digipak anlysis

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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By Louisa Hill

Digipak analysis

This digipak is also very plain ad simplistic. Although it is still extremely eye catching. The majority of the digipak is very dark and dull. But where the band name is written there is bright light around it, this then allows it to stand out to the audience and it is made clear of the band name.  The bright light also allows there to be white on the cover which shows a clear contrast between the white and black. In which this allows the band name of ‘The 1975’ to stand out. The font that is used on the front of the cover is also fairly small. The font that is used is very distinctive as it is very unusual, this also allows it to stand out to the audience.  But on the normal album it only says the band name. but then on the deluxe edition it says deluxe edition below the band name. but this is in smaller writing as that is not as important as the band name. therefore this then allows the audience to have recognition of who the band is. 

The colours that are used on this Digipak are all monochrome colours. This allows it to be very simplistic. But I also think that this makes it look very neat and professional. I like this digipak because of these plain colours and because the only written part is the band name. I also like it as there are no pictures of people it just looks like a frame stood up on the floor with the band name in it and with spot light around it. This allows the audience and fans to be able to recognise it straight away and they will then want to buy it. 

The back of the digipak also follows the same conventions as the front cover. This is because it is using the same image, but without the band name. It says the names of the different songs that are in this digipak. This digipak also shows the conventions of a digipak back as it has the tracks with numbers. The back of the digipak is simplistic but not minimalistic as there is still a lot text on the back of it. For my digipak I am also going to make sure that it is not to minimalistic but will be simplistic, therefore I am influenced by this digipak and I will follow the conventions of this digipak.

The record label is clearly shown on the back of the digipak and it is a good size so that the audience can clearly see it and it helps to promote and credit everyone in the album. The barcode is also on the back of the digipak, this is also a large size and stands out. These are still following there colour scheme so that nothing is standing out to the rest of the digipak.

The inside of the album unfolds and carries on with the monochrome colour scheme. In which there is a pull out of paper with some more information about the band. This is still very simplistic and the writing is centralised to allow it to look very plain and neat. This shows that they have carried out there theme throughout the digipak and they are then able to be able to be recognised for this. I am going to consider this when making my digipak as I am going to follow the same theme throughout the digipak, allowing it to look professional and simplistic but not to minimalistic.

Magazine advertThis music magazine shows the 1975, they have used a very simple front cover, this is clear as it is just the title of the magazine and the name of the band. This allows the audience to know what band the magazine is featuring. As this magazine cover is very simplistic, it shows how this band is, as they are simplistic in the majority of their work. This is also shown in the second magazine advert, as it is only a picture and the name of the magazine. These magazine adverts just show an image of the band, this allows the audience to get recognition of them, but this also gives them a clue about the genre of them as they are an indie rock band. This is shown through the way they are dressed and how the photos are taken. This then allows the female and male audience to be caught and these photos then catch the audiences eye and they are able to then be sold and the 1975 will get more views.

There are also various different posters for this band, this poster is just like their digipak. This allows the audience to recognise it and they will remember the band. This poster shows the 1975 tour dates. This then allows the audience to be aware so that they can buy tickets. The places that they are touring are in a bigger font so that they can be read clearly so that the audience are very aware of when they are coming and where they are going. This poster also features the name of the band in a big font to show who the band is and so people know who are touring. The 1975 are following their same colour scheme and theme throughout their work, this allows them to stand out and so that the audience will be able t remember them. This also allows their work to stand out from others as it is very unique and different, they are using monochrome colours and using one image for all of their work. I like this poster and the magazine adverts as they show how this band are and they follow the conventions of the 1975. I also like how it is eye catching due to the light around the frame, allowing the audience to be able to clearly see the writing in the middle of the image.

This digipak is very simple although the colours are not so simple, this is because they have used very bright colours. This allows the digipak to stand out and will catch the audiences eye. This band is called ‘Chvches’ therefore the band name is written on the cover which is in the biggest font so that it is clear of what band this is. Then the album name is below which is smaller as that part is not as important as the band name. although the band name is in a bigger font altogether this writing is very small. This allows the digipak to look very plain ad simplistic.

On this digipak the main point of the cover is the pattern design in the centre, this has the centre of attention from anyone that would look at it. All the pattern is , is three circles and then three V’s coming out. This could be their sign for the band name as they are called ‘Chvches’. The image next to the red one once again shows their three circles. I like the design of this digipak, as i like the fact that it is patterns and not pictures, i will be considering this when making my own.

The colours on this digipak are very bright, this is why the font des not need to be very big. I like the bright colours on this digipak as it allows it to have patterns instead of people on t which allows it to look very unique. Having these bright colours but simple design allows the audience to recognise the album and the band. These are the main colours of this digipak.

On the back of the digipak, it is also very bright, but it is not as bright and vibrant as the front. It has a black background and then a blue circle with the songs that are in the album on. Including numbers of which track is on. It also carries on with the front cover colour scheme as there is a red circle going around the blue circle. This shows that the colour scheme is followed throughout. On the back there is also the barcode and the record label, these are fairly big so that they can be promoted to the audience and they are then able to get recognition.

The inside of the digipak also shows the colour scheme being followed throughout, this is because there are various different patterns, for example the V is on the CD and the red and blue circles are also on the actual CD. tThen the colour scheme of bright colours is also followed as there is a bright pink circle with written information in the inside of the digipak. I like this idea, therefore i may use bright colours and patterns for the digipak that i will be designing.

Magazine advert ■ This is a a poster for the band ‘Chvches’ this posters carries not eh colour

scheme from the original digipak. As it uses bright vibrant colours and the digipak was red and so is this poster. This poster also has the pattern that the CD does. Although there are cartoon images of people on the pattern. This allows it to have a difference from the digipak. Then the name of the band is in a large font in the centre to catch the audiences attention and to allow them to recognise the band. The below this are their tour dates and destinations. This is in a much smaller font, but this still allows the audience to know that they are touring and they will then get a bigger audience.

The design of this poster is much more complex than the image/ pattern on the CD album. The red background that is used is very eye catching as it is very bright. This poster promotes their tour as they have used an image of the band playing infant of their motif. I like this poster as it is very vibrant and catches the audience due to the bright colour scheme, but i also like the pattern as it looks simplistic due to the positioning on the poster. But it also allows it to looks busy as it has parts shooting off and their is a lot of writing due to the tour dates and destinations.

This digipak also follows the conventions of being very simplistic. Although this one has various different patterns and follows a slightly different colour scheme. But the fonts are also the same. The font on the front of this digipak is very small, but this then allows the audience to look closer at the digipak and then they will be able to recognise the album and will then remember it. The colours are still not very vibrant but there is still some colour and not just monochrome colours. This album cover also includes the album name, although it is crossed out with a line, this makes it very unique and it stands out to other digipaks. There are nine circles with different patterns in on the front cover which is the main image. These different circles are all supposed to have different meaning linked in with their music.

The colour scheme of this digipak is mainly monochrome although there is also orange added, this allows it to look a bit more exciting and this colour stands out from any of the other colours. Each circle has a different animal pattern on, this allows to stand out and looks different to any other digipak. These are the main part of the cover and this grabs the audiences attention the most and this is what stands out to make it different.

I like this digipak because it doesn't have an image of a person it has a pattern on it, which allows the audience to recognise it. I also like the colour scheme that is used, but i also like the different patterns used in the circles this makes it look different and does not look boring.

The back of the cd album is different to the front. This is because it has slightly different colours. It also has different patterns. It is not very simplistic as there is a lot going on. There is the usual convention of the song names and numbering fro them. But the record label and barcode are also clearly shown on the back of the digipak. This then allows the audience to be abel to see them and and this can then promote them so that as many people as possible can see it. There is a lot of writing on the back of this album, therefore there is a lot to look at. There are also red lines going across the song names. I like this idea as it is very simple but also makes it look like there is a lot going on. This makes it look unusual. But this also shows that the band ‘Twenty one pilots’ are showing a theme throughout their work as they crossed out the album name with a line. therefore they follow this convention throughout their digipak. The inside of the digipak carries on the colour scheme, this is because there are some small patches of

red and orange. There is a pull out, where there is a picture of the band, this allows the audience to see who they are and they are then able to meet their target audience. There is also a paper booklet, which also follows the pattern scheme as it is a black and white pattern. The CD itself also follows the colour scheme as there are red and white lines. They use their lines once again. I like this digipak as a whole as everything matches together, but i also like the design of all of the patterns. I am going to consider using patterns in my digipak when i make it as i believe that this looks very unique and will get recognition from fans and different audiences.

Magazine advert These are both magazine adverts, they are very similar. Twenty one pilots tend to use the colour scheme of red throughout their work, therefore that is why it is used on these magazines. They are recognised by this colours, therefore the audience will know ho they are straight away and this magazine will promote them as some people may look them up if they have never heard of them. The name of the band is also on the front of the magazine, this is in a very large font. Allowing the audience to see who this band is and also promoting them. These magazines have used a picture of the band for the front cover, this allows the target audience to see them and it will be much easier for them to recognise them. I like these magazine adverts as they are very bright and eye catching, but they are also very plain. They

just state the genre of the band, the band name and a picture of the band. But they also follow the colour scheme of their album, this allows it to be recognised straight away.