Digital toolbox

Post on 06-May-2015

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A list of apps and sites that can be used by teachers wanting to incorporate technology into their classrooms.


SD 45 Digital Toolbox for teachers


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Cari Wilson 2013

Ø tools to present knowledge Ø tools to create content Ø tools to help research Ø not all tools work on all platforms

(ack!) Ø if you are in a byod situation, you

need to be more flexible about what you ask the kids to do

“…there are lots of great apps and sites, but remember….

in the end it’s all about the teaching and the learning”

slide tools

u powerpoint

u keynote

u haiku deck

u all of them upload to slideshare, which allows kids to then embed them in their blogs

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"   Has an edu sign up

"   Like power point on LSD

"   Can have more than one editor

"   Can be embedded

"   Does not play well with ipads (there is a viewing app but you cannot do much on ipads)

movie tools

Ø imovie on ipad or laptops (easy enough for even the younger kids – plugins for the older kids)

Ø moviemaker (free – use version 2.4 if you can)

Ø Smoovie – make stop motion animation on ipads (on Macs, too $$$$)


"   can be used to create videos using still photos

"   free for up to 30 sec video

"   combine images, text and knowledge to show understanding

"   can be embedded

" ipad app is tricky….search animoto app download and get it from there

pixton "   fantastic comic book creator

"   has an edu sign up – not free

"   free version also available (over 13, no problem, under 13 you either need parental permission or you need to act as the parent)

"   limited but works great

"   embeddable

"   is not yet iPad friendly

other comic creators

"   comic life

"   $4.99 on ipad

"   kids combine photos and words to create comics

"   can save as an image and put in blog

" Toondoo

"   free

"   embeddable


"   Create digital posters than can incorporate images, text, sound and video

"   Can buy an edu account or use free account (kids must be 13)

" edu account allows you to set up assignments and use rubrics

"   Can be embedded

"   coming soon to ipads near you

Timelines capzles

"   a timeline building tool

"   does not have an edu component

"   can incorporate images, text and video

"   is embeddable

preceden "   relatively new

"   allows user to go back billions of years

"   $29 teacher account allows some control

"   not yet embeddable


"   allows students to comment and interact around images or short videos

"   has an edu section

"   book reviews, art critique, science experiments

"   embeddable

"   costs money for most effective use

storybird / storyjumper

"   online story creation tools

"   geared to younger students but useable by older students

" storybird – base the story/poem on art

" storyjumper uses photos, stickers etc to create

iPad storytelling

"   book Creator

"   easy to use

"   can incorporate photos, images, sound and video

"   kids love it!

Productivity Tools

flipping your class

" camtasia/ jing – allow you to create a movie of what you see on your desktop

" – allows you to “rip” movies out of youtube

" – allows you to take small parts of a video from youtube

" – convert files

" ipad – explain everything, screenchomp

working together

" googledrive – the google suite, which includes googledocs

" wikispaces – great wiki site – free and ad free to educators

"   multiple users can work together to create fantastic sites

what are they thinking?

" TodaysMeet – set up a room and let kids “chat” during lessons, presentations

"   You get a record of what they’re thinking – you can see who is contributing

" padlet – get an account, post a question and encourage students to post their answers

"   Can be done before class or as ticket out the door

Graphic Tools

" BigHugeLabs – allows you to create all kinds of cool graphics with photos

" Tagxedo/wordle – allows you to create customized wordclouds

"   On the ipad, use Word Collage (1.99)

more graphics

" – free, easy to use

" – a great way to make charts and graphs

Website Tools


"   Easy, free HTML 5 or Flash animated websites


"   Has a free education site

"   Super easy to use

this just in….. pinterest

"   Seriously?

"   Yes, seriously!

"   There are a large number of teachers on pinterest who collect great websites and information!

Air server "   Install on your mac or


"   Connect your mac or pc to a projector and then you can wirelessly project any iphone or ipad in the room



er "   You don’t need to have all the

answers – “google-it” and “youtube-it” are perfectly acceptable answers

"   Start small – try one thing, see how it goes and then try another

"   “If we are engaged, we forget about facebook”