Digital single-lens reflex camera DSLR Camera

Post on 26-Feb-2016

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Digital single-lens reflex camera DSLR Camera. The Basics. Features and functions of a DSLR Camera . Shutter Release Button. Lens Release Button. ?. ISO Setting. Hot shoe. ?. Mode Dial. Other features. Display. View Finder. ?. ?. Menu. Shutter Speed. ?. ?. SD Card. Current - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Digital single-lens reflex cameraDSLR Camera

The Basics

Features and functions of a DSLR Camera

Mode Dial

Shutter Release Button

Hot shoe

Lens Release Button

ISO Setting



Other features

F - Stop Shots leftImage Viewer Bin

SD Card


View Finder

Shutter Speed

Battery (Charge Left)

CurrentSetting isProgram Shift






Mode Dial

Auto Mode or Aperture Priority

Manual Mode

Shutter Priority - Use this if you want to select the shutter speed yourself.

Landscape Mode


Close – Up Mode

Sports Mode

Night Portrait Mode

Full Auto ModeProgram AE Mode or Program Shift


The Lens

Auto Focus and Manual Focus Settings



ISO – This measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. The lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain. The higher ISO settings are generally used in darker situations to get faster shutter speeds

(for example an indoor sports event when you want to freeze the action in lower light)

The one on the left is taken at 100 ISO’s and the one of the right at 3200 ISO’s.

Fast Shutter Speed

This is called panning. When you focus on a moving object and lock onto it while pivoting on the spot. To get the cyclist crisp compared to the blurred background, it requires a fast shutter speed and fast controlled movement.

F-Stop and Aperture

The smaller the F – Stop the larger the whole which means more light will be let in to the image sensor with in the camera.