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Behavioral Neuroscience1995, Vol. 109, No. 4, 681-688

Copyright 1995 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.0735-7044/95/S3.00

Differential Contribution of Dorsal and Ventral Medial PrefrontalCortex to the Acquisition and Extinction of Conditioned Fear in Rats

Maria A. Morgan and Joseph E. LeDouxNew York University

The emotional reactivity of rats with lesions of the dorsal portion of medial prefrontal cortex(mPFC) was examined using a classical fear conditioning paradigm. Conditioned fear behavior(freezing responses) was measured during both the acquisition and extinction phases of the task.Lesions enhanced fear reactivity to both the conditioned stimlulus (CS) and contextual stimuliduring both phases, suggesting that dorsal mPFC lesions produce a general increase in fearreactivity in response to fear conditioning. M. A. Morgan, L. M. Romanski, and J. E. LeDoux(1993) found that lesions just ventral to the present lesions had no effect during acquisition of thesame task and prolonged the fear response to the CS (but not the context) during extinction. Thus,both dorsal and ventral regions of mPFC are involved in the fear system, but each modulatesdifferent aspects of fear responsivity.

The prefrontal cortex contains a number of anatomicallyand functionally distinct subregions, one of which is themidline area, the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC; see Kolb,1990, for review). There is now strong evidence that mPFC isinvolved in emotional processes (Divac, Mogenson, Blanchard,& Blanchard, 1984; Frysztak & Neafsey, 1991; Holson, 1986;Kolb, 1974; Markowska & Lukaszewska, 1980), particularly inthe aversive domain (Al Maskati & Zbrozyna, 1989). It is partof the circuitry involved in modulating cardiovascular (Powell,Watson, & Maxwell, 1994), dopamine (Thierry et al., 1994;Thierry, Tassin, Blanc, & Glowinski, 1976), and ACTH/corticosterone (Diorio, Viau, & Meaney, 1993) responsivity toaversive stimuli. Moreover, mPFC projects to nuclei of theamygdala and anatomically related brainstem areas (Ber-endse, Galis-de Graff, & Groenewegen, 1992; Hurley, Herbert,Moga, & Saper, 1991; Ottersen, 1982; Terreberry & Neafsey,1983, 1987; van der Kooy, Koda, McGinty, Gerfen, & Bloom,1984). These regions are known to be involved in the acquisi-tion and/or expression of fear conditioning (Davis, 1992;Kapp, Wilson, Pascoe, Supple, & Whalen, 1990; LeDoux,1987, 1992), one of the most widely used techniques forstudying aversive emotional reactions.

Behavioral studies have produced conflicting results concern-ing the function of mPFC in fear conditioning, with lesionsgiving rise to increases (Frysztak & Neafsey, 1994; Holson,1986; Morgan, Coons, & LeDoux, 1993; Morgan, Romanski, &LeDoux, 1993), decreases (Frysztak & Neafsey, 1991), or nochange (Divac et al., 1984) in fear reactivity. It is possible thatthe contradictory findings are related to the placement oflesions in different aspects of mPFC. Anatomical studies haveshown that the connections of mPFC progressively change overits dorsal-ventral extent (Sesack, Deutch, Roth, & Bunney,

Maria A. Morgan, Department of Psychology, and Joseph E.LeDoux, Center for Neural Science, New York University.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed toJoseph E. LeDoux, New York University, Center for Neural Science, 4Washington Place, New York, New York 10003. Electronic mail maybe sent via Internet to ledoux@cns.nyu.edu.

1989), and it has been divided into dorsal and ventral regionson the basis of connectivity and functional observations (Neaf-sey, Terreberry, Hurley, Ruit, & Frysztak, 1993). Damage todifferent functional subregions may contribute to the discrep-ant behavioral findings.

In a previous study (Morgan, Romanski, & LeDoux, 1993),we examined the contribution of the ventral portion of mPFCto both the acquisition and extinction of emotional reactionsduring classical fear conditioning. We found that lesions ofventral mPFC had an effect on the extinction phase but not theacquisition phase of a fear conditioning task. In the presentstudy, using the same behavioral task, we examined the effectsof lesions of the dorsal portion of mPFC to determine whetherit is also involved in overt reactivity to fear conditioning and, ifso, to determine whether its contributions to fear conditioningare distinct from those of ventral mPFC.


Anatomical Terminology

In the rat, the frontal midline area is divided into a number ofdistinct cortical regions. On the basis of Paxinos and Watson's (1986)terminology, from dorsal to ventral, these regions include cingulatearea 1 (Cgl), cingulate area 3 (Cg3), infralimbic (IL), and medialorbital (MO) cortices. Cgl is also referred to as area 24b or dorsalanterior cingulate cortex (ACd), Cg3 is variously called area 32 orprelimbic cortex (PL), and IL is also called area 25. A number ofauthors have further divided PL into dorsal and ventral subregionsbased on efferent connections (Sesack et al., 1989), afferent inputsfrom the hippocampal formation (Jay & Witter, 1991), and thalamicinputs (Berendse & Groenewegen, 1991). In the present lesion studieswe have divided the mPFC only into dorsal and ventral regions. Thedorsal mPFC (mPFCd) includes rostral Cgl and the dorsal half of PL,and the ventral mPFC (mPFCv) includes the ventral half of PL, IL,and MO. A similar partition was made by Neafsey et al. (1993).Morgan, Romanski, and LeDoux (1993) made lesions of mPFCv, andin the present study we lesioned mPFCd.

Animals and Surgical Procedure

Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 250-275 g on arrival, werehoused in pairs for 5 to 7 days in a colony room where they had



unlimited access to rat chow and water and were exposed to a 12-hrlight-dark cycle. Five to 7 days after arrival, rats were randomlyassigned to two groups: mPFCd-lesioned (« = 22), and control (n =17). Lesioned animals were anesthetized with ketamine (100 mg/kg)and Rompun (5 mg/kg) and placed in a stereotaxic frame. The skullwas exposed, and a hole over the mPFC was made using a dental drill.Coordinates (in millimeters relative to the interaural line) were AP =12, ML = 0.6, and DV = 6.8 (Paxinos & Watson, 1986). Anepoxy-coated, stainless steel insect pin (500-u.m exposed tip) waslowered into the brain, and anodal constant current (1 mA) wasapplied for 10 s. All lesions were bilateral. The electrode was removed,the wound was sutured, and each rat was put in its own cage andreturned to the colony room to recover. Control rats were treated inthe same way except that no electrode was used. All rats were housedindividually for the remainder of the experiment, which commenced 2weeks after surgery.

Apparatus and Behavioral Procedures

Conditioning and extinction. All stages of experimentation tookplace in a single behavioral room. The apparatus and procedures havebeen described elsewhere (Morgan, Romanski, & LeDoux, 1993;Phillips & LeDoux, 1992) and are only summarized here. Rats wererandomly assigned to one of two identical conditioning boxes (Coul-bourn Instruments, Lehigh Valley, PA, Model E10-10) containedwithin sound-attenuating chambers (Model E10-20). A houselight(Model El 1-01,14v) was continuously on within the box, and a speaker(Model E12-01) through which the conditioned stimulus (CS) wasdelivered was mounted on the front wall. The unconditioned stimulus(US) was delivered through a grid floor (Model E10-10SF) attached toa grid floor shocker (Model E13-08). CS and US delivery werecontrolled by a personal computer (IBM 8086). The sound-attenuatingchamber contained a peephole in its door through which the experi-menter observed the rat's activity.

Prior to conditioning-testing on each day, rats were carried in theirhome cages, to a room adjacent to the behavioral room, where theyremained in their cages for 20 to 55 min (depending on running order,which was randomly assigned each day) before the experiment began.This outer room was separated from the testing room by a sound-attenuating wall and a door sealed with a sound barrier to prevent anytesting noises from reaching the waiting rats.

The experiment began on Day 0 with a 20-min period of exposure tothe conditioning box, during which the computer and all otherequipment were turned on but no explicit CS or US was presented.Rats were observed during this period, and general activity level andnumber of fecal boluses produced were recorded. Days 1 and 2 of theexperiment were conditioning days, and consisted of two CS-USpairings on each day. The rat was placed in the chamber, and 90 to 210s later a visual cue on the computer monitor signaled to theexperimenter that the pre-CS (context test) time was beginning. After20 s, the CS (a 20-s, 10-kHz, 80-dB tone) was presented andcoterminated with the US (a 0.5-s, 0.5-mA shock delivered through thegrid floor). Trial 2 was the same. Thirty seconds after the secondCS-US offset, the rat was removed from the conditioning chamber,placed in its home cage, and transferred to the outer room andremained there until testing was completed on all rats. The chamberwas wiped out with soap and water and thoroughly dried between rats.From Day 3 onward, the procedures for testing days were exactly thesame as for conditioning days except that the US was never presented.Testing continued, with two CS presentations a day, until rats reachedthe criterion for extinction.

Freezing behavior was used as the measure of conditioned emo-tional responding (Blanchard & Blanchard, 1969; Bouton & Bolles,1980; Fanselow, 1980; LeDoux, Sakaguchi, & Reis, 1984), and wasassessed by observing the rat's behavior in the conditioning box.

Stopwatches were used to time the total amount of freezing. Freezingwas measured during the 20 s prior to the CS and during the 20-s CS toobtain a measure of conditioned fear both to the context in whichconditioning took place and to the explicit CS. Only data from the firsttrial of each day were used, to avoid the possibly confounding effects ofshock and CS delivery on responding during the second trial. Dailytrials terminated only after the rat reached the extinction criterion oftwo consecutive days of 5 s or fewer spent freezing during the pre-CSand CS periods.

US test. For the final replication of the experiment, we also testedsensitivity to the US. Three weeks after the last rat had reachedextinction criterion on the above task, lesioned (n = 5) and control(n = 4) rats were tested for their responsivity to a US alone. To reduceany effect of contextual conditioning, testing took place in a novelconditioning chamber that was not enclosed in a sound-attenuatingchamber. All animals actively explored the box during the periodbefore shock delivery, suggesting that they were not conditioned tocontextual stimuli present in this test situation. Ten 1-s shocks ofintensities ranging from 0.1 mA to 1 mA (in 0.1-mA increments) weredelivered in ascending succession 45 s apart. The intensities at whichthe rat first appeared to notice, first flinched, and first jumped inresponse to the shock were recorded. The rat was removed from thebox immediately after receiving the last shock.


Following completion of behavioral testing, rats were given anoverdose of chloralhydrate (4%, 1 cc/100 g) and were perfused with100 ml of saline followed by 500 ml of 10% buffered formalin. Brainswere removed from the skull and postfixed in buffered formalin with15% sucrose. Brains were then frozen and cut into 30-n.m sections witha cryostat, with every fourth section before and after the lesion site andevery section through the lesion site mounted on acid-cleaned gelatin-coated slides. All mounted tissue was then stained with thionin (0.5%).Lesion placement was verified by microscopic examination, and alllesion boundaries were traced.



Figure 1 depicts a typical mPFCd lesion, with damagecentered on rostral Cgl and dorsal PL. AJ1 bilateral lesionsthat were centered in the rostral Cgl/PL region and that didnot encroach noticeably on other areas (e.g., IL and MO) wereincluded in statistical analyses. Two rats that sustained onlyunilateral damage to mPFCd were excluded from the study.


The amount of freezing elicited by exposure to the contextand to the CS over Days 1-4 was used to measure fearacquisition. A 2 x 2 x 4 analysis of variance (ANOVA) ofLesion Group (mPFCd n = 18, control n = 16)1 x StimulusType (pre-CS and CS) x Acquisition Day (Days 1-4) wasperformed, with stimulus type and day as repeated measures.The analysis resulted in a main effect of day, F(3, 96) = 145.08,

1 One lesioned and 1 control rat failed to learn the task, and 1lesioned rat froze substantially to the CS on Day 1 before the US wasever presented; thus, these 3 rats were not included in statisticalanalyses.



Figure 1. Medial prefrontal cortex lesions. The dorsal portion ofmedial prefrontal cortex (mPFCd) as defined here includes the dorsalcortical areas lying along the medial wall of the anterior frontal lobe,specifically dorsal prelimbic cortex (PL; cingulate area 3 [Cg3]) androstral cingulate area 1 (Cgl). A typical dorsal mPFC lesion is shownhere (stippling). The area depicted includes the zone of gliosis as wellas the lesion cavity. PL = prelimbic cortex; MO = medial orbitalcortex; and IL = infralimbic cortex.

mPFCd n=18

Control n=16

Figure 2. Acquisition of fear. Mean number of seconds spent freezingduring an exposure to the conditioning context (pre-CS) and to theconditioned stimulus (CS) is shown. Freezing was measured during the20 s prior to the onset of the conditioned stimulus (context test) andduring the 20-s CS (CS test) on each day. Freezing responses duringthe first trial of Days 2 and 3 reflect the effects of conditioning trials onDays 1 and 2 (US presented). mPFCd = rats with lesions to the dorsalportion of the medial prefrontal cortex. *p < .01.

p < .001, indicating that acquisition took place. This can beseen most prominently in the change in the amount of freezingfrom Day 1 to Day 2 (see Figure 2). There was a main effect oflesion, F(l, 32) = 8.59,p < .01, and a main effect of stimulustype, F(l, 32) = 6.66,/> < .05, but no Lesion x Stimulus Typeinteraction, F(l, 32) = .26, p = .62. Thus, lesioned ratsexhibited more freezing than did controls, and both groupsgenerally froze more to the CS than to the context. There wasalso an interaction of Day x Lesion, F(3, 96) = 76.79,;? < .05,which was presumably due to the greater increase in freezing


from Day 1 to Day 2 by lesioned rats than by controls, and tothe decrease on Day 4 by controls to context. There was not asignificant interaction of Stimulus x Day, indicating that theactual rate of acquisition did not differ for the two stimulusconditions, though the main effect of stimulus mentionedabove indicates that the amount of freezing to the CS wasgenerally greater than freezing to context. The three-wayinteraction of Stimulus x Day x Lesion was not significant. Tosummarize, all rats tended to freeze more to the CS than tocontext, and lesioned rats exhibited more freezing overall toboth stimulus types than did controls.

It became clear during a pilot experiment that mPFCd-lesioned rats were frequently at ceiling during training andtesting. As another means of evaluating freezing duringacquisition, we also calculated the number of times each ratresponded at ceiling, that is, responded maximally during the20-s intervals in which we measured behavior. This calculationwas made to see the extent to which some rats' freezingbehavior was not allowed to be expressed due to the 20-s timelimit imposed by the experimental design. We set a criterion of18 to 20 s spent freezing during a stimulus-measurementperiod as being "at ceiling," allowing time for the animal toinitially orient to the stimuli and for experimenter error. Welooked only at the first trial of Days 2 through 4 to make theseanalyses comparable with the previous acquisition analyses(with the exclusion of Day 1, because animals were notexhibiting conditioned freezing yet) and again to avoid thepossibly confounding effects of shock and CS delivery onresponding during the second trial. Because the number oftimes at ceiling was similar for the pre-CS and CS, wecombined these data. Thus, the maximum possible number oftimes at ceiling was 6 (3 days x 2 stimulus types per day in Trial1). Lesioned rats were at ceiling a mean of 3.44 out of sixpossible measurement periods, or 57% of the time, whereascontrols were at ceiling a mean of 1.38 times, or 23% of thetime. A t test showed that this difference was significant,f(32) = 3.71, p < .01.


As another measure of contextual and CS learning, welooked at the number of days taken to extinguish the freezingresponse when the stimuli no longer signaled danger. Theextinction criterion was set at 2 consecutive days of 5 s or fewerspent freezing during both the pre-CS and the CS (Figure 3).Days to extinction were examined between lesion groups andacross stimulus type using a 2 x 2 ANOVA. There was a maineffect of lesion, F(l, 32) = 21.37,p < .001, and a main effect ofstimulus type, F(l, 32) = 52.58, p < .001, indicating thatlesioned rats took longer than did controls to extinguish thefreezing response, and that all rats generally took longer toextinguish the freezing response to the CS than to the context.There was not a significant interaction of Stimulus Type xLesion, suggesting that the effect of increased resistance toextinction for lesioned rats was similar to both the context andthe CS. In sum, lesioned rats took longer to extinguish thefreezing response than did controls. In addition, by the end ofDay 7, when controls typically began to reach extinctioncriterion, lesioned rats were at ceiling 49% of the time (a mean




Control n=16

mPFCd n=18


Figure 3. Extinction of fear. Mean number of days to reach criterionis shown. Extinction criterion was defined as 5 s or fewer of freezingduring the conditioned stimulus (CS) and during the context testperiod on 2 consecutive days. mPFCd = rats with lesions to the dorsalportion of the medial prefrontal cortex. *p < .001.

of 5.89 out of 12 measurement periods), whereas control ratswere at ceiling only 14% of the time (a mean of 1.63 out of 12measurement periods), f(32) = 4.43; p < .001.

US Test

Our examination of nonassociative reactivity to the USinvolved 1-s footshocks of intensities ranging from 0.1 mA to 1mA delivered in ascending succession 45 s apart. The ampli-tudes at which the rat first noticed, startled, and jumped inresponse to the shock were recorded. Separate / tests on thethree measures (notice, startle, and jump) revealed thatlesioned and control rats did not differ significantly on thenotice or jump measures. They did differ significantly on thestartle measure, f(7) = 2.61, p < .05, with controls tending tostartle at lower shock intensities than lesioned rats. Thus,control and lesioned rats appear to have similar pain-responsethresholds, though, if anything, controls have a lower thresholdto startle.

mPFCd Versus mPFCv

Previously we examined the effect of lesions immediatelyventral to the present lesions (Morgan, Romanski, & LeDoux,1993). These mPFCv lesions, which included major portions ofIL, ventral PL, and MO cortices, produced results quitedifferent from the present dorsal lesions: Dorsal-lesioned ratsshowed an increase in responding to all phases of the task,whereas ventral-lesioned rats differed significantly from theircontrols only during the extinction phase of the task, showingan increase in resistance to extinction of responding to the CSbut not to the context. A direct comparison of the two sets offindings seems appropriate here.

Of the two measures used to examine acquisition perfor-mance, amount of freezing over Days 1-4 and times at ceiling,


the latter measure is most effective in displaying the differ-ences between the two lesion groups. Although in the presentstudy dorsal-lesioned rats were at ceiling far more thancontrols, ventral-lesioned rats were not (see Figure 4A).


.s§a 3-

P 2-

days 2-4



Figure 4. A: Times at ceiling: rats with lesions to the dorsal portion ofthe medial prefrontal cortex (mPFCd) versus to the ventral portion(mPFCv). Mean number of times at ceiling out of six possiblemeasurement periods (see text) is shown. * mPFCd lesioned rats wereat ceiling significantly more than their controls (CTRL;/? < .01) andsignificantly more than mPFCv lesioned rats relative to their respectivecontrol groups (p < .02). B: Extinction of fear: mPFCd versus mPFCv.Mean number of days to reach extinction criterion for both lesiongroups is shown. * mPFCd rats took significantly longer than did theircontrols to extinguish the freezing response overall (see Figure 3). #mPFCv rats took significantly longer than did their controls toextinguish the freezing response only to the CS (p < .001). The twolesion groups also responded significantly differently from each otherrelative to their controls as a function of the stimulus type (p < .01).

Ventral-lesioned rats were at ceiling a mean of 1.2 times ut ofsix possible measurement periods, or 20% of the time, whereastheir controls were at ceiling a mean of 0.92 times, or 15% ofthe time. A t test showed that this difference was notsignificant, ?(33) = .59;p > .5. A direct comparison of the twolesion types using a 2 x 2 ANOVA of Lesion Group (lesion vs.control) x Experiment (mPFCv-lesioned and their controls vs.mPFCd-lesioned and their controls) showed that dorsal-lesioned rats were freezing at ceiling significantly more oftenthan ventral-lesioned rats, F(l, 65) = 5.86,p < .02.

Looking at the other measure of acquisition, amount offreezing elicited by exposure to the context and CS over Days1-4, one can see that dorsal-lesioned rats froze significantlymore than their controls (p < .01); ventral-lesioned ratsdid not (p > A). A direct comparison of the two lesion areasusing a 2 x 2 x 2 x 4 ANOVA of Lesion Group (lesion vs.control) x Experiment (mPFCv-lesioned and their controls vs.mPFCd-lesioned and their controls) x Stimulus Type (pre-CSvs. CS) x Day (1^4) showed that the increased freezing seen indorsal-lesioned rats was not quite enough to produce asignificant difference from ventral-lesioned rats (each relativeto its own controls) when examined across all 4 days, F(l,65) = 2.6, p = .112. However, two factors need to beconsidered. The times at ceiling data indicate that, in contrastto the ventral lesions, the full effect of dorsal lesions onincreased freezing was not captured by this measure. Inaddition, rats with dorsal lesions were already freezing signifi-cantly more than their controls on Day 2, F(l, 32) = 6.05,p <.02, the first opportunity to see the effects of conditioning (seeFigure 2). Ventral rats were not significantly elevated relativeto their controls until Day 4, and then only to the CS,F(l, 33) = 4.26, p = .047. Because Day 4 was technically thesecond day of extinction testing, the increase at this point mostlikely reflects the beginning of their CS-specific increase infreezing during extinction rather than acquisition. Thus, dorsal-lesioned rats showed increased fear during acquisition whereasventral-lesioned rats did not.

These two lesion groups also differ during extinction of fearresponding. Morgan, Romanski, and LeDoux's (1993) studyshowed that ventral lesions produce an increased resistance toextinction that was present only in responding to the CS,whereas our present work indicates that dorsal lesions producethis increased resistance to both the context and the CS (seeFigure 4B). An ANOVA combining both sets of data (2 x 2 x2 of Lesion Group [lesion vs. control] x Experiment [mPFCv-lesioned and their controls vs. mPFCd-lesioned and theircontrols] x Stimulus Type [pre-CS vs. CS]) produced asignificant three-way interaction, F(l, 65) = 10.95, p < .01,showing that the two lesion groups respond differently relativeto their controls, depending on the stimulus type. In Figure 4Bone can see that whereas mPFCv-lesioned rats were elevatedonly to the CS, mPFCd-lesioned rats were elevated to both theCS and context.


In the present study, we found that lesions of dorsal mPFCincrease freezing to all four aspects of the conditioning taskthat were measured: contextual (pre-CS) acquisition, CS


acquisition, contextual extinction, and CS extinction. Becauseof the lack of a particularly striking increase in any one of thesecomponents, it appears that lesions to the dorsal portion ofmPFC produce a general increase in fear in response to fearconditioning.

That this increased fear is limited to the associative compo-nents of the conditioning task is suggested by several observa-tions. It does not appear that such lesions simply produce ageneral change in activity level, because lesioned rats displayeda comparable amount of activity in the novel conditioningchamber on Day 0 when no explicit stimuli had yet beenpresented. Nor do such lesions appear to produce a nonspe-cific, chronic increase in fear, given that lesioned rats (a) didnot produce any more fecal boluses than did controls duringDay 0, (b) typically did not display any more signs of fear to theCS when it was initially presented on Day 1 prior to its pairingwith the US, and (c) were not noticeably more fearful duringthe handling required during the experiment before testing.Similar conclusions were reached by Holson (1986) and Jaskiwand Weinberger (1992) in their studies of the effects of mPFClesions. The US test also suggests that the lesioned rats wereno more reactive to a nonassociative US than were controls,ruling out an increased sensitivity to pain as an explanation forincreased freezing.

Other studies, using various manipulations and responsemeasurement techniques, also suggest that mPFC is involvedin emotion, particularly fear reactivity. Frysztak and Neafsey(1994) found that lesions of mPFC produce an increasedtachycardia response to a CS previously paired with footshock.Al Maskati and Zbrozyna (1989) found that stimulation ofrostral mPFC inhibits the defensive response elicited bystimulation of the amygdala or hypothalamus, while stimula-tion of mPFC alone produced no cardiovascular changes.Holson (1986) reported that mPFC lesions increase timidity ina situation-specific manner; lesioned rats behaved like controlsunder moderately stressful conditions, but they displayedincreased fear under highly aversivc conditions.2 Additionally,there is a selective and high dopaminergic reactivity in thisarea in response to aversive situations such as mild footshock(Thierry et al., 1994, 1976). Lesions of mPFC result insignificantly increased plasma levels of ACTH and corticoste-roids after restraint stress (Diorio et al., 1993). Also rats withmPFC lesions arc deficient in coping with aversive conditionsinvolving more than a single exposure, as determined by gastricpathology, indicating that this area is an essential part of acoping system (Henke, 1990; Sullivan & Hcnke, 1986).

On the other hand, some studies have found no effect ofmPFC lesions on fear reactivity. Powell et al. (1994) found thatlesions of mPFCd (area 24) in rabbits did not effect themagnitude of conditioned fear, as measured by cardiovascularconditioned responses. Divac ct al. (1984), using wild rats,found that lesions of mPFC had no effect on fear, and Holson(1986) found that such lesions did not produce increasedfreezing to a box (context) associated with footshock. How-ever, these last two studies indicate that both control andlesioned rats were near ceiling in their respective tasks and anysigns of increased fear may have been difficult to detect.

Some of the inconsistencies in behavioral and cardiovascularchanges following lesions or stimulation of medial prcfrontal

cortex may well be due not only to the use of differing tasks andresponse measures but also to the area of cortex examined. Onthe basis of anatomical criteria, mPFC has been divided intoseveral distinct subdivisions (see Sesack ct al., 1989). However,these subdivisions have often not been explicitly acknowledgedin behavioral studies, which tend to refer to the region as anundiffercntiated whole. In notable exception. Frysztak andNeafsey (1994) and Powell et al. (1994) have examined thefunctions of discrete subdivisions of mPFC. primarily in termsof cardiovascular responding. Frysztak and Neafsey found thatlesions of dorsal mPFC produced an increase in sympatheti-cally mediated tachycardia in response to an excitatory condi-tioned st imulus (CS + ), whereas ventral lesions decreasedsympathetic activation. Powell's group looked at three subdivi-sions of rabbit mPFC. making lesions centered on areas 24(ACd), 32 (PL), and 25 (IL), with some spread of the lesionsites into the other areas. They found that lesions centered indorsal area 24 had no effect on the magnitude of the condi-tioned cardiovascular response but decreased discriminationbetween a CS+ and inhibitory conditioned stimulus (CS-:primarily by increasing responding to the CS—). Lesionscentered in area 32 decreased the magnitude of the condi-tioned response and decreased discrimination, whereas lesionscentered in ventral area 25 produced no significant changes inresponse magnitude or in discrimination. Although these twogroups of findings are apparently somewhat incomparable dueto the use of freely moving animals in Frysztak and Neafsey'swork and restrained animals in Powell et al.'s work, theysupport the validity of viewing medial prefrontal cortex as afunctionally heterogeneous area involved in various aspects offear conditioning.

The above findings are relevant to understanding ourf indings about lesions of dorsal and ventral mPFC. We foundthat dorsal lesions produce an increased fear response to allfour aspects of the task measured: CS and contextual s t imul iduring acquisition and extinction. Although an inabil i ty tosuppress fear responses (e.g., Diorio et al.. 1993; Neafsey et al.,1993) may be sufficient to explain all four changes, it may bethat an inability to block out irrelevant stimuli (see Crino,Morrison, & Hof, 1993; Neafsey et al., 1993) or a decreasedability to discriminate between a CS+ and CS- (pr imari lydisplayed in increased responding to the CS-; Powell el al.. 1994)contributes to the increased freezing to contextual s t imuli inboth the acquisition and extinction phases of the task. Further-more, this inability to accurately ident i fy the signal for anaversive event (i.e.. the CS + , rather than CS- or irrelevantstimuli) might make the whole episode more fear provoking.

Regarding lesions of the ventral portion of mPFC, ourfinding of no behavioral changes during acquisition is moredifficult to explain in light of Frysztak and Neafsey's (1994)

2 The dependence of the e f f ec t s of the lesion on the level olaversiveness of the s t imul i may he related to our f ind ing that when theintensity of the US is 0.3 mA instead of 0.5 mA. half of the lesionedrats behaved like controls and half showed the full-blown increasedfreezing response (Morgan, Coons. & LeDoux. lc)93). suggesting thaimPFCd-lesioned rats become increasingly more f e a r f u l than controlsas the aversiveness of the si tuat ion increases beyond a certainthreshold.


findings of decreased sympathetic activation and mPFCv'sextensive connectivity with visceral control areas. However,Powell et al. (1994) also reported no effects on fear condition-ing after lesions of ventral mPFC (area 25). Whereas neitherFrysztak and Neafsey nor Powell looked at extinction, this iswhere we found our effects. Findings that cells in the amygdalachange their response in a reversal learning task more slowlythan cells in ventral PFC suggest that this area of PFC allowsfor the updating of behavioral responses to stimuli withchanging reinforcement value (Rolls, 1992; Thorpe, Rolls, &Maddison, 1983). It has also been reported that rats withventral frontal lesions will continue making previously rein-forced responses (e.g., bar presses for food) long after theresponse is no longer reinforced (see Kolb, 1984). It may bethat ventral lesions allow for normal acquisition of the task butprevent readjustment in responding to the CS when it nolonger signals danger, thus explaining the increased resistanceto extinction. This is reminiscent of the response perseverationfound in humans after damage to frontal cortex (Fuster, 1989;Goldman-Rakic, 1987) and may be an example of extendingresponse perseveration into the emotional domain (Morgan,Romanski, & LeDoux, 1993).

In the cognitive domain, rats with mPFC lesions are fre-quently impaired on working/representational memory typetasks (see Brito & Brito, 1990; Kolb, 1990), particularly if theycontain a spatial or delay component. However, despite thesubstantial connectivity of the mPFC with the hippocampus(Jay & Witter, 1991), it is believed that it is not the spatialcomponent of the task that disrupts performance (Kolb, 1990;de Bruin, Sanchez-Santed, Heinsbroek, Donker, & Postmes,1994) but rather an inability to shift cognitive strategies (Brito& Brito, 1990) or a reduction in behavioral flexibility (de Bruinet al., 1994; Kolb, 1990). These conclusions seem compatiblewith the aforementioned idea that a decreased ability toappropriately adjust responding to changing stimulus valuesand decreased response inhibition are consequences of mPFClesions.

What are the underlying mechanisms by which mPFC mightbe exerting its influence? It is by now well-known that theamygdala is a crucial component in the neural system involvedin the acquisition and expression of fear, presumably bydetermining the emotional significance of threatening stimuli(Davis, 1992; Kapp et al., 1990; LeDoux, 1987, 1992). ThemPFC has extensive reciprocal connections with the amygdala,as well as projections to several areas in the brainstem (towhich the amygdala also projects) that are involved in theexpression of conditioned fear (Berendse et al., 1992; Hurleyet al., 1991; Terreberry & Neafsey, 1983,1987; van der Kooy etal., 1984). It has been suggested that the mPFC monitors theinternal state of the organism (see Damasio, 1994; Frysztak &Neafsey, 1994; Neafsey et al., 1993; Vogt, Sikes, & Vogt, 1993)and that one of its functions is to initiate motor outputaccordingly (Musil & Olson, 1993; Vives & Mogenson, 1985;Vogt et al., 1993). One possible scenario is that while theamygdala determines the emotional significance of threateningstimuli, mPFC uses this information to monitor and givefeedback about the internal state of the animal and to updateappropriate response outputs dependent on this internal state.Without the internal feedback as to the level of threat posed by

the stimulus at any given time, the animal might, for adaptivepurposes, remain in the defensive response state longer thannecessary. This inability to coordinate behavior with the actualthreat value of the stimulus could exhibit itself in two ways: bymodulating the magnitude of the response in a particularthreat session or across several sessions. One can see theresponse pattern corresponding to the former case with lesionsof dorsal mPFC, exhibited through increased freezing duringeach session (e.g., see times at ceiling data). The responsepattern corresponding to the latter case is exhibited in animalswith lesions of ventral mPFC, where the animals continue tofreeze at moderate levels across a number of test days. Ourfindings add strength to the view that subdivisions of mPFC areinvolved in different aspects of fear conditioning and furthersuggest various aspects of fear learning and extinction thatneed to be examined.


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Received October 31, 1994Revision received January 23, 1995

Accepted January 23, 1995