Digital strategy

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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It's about digital strategy.


Thinking of communication design

Strategy, it’s a core requirement for digital integration


Have you ever thought “Strategy” for digital integration? Why is “Strategy” being left out?

Maybe you’ve forgotten the difference between strategy and tactics

Have you ever thought “Strategy” for digital integration? Why is “Strategy” being left out?

Maybe you’ve forgotten the difference between strategy and tactics

Strategy Tactics vs

Have you ever thought “Strategy” for digital integration? Why is “Strategy” being left out?

1.  A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. 2.  The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements.

Strategy is when you have a plan to accomplish something. From beginning to end if you are prepared and focus on your plan that's having a strategy


1.  An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. 2.  How you will achieve your strategy and when.

Tactics are the specific actions, sequences of actions, and schedules you use to fulfill your strategy. If you have more than one strategy you will have different tactics for each.

tac·tics /ˈtaktiks/



Tactics are part of strategy

It’s like going on a road-trip, when you don’t know where you’re going or why?

Strategic Gap

It’s like going on a road-trip, when you don’t know where you’re going or why?

Content announcement : Newsletter, Blog etc… Content idea : 3D, Motion graphic, Art work etc… Content tools : Social plugin, YouTube etc… Content metrics, measures : Tracking, Analysis etc…

Brand Mission

Why do some brands to start here?

Brand Mission

It’s “Strategic Gap”

Content announcement : Newsletter, Blog etc… Content idea : 3D, Motion graphic, Art work etc… Content tools : Social plugin, YouTube etc… Content metrics, measures : Tracking, Analysis etc…

Brand Mission

Content announcement : Newsletter, Blog etc… Content idea : 3D, Motion graphic, Art work etc… Content tools : Social plugin, YouTube etc… Content metrics, measures : Tracking, Analysis etc…

Future vision : Reason for being etc… Content priority : Value, impact, budget etc… Content strategy : Specific goals, objectives etc… Identified users : Audiences, user insight etc…

Brand Mission

Content announcement : Newsletter, Blog etc… Content idea : 3D, Motion graphic, Art work etc… Content tools : Social plugin, YouTube etc… Content metrics, measures : Tracking, Analysis etc…

Future vision : Reason for being etc… Content priority : Value, impact, budget etc… Content strategy : Specific goals, objectives etc… Identified users : Audiences, user insight etc…







What‘s strategy?

Analysis / Research Planning

Resource Post management


Technology People + Society

Market competition Product / Service / Content





Role People Analysis Seeding

Interaction Governance

Briefing Production Future

Analysis Research Planning Role Post


Set up tactics and directions Optimize contents Clarify the situation

Technology People + Society

Market competition Product / Service / Content

Analysis /


•  What devices / OS / Browser /platform do our users use?

•  What devices / OS / Browser /platform do we need to target/use?

•  What technology (html5, Flash, jQuery mobile etc) should we use?

•  Who is our main target? •  What are their motivation?

•  Do we have digital assets? •  What are others doing in the digital space?

•  What’s product / service / content strategy? •  What content currently exists? •  Do we need to optimize existing product /

service / content? •  What content is missing? •  What content should be thrown out?

Content Logistics

Financial Schedule


•  What messages should be communicated? •  What content features will support those

messages? •  How do we migrate existing content? •  How often do we update the content? •  What overall content concept?

•  How will we manage production data delivery? •  How will we manage content delivery?

•  How much budget? •  How much can we spend for updated content?

•  How will we plan to source or develop?




•  Who is going to write or produce all this content? •  Who is responsible for reviewing, editing, and approving? •  Should ownership be centralized or decentralized?

•  Do we have the resources to maintain / update the content? •  Will new content be created or sourced from out resources? •  What legal or regulatory approvals do we need?

Analysis Seeding

Interaction Governance

Post management

•  What happens to our content once it goes up on online?

•  How will we know if the content is doing its job? •  What metrics can we use to track content


•  How will we announce new content/platform? •  How will we get more traffic?

•  How will we engage/involve our customer? •  How will we optimize/use customer


•  What quality control measures do we need? •  What guidelines do we need to provide content


Case studies

So if you don’t have “strategy”…

Case 1

Case 1

If you don’t have “plan / resource”…


TGI Friday’s launched a huge Facebook offer using a fictitious fan named Woody. If self proclaimed number one fan Woody could get 500,000 Facebook fans by 30th September 2009, then the first 500,000 would be entitled to a free Jack Daniels Burger or Jack Daniels Chicken Sandwich. TGI Friday’s was not prepared for the campaign response and after a soft launch on Sept. 2 and a subsequent e-mail campaign, Woody picked up 80,000 friends, even before TV and digital banners were launched Sept. 7.

By Sunday, Sep 13, Woody hit the proposed 500,000 Facebook fan mark.


TGI Friday’s launched a huge Facebook offer using a fictitious fan named Woody. If self proclaimed number one fan Woody could get 500,000 Facebook fans by 30th September 2009, then the first 500,000 would be entitled to a free Jack Daniels Burger or Jack Daniels Chicken Sandwich. TGI Friday’s was not prepared for the campaign response and after a soft launch on Sept. 2 and a subsequent e-mail campaign, Woody picked up 80,000 friends, even before TV and digital banners were launched Sept. 7.

By Sunday, Sep 13, Woody hit the proposed 500,000 Facebook fan mark.

Wow great!

No! It’s not great.


TGI Friday’s was unprepared for the extreme response. They couldn’t keep up with the coupon demand created by the overwhelming acquisition of new fans and, in turn, disappointed their captive audience...

What sounded like a great idea in theory turned into a forum for angry fans to vent their frustrations with no moderation.

Case 2

Case 2

If you don’t have “post management”…


Mars, the maker of Skittles candy, scrapped its home page on the Web and put in its place a collage of content from social networking sites. The hodgepodge included a live Twitter feed, chatter and video from Flickr and YouTube. All the social media feeds were fairly harmless--except the tweets from Twitter. Any tweets hashtagged with #skittles were immediately populated onto their site- leaving the page vulnerable for attack from users. By day two, some of the comments were scalding. Among the most alarming: "F!*K Skittles." It certainly wasn't the reaction Mars expected.


Skittles had a great idea and was on the right track with letting it’s users interact and populate the space, however, there was an absolute lack of boundaries. Although the company put an age restriction on their site (13 years old+), Skittles kept the Twitter feed up for a while before they completely revamped their strategy and their site, moving their social elements to the corner of the page.


For days, users would be greeted with offensive and vulgar Tweets on the Skittles website. The complete lack of moderation resulted with the brand getting abused and bashed openly on their own website, with words such as “anal cunt” etc. getting fed directly onto their corporate sponsored site. Considering that children are also part of the Skittles demographic, the strategy was also polarizing and outraged many parents who protested, not allowing their children to visit the site.


So why do we need strategy? How will it work?

Why do we need strategy?

All companies, no matter what the size, must start to think more like publishers than ever before. It’s not only media and consumer behavior, but it’s the business model that has changed drastically over the past few years and continues to change.

Innovation doesn’t happen when society adopts new tools, it happened when society adopts new behaviors.

Having strategy creates these behaviors.

How will it work?

Having strategy also does…

1.  Optimize existing resources 2.  Optimize business model 3.  Create user value (unique selling proposition) 4.  Set up tactics in a logical way 5.  Handle and care about time and its influence

If you know where and why you’re going all you need is a tactic

on how to get there.

Brand Social Goals Objectives Tools Platforms Content Experience

Mission Strategy Tactics Activation

Measure. Report. Adapt


Putting it all together…

In summary…

1.  Be strategic, not just experimental 2.  Listen to what users want 3.  Have a goal, set some benchmarks 4.  Use good content to drive more traffic & conversation 5.  Develop the opportunity to participate 6.  Define success, know when you did well 7.  Define value, and make a difference