Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD Blog Filling In Finding Out FRAMEWORK June 2016

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FILLING IN/FINDING OUT GAPS AROUND. FRAMEWORK AND TIMELINE. www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla, PhD.

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www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

From October 2013 to June 2016

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www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

Who has the right and the responsibility to discuss Climate

as a topic of debate?

I am not the expert whom has “the answer” to the complex questions raising on

climate. But I have been inspired to write openly my thoughts in here based on the

knowledge that I have acquired in environmental science from academia, the work

load behind performing a thesis in Aerobiology studying atmospheric dynamics and

airborne particle behaviour as well as 8 years researching on climatic synergies. The

latest research is what I started to publish in my blog. After leaving academia that

was the only way I found to get published what it can not be in the absence of other

peer reviewed papers addressing what I consider to be a new different approach and

conclusions from main stream.

I am not looking to be a popular kid on the block or even convince others that my

point of view is the “right” one. I just have a critical mind trained in environmental

research and personal values which makes me feel responsible to share the little

knowledge that I have.

I agree on that, those considered themselves experts are obliged to attend any critical

thinking questioning theirs assessments and behaviour. And they are the ones to be

in charge to give answers. But any critical mind is entitled to make questions.

My position in the debate lies in the belief of considering as a major factor limiting

our understandings the lack of attention given to the gaps of knowledge existent.

The concepts, measurements and parameters applied to address environmental

synergistic interactions are too narrow and isolated from each other to understand

their full meaning, reaching dogmatic patterns of thought to make the quickest

conclusions in the absence of a better and clear idea on what is going on.

Temperature and GHGs are linked, but they are not the beginning of our problems

neither the end. The capacity that humans have to transform the environment was

the beginning and it will not stop manufacturing solar panels. As a biologist myself

I believe that the climate regimes we used to consider stable are closely linked with

the composition of not only the atmosphere, but also vegetable cover, soil structure

and water reservoirs and flows. All those materials being part of the environment

have different origin, composition and behaviour. But all of them are basically

forms sustaining, transforming or carrying energy. The energy we measure as

temperature is only one part of the whole spectrum among all the forms energy is

flowing around.

Our environment has been transformed in composition, distribution and structure

in the solid, gaseous and liquid phases (water cycles, land cover, soil, and

atmospheric composition). So, even considering natural variability and cycles as

part of climatic drifts, I see as a matter of special concern and extreme importance,

to be conscious about what is that we assume to be similar and what not when we

look into past events in time.

Well, this is just one opinion, my opinion and what inspires me to share it is the fact

that I have one, made off from performing research and observations over several

years. And I believe that the effort required to address the challenge of

understanding what is happening and its ramifications, it has to explore and

incorporate all points of view available.

Diego Fdez-Sevilla, PhD.

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www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

Settled Science (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)


From www.scientificamerican.com I have been aware of a rather confusing posture

adopted by the Australian Government about Science:

Science as a systemic pattern of thought oriented to identify relevant gaps

of knowledge, to analyse the implications of those in the development

of societies and to further engage in the effort towards reducing those

gaps and to apply the knowledge acquired. A mind set which for most

scientists demand the commitment of prioritising scientific achievements

over the development of their personal lives.

Science as a career. A profession in the job market offering stability to achieve

professional goals and the growth of personal aspirations including

supporting the growth of a family.

Gayathri Vaidyanathan, wrote the news report on February 8, 2016.

CSIRO’s climate programs have been in trouble since at least May 2014, when the

then-conservative government cut the agency’s budget by $111 million. Almost 1,000

positions were eliminated, including in the climate departments.

Marshall, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, became CSIRO’s CEO in Jan. 2015 and

immediately announced that CSIRO would focus on innovation over basic science.

Marshall and CSIRO representatives did not respond to ClimateWire’s request for

comment by deadline.

When Malcolm Turnbull became Australia’s prime minister in September last year,

replacing a pro-energy predecessor, environmentalists rejoiced. But Turnbull’s

government has also emphasized science that can be easily commercialized,

according to media reports.

In December, CSIRO’s management audited the atmosphere and oceans program

for its commercial potential.

“We were having a hard time in demonstrating the capacity to be commercially

valuable,” one CSIRO scientist said. “Not that climate science can’t demonstrate

incredible economic value to society by helping to adapt and reduce damages and

risks, but that’s not the kind of economics that the new CEO and the government is

going after.”

The internal assessment was that perhaps dozens of jobs might be at risk, the

scientist said.

On Feb. 3, Marshall wrote in a memo that CSIRO would henceforth focus on

commercially viable projects. The next day, during a staff meeting, he said all

climate change programs would be cut. Staff would be transferred into other

programs, so there would not be job losses, he said.

Marshall wrote in the memo that climate change is now settled science, and

basic research is no longer needed.

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“The question has been answered, and the new question is what do we do about

it, and how can we find solutions for the climate we will be living with,” he wrote.


With an ax rather than a scalpel, Australia’s federal science agency last week

(Feb8th 2016) chopped off its climate research arm in a decision that has stunned

scientists and left employees dispirited.

As many as 110 out of 140 positions at the atmosphere and oceans division at the

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) will be

cut, Larry Marshall, the agency’s chief executive, told staff Friday. Another 120

positions will be cut from the land and water program. Across the agency, 350

climate staff will be moved into new roles unrelated to their specialty.

Scientists say the cuts would affect Australia’s ability to cope with climate change.

The nation is already the driest on Earth and experiencing significant shifts in

rainfall. It would leave the global research community disabled, since CSIRO ran

the Southern Hemisphere’s most comprehensive Earth monitoring and modeling

programs. And it would leave young climate scientists at CSIRO without direction.

“I’m saddened for climate science itself, for services to Australia, and particularly

for the younger scientists who are just starting to make their mark in this important

area,” said John Church, an oceanographer at CSIRO and a world-renowned expert

on sea-level rise.

Another CSIRO scientist termed the situation “depressing.” Most CSIRO scientists

requested anonymity, since employees cannot discuss government policies under the

terms of their contracts.

“Because the science is settled there is no need for more

basic research”.

When I saw this statement some time ago I didn´t think it could be taken seriously.

But since such argument has supporters, I guess same will apply with cancer.

Climate and cancer Sciences are settled and share same findings, both are real and

the impact triggered by their developments are harmful to societies, and both share

components from anthropogenic activities. So, we should stop basic research on

understanding the basics behind the developments on cancer and focus on

pharmaceuticals, stop understanding climatic synergies and focus on.. renewable


If the ones taking decisions which lead to this mindset are those coming from the

better schools… and many wise people are found in rural areas, may be, only may

be, … we should re-think where should we focus the education for those taking

important decisions.

Because if when Science can be viewed as settled does not need scientists we could

apply same pattern of thought with politics. When political decisions are taken,

politicians are not longer needed.

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www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

But if you claim that politicians not only take political decisions but also work with

the daily demands from implementing those policies, you should also consider what

happens once scientific postures are being implemented in those policies. Who is

looking after the right introduction of scientific values on those policies? and who is

working towards identifying new developments and adapting scientific discoveries

into those policies?

Science and Politics. The Scientist that lays a Golden Egg

Once upon a time there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two

children. They had a beautiful hen which laid an egg everyday. It was not an

ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used

to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a person. So, one day he thought hard

and “science was settled”. He thought, “If I cut open the hen’s stomach, I can get out

all the golden eggs at once. I do not have to wait for the hen to lay the golden eggs

one by one.”

That night he killed the hen, but to his dismay, he found no golden eggs. Not only he

did not find even one, but he knew that from this instant onwards his life could not

rely any more on having even one egg a day. (The Golden Egg – Aesop’s Fables.

Adapted by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Assuming that for science to be settled is enough it is like assuming that basic

medicine can be considered settled and there is no need for any investment on it.

The problem with life sciences is that the only thing that can be forced to be settled

are concepts and postures. We are living surrounded by processes of constant

transition. The basic treatments from basic medicine are being constantly changed

because everything involved is constantly changing. The pathogens are different in

their virulence, the environment in which they develop has changed and even our

own bodies are growing in a new scenario when compared with 50 years ago. We are

exposed to a different type of nutrition, activity patterns, growth rates and overuse

of antibiotics make us to react differently to similar basic hazards.

Similarly in Climatic science, what we might be experimenting is just a process of

transition. The first challenge faced by Science is to settle agreement over the fact

atmospheric patterns have changed. But even if any government wants to adopt such

agreement as settled, the main question comes within the answer in itself. Change

means transition, which also means, the linear progression drawn from today’s

settled knowledge can no t be assumed to be the same found after the present stage

of transition moves to a different one.

Such point of view is what I have adopted based on those findings shared on this blog

from my research over climatic synergies. There is a huge difference between

assuming that something has changed, the changed is settled and a new settled

scenario has been created. And, there is a change going on, it has not stopped, the

scenario is changing under a period of transition and we do not know for how long

is going to keep unstable or even if instability will be “settled” in the near future.

Like the hen laying golden eggs, you can not get from a scientists all the answers at

once. The developments unfolding over time is what makes a scientist lay an egg

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everyday, and many times the answers are not even a golden egg. But meanwhile

not all eggs might not be of gold, with every “egg laid” in science we have food for

thought which will keep us on our toes facing new developments coming from either

basic or “golden” innovative science.

In today’s time politicians and industry are looking at science as the farm of the

golden eggs.

The Butterfly Effect on Scientific Thought and

Environmental Policies.

You might be familiar with the butterfly theory.

From fractalfoundation.org I want to introduce here their description over the Chaos

theory and their implications on the complex subject of Scientific thought and

environmental policies:

Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us

to expect the unexpected. While most traditional science deals with supposedly

predictable phenomena like gravity, electricity, or chemical reactions, Chaos Theory

deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like

turbulence, weather, the stock market, our brain states, and so on. These phenomena

are often described by fractal mathematics, which captures the infinite complexity of

nature. Many natural objects exhibit fractal properties, including landscapes, clouds,

trees, organs, rivers etc, and many of the systems in which we live exhibit complex,

chaotic behavior. Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world can give us new

insight, power, and wisdom. For example, by understanding the complex, chaotic

dynamics of the atmosphere, a balloon pilot can “steer” a balloon to a desired location.

By understanding that our ecosystems, our social systems, and our economic systems

are interconnected, we can hope to avoid actions which may end up being detrimental

to our long-term well-being.

Principles of Chaos

The Butterfly Effect: This effect grants the power to cause a hurricane in

China to a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. It may take a very long

time, but the connection is real. If the butterfly had not flapped its wings at

just the right point in space/time, the hurricane would not have happened. A

more rigorous way to express this is that small changes in the initial

conditions lead to drastic changes in the results. Our lives are an ongoing

demonstration of this principle. Who knows what the long-term effects of

teaching millions of kids about chaos and fractals will be?

Unpredictability: Because we can never know all the initial conditions of a

complex system in sufficient (i.e. perfect) detail, we cannot hope to predict the

ultimate fate of a complex system. Even slight errors in measuring the state

of a system will be amplified dramatically, rendering any prediction useless.

Since it is impossible to measure the effects of all the butterflies (etc) in the

World, accurate long-range weather prediction will always remain


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Order / Disorder Chaos is not simply disorder. Chaos explores the transitions

between order and disorder, which often occur in surprising ways.

Mixing: Turbulence ensures that two adjacent points in a complex system will

eventually end up in very different positions after some time has elapsed.

Examples: Two neighboring water molecules may end up in different parts of

the ocean or even in different oceans. A group of helium balloons that launch

together will eventually land in drastically different places. Mixing is

thorough because turbulence occurs at all scales. It is also nonlinear: fluids

cannot be unmixed.

Feedback: Systems often become chaotic when there is feedback present. A

good example is the behavior of the stock market. As the value of a stock rises

or falls, people are inclined to buy or sell that stock. This in turn further

affects the price of the stock, causing it to rise or fall chaotically.

Fractals: A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex

patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by

repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven

by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos.

Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. Fractal

patterns are extremely familiar, since nature is full of fractals. For instance:

trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, etc.

“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as

they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”

-Albert Einstein

Unsettled Science and Unsettled ConScience.

We have to consider the interconnections between all parts of the system which

generates our climate. And many of those considerations come from reassessing the

impact from seeing basic principles playing with new magnitudes derived from

the constant change in the composition of our environment in the solid, liquid and

gaseous phases (land, atmosphere and water cycles).

If we consider that a butterfly can have an effect over atmospheric circulation we

have to consider also the effect from any other substantial action including not only

derived from industrial activities but also, from implementing policies. In

comparison with the effect of a butterfly flapping its wings, what kind of feedback

should we expect from effect of the wings on just one single wind turbine with an

enormous proportional size?, or the effect of releasing ground surfaces from the

interference of trees in the atmospheric circulation…?,

And we can keep asking about the introduction of vast amounts of new components

in the atmosphere from anthropogenic activity, and the alteration of solid structures

due to urbanization, mining and waste treatment, Water cycles due to


Basically, I believe that the lack of understanding the basics in science is what has

left us to arrive to this point in time and degradation in our environments. Applying

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same lack of understanding into creating “innovative solutions” will not take us far

from where we are heading already if those solutions carry the same “basic” mistakes

as those previously applied.

This whole blog was created to explore gaps of knowledge founded over “basic”

scientific principles. Most of the 145 publications shared to day contain questions

and arguments exposing the relevance of maintaining gaps of knowledge in

addressing basic perspectives to understand complex environmental problems. So

when somebody says that basic science is settled I can only point to all the work

shared throughout my blog and the comments added from the discussions generated,

or even the silence held, to claim the opposite.

One particular point of unsettled science highlighted in my research is the opposite

directionality interpreted over the Arctic Amplification theory. The latest theory

defends that the increase in temperature at Arctic latitudes is amplifying the effect

from a global warming over mid-latitudinal circulation. My approach applies a new

perspective to purpose that the atmospheric situation over the Arctic is not

amplifying any process, due to its low energetic pool. Instead, the Arctic circulation

is “passively” absorbing the energy carried under the influence of mid-latitudinal

pressure due to hadley cell’s deformation.

Such mechanism is independent from a minor influence coming from affectingthe

conditions of albedo at the Arctic. In fact, albedo affects material getting radiated

with the capacity to accumulate and re-emit energy. But the Arctic has an

atmosphere usually dry due to its low temperatures. Therefore, the conditions of the

Arctic atmosphere defining its thermal properties rely in its majority over the

amount of moisture carried capable to absorb energy.

My theory is that the increasing warming over mid-latitudes is using water vapour

as the carrier of energy incorporating it over the whole atmosphere and into Arctic

latitudes. Such mechanism will increase the energy pool at the Arctic, what in other

words can be seeing as an increase in temperature.(more here, here and here)

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Revisiting the theory of Facing a decrease in the differential gradients of

energy in atmospheric circulation (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.) (10 Feb 2015)

Seasonality Spring 2016. Continuous follow-up on my previous research

assessing atmospheric dynamics. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) (3 March 2016)

Observed Atmospheric Dynamics. A follow-up assessment over the theory

proposed on Energetic gradients by Diego Fdez-Sevilla. (29 Jan 2016)

The theory of Arctic amplification applies the point of view of seeing the

temperatures raising in the Arctic as a half full scenario. However, by applying the

interpretation of assuming that the Arctic is one of the locations with an atmospheric

volume with lowest energy content, we should look at it by how empty used to be,

thus “half empty”.

The different interpretation between both scenarios bring into question the

directionality on the triggers driving climatic and atmospheric events. Is it the Arctic

affecting Mid-latitudinal circulation or is the other way around? So my approach into

this question is simple: Where is the energy required to drive atmospheric circulation

coming from? And the answer is held in the composition of the air that carry that

which we measure as temperature. Albedo can make the ice to melt but can not warm

up dry air. If the temperature at the Arctic circulation increases is because it carries

a molecular composition which carries and retains energy. And since high

temperatures over the Arctic melt ice and reduce albedo, there is less energy being

radiated into the atmosphere so the temperature measured over the Arctic has to

come from circulation introduced by mid-latitudinal intrusions.

But that is just the beginning of a process resultant from seeing mid latitudinal

circulation invading Arctic circulation due to an overload on its energy pool. All the

weather events seen in the recent years and the location for those events point to

corroborate my previous assessments, either directly or indirectly (also here and

here). Moreover, if my take over the present developments is accurate, what comes

after is what will make things interesting.

So far, the most of the feedback reactions we see put in contact masses of air moving

horizontally. If my assessments are correct, that will be only over a period of

transition. Simultaneously, a new scape path will generate interferences over the

atmospheric circulation in altitude due to energised adiabatic forcing. Such

processes have already been observed and called stratospheric sudden warming

events. A process which, moving from the bottom up, disturbs the configuration of

the Polar Vortex.

Since my assessments apply common sense and basic science to analyse unsettled

science, it is open for discussion.

Unsettled ConScience

The opposite of an unsettled conscience is not a good conscience but a conscience

which is either fulfilled with aspirations or comfortably numb on ignorance.

If science can be defined as settled, and with it the need for scientists to exist by

demand, those like me, working towards finding a position in research, committed

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to improve the understanding over our surroundings, trying to make a change, we

will have to accept science as a hobby and assume that pursuing scientific knowledge

is not reliable enough to offer a stable career prospect. But furthermore, a country

without scientists will shape a society unable of driving its own development.

Even if I am not among the ones, I want to live in a society where science and

scientists are not considered dispensable. And those in position to take decisions

which drive the well been of its members are formed enough to understand the

implications behind carrying gaps of knowledge as baggage.

That also requires for the scientific community to reduce their focus on piling up

articles with no practical value but increasing their own CVs and become more

interactive with other people from inside and outside academia so their functionality

gets integrated in all levels of society as it happens with all the disciplines of

knowledge generated in medicine.

Some Previous publications on this subject:

Science, scientists, researchers, policy-makers, and the rest of society. (by Diego

Fdez-Sevilla) (28 Nov 2013)

Cultural cognition and the role it plays in polarizing debates. (by Diego Fdez-

Sevilla) (3 Feb 2014)

The scope of Environmental Science and scientific thought. From Thought-driven

to Data-driven, from Critical Thinking to Data Management. (by Diego Fdez-

Sevilla) (26 June 2015)

The Language of Science ( by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) (10 Nov 2015)

In climate it is becoming Less probable to not have a High probability. (by Diego

Fdez-Sevilla) (29 May 2015)

Talking about climate (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) (12 May 2015)

Domesticating Nature. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) (7 May 2015)

New insides on old concepts (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) (23 Dec 2015)

Atmospheric Circulation and the Mixing Zone. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) (26 May


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www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

“The scientist …October 11,


October 11,


Genetic engineering vs. selective breeding. Are we all

talking about the same? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 15,

2013 Is pollen a pollutant? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Gathering information is often the first

step towards preparing for climate

change related threats. (by Diego Fdez-


October 30,


Cooking an environment (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 7,


November 13,


Packaging and Packaging Waste Proposals New EU

Proposal to reduce plastic bag consumption.

November 13,


EUROPA Press Release: Commissioners Janez Potočnik

and Connie Hedegaard welcome the trilogue agreement on

the new Environment Action Programme to 2020

europa.eu (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 13,


WHO Europe. Developing Indicators of climate change:

pollen (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 13,


Potential impacts of climate change and climate variability

on aeroallergens. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 13,


USA. SEHIC established a workgroup to determine

indicators of climate change recognizing Pollen as one

Environmental Health Indicator for Climate Change (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Climate, “normal variability” or

“change”? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 14,


November 14,

2013 More pollen versus more plants. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 18,

2013 Particle size versus Particle mass. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 20,


Understanding pollen seasons and hay fever. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Genetic design

November 27,


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Climate variability and energy balance.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 27,


November 27,


GMOs hybridizing with plants next to a field. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Genetic evolution. Survival of the

fittest. How fit are We to compete with

the new? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 27,


Science, scientists, researchers, policy-

makers, and the rest of society. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 28,


Hot topics and thoughts identified in

environmental science from public

access media. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 28,


December 12,


Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops on the

Agri-Food Sector by the European Commission. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

December 23,


A diverse range of thinking and

thinkers. Cross-Pollinators. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 15,


Cross-pollinators and the risks of

specialization. The screw and the knife.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 16,


January 29,


The “Provocative Questions” initiative. Identifying

Perplexing Problems to Drive Progress Against Cancer.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Cultural cognition and the role it plays

in polarizing debates. (by Diego Fdez-


February 3,


February 17,


Met Office. The Recent Storms and Floods in the UK (Feb

2014) (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

February 21,

2014 Resilience in our models (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

February 25,

2014 Resilience in our environment. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

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March 14,


The breakdown of the Polar Vortex. It happened before so,

What would follow? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

April 10, 2014

Exploring the effects of humanly generated factors in the

role played by Solar activity in the climate. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 13, 2014 Looking at the influence of continentality in atmospheric

circulation. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

“The Answer to the Ultimate Question

of Life, the Universe, and Everything”

is … 42 (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 15, 2014

(Resolved) Your posts across groups are

being moderated temporarily because

one of your recent contributions was

marked as spam or flagged for not being

relevant. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 16, 2014

When the order of the factors does

affect the product. “A Changing

Climate can affect the diversity of an

ecosystem” Vs “Changing the diversity

of an ecosystem can affect the Climate”.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 21, 2014

Grey matter. Drilling into the core of

the Earth vs drilling into the core of the

brain. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

June 13, 2014

Mirror blog has appeared with my

posts. Should I say thanks to Xiagao?

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

June 23, 2014

June 26, 2014 Biological Productivity and its Influence on Cloud

Formation. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 2, 2014 Allergies, asthma and the environment (by Diego Fdez-


July 7, 2014

“Effects of air pollution on european Ecosystems”

European Environment Agency technical report. Press

release (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Effects of ecosystem’s degradation and

the EEA report. (by Diego Fdez-


July 12, 2014

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July 17, 2014

Could plastic debris, coarse, fine and molecules

(polymers), affect oceans functions as climate regulator,

CO2 sink, albedo, evaporation…? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 24, 2014 Our Sun today (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 6, 2014 Inland sanctuaries of water vapour for atmospheric

circulation. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 14,


Biotic players and atmospheric processes. Another piece of

the puzzle. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 14,


Weather patterns and extreme events (by Diego Fdez-


“Climate Change” at School (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 18,


What would you like to know? (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 28,


Holidays?, sorry… temporarily out of

order. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

September 3,


September 15,


Following the steps of water vapour in climatic events

throughout the Third National Climate Assessment (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

September 30,


Studying the fingerprints of Human Actions over the

Extreme Climatic Events of 2013. AMS Report (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Debating Climate, Environment and

Planetary evolution. Define your

position. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 2,


October 7,


What type of Polar vortex configuration can we expect for

this winter? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 21,


(Updated 22/Dec/14) New theory proposal to assess

possible changes in Atmospheric Circulation (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 14,


Why there is no need for the Polar Vortex to break in

order to have a wobbling Jet Stream and polar

weather? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 22,


The Polar Vortex breaks again in the North

Hemisphere 22 Nov 2014. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

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November 29,


(Updated 5/Jan/2015) State of the Polar Vortex.

Broken? 29/Nov/14 – 5th/Jan/15 (by Diego Fdez-


Climate and Weather Development.

Spot the differences between the

pictures. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 15,


Barking up the wrong tree. GMOs,

Hunger, Climate and Environment (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 19,


Gathering data to make visible the

invisible (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 22,


December 22,


Biological Productivity, Amazonia and Atmospheric

Circulation. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

2014 in review. One year trying to “Fill

in” or “Find out” gaps of knowledge.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 5,


January 15,


Probability in the atmospheric circulation dictating the

Weather (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 23,


3D representation of the atmospheric pressure at sea level

for the North Hemisphere for today 23 January 2015 (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 28,


The origin of the Storm “Juno” 27 Jan 2015 (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 29,


Some worthy visual resources in the media to observe the

dynamics of usage for “Energy” for Groundwater Pumping

and “Soil” for Agriculture (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Reality check (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 30,


January 30,


3D representation of the atmospheric pressure at sea level

affecting Europe from today 30th January 2015 (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

February 7,

2015 Meteorological Outlook Feb 2015 (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

February 10,


(UPGRADED 24th March2015) Revisiting the theory

of “Facing a decrease in the differential gradients of

energy in atmospheric circulation” by Diego Fdez-


16 | 21

www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

March 3, 2015

Extreme climatic events in the North Hemisphere outside

the EEUU. News from Spain February 2015 (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

March 7, 2015 Drops of Weather. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Steering climate´s course (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

March 27,


Climate. Looking at the forest for the

trees (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

April 9, 2015

Peer reviews are not easy for authors

and neither for reviewers. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

April 15, 2015

April 23, 2015 Matching Features Between Land Surface and

Atmospheric Circulation (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 7, 2015 Domesticating Nature. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Talking about climate (by Diego Fdez-


May 12, 2015

May 14, 2015 A roller-coaster of temperatures in South Europe. Spain

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 20, 2015 News from an Ecosystem (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

In climate it is becoming Less probable

to not have a High probability. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 29, 2015

June 5, 2015 Climate and Data. Drinking From the Source (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Communication takes more than just

publishing thoughts. (by Diego Fdez-


June 9, 2015

June 18, 2015

Extreme climatic events, implications for projections of

species distributions and ecosystem structure (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

The scope of Environmental Science

and scientific thought. From Thought-

driven to Data-driven, from Critical

Thinking to Data Management. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

June 26, 2015

17 | 21

www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

Atmospheric Circulation and Climate

Drift. Are we there yet? (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 2, 2015

Lateral thinking. From Micro to Macro

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 4, 2015

July 4, 2015 Keeping an Eye on European Atmospheric Conditions (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 9, 2015 European Space Agency Course. Monitoring Climate from

Space. Free Access (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 14, 2015 Wildfires On The Ground and Smoke Up In The Sky (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 17, 2015 Something for the curious minds. Climate and Streamlines

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

July 24, 2015 Solar Activity and Human Activity, Settling Their

Environmental Liability. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 6, 2015 Atmospheric Composition and Thermal Conductivity.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

August 13,


Latitudinal barriers and typhoons (by Diego Fdez-


August 20,

2015 The Earth is Ticking (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

What if, the relevant bit lies hidden on

identifying the pattern behind

similarities instead of trying to match

anomalies? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

September 3,


September 8,

2015 A Climate “Between Waters” (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla).

September 22,

2015 Sensing Atmospheric Dynamics (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

InFormAtion. The “Act” of “Giving

Form” to “Knowledge” (by Diego fdez-


September 30,


100 Things To Say (by Diego Fdez-


October 1,


18 | 21

www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

October 7,

2015 Arctic Intake of Water Vapour (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 15,


Follow up on previous assessments addressing shifts on

Atmospheric Dynamics (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 16,


SST Anomalies and Heat Waves. Are They Not All Just

Heat Displacements? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 21,


Discussing Climatic Teleconnections. Follow Up On My

Previous Research (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

October 30,


Follow-up on Arctic circulation 30 Oct 2015 ( by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 5,


There is Ice or Frost In Antarctica? (by Diego Fdez-


The Language of Science ( by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 10,


November 10,


Starts Raining Drops of Winter at Mid-Latitudes. The

new Autumn? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 12,

2015 Press release. Asking NASA. (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 17,


Waste from Space. What Goes Around Comes Around.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 19,


Following the Behaviour of the Jet Stream (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

The Sound of Silence in a Discussion

We All Are Involved… Our Silence.

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 24,


What Is Wrong With The Concept

“Bio”? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

November 26,


December 1,


PARIS2015. Many Observing How Few Talk. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 3,


Energy. Looking For Sources of Something We Waste. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Paris2015. Environmental Management

at PARIS2015 (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 5,


19 | 21

www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

December 9,


SOILS. The Skeleton Holding The Muscle On Our

Ecosystems (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 11,


Could It Be El Niño The New “Wolf” Coming? (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 18,


Climate and weather December 2015. Another Polar

Vortex another Heat Wave? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

December 23,

2015 New insides on old concepts (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Happy New Year 2016 (by Diego Fdez-


December 31,


January 13,


Atmospheric Dynamics And Shapes (by Diego Fdez-


January 15,


European weather. Old News, Same News? by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla

January 20,


North American Weather. Old News, Same News? (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

January 29,


Observed Atmospheric Dynamics. A follow-up assessment

over the theory proposed on Energetic gradients by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla.

February 4,


(updated 11-18 Feb2016) Polar Vortex, Old News, Same

News? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

February 12,


Forecasting Past Events. Snow Coming to Spain (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Do You Believe in the Value of Your

Work? (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

February 23,


February 25,

2016 Forecasts For Ecosystems (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

March 3, 2016

Seasonality Spring 2016. Continuous follow-up on my

previous research assessing atmospheric dynamics. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

March 10,


Tangled in Words. Atmospheric Dynamics, Stefan

Boltzmann Calculations and Energy Balance (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Artificial Intelligence “Indoors” and

“Outdoors (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

March 22,


20 | 21

www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD

March 22,


Pacific atmospheric dynamics with and without a

positive ENSO (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

March 31,


Plant growth, CO2, Soil and Nutrients. (by Diego Fdez-


April 6, 2016 Atmospheric Dynamics, GHG’s, Thermal Conductivity

and Polar Jet Stream (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Feedback. Have Your Say. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

April 14, 2016

April 22, 2016 Plant an Idea and Then a Tree… But Which Ones? (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

April 28, 2016 (updated 28/April/2016) Severe weather warning 27 April

2016 USA (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 6, 2016 Climate and Hadley Circulation. Research Update May

2016 (by Diego Fdez-sevilla)

Scientifically Challenged (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 12, 2016

May 13, 2016 Another roller-coaster of temperatures in South

Europe. Spain (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) May 13, 2015

Our Environment. One Vision and

Many Thoughts. (by Diego Fdez-


May 20, 2016

May 26, 2016 Atmospheric Circulation and the Mixing Zone. (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

May 30, 2016 When Temperature Becomes Something Else (by

Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

Settled Science (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla) June 9, 2016

June 10, 2016

The Butterfly Effect on Arctic Circulation. Peer review

verification on previous assessments (by Diego Fdez-


Who has the right and the responsibility

to discuss Climate as a topic of debate?

(by Diego Fdez-Sevilla)

June 20, 2016

June 22, 2016

Snap shot of a day 22 June 2016. Follow-up on previous

research over atmospheric dynamics. (by Diego Fdez-


21 | 21

www.diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com by Diego Fdez-Sevilla.PhD