Digital Storytelling Best Practices

Post on 09-May-2015

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Insights and examples into how marketers can create a truly multichannel approach in engaging customers using today’s technology. The session will address the growing role of rich media, video and interactive platforms.


Digital Storytelling(how to make yours better)

Why are stories so important?

Only ideas, in the abstract, are hard to communicate.

I can tell you an idea. Like “don’t walk in the forest alone.”

Movies are great examples of stories

Digital changes everything

Now stories can be more. Images. Videos. Apps. Words. Devices.




What makes a good digital story?

What makes a good story digitally?

What makes a good story digitally for business?

Get Out Your Pens, Your Paper. I’m going to show you what you need to make awesome stories.

Okay, who are we fooling? Get out your tablets, your laptops...

#1. Connected

#2. Committed

#3. Customer

#4. Character

#5. Crescendo

#6. aCountable

#7. Consistent

#8. Conversion

Narrative arc.

#9. cEmotional

Stories evoke emotion

They trigger something in our brains(endorphins)

Stories evoke emotions. Emotions release endorphins. Therefore stories release endorphins.(see that Algrebra did come in handy)

Stories help us engage with our audience.They help us reach intimacy.

But there’s a way to speed that up.A way to make your story more impactful.

You probably already guessed it.


The digital relationship pyramid:1. Awareness2. Acquaintance3. Friend4. Confidante5. BFF


Remember those C’s:1. Connected2. Committed3. Customer4. Character5. Crescendo6. aCountable7. Consistent8. Conversion9. cEmotional

Class is over.Go out.

Write stories.Stories that entice, excite, explore.

Stories that emote.Stories that engage.Stories that are epic.

Shoo.Your audience is waiting.


t: @_jasonthibeaulte: