"Different cultures, same agriculture"

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Different cultures,same agriculture

For more information:contact@groupeavril.com

Avril, the industrial and financial actor in the oils and proteins sector, its subsidiary Lesieur Cristal, leader in Morocco for table oils and soaps, Fondation Avril, recognized as a public

utility and deeply involved in developing agrifood sectors and family farming in Africa, and AGROPOL, the interprofessional association responsible for international cooperation and development in

the oilseeds sector, all support the initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture.


Structuring and funding the peanut sector in SenegalDescription: AGROPOL has defined and initiated programs to favor the involvement of Senegal peasant organizations in the reform and revival of the peanut sector. Organization in collaboration with local administration, leveraging R&D resources to determine best seed selection and farming practices relative to local soil and water characteristics.Specificity: Designed according to an upstream-downstream model, these programs also include an agri-industrial component, driven by Avril working alongside local sectoral actors. Impact: Reinforcement of interprofessional relations, securing of the seed system, improvements to culti-vation practices, maintenance of farming activities.


Burkina Faso

Soybean – Structuring and funding the sector in Burkina FasoDescription: Fondation Avril, working notably in partnership with AGROPOL, has introduced a participative development model designed to create structural links between soybean producers and processors. The aim is to ensure stable markets for farmers and guarantee supplies of sufficient quality and quantity for processors.Specificity: A particular feature of this project is that it involves the upstream-downstream organization of an interprofessional body to ensure the development and funding of the soybean sector.Impact: Output increase from 20,000 tons to 100,000 tons in 3 years.



ESSOR – Solidarity Enterprises for Services to Rural CommunitiesDescription: Since 2015, the cooperative society SENS, with the support of Fondation Avril, has been supporting companies of a new type: the ESSORs (Entreprises Solidaires de Services aux Ruraux/Solidarity Enterprises for Services to Rural Communities), whose function is to establish links between rural households and urban agrifood companies to ensure their supply of raw materials.Specificity: The ESSOR entrepreneur is concerned about the future of his/her village and community, and is committed to push forward the households he/she goes along with.Impact: A network of 41 solidarity enterprises that facil-itate access to urban markets for 1,000 rural producers.



Aggregating olive oil farming in the framework of the Green Morocco PlanDescription: Avril and Lesieur Cristal have contributed to the development of the olive oil sector, under the aegis of the Green Morocco Plan. Planting of 2,000#ha of olive trees and support to local farmers to improve the yields and quality of their crops via the implementation of aggregated farming. Training in pruning, plant-health treatments, drip irrigation and harvest techniques.Specificity: Contribution to the region development.Impact: 2,000 ha of olive trees were planted and more than 200 aggregated farmers were trained.


Revitalization of the oilseeds sector in MoroccoDescription: In the context of the Green Morocco Plan, Avril and Lesieur Cristal have contributed to giving new impetus to the oilseed sector in Morocco. Support for farmers is central to this upstream-downstream organization of the sector, with grouping arrangements that involve 900 farmers cultivating 22,300#ha.Specificity: Development of an upstream down-stream approach for the agricultural sector.Impact: 900 aggregated farmers accounting for 22,300#ha.


Circular economy – Driving force of the sustainable development strategyDescription: Lesieur Cristal has implemented a model enabling energy and cost savings for farms by substituting fuel with an olive-derived clean and renewable energy source. The project scope encompasses planting of olive trees, olive crushing and production of olive mill pomace to investment in biomass boilers. Specificity: Integrated approach that enabled meeting 60% of energy needs.Impact: 24,000 tons CO2 reduction.


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