Digital health & wellness

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Digital Health & Wellness


Health & Wellness

Focus on Citizenship on using technology safely on the

internet, worldwide. While informing children to be aware of all the danger they could be

getting there self in.

Consequences of Poor Health and Wellness

Less sleep Behavioral problems Withdrawal from family and friends Eyesight problems Back problems Addiction


Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled urges or behaviors regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress.

Poor health and wellness can lead to internet addiction!

Maintaining Computer Usage

Don’t sit for a long period of time

Sit straight in your chair Limit your time on the

computer Exercise

Affects me how?

Chop: It affects me because it teaches me how to act on the screen and behind social media. I can become very aware of the things that are going on around such as bullying and other dangerous things.

Alanna: To me Digital health and wellness affects me because it teaches that you can become very unhealthy sitting in front of a screen all day and not having self control.

How teachers can help..

Monitor incorrect internet behavior Teach students the right or wrong ways of proper

usage Teach about cyberbullying and stalkers Talk to parents

Why is it important?

Keeps teenagers out of physical harm

Teens become aware of many risk

Maintaining good H & W

You will be so much more happier A lot more friends Social Healthy (mental and physical) Aware

Work Cited