Digestive system

Post on 22-May-2015

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Powerpoint Mamongcara Digestive system


  • 1. The Digestive System A Report By: Alinor A. Mamongcara

2. The Digestive System Song 3. Gastroenterology Study of the digestive system and its disorders 4. Digestion The chemical breakdown of complex biological molecules into their component parts. Lipids to fatty acids Proteins to individual amino acids Carbohydrates into simple sugars 5. Digestion Mechanical Changes the physical form of food Chew Tear Grind Mash Mix 6. Functions of the Digestive System Produces various chemicals to break down the food. Filters out harmful substances. Gets rid of solid wastes. 7. Phases of Digestion Ingestion Movement Digestion Absorption Further digestion 8. The Digestive Tract A long muscular tube with many sections and areas. Begins with the mouth and ends with the anus. 9. The Digestive Tract Parts of the Digestive Tract Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine 10. Mouth Functions: Food enters in the mouth or oral cavity Tasting Mechanical breakdown of food Secretion of salivary glands (salivary amylase) 11. Esophagus A straight muscular tube that is about 10 inches (25 cm) long which connects the mouth with the stomach Food takes about 4 to 8 seconds as it passes through to the stomach. Its walls contain smooth muscles that contracts in wavy motion (Peristalsis). Peristalsis propels food and liquid slowly down the esophagus into the stomach. 12. Stomach J-shaped muscular sac Has inner folds (rugae) that increases the surface area of the stomach. Churns and grinds together the bolus into smaller pieces. Food is mixed with gastric juices (hydrochloric acid and enzymes) secreted by the stomach walls. HCL helps break down food and kills bacteria that came along with the food. 13. Small Intestines Site of greatest amount of digestion and absorption, 90% of the process Takes about 4 8 hrs to complete its journey. Mucosa (inner wall) secretes several enzymes that acts on the food. Digested nutrients are absorbed through intestinal walls. Absorbed materials cross the mucosa into the blood then other parts of the body for storage or further chemical change. 14. Large Intestine a.k.a. Colon larger diameter, but shorter (5 ft) Water is absorbed from the undigested food making the waste harder until it becomes solid. Waste stays for 10 12 hours. Waste is pushed into the expanded portion (rectum) of the large intestine. Solid waste stays in the rectum until it is excreted through the anus as feces. Appendix hangs on the right side of the large intestine. 15. Common Diseases of the Digestive System Irritable bowel syndrome Lactose intolerance Peptic ulcer Colon Cancer Loose Bowel Syndrome (Diarrhea) 16. Latest Trends Pivot (Pacemaker for the Digestive System) The chips can slow the emptying of the stomach, triggering feeling of fullness in obese patients. Gastric Bypass divides the stomach into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower "remnant" pouch and then re-arranges the small intestine to connect to both. 17. Latest Trends Adjustable Gastric Band an inflatable silicone device placed around the top portion of the stomach to treat obesity, intended to slow consumption of food and thus the amount of food consumed. 18. Trivia The esophagus is approximately 25cm long. Muscles contract in waves to move the food down the esophagus. This means that food would get to a person's stomach, even if they were standing on their head. The digestive tract is similar to a long tube which is approximately 30 feet (Equal to 5, 6 footers) long in total running through the middle of the body. 19. Reporters Profile Alinor A. Mamongcara Studies at Adamson University taking up BS Accountancy 09-23-87 Gave up working for HSBC in a span of 5 years to pursue his studies Gaming and Gadget Enthusiast Favorite Qoute: The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing Edmund Burke 20. A Short Video About the Digestive System