`dcrm clm whlt td shc wotb tbh ffisbhrkcl. Vhjj, db ky

fdsb clm db ky fdsb. ]bh trdu`jh tbct bhl ecushm. Kcmh sbrokp rul

cbhcm di tbh `dct. Kcmh tbh sbrokphr‟s lht twost joah c tdrlcmd bot ot.

Mclf ihkcjh eboeahl!

@ut fovhl tbh lcturh di mheaolf clm thkphrckhltcj ecptcols clm

tbh bdurs tbhy mhkclmhm idr jottjh dr ld pcy, mheabclms whrh rhcj bcrm

td ffilm ct idur ol tbh kdrlolf wbhl c ecptcol wcs jddaolf idr dlh sd

tbhy fuhsshm tbhy edujm stclm c forj oi sbh wcsl‟t tdd bcrm td ffilm. Clm

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2  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

O wcsl‟t bcrm td ffilm ct cjj. O wcs mclf hcsy. O wcs jyolf ol `hm wotb ky

bhcm cfcolst tbh wolmdw serhhl, sjhhpolf wotb ky twd sosthrs. O wcs c

`dct ecptcol‟s mrhck mheabclm. Hcsy td rcosh, quoea td fuhss cl drmhr`hidrh tbh drmhr wcs fovhl, clm O ahpt ky kdutb sbut tofbthr tbcl tbh

bofb wboth sbololf dysthrs ct jdw tomh. Ot moml‟t burt, lhotbhr, tbct O

 wcs ol jdvh wotb tbh shc. Ld hxpjcololf. Ld rhcsdlolf. Ot wcs wbct ot

 wcs. Jdvh wcs jdvh joah mort wcs mort. O bcm zhrd hxphrohleh ̀ hydlm ffisb

bdushs, `dcts, clm tbh shc clm O moml‟t wclt cly. Ky sosthrs tbdufbt O

 wcs c tdtcj jdshr. Vby moml‟t O jhcrl td md sdkhtbolf wotb ky bcor4 Dr

ebhea dut ky phrsdlcjoty ol tbct `ctbrddk korrdr4 @ut ldph, O edujm`h twd olebhs, twd ihht, dr thl kojhs irdk tbh ̀ cy clm O‟m sjomh oltd tbh

 wcthr joah ot wcs ky shedlm saol. O wcs fdlh, ̀ c`y, fdlh”aol `y rofbt

di tbh scjt ol ky `jddm.

Dl whhahlm trops td tbh `cy”gust mdu`jh-mop tbh scjt hiihet. Ky

saol fdt sd scjty tbct O edujm sercph ot dii wotb c aloih clm hct ot wotb c

spddl tbhl bcvh pjhlty jhit dvhr td mdetdr tbh irohm sbrokp clm irohm

pdtctdhs wh cth idr mollhr. ]bhl ct lofbt clm cithr supphr clm cithr

kdrh irohm sbrokp clm kdrh irohm pdtctdhs, wh‟m tbrdw clebdr lhcrjy

dl tdp di tbh toly shc bdrshs wotb trclspcrhlt wolfs tbct bom ulmhr tbh

tboea shc frcss clm lhcr`y tbh pola shc`orms, jhosurhjy mololf dl dysthrs,

 wdujm rosh up ol prdthst. O‟m ejok` dl tbh wbhhjbdush clm sprcwj dut

 wotb c `jclaht up td ky ldsh. O bcm scjt `htwhhl ky ffilfhrs, ol `dtb

edrlhrs di `dtb hyhs, clm O edujm ihhj ot wdraolf ots wcy ldrtb up ky

ldsh. Ot wcs joah fdolf td ̀ hm wotb c bula di shcwhhm clm mhea jdcm di

sbrokp clm ffisb clm erc`s. Clm O moml‟t lhhm c sjhhpolf pojj. ]bh skhjj

aldeahm kh dut.

O jhcrlhm c tbolf dr twd c`dut tbh `cy. Bdw md ydu spdt sbrokp

irdk c kojh cwcy4 (Jdda idr tbh shcfujjs.) Vbct mdhs c wcthrkhjdl

skhjj dl tbh `cy khcl4 (Udkh trdut gust tbrhw up.) Os tbct squcjj

fdllc sola ky ̀ dct dr jcy mdwl cs bcrkjhss cs c aotthl4 (Ot‟s cly`dmy‟s

fuhss.) @ut tbh `hst jhssdl O tdda bdkh td rddst wcs tbct `dulmcr-

ohs whrh johs. ]bhrh wcs ld shpcrctodl dl tbh shc. Ld `cr`worh ihleh

movomhm Ucl Cltdlod @cy irdk Uporot Ehlthr @cy. Ldtbolf ahpt tbh

sul irdk tbh wcthr dr tbh wolm irdk tbh wcvhs. Ot wcs dljy ffdw clm

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  kcmh ol thxcs7 cl ceeomhltcj cetovost ?

edltoluoty di wcthr clm kddl clm mdjpbols clm rctty dj‟ ecptcols ol

rctty dj‟ sbrokp `dcts bcujolf `ddfoh cerdss tbh `cy td ffilm tbdsh kdst

hjusovh di erhcturhs7 tbh sbrokp. Cjj koxhm up ol tbct kystoecj sthw tbct swcrkhm ky hcrjohst yhcrs

dl tbh `cy wcs cldtbhr bdt pdtctd7 ky bdjy-rdjjolf up`rolfolf. Hvhry

Uulmcy clm Vhmlhsmcy lofbt shrvoeh O‟m ̀ h mrcffhm td bhcr c serhck-

olf ^hlthedstcj prhcebhr wotb cl ulc`csbhm jdvh idr ffisbhrkhl wbd

 wdujm mrovh bokshji bdcrsh ̀ hshhebolf tbh Bdjy Fbdst mdwl irdk tbh

stcrs. ‚^jhcsh mhcr bhcvhljy fbdst, bhcvhljy Ictbhr, `jhsshm Ghsus,‛ bh‟m

bdjjhr, ‚shlm us mdwl c bulmrhm mhea jdcms di sbrokp! C kdlsthr pojh!‛ ]bhl wbojh tbh pcjh ulmostur`hm kddl ol tbh jhit edrlhr di tbh hyh

di Ghsus wctebhm dvhr bok, bh‟m serhck, ‚CCCkhhhl!‛ ]bct prhcebhr ol

tbh rdttolf-ct-tbh-shcks thlt wcs vhry idlm di scyolf tbct tbhrh whrh

hyhs di tbh ffhsb, hyhs di tbh kolm, clm hyhs di tbh sporot. Clm, dddb

sollhrs tbct tbhy whrh, bh tdjm bos `rdtbhrs clm sosthrs ol Ghsus, tbhy

kdst ehrtcoljy bcm hyhs di tbh ffhsb. Dddb yhs! @ut tbhy, cjsd, bcm sporot

hyhs ol tbh ̀ cea di tbhor bhcms oi tbhy‟m gust quot ffimmjolf sd kueb wotb

tbh ffhsb clm jdda `cea tbhrh hvhr‟ dleh ol c wbojh.

Olthrhstolf hldufb, ky Ebhrdahh frclmpc (dl ky mcmmy‟s somh) scom

tbh vhry sckh tbolf. Khclolf, di edursh, tbct hvhl tbdufb idjas whrh

 wdrjms cpcrt”mcy clm lofbt cetucjjy”dl tbhor `hjohis, sdkh tbolfs

rhkcolhm truh bdwhvhr ydu mrhsshm tbhk. O irhhjy cmkot tbct O bcm

sporot hyhs. ]bct‟s wby O mossdjvhm joah c `ueaht di ceom wcs mukphm

dl kh wbhl O wcs dut dl tbh `cy. Clm tbct‟s wby O edujm shh tbh

`cy cs cl djm frclmkdtbhr wotb jdlf frcy bcor clm c mrhss kcmh di

kctthm idckolf shcwhhm ffdwolf dut wotb tbh tomh. O okcfolhm tbct

`jcea mruk lo``jhm dl bhr mrhss joah tbhy lo``jhm dl tbh dysthr spcwl

ecufbt ol tbh dysthr rhhis.

 ]bos frclmkdtbhr wcs prhtty pcrtoeujcr. Ubh moml‟t joah lckh-ecjj-

olf dr khcsurolf tddjs di cly sdrt. Idr olstcleh, c edkpcss dr jdrcl

rhcmolfs dr c F^U dr c khcsurolf tcph edujml‟t jdecth tbh pdsotodl

di bhr jhit iddt dr bdw icr bhr bcor trcojhm dut td shc. Cjj O bcm td

md wcs `hlm tbh rofbt edrlhr di ky kolm clm tbhrh sbh wcs ejhcr cs

rcol dl lhw tol. Ehrtcoljy cs rhcj cs ky dtbhr pbysoecj-cs-c-mddr-

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3>  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

ald` frclmkc, Pdsc @hjjh, wbd tdda kh td tbh `cy wotb bhr td bhcm

sbrokp. Dljy O wcsl‟t bhcmolf sbrokp clm kcaolf c mdjjcr idr Ghsus

joah Frclmkc wcs mdolf. Db ld. Vbojh tbh dtbhr djm wdkhl stddmcrdulm c `of wddmhl tc`jh clm polebhm tbh bhcms dii sbrokp tbh

jovh-jdlf mcy, O‟m jdda tbrdufb tbh erceas ol tbh wbcri clm wcteb idr

tbh wcthr jcmy. O alhw tbos wcthr wdkcl. O alhw wbhrh sbh jovhm.

O edujm tcsth bhr `roly `dlhs dl ky tdlfuh clm wbhl c stdrk dr c

burroeclh cpprdcebhm tbh tdwl, tbh irdlt-rdw shct ol dur Ebureb di

 Ghsus Jdvhs _du edujml‟t `hct bhr idr purh, ulcmujthrcthm, ulkoto-

fcthm rczzkctczz. Votbdut c mdu`t, jdvh di tbh wcthr mrhw kh td ky ffirst `dct wbhl

O wcs twhlty-idur, `ut ot wcs jdvh di sojhleh tbct kcmh kh wdra c

`dct cjdlh. O jdvhm tbh quoht tdd edkpjhthjy td ruol ot wotb c ebhhay,

tcjadbdjoe, twhlty-sdkhtbolf-yhcr-djm mheabclm wbdsh fhlous omhc

idr hcrjy kdrlolf dl cl hkpty `cy wcs td ffijj ot wotb omjh ebotebct

c`dut wbct tbos sbrokphr wcs mdolf dr wbct tbct sbrokphr wcs mdolf

dr wbhrh wh dufbt td `h fdolf durshjvhs. Ldph, ld mheabclm idr kh.

Hvhry kdrlolf O sthhrhm cjdlh oltd c sthhjy frcy-frhhl dr kummy-cs-

bhea wdrjm wbhrh tbhrh whrh ld `drmhr ihlehs, ld eotozhlsbop pcphrs,

ld ffcfs, clm ld pjhmfh di cjjhfocleh hxehpt idr tbh hofbty mdjjcrs clm

ky soflcturh dl c sjop di pcphr tbct scom O‟m c`omh `y tbh jcws di tbh

stcth di ]hxcs oi  tbhy‟m fovh kh c sbrokpolf joehlsh. ]bh sojhleh dl tbh

`cy wcs sdkhtokhs sd olthlsh tbct oi ot bcm `hhl tbh sul olsthcm, O‟m

bcvh bcm dlh fdm-cwiuj sul`url. O `hjohvhm tbh hltorh hlebojcmc wcs

tbh wcthr clm tbh `cea mhea di c `dct. Vbct kdrh edujm hxost4 O moml‟t

aldw kueb c`dut wbct wcs dutsomh Uhcmroit‟s eoty jokot sofl clm O

edujml‟t ecrh jhss oi O lhvhr cth c mcory trhct ct tbh Mcory Suhhl ol tbh

lhxt tdwl. (Uhcmroit moml‟t bcvh icst-iddm ldtbolf !) Clm wbd tbh bhea

alhw”dr ecrhm”wbhrh tbdsh ecrs tbct mroithm oltd tdwl clm stdpphm

ct tbh ffisb bdush td `uy twd pdulms di sbrokp eckh irdk. O stcrhm ct

tbdsh strclfhrs joah tbhy whrh cjohls irdk tbh pjclht Kcrs.

O wcs ffilh cs c ffimmjh wbhrh O wcs7 clebdrhm dl c `dct ol tbh kommjh

di c vhry scjty shc wbhrh tbhrh wcs oltuotodl td tbh hxejusodl di rctod-

lcjoty, mrhcks td tbh hxejusodl di jclfucfh, clm kysthrohs td tbh hxeju-

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  kcmh ol thxcs7 cl ceeomhltcj cetovost 33

sodl di c ejclaolf, erclay tdwl. O wcs c `drmhrjolh kystoe, shrodusjy

ulsdeoc`jh, clm bcppy cs c ejck.

 ]bhl tbct fru``y wdrjm dutsomh tbh `cy rhcebhm dut clm frc``hmkh `y tbh bcor clm tbct wcs tbct. ]bh fru``y wdrjm wdujml‟t jhcvh

kh cjdlh. Db, O edujm ofldrh ot, `ut ot surh wdujml‟t ofldrh kh. Clm

O‟k ldt gust olejumolf kyshji. Ot col‟t gust kh spheocj cs tbh moeahls. O

 wcsl‟t tbh dljy dlh mhci clm ̀ jolm td c wdrjm wh jhit hvhry kdrlolf wh

sthpphm dl `dcrm c sbrokp `dct clm put dur icehs oltd tbh wolm. ]bh

 wbdjh ffhht di ffisbhrkhl wcs cs ̀ cm clm, wbct‟s wdrsh, wh tbdufbt dur

ultduebc`jh, surrhcj joih wdujm fd dl idrhvhr. Vhjj, ct jhcst ultoj tbhshcs mrohm up, tbh sul icojhm td rosh ol tbh hcst, clm, kdst ehrtcoljy, jdlf

cithr wh whrh mhcm clm rdttolf ol dur frcvhs. Ucvh tbh hlm di tokhs idr

dur frhct-frhct-frclmebojmrhl!

 Vh edujm‟vh (sbdujm‟vh) woshm up murolf tbh bcrm tokhs, `ut wh

moml‟t. Ubrokp stcrthm crrovolf jcth clm dysthr rhhis whrh sbut mdwl

idr c wolthr bhrh clm tbhrh. @ut tbct wcs td `h hxphethm, wh rheadlhm,

`hecush joih dl tbh wcthr wcs ldtbolf oi ldt c fck`jh clm tbhrhol

jcy bcji ots ebcrk. Ud c `cm tbrdw di tbh moeh tdmcy wcs eurhm `y c

`htthr tbrdw tdkdrrdw clm oi tbct moml‟t wdra, whjj, tbhl ffisbhrkhl

okprdvoshm wotb c jottjh irohlmjy kcfoe tbct moml‟t bcrk ld`dmy. Dlh

sbrokphr bcvolf sdkh bcrm tokhs dl tbh `cy sjcpphm pcolt dvhr tbh

`dct‟s lckh clm ebclfhm ot irdk Phm Voteb  td  Ghsus Ucvhs. C edupjh

di kdltbs jcthr, bh rhpcolthm tbh `dct tbh sckh frhhl edjdr cs c mdjjcr

`ojj. ‛Vbcthvhr wdras,‛ bh scom. Clm ot mom idr c wbojh.

Uhcmroit‟s ffisbhrkhl whrh tbh bdkh-thck icvdroths ol c aldeadut

shrohs”clm dljy dlh thck pjcyhm . Vbct c mhcj! Vh bcm `hhl dut tbhrh

dl tbh wcthr idr sd jdlf, wh idrfdt tbct tbhrh wcs tbh pdsso`ojoty di

cldtbhr thck pjcyolf. Clm cs ky kdkkc cjwcys scom, ‚Vbd ol tbh

Uck Bojj ecrhs c`dut tbct `cy4‛ Ud wbd ecrhm `ut tbh ffisbhrkhl4  @hsomhs,

ffisbhrkhl whrh sd olvdjvhm ol tbh mcy-td-mcy fhttolf dl tbh `dct wotb

tbh rofbt lht ct tbh rofbt tokh clm tbh rofbt ckdult di ebcol mrcffolf

tbct wh bcm ld omhc wh whrh fhttolf c jdt di turls ct tbh ̀ ct clm frdulm

`cjjs whrh surh fhttolf us cjj tbh wcy td bdkh pjcth clm wh surh whrh

tbrdwolf c jdt di sdit `cjjs td durshjvhs”wbdjjy idr hlthrtcolkhlt, ydu

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30  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

aldw. Clm wh moml‟t kolm ct cjj tbct dur ebhhrolf shetodl wcs wbcthvhr

ebcllhj dur E@ rcmod bcpphlhm td `h swotebhm dl idr tbct mcy.

 ]bhl, clm icr tdd hcrjy ot shhkhm, c bcrm eurvh`cjj eckh irdk dutdi tbh `juh clm aldeahm tbh stuiffilf dut di us. Lhxt, sdkh`dmy tdda

c `csh`cjj `ct td dur bhcms clm oi tbhrh wcs cl ukporh, whjj, bh wcs

ehrtcoljy c mclf ebhct clm ld`dmy wh alhw. ]rust kh, tborm `csh ecl

`h cl ulshttjolf pjceh wbhl ydu mdl‟t ulmhrstclm tbh lcturh di tbh

dtbhr thck.

 ]d thjj ydu tbh trutb, O moml‟t aldw tbhrh wcs cldtbhr thck pjcyolf

hvhl tbdufb tbhy crrovhm c`dut tbh tokh O wcs `drl. _hp, O wcs muk`cs c bckkhr `ut O wcsl‟t tbh dljy dlh. @crhjy c bcor bcm joithm dl

c ffisbhrkcl‟s bhcm wbhl tbh ebhkoecj foclt Xlodl Ecr`omh clm tbh

 Cjedc cjukoluk edkpcly (shrodus pjcyhrs hvhry dlh) bcm kdvhm lhxt

td dur `cys `hecush tbh dljy sdulm wh bhcrm wcs tbh sjurpolf ldosh

tbct pophs kcah wbhl tbhy olvcmh kum. Ot wcs c quhhr sdrt di sdulm.

Ldtbolf ffisbhrkhl bcm hvhr bhcrm `hidrh. Ot wcsl‟t `jcea mruk `hct-

olf ulmhr ydur saoii. Ot wcsl‟t kcrsb `orms (tbdsh pola `orms, cfcol)

trojjolf dr jofbtlolf ruk`jolf ol tbh whst `cy clm ffixolf td tcah dur

kcst pdjhs dii. Ot ehrtcoljy wcsl‟t c wht rdph sjcppolf tbh `cea mhea.

O‟jj cmkot rofbt up irdlt tbct O‟k sdit clm iddjosb c`dut tbh ffisb-

hrkhl sd O okcfolh ldw tbct dur olc`ojoty td shh dur dwl hlm `cea

tbhl wcs joah tbct ffirst Olmocl wbd scw tbh ffirst Upclosb sbop. Ct ffirst,

bh edujml‟t shh tbh sbop. ]bhrh wcs ldtbolf ol bos joih dr tbh jclm

 wbhrh bh jovhm tbct cjjdwhm bok td okcfolh”jht cjdlh shh ”c Upclosb

fcjjhdl. @ut bh edujm thjj tbct tbh wcthr kdvhm moiihrhlt. Ud bh mom

sdkhtbolf tbct, prd`c`jy, bos frclmmcmmy dr mcmmy tcufbt bok. Dr

kcy`h ot wcs bos kdkkc tbct tcufbt bok td wcteb tbh wcthr ecrhiujjy.

Ud bh scw bdw tbh wcthr sworjhm clm bdw tbh jofbt bot tbh wcthr wotb c

ebcredcj ̀ jcealhss tbct bh dljy scw ct lofbt. @ut ot wcsl‟t lofbt. Ot wcs

`rdcm mcyjofbt. ]bhl bh scw tbh sbop! Ot prd`c`jy tdda twd mcys idr

tbct Olmocl td shh tbh bhcvy ̀ d``olf sbop tbct wcs ffixolf td ebclfh bos

joih idrhvhr. Iosbhrkhl crhl‟t lhcrjy cs quoea sd ot tdda us idrty yhcrs

td shh tbh pophs clm ehkhlt clm khtcj tdwhrs clm tclas clm ffcrhs clm

ihlehs clm ebhkoecjs di hvhry mhseroptodl tbct whrh edjdrolf tbh vhry

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  kcmh ol thxcs7 cl ceeomhltcj cetovost 35

cor wh ̀ rhctbhm. Clm, O scy wotb hvhry duleh di aolmlhss tbct O pdsshss

`hecush O jdvh tbh ffisbhrkhl, wh whrh iddjs.

Ud, twhjvh yhcrs cfd, wotb ky sbrokp `dct tohm wotb twd moiihr-hlt rdphs (sthrl clm `dw) td c rul-mdwl mdea, O sct ol cl hqucjjy

rul-mdwl ffisb bdush ldt rhcjozolf wh bcm sd jottjh tokh jhit. ]bhrh‟s

ld erokh ol `holf surproshm `y tokh tbct ydu ld jdlfhr bcvh, `hecush

oi tbhrh whrh tbhl hvhry mhctb`hm wdujm bcvh cl crrhstolf diffiehr ct

tbh sehlh. @ut bcvolf tokh slhca up dl ydu wcsl‟t tbh wdrst pcrt.

 ]bh wdrst pcrt wcs ldt shholf tbh rhpd fuy ol tbh irdlt ycrm wotb tbh

ahys td ydur icvdroth truea. Dacy, sd ot wcsl‟t ky lhwjy cequorhm Uhcrs vcl”wotb tbh bulmrhm tbdusclm kojhs dl ots sphhmdkhthr `holf tbh

rhcsdl Uhcrs fdt rom di ot ol tbh ffirst pjceh ct cl cuetodl wotb dljy

dlh `om (wboeb wcs kolh)”tbct wcs ffixolf td fht rhpdsshsshm. Clm ot

 wcsl‟t ky bulmrhm-yhcr-djm bdush, ol thl moiihrhlt jhvhjs di mosrhpcor

clm sottolf dl thl cerhs di kcrsbjclm, tbct wcs fhttolf rhpdsshsshm.

 Clm ot wcsl‟t ky ffivh aoms7 idur forjs clm dlh ̀ dy wbd wcs cutostoe clm

kdst prd`c`jy wdujm rhkcol wotb kh tbh rhst di bos joih. Ldlh di tbct.

Ot wcs tbh ̀ cy ffixolf td fht rhpd‟m ̀ y sdkh prhtty mhit ebcrcethrs clm

tbh stdry whlt joah tbos.

Ot wcs thl bdurs oltd tbh kdrlolf di ky cjkdst idrtohtb `ortbmcy

clm O wcs sottolf ol tbh ffisb bdush clm O wcs `drhm. Oi O bcm td tcah c

fuhss ct wby, O‟m scy ld sbrokp clm twd `dcts tbct whlt dut idr rhcsdls

dtbhr tbcl sbrokp. ]bh ̀ usolhss di c ffisb bdush os td shjj tbh ecteb tbct

ffisbhrkhl `rolf td sbdrh clm ol Uhcmroit tbct ecteb os sbrokp, sd ld

sbrokp clm ld ̀ dcts dut sbrokpolf os ̀ cm lhws. Mdllc Uuh wcs tbhrh.

Ubh wcs tbh dljy wdkcl ol tdwl wbd bcm tbh futs td wdra wotb kh

ol tbh prhvodusjy kcl-dljy ffisb bdush clm sbh wcs bhjpolf kh `c`ysot

ot clm c mwolmjolf jost di sbrokphrs. Clm sbh wcs mdolf hxcetjy wbct O

 wcs mdolf7 Ubh bcm bhr wboth shc `ddts prdpphm dl tbh diffieh mhsa clm

 wcs stcrolf dut tbh wolmdw. Dljy moiihrhleh wcs tbct Mdllc Uuh bcm

c kcsdl gcr di swhht thc rhstolf dl bhr `hjjy clm O bcm c edjm eup di

ediihh rhstolf dl kolh. ]bhl @ojj @cojhy crrovhm clm tbh sbdrthst wcy

crdulm tbos stdry os td scy tbct tbos sbrokphr potebhm c lhwspcphr ct

kh clm O jhcrlhm wbct @ojj @cojhy bcm jhcrlhm twd bdurs hcrjohr.

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3=  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

 ]bh lhwspcphr wcs c jdecj dlh clm wcs fhlhrcjjy ofldrhm `y kh

`ut ot ecl‟t fht ofldrhm oi ot‟s sottolf ol ydur jcp sd O poeahm up tbh

lhwspcphr clm rhcm wbhrh @ojj @cojhy ahpt tbukpolf bos ffilfhr. ]bhcrtoejh scom dur toly edulty (Ecjbdul Edulty) wcs luk`hr dlh ol tbh

lctodl idr tdxoe mospdscj clm wh bcm tbh mostolet bdldr di edltcololf

bcji tbh bczcrmdus wcsth tbct ]hxcs fhlhrcthm. ]bct stdry hxpjcolhm

c jdt c`dut wbct dtbhr jhss posshm-dii phdpjh wdujm ecjj ‚c sofl di tbh

tokhs.‛ Aojjhr cjfch1 tbrhh-bulmrhm-pdulm mdjpbols clm `rdwl phjo-

ecls wcsbolf up mhcm dl tbh sbdrhs. Ubrokp erdps summhljy fdlh,

kdvhm dut, dr mhcm. Vbd tbh bhea rhcjjy alhw tbh wbhrhc`duts di tbhsbrokp dr wby Mdllc Uuh clm O whrh sottolf ol c ffisb bdush `drmhrolf

dl `claruptey. ]bh ffisb bdush mddrs whrh lhcrjy sjckkhm sbut, djm

ffisbhrkhl whrh sottolf ol tbhor trueas wotb ld pjceh td fd, clm tbh dljy

fuys bclfolf crdulm dur mdeas whrh djmhr ffisbhrkhl tbcl tbh dlhs

sottolf ol tbh trueas clm tbhy wdujm yckkhr ct clydlh (clm mrola cjj

dur scjty ediihh) td hlhrfozh tbhor ulolthrhstolf clm rhtorhm jovhs.

 ]bct mcy os fddm cs cly ct hxpjcololf wby ky joih turlhm 59>

mhfrhhs irdk rhejusovh ffisbhrwdkcl wotb ffivh aoms td edltrdvhrsocj

bhjj-rcoshr wotb ffivh aoms. Cs idr bdw tbct bcpphlhm, tbh `hfollolf

sthp wcs sokpjh hldufb. Cithr O aoeahm @ojj @cojhy dut di tbh ffisb bdush

clm Mdllc Uuh whlt bdkh td kdp bhr ffddr, O kcmh c pbdlh ecjj irdk

ky rcksbceajh ffisb bdush clm sht up c khhtolf ol tdwl. Ky ffirst.

 Vhjj, tbct mom ot. ]bolfs whrh sht ol kdtodl clm O aldw phdpjh sdkh-

tokhs hxphet kdrh, `ut usucjjy tbh sokpjhst tbolfs stcrt c bhjj stdrk.

Udkhtokhs tbh muk`hst phdpjh, tdd. C kdltb jcthr tbh fru``y wdrjm

`hydlm ky `cy stdkphm kh oltd sdkhtbolf O bcm td jdda up ol tbh

moetodlcry td ffilm dut wbct ot wcs. Cl hlvordlkhltcjost.

 ]d `h prheosh, cl hlvordlkhltcj cetovost. ]bct‟s wbct tbh moetodlcry

scom O wcs clm tbct‟s wbct c rhpdrthr scom, ̀ ut jdts di jdecj idjas tbdufbt

moiihrhlt. O wcsl‟t tbh cetovost typh clm ldt dljy wcsl‟t O tbh typh, `ut

ffisbhrkhl, ol fhlhrcj, moml‟t bcvh tbh strhht scvvy clm sbcrp shlso`ojo-

tohs (OS) td pujj dii tbct hlvordlkhltcj-cetovost-typh tbolf. ]dd kcly

khhtolfs, tbhy mheomhm, tdd kueb pjdttolf dl sprhcmsbhhts clm mrov-

olf crdulm ol ecrs idr tbhk. ]bhy alhw ffisbhrkhl. Iosbhrkhl wdujm

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  kcmh ol thxcs7 cl ceeomhltcj cetovost 38

rctbhr `h dl tbh wcthr wotb tbh sul `urlolf joah c `rclmolf ordl oltd

tbhor ihh`jh `rcols.

 Vhjj, cppcrhltjy O wcs cl hlvordlkhltcj cetovost, `ut O alhw lhxttd ldtbolf. O moml‟t aldw tbh lckhs di tbh ebhkoecj pjclts ffivh kojhs

mdwl tbh rdcm. O moml‟t aldw tbh lckh di tbh stcth hlvordlkhltcj

cfhley dr wbct rhfodl di tbh Hlvordlkhltcj ̂ rdthetodl Cfhley ]hxcs

 wcs jdecthm ol. O moml‟t aldw tbh lckhs di ky bdkh-edulty pdjoto-

eocls. O moml‟t aldw tbh kcydr, tbh ̀ cla prhsomhlt, dr wbct tbh bhjj tbh

ebck`hr di edkkhreh wcs. Vbct wcs tbhor gd`4 O wcs c wddmhl mueay

ol tbh ecrlovcj‟s pjcstoe pdlm ffixolf td fht sbdt `y c pjcstoe `ujjht. ClmO mom, sddl hldufb. ]bh ebck`hr di edkkhreh, hedldkoe mhvhjdp-

khlt frdups, pdjotoeocls, clm `usolhsskhl scom, ‚Udkh`dmy put bhr

up td tbos cetovost tbolf. Ubh os `holf pcom `y sdkh`dmy. Kcy`h ot‟s tbh

stcth di Jduosoclc4 Kcy`h tbh fdvhrldr borhm bhr td `h c spy td mhrcoj

olmustry ol ]hxcs sd ot edujm `h shlt td Jduosoclc4 Kcy`h sdkh icley

jcwyhr ol Bdustdl borhm bhr td md sdkhtbolf dr dtbhr4‛

 ]bh rukdrs ffhw joah edlihtto ol c wcr pcrcmh clm ldtbolf wcs tdd

bhcvy tbct ot moml‟t ffdct.

 Cs hlvordlkhltcj cetovosts fd, O wcs prhtty muk`. O tbola O edujm

bcvh saopphm sdkh di tbh muk`hr sthps oi sdkhdlh joah Bdwcrm

Woll jovhm ol ]hxcs clm tdda tbh trdu`jh di vosotolf kh ol tbh edul-

try clm wosolf kh up sdkh. @ut Bdwcrm Woll wcsl‟t clywbhrh ol

 ]hxcs1 bh wcsl‟t hvhl ejdsh. Ud `holf olldehlt cs c jck` twd kdltbs

`hidrh sjcufbthr, O cetucjjy `hjohvhm tbct tbh pdjotoeocls (jdecj, stcth,

clm ihmhrcj) clm tbh cfhleohs (jdecj, stcth, clm ihmhrcj) tbct bcm `hhl

hjhethm, cppdolthm, dr borhm td shrvh tbh phdpjh, thjj tbh trutb, clm md

tbh rofbt tbolf mom hxcetjy tbct. Db, yhs, O wcs tbct stupom. @ut tbhl,

O wcs irdk tbh Udutb, c icr edrlhr di ot, clybdw, clm O‟m mdlh tbct

‚`hst jottjh forj‛ rdutolh idr c kofbty jdlf tokh. Iorst, ct bdkh, tbhl ct

sebddj, tbhl ct ebureb wbhrh O wcs c khha jottjh kdush `hjohvolf hvhry

solfjh wdrm O bhcrm. ]bhl ct tbh ffisb bdush. Votb tbh sbrokphrs, ot

 wcsl‟t bcrm. Cithr cjj, sbrokphrs whrh tbh ulmhrmdfs, jdw dl tbh bhcp,

clm wotb bcji c kojjodl lcojs cjrhcmy ol tbhor ediffils. ]bhy whrhl‟t jdlf

idr tbos scm eruhj wdrjm. O bcm rhcks di sykpctby idr tbdsh rcfckuiffils

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39  mocry di cl hed-dutjcw

clm wcs usucjjy loeh cs poh td tbhk, ffixolf tbhor lhts wbhl tbhy moml‟t

bcvh kdlhy dr tbhor wovhs bcm jdst tbhor ebhea`ddas sdkhwbhrh dr

dtbhr dr wbhl ot wcs sd mcra dutsomh tbct O bcm td turl dl tbh bhcm-jofbts di tbh truea td ffilm clm pcteb tbh bdjhs. Udkhtokhs O hvhl sphlt

ky dwl kdlhy td `uy wh``olf td put ol tbhor tdrl-up lhts clm tbhl

lhvhr scw c mokh irdk ot, ldr mom O hvhr csa idr dlh.

 Vhjj, tbdsh fddm-forj, hvhrydlh-mdhs-bdldrc`jh-rofbt-tbolf ojju-

sodls mohm bcrm irdk c fulsbdt td tbh fut clm prd`c`jy sd `hecush

tbhrh bcm `hhl ld olmoectodl, wbctsdhvhr, irdk hjhkhltcry sebddj dl

up td bofb sebddj tbct ot kofbt `h c mckl joh. Vby moml‟t thcebhrs thjj ydu tbdsh aolmc tbolfs4

 Clybdw, O moml‟t bcvh tokh td fovh tbct poheh di ffuii c mhehlt `urocj

`hecush O wcs tdd `usy stdkpolf dut ffirhs tbct stcrthm rofbt ulmhr ky

ldsh wotb tbh crsdlosts (tbola ebck`hr di edkkhreh, hedldkoe mhvhj-

dpkhlt, pdjotoeocls, clm olmustry) fhttolf cwcy sedt-irhh. Ot wcs lhws

td kh oi O wcs kcaolf cly bhcmwcy ct cjj wotb ky lhwiclfjhm ‚hlvo-

rdlkhltcj cetovosk‛ ̀ hecush tbh ‚hlvordlkhltcj cetovost‛ vhboejh ulmhr

kh wcs sputthrolf, rhedojolf (twd kojhs `cea idr hvhry kojh idrwcrm),

clm rhiusolf cly sboit dtbhr tbcl jdw fhcr. Clm tbdsh ojjusodls whrh

iully tbolfs, tdd. ]bhy jcy mdwl quoht ol tbh frdulm joah tbhy whrh

mhcm `ut cs tbh mort ffijjhm up sjdw clm sthcmy dl tbhor frcvhs, c ebcleh

jofbt ffoeahrhm dii tbhor `dlhs clm tbhrh O whlt cfcol, `hjohvolf tbh

okpdsso`jh, `hjohvolf fddm olthltodls whrh cjovh clm tbct c fdvhrl-

khltcj cfhley wcs fdllc scvh tbh mcy.

O wcs ckczhm ct bdw icst O jhcrlhm td mostrust kyshji clm bdw wojj-

olf O wcs td tdss csomh wbct bcm tcahl sueb fddm ecrh di kh wbhl O

 wcs dut dl c ̀ dct clm ol tbh ̀ cy”lckhjy, aldwolf bdw td `h idurtb-

mokhlsodlcj ol c tbrhh-mokhlsodlcj ffisbolf tdwl wboeb wcs rhcjjy

 gust c icley wcy di scyolf tbct O tdda c kystoecj cpprdceb td tbolfs.

Ky Ebhrdahh frclmpc wdujm bcvh cfrhhm tbct ot tdda sporot td kdvh

`hydlm tbh drmolcry, clm wdujm bcvh scom tbct O wcs c lcturcj. @ut O

moml‟t iujjy edkh td aldw tbct idjjdwolf ky fut olstolets wdujm fht

rhsujts ultoj O put ot td sdkhtbolf `hsomhs ectebolf sbrokp.