Digital Street Furniture at Connected Places Catapult · Lottie Macnair . City Challenges Value...

Post on 17-Aug-2020

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Digital Street Furniture at Connected Places Catapult

Geoffrey Stevens Lott ie Macnair

City Challenges

● Value added to community by

“furniture” is limited because of

mismatch with local needs

● Businesses struggle to access secure,

powered and connected space on

street slowing roll out of solutions

● Street clutter in high footfall areas

and no investment in lower footfall

areas because of lack of strategy for

street furniture placement

● Lack of transparency of data

collection and processing in public


Assets not used to full potential Cities should better understand what assets they have, their capabilities and legal status for potential revenue generation potential Hard for industry to deploy technologies in new and existing assets slowing roll out of infrastructure. Public discourse on privacy, transparency and consent for data collection in the public realm becoming a big issue

Distributed testbed

Planning Consultation

Intervention Evaluation


Distributed testbed

Planning Consultation

Intervention Evaluation


Distributed testbed

Planning Consultation

Intervention Evaluation


Distributed testbed

Planning Consultation

Intervention Evaluation


Technology Totem City Vision


Devices that collect data in the public realm should clearly communicate:

a. What data is being collected

b. Why data is being collected (the purpose)

c. How the data is being processed (is it anonymised? How is it personally identifiable?)

d. Who owns and maintains the devices?

Data collected in public should be made public by default.

Digital Street Furniture should only be placed in the public realm when it explicitly demonstrates public benefit. There must be a fair value exchange between the city, its inhabitants and the street furniture. This can be either directly through services provided or indirectly through revenue share.

The full life cycle of any object placed in the public realm should be considered and the objects should be subject to review or reassessment on an agreed basis.

The design of street furniture should reflect the diversity of the people who might use it and not impose barriers of any kind.



Feature 1 // Search and Explore Allows inhabitants to explore intell igent street furniture in an area and understand its functions.

Feature 1 // Search and Explore Find required features or capabilit ies for a new service

Feature 2 // Participate Public requests facil itate local init iatives to shape a neighbourhood’s shared space.

Feature 3 // Strategy Communication Communicating local intell igent street furniture and data strategy.

Feature 4 // Value Predicting value of space