Digilogous 2016 - SQ Prelims

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Senior Quiz


Question 1

X is an Indian maker of bus ticket booking through its website, iOS and Android mobile apps. In 2013, X was acquired by the Ibibo Group for $100 million, which is a joint venture by the South African Multinational Company, Naspers. X has its offices in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Mumbai, Pune, Vijayawada, Kolkata, Vishakhapatnam, and Singapore. In the year 2015, X started its operation in the international market with its business opening in Singapore and Malaysia.

What is X?


Question 2

Who is he?

Ben Silbermann

Question 3

Which programming language?


Question 4

Global digital media website, X, has launched its Indian edition with online content publisher India.com. X India has set up an editorial team each in New Delhi and Mumbai. With Indian-oriented coverage, X India will also feature global news from X. The company expects 10% revenue from outside US this year, said X's Chief Strategy Officer Adam Ostrow.

Identify X.


Question 5

Who is he?


Question 6

X is a Gurgaon based startup founded in December 2013 by Saurabh Kumar and Albinder Dhindsa. X has recently tied up with Dunkin Donuts and it will be delivering its Donuts from this year onwards.

Identify X.

Hint: The main market competitor of X is LocalBanya.com


Question 7

Which app?

Hint: It has recently acquired household services booking platform Zepper.


Question 8

Which game?

Hay Day

Question 9

What is the claim to fame of Christopher Latham Sholes?


Question 10

Which app?


Question 11

X.com is an online marketplace, headquartered in Gurgaon. The company was founded in California's Silicon Valley in 2011. It has over 12,000 registered merchants retail +2,00,000 products on the platform to over 42 million visitors every year across 9500 locations in the country.

X’s CEO is Sanjay Sethi. Identify X.


Question 12

Which food ordering app?


Question 13

Which app?


Question 14

Who is he?

Bjarne Stroustrup

Question 15

X was founded in 1996 by Alex Aguila, Frank Azor and Nelson Gonzalez. X was acquired by Dell Inc. In 2006. X was named so because its founders were a great fan of hit television sci-tech series, “The X-files”.

What is X ?


Question 16

What was filmed in 2005 by Yakov Lapitsky and was made available to the world on April 23, 2005 wherein the person in the video was interested in Elephants.This was a benchmark in the Network Industry.

What am I talking about?

Me at the zoo

Question 17

Who is he?


Question 18

Which game?


Question 19

Which console?

PlayStation 1

Question 20

X is a business orientated Social Networking Site launched on May 5, 2003. As of 2015 most of the revenue of X comes from selling the information of its users to recruiters across the globe.

X has launched a locally developed product called X Placements. Introduced as a pilot project across 14 colleges in India, this will help graduating students in finding jobs, and assist placement cells and recruiters in conducting placements.

Identify X.
