Digital Twins and Road Construction Using Secondary Raw ...

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Research ArticleDigital Twins and Road Construction Using SecondaryRaw Materials

Sebastjan Meza ,1 Alenka Mauko Pranjic ,1 Rok Vezocnik ,1 Igor Osmokrovic ,2

and Stanislav Lenart 1

1Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia2BEXEL Consulting, Beograd 1000, Serbia

Correspondence should be addressed to Sebastjan Meza;

Received 19 August 2020; Revised 15 November 2020; Accepted 28 December 2020; Published 19 January 2021

Academic Editor: Salvatore Antonio Biancardo

Copyright © 2021 SebastjanMeza et al.+is is an open access article distributed under theCreative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Secondary raw materials (SRMs) tend to be a valuable replacement for finite virgin materials especially since construction works(i.e., building and civil engineering work such as road construction) require vast quantities of raw materials. Using SRMoriginating from recycling a broad range of inorganic waste materials (e.g., mining waste, different industrial wastes, construction,and demolition waste) has been recognized as a promising, generally more cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly alternativeto the exploitation of natural resources. Despite the benefits of using SRM, several challenges need to be addressed before usingSRM even more. One of them is the long-term durability and little-known response of construction works built using suchalternative materials. In this paper, we present the activities to establish a fully functioning digital twin (DT) of a road constructedusing SRM. +e first part of the paper is devoted to the theoretical justification of efforts and ways of establishing the monitoringsystems, followed by a DT case study where an integrated data environment synthesizing a Building Information Model andmonitored data is presented. Although the paper builds upon a small scale, the case study is methodologically designed to allowparallels to be drawn with much larger construction projects.

1. Introduction

Recently, information technology (IT) support has beengaining momentum, even in more conservative industriessuch as the construction sector [1,2]. Facing ever higherrequests to build bigger, higher, faster and more efficientlyand with less environmental impact, Architectural, Engi-neering and Construction (AEC) experts attempt to finddifferent means to tackle the challenges that arise withautomatization of construction works’ design, construction,use, and reconstruction or demolition [3]. Correspondingly,it is well-documented that the AEC industry is undergoing asignificant shift away from using 2D and 3D CAD modelstoward a more enriched digital data structure in the form ofa Building Information Model (BIM) [4–6]. +is is a con-ceptual change, as the final product of design is becoming asemantically defined product. Following this methodology,it is possible to create a digital model of a facility in whichboth geometric information and nongeometric properties of

all the elements are included. +e need for managing in-formation in digital environments along the building life-cycle was first recognized by private investors, followed bythe European Union Public Procurement Directive [7],encouraging the European Member States to require the useof BIM for publicly funded construction and buildingprojects.

Standardization bodies, such as buildingSMART, havemade great efforts to mould the data structures into open-source file formats, such as Industry Foundation Classes(IFC) [8], since the standardization is crucial to achievinginteroperability among highly specialized tools that engi-neers use for various analyses. Researchers go hand in handwith software providers to meet the common goal to create asheer virtual representation and/or simulation of thephysical assets of the built environment [5,8]. Henceforth,the long-standing tendency of IT research in AEC to comeup with a complete virtual replica of construction projects inthe design stage prior to the start of the construction works is

HindawiJournal of Advanced TransportationVolume 2021, Article ID 8833058, 12 pages

being embodied. As ever higher percentages of investors,including government bodies, contractors, and operators,realize the benefits of IT-supported construction, it is safe tosay that BIM is becoming more recognized as the industrystandard. However, we must not overestimate that the use ofIT has reached its full potential solely by wider adoption ofBIM [9].

Our preliminary literature review indicates that if wesplit AEC-related activities into two subcategories ofbuildings and civil engineering projects (i.e., roads, railwaystunnels, embankments, etc.), the latter tends to receive moremodest IT support [4]. +is is especially true for activitiesthat follow the design phase (e.g., progress monitoring,quality control during construction, and monitoring duringthe operation phase). Moreover, civil engineering projectsneed constant monitoring and maintenance due to diverseloads and high safety requirements in connection withageing issues [10,11].

1.1. Research Objective and Methodology. +e paper isworking toward proving the hypothesis that civil engineers cansignificantly benefit from the digital twinning of secondary rawmaterial- (SRM-) based road construction projects. Meth-odologically, the research builds on an overview of the currentstate of IT in civil engineering and, equally importantly, itsummarizes the challenges arising from using SRM in roadconstruction, keeping the focus on long-time monitoring.

+e theoretically identified requirements and challengesare meaningfully examined in an SRM-based road con-struction project case study. To this end, using a digital twinDT is presented for a simple road designed with extensiveuse of SRM. Accordingly, the means to assess feasibility,suitability, and sustainability of SRM in civil engineeringproject based long-term monitoring is being examined.

2. Related Work and Background

From the early history of construction, there has been a needfor comprehensive information support of the constructionprocesses. Regardless of the data exchange technology,which has changed throughout history, engineers havestrived for the most orderly and structured project docu-mentation possible. Up until recently, the focus was pri-marily on addressing the technological challenges of design,such as how to most systematically collect and present databefore the “first shovel”, especially in light of the optimi-zation of the construction process. +ese efforts are, ofcourse, justified and still relevant, but in this paper, we focusour attention on the processes that follow the constructionitself. We are not only addressing technological questionsbut also highlighting challenges facing the constructionindustry from a whole other perspective, that is, the eco-logical and economic impacts of construction works, es-pecially in terms of the Circular Economy (CE) paradigm.

2.1. Construction, Digitalisation, CE, and SRM. Closingmaterial loops through recycling and reusing materials inresource-intensive industries is becoming more and more

relevant in the face of increasingly stringent environmentalrequirements and the need for climate change mitigation ingeneral. Correspondingly, the European Union is increas-ingly recognizing strengths that coincide with the transitionfrom linear business models to CE [12]. Although extensiveefforts to promote the benefits of CE, as well as legislativeand financial simulations, are being established, the amountof material being recycled and reused as SRM is far fromoptimal. +is is especially true in traditionally more con-servative sectors, such as the construction industry. +emain obstacles for implementation are, regulative, cultural,sectoral, and financial—drivenmainly by the abundance andlow cost of virgin materials [13]. Unfortunately, this coin-cides with the fact that the construction industry is one of thelargest consumers of raw materials. +at being said, CEmodels can be useful, especially for civil engineering proj-ects, where a massive amount of material is needed [14].

In Europe, a total of 6,265,212 km of roads existed in2016 [15]. +e total costs of the entire road network wereequal to about 184 billion EUR in 2016 with investment costsof ca. 145.5 billion EUR and operational and maintenancecosts of 38.3 billion EUR. +is is estimated to be 1.2% of theannual GDP in the EU [16]. 226.8 million tonnes of asphaltwas produced in 2016 for road construction and rehabili-tation [17] and around 0.6 billion tonnes of aggregate [18].Considering that 12% of all aggregate is currently beingrecycled and reused and that up to 100% of asphalt could bereclaimed in the EU [17], which in practice is considerable,these numbers show that there is a large potential for de-creasing environmental and economic impacts of roadconstruction and civil engineering works in general by usingSRM and thus preventing the depletion of natural materialsand shortening transport distances by using locally availableSRM-based materials. All things considered, the need to useSRM is increasing, and correspondingly, the long-termmonitoring of the built environment is becoming more andmore relevant.

+e enormous yet untapped potential for setting circularbusiness cases in the construction industry is being inten-sively investigated within the EU-founded project namedCINDERELA [11]. SRM-based construction products de-veloped in the CINDERELA project successfully replacevirgin materials and decrease environmental impacts.Recycled aggregate, i.e., secondary aggregate from recycledconstruction and demolishing waste, is an excellent materialfor base and subbase courses, while certain manufacturedaggregates, such as recycled Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) slagand reclaimed asphalt, are excellent for surface course as-phalt layers (Figure 1). Additionally, there are several otherwell-known SRM-based materials for road construction andmaintenance that can be used, (1) either in the surface courseas aggregates (e.g., manufactured aggregate from recycledfoundry sand, recycled glass, ladle slag, and recycled crumbrubber) or as a binder (e.g., alternative bitumen from organicwaste) or both (i.e., reclaimed asphalt); (2) road-base (e.g.,recycled and manufactured aggregate from different waste,reclaimed asphalt), typically chemical or mechanical stabi-lization is needed to achieve the required load-bearing ca-pacity; and (3) subbase and or embankments (e.g.,

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geotechnical composites) [19]. Using SRM in lower roadstructure layers is particularly interesting as they are usuallythe largest in terms of material volume, but this does notomit their uses in other road layers with higher requiredload-bearing capacities.

+e effort of the CINDERELA project to establish a long-term sustainable businessmodel based on applying SRM-basedmaterials is only one piece of the puzzle. It is equally importantto prove that such less-conventional constructionmaterials andstructures are safe both environmentally and structurally. It isimportant to realize that more challenging issues when usingSRM are less familiarity with such materials by engineers,especially considering their long-term behaviour. +erefore,with this in mind, it is even more important to carefully collectdata on the response of SRM-based construction materialsonce installed in a real environment.

2.2. Digital Twins (DTs) for Road Construction. In thebroadest and simplest context, DTs can be defined as acyber-physical integration of assets, processes, or systemfor virtual simulations, benchmarking, and checks [20,21].DTs act as a bridging element between the real and virtualenvironment in which real-time entity data is collected.+ey are a sort of artefact; a meeting point or an interfacethat resides between an “inner” environment, the sub-stance and organization of the artefact itself, and an“outer” environment, the surroundings in which itoperates.

More specifically, to fit the needs of CE principles inAEC, DTs can be seen as the concept of providing constantaccess to the digital representation of physical assets,whereby digital data is generated in real-time by sensors thatcomplement the baseline BIM with continuous monitoringof the physical environment. +e critical dimensions of datain which a database defining the real environment can becharacterized as a DT cannot be clearly defined. +e modelincludes structured geometric and attribute data (materialdata, chemical and mineralogical composition, strength, etc)as well as unstructured support data in the form of real-timematerial characteristics sensor readings.

When monitoring construction with SRM, where we donot know the exact response to external influences, it isimportant to monitor possible changes in the geometry (i.e.,

deformations and displacements), as well as supportinginformation (e.g., temperature, pressure, or external influ-ences, monitoring of environmental impacts in the form ofleaching potential toxic elements, particle, and gas emis-sions) as presented in Section 3. All this information iscrucial, primarily to ensure mechanical stability, safety,economy, and environmental impacts and to seek furtheropportunities for improvements in road construction ma-terials and roads.

In the civil engineering domain, much is underway andstill in development regarding the practical usability of DTsas systems of support for technical decision-making pro-cesses. On one hand, the current version 4.2 of the mostcommonly used interchangeable BIM format, namely, theIFC, still lacks certain features and functionalities for roadconstruction elements compared to buildings in general[22]. Consequently, the modelling phase still requires a lotof effort, typically involving various software products aswell as a lot of manual computer work. Also spanningdisciplines of model creation and later maintenance, DTsdemand initial close cooperation of both of these areas ofexpertise.

Moreover, civil engineering projects include techni-cally very different entities, which all have to be internallyconnected (aligned) to provide really valuable informa-tion on the transport network level (or its smaller seg-ments). +is connectivity not only is limited to thealignment of individual digital models inside a commoncoordinate frame but also involves the establishment ofmethodological steps that will define relevant parametersfor the transport network as a whole. For any digitizedsystem to be useful for planning future activities, one alsohas to achieve a high degree of data sharing betweendifferent databases [23]. +is in itself represents a bigchallenge.

+ere is an additional step that complicates the scenario:the DTs, by definition, must contain up-to-date informationon the current state of the road in question. +is can only beachieved by including data from different monitoring sen-sors (see Section 4). How this sensor data is distilled down tothe BIM and its parts is still an open question, especiallybecause substantial amounts of sensor data may be involved,some with high data acquisition rates. Two possible ways toinclude sensor data are as follows:

SRM-based geotechnical

compositsSecondary aggregate fro


recycled construction and

demolishing waste

Recycled electric arc

furnace (EAF) slag

Surface course

Base courseSub-base course


Subgrade (soil)

Figure 1: Typical road layers and type of SRM used.

Journal of Advanced Transportation 3

(i) To add separate sensor data elements to the alreadyexisting BIM

(ii) To assign sensors results to corresponding BIM el-ement properties

In both cases, the initial step would involve pre-processing the sensor data flow and estimating vital mea-surement parameters to avoid oversaturating the BIM.

3. Sensing in Civil Engineering

Detailed knowledge and understanding of the condition ofphysical components of transport infrastructure are essentialfor undisturbed transport of people and goods and thus forevery person’s well-being. Some recent attempts managed tointegrate structural health monitoring (SHM) data into BIMto some extent [24,25]. +ough this kind of approach isparticularly relevant for bridges, tunnels, and retainingstructures, one should note that sensing/geotechnicalmonitoring in road construction projects is equally im-portant [26]. It is provided by measuring and monitoringsurface movements, subsurface deformations, in-situ earthand pore pressures, stresses on structural members [27], etc.+e design data combined with well-organized continuousmonitoring data and its assessment can support the for-mation of DTs, enabling its efficient whole-life digital-basedmanagement support [28].

3.1. Progress Monitoring. Effective construction progressmonitoring aims to allow identification of time and costdeviations in a very early stage, and it enables implementingcorrective actions. It is essential in the construction phase todetect the as-planned components in as-built data [29].Automated detection of these can enable effective decisionsregarding construction progress. It is based on two mainpieces of information, (1) the plan and (2) measurements ofthe actual progress. However, for effective digital repre-sentation of the physical and functional characteristics ofassets, not only does geometry and its progress duringconstruction matter but the quality control of in-builtmaterials and their characteristics are also essential.

3.1.1. Sensing Geometrical Properties. Vick and Brilakis [29]distinguish a nonspatial and spatial type of geometryprogress monitoring. As the nonspatial monitoring reliesheavily on manual data collection processes, such as visualinspections, checklists, and daily/weekly reports, it cannotenable automated processes [29]. It is also time-con-suming and labour-intensive and includes subjective as-sessments. Such an approach normally demands a lot ofcoordination effort and also involves significant errorrates [30].

Spatial geometry monitoring, if simple handheld tapemeasures are excluded, is based on highly accurate methodsincluding Total Stations, Global Navigation Satellite Systemreceivers, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners,and Photogrammetry, briefly compared in [29]. Detectionperformance generally depends on position accuracy and

point cloud density or image resolution. While point cloudprocessing enables the recognition of three-dimensionalgeometry (Figure 2), and thus construction progress, imageprocessing enables construction material identification.+eir combination leads to truly automated progressmonitoring [31].

3.1.2. Materials Characteristics. Besides precise geometrydata, complete digital representation of DTs must also in-clude accurate information about installed materials andcharacteristics of single elements forming the asset, e.g.,road, where one deals with various pavement layers such asthe subbase course, base course, and surface course [32]. A4D BIM-based construction quality model ensures infor-mation consistency from design through various con-struction phases [33].

In the case of pavement construction, quality inspectionmust be scheduled immediately after the completion of indi-vidual layers. Development of mechanistic-empirical pavementdesign methods demands measurements of performance-re-lated soil properties during the earthwork construction [34].+us, required BIM component (e.g., road embankment-un-bound bearing layer) characteristics must include data on thetype of installed material, gradation curve, and in-situ mea-sured performance characteristics, such as moisture content,density, and stiffness. Location-spot sensing tools (e.g., light-weight deflectometer, nuclear density gauge, loading plates,and dynamic cone penetrometer) can be used to determinecharacteristics. Modern rollers can be equipped with sensorsfor real-timemonitoring of the compaction, commonly knownas continuous compaction control (CCC) [35].+eir advantageis the possession of continuous material characteristics. Fig-ure 3 presents a result of such measurements, clearly indicatinglocations with less compacted soil.

3.2. Maintenance Monitoring. Different parameters describ-ing the condition of a geotechnical asset might be monitoredafter the civil engineering asset construction completion. Suchmonitoring, also named Structural Health Monitoring (SHM),is currently aimed to continuously monitor (Figure 4) theperformance of an asset with a real-time assessment to providethe so-called proactive monitoring. Proactive means that itenables an in-time reaction to asset response discrepancies andcontinuous care for the good condition of the asset. Existingassets are monitored to determine if and when remedialmeasures will be required.

Smethurst et al. reviewed the role of instrumentation andmonitoring, the instrumentation typically installed andparameters measured, focused mainly on slopes [26]. +eimportance of the initial design and set up of the instru-mentation and monitoring scheme for the monitoring aimsachievement is pointed out. +erefore, successful mainte-nance monitoring needs to be continuous, nearly real-time(depends on the parameter monitored), reliable, and withclear criteria for decisions [37].

Embedded sensors within the built environment are arich source of information for efficient maintenance ofassets. A range of newmonitoring technologies and sensors

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are being developed recently and new ones are introducedconstantly. Besides conventional techniques such as pie-zometers, settlement plates, strain meters, stress cells, andpressure pads [38,39], optical fibres and remote sensingtechnologies seem most promising. +e common goal of allemerging sensing technologies is to cost-effectively achievemaximum data rates of high-resolution data to enableautomated monitoring and, therefore, greater lifespan forinstrumentation [26], all to reach an extension of servicelife.

3.3. Technologies for Whole-Life Monitoring. Emergingsensing technologies (e.g., satellite imagery, robotic in-spections using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), energyharvesting for continuous monitoring, wireless sensornetwork, distributed fibre-optics sensors, and low powerminiature sensors) can be suitable to monitor particularcharacteristics and detect any anomalies or deteriorationissues. Furthermore, BIM and the Internet of +ings (IoT)provide additional tools for a comprehensive view of thestatus of build assets and improve the efficiency of











































er co


t (%



Surface0.35m depth

Figure 4: Continuous monitoring of moisture and temperature on the local road to detect negative effects of freezing.

Figure 2: Typical results from geometry monitoring. Point-clouds obtained by terrestrial LiDAR enables automatic generation of acomparison between design requirements and construction results and its visualization.

























Figure 3: Compaction process of an unbound bearing layer can be visualized by CCCmeasurements.+e evaluation process is described indetail in [36].

Journal of Advanced Transportation 5

information use [40,41]. Using the mentioned novel tech-nologies enables the formation of an optimal framework forwhole-life performance management [11], the practicalapplication of which is also a subject of research presentedwithin this paper.

4. Monitoring Data Representations

Many classification schemes exist with respect to the kindsof sensors available and their mode of operation (e.g.,contact sensors versus remote sensing instruments). Mostsensors, however, are of local character, which means theymeasure a particular physical or geometric quantity in aparticular location (or are located in a certain location forsafety and security purposes). Hence, from this perspective,they could be included in a 3D environment using point-likeobjects. Furthermore, some sensors could be regarded asmore line-like or network-like. Finally, one must alsoconsider sensors that produce outputs of a surface-wisecharacter, much like polygons are used in 2D GIS forrepresenting area-like phenomena.

4.1. Data-Based Visualization. +e three presented visuali-zation types were established as part of the ongoing de-velopment within the ASSETS4RAIL project aimed atintegrating sensor data into the existing IFC infrastructure[42,43].

4.1.1. Point-Type Sensor Data. +e IFC format contains anestablished list of predefined sensor types that all fall intothis category, e.g., smoke, temperature, or humiditysensors. In other words, the predefined sensors all rep-resent point-type sensors that can be visualized within aBIM using various generic or custom-made 3D elements.Any such sensor is local; therefore, a point-like repre-sentation seems justifiable. For different sensor types,different graphical elements should exist similar to theidea of establishing standardized cartographic schemes inGIS. Promoting standardized graphical elements for anysensor type should be regarded as a positive initiativesince BIM projects usually span many different profes-sions involving a lot of participants. Some sensor vendorsalready provide digital replicas of their products (alongwith the list of predefined properties) in specific softwareformats, e.g., Revit.

4.1.2. Network-Type Sensor Data. Network-type sensors canbe considered multiple sensors working as a single groupwith each sensor having the same internal characteristics orproperties. +ey comprise a series of point-type sensorsconnected into a larger entity, thus covering more space and,therefore, enabling a denser sampling of a particular mea-suring quantity. +e form or shape of this network can bedifferent, as can the number of nodes it contains (i.e., point-type sensors). Examples of this kind of sensor include opticalfibre cable or tape extensometers.

4.1.3. Surface-Type Sensor Data. +e third and final sensorrepresentation group includes sensors that produce a sur-face-wise coverage of measurements of the surface underinvestigation. Most of these types of sensors operate usingdifferent remote-sensing principles to establish a 2D image(2D map) of the surface and its sections. +e challenges ofvisualizing the outcomes of these sensors in a BIM envi-ronment (constructed on IFC format specifications) aresignificant since the high density of measurement coveragecoming from these sensors leaves little space forgeneralization.

One way of representing such 2D maps would be totexturize the BIM surfaces involved in the monitoringprocess. However, this turns out to be cumbersome withinthe available IFC infrastructure. Even more so, whentransferring BIM from one software platform to another,these 2Dmaps would have to be transferred as well.+e BIMexchange process would, therefore, be much more complex.Moreover, not all BIM software platforms support surfacetexturing anyway, which is yet another reason why thisrepresentation option seems less favourable.

Another possibility for integrating this kind of datasetinto the BIM environment is to consider them as externallinks of the corresponding BIM elements (or element partswhen substructure of BIM element is available or preparedduring the modelling phase). +ese external links can be inthe form of basically any file type, e.g. raster images and PDFfiles. By following this approach, the links are added into thepre-existing BIM element property lists. Examples of surfacetype datasets include thermal images, LIDAR displacementmaps, or ground-penetrating radar images.

4.2. Alternative Sensor Data Representation Approach. In allthree representation models described so-far, the sensorinfrastructure with its datasets is added as a separate layer tothe already existing BIM.+is means adding sensor elements(with corresponding outputs) to the model or preparing theBIM so that it can accommodate even surface-wise sensortechnologies. +ese three approaches may all becomesomewhat disadvantageous in the following cases:

(i) A large number of sensors get involved (or largenumber of BIM elements containing substructure, i.e., surface patches)

(ii) +e sensors operate autonomously with near real-time measurement readings

In such cases, the BIM may become an oversaturatedrepository of elements representing point- or network-typesensors or surface patches (based on division resolution).+e SHM analysis and forecast could become even moredifficult, complex, and laborious if the sensor data inte-gration rate into the BIM gets higher and higher.

To avoid this scenario, the alternative approach would beto avoid adding sensors as a separate layer group but toinclude only their output (i.e., sensor representative values)directly into the property sets of the already existing BIMelements. Once these individual sensor representative valuesare stored for each BIM element, some kind of performance

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indicators (PI) could be calculated for each existing element.+ese individual element PIs could further be used to es-timate key performance indicators (KPI) for the entirestructure (e.g., road). In this scenario, the best way wouldprobably be to have a two-level structure:

(i) A general level (for the BIM as a whole)(ii) An individual BIM element level

At the general level, the estimated KPIs would coveraspects such as safety, reliability, functionality, and eco-nomics. On the local element level, the PIs would be moreclosely connected to sensor results so that in case of somekind of malfunctioning, the problems could be isolated andresolved faster. Following this scenario, the direct visuali-zation of any larger number of sensor datasets couldcompletely be avoided with colour-coding simply indicatingwhich BIM elements are potentially problematic from thesensor measurement perspective.

+e methodologies for calculating KPIs for variouscivil engineering structures are inherently somewhatdifferent due to the character of these structures them-selves. However, in the future, with BIM also covering themonitoring phase of the structure’s lifecycle and in-cluding many different sensors, such an approach wouldbe more than welcome. +is way, the sensor data aspectand the engineering interpretation of this data are sep-arated, which leaves more space for fine-tuning boththese aspects during the sensor-to-BIM implementationphase.

Several researchers defined (K) PIs for the purpose of acivil engineering structure performance assessment (e.g.,[44, 45]), while at the same time, examples of the actualimplementation of (K) PI schemes into the BIM/IFC datastructure are difficult to find. As researchers alreadysuccessfully demonstrated the integration of sensor dataand BIM ([46, 47]), the introduction of performanceindicators into the IFC format can be expected in theforeseeable future.

5. Digital Twinning Case Study

In this section, we present preparation work to establish afully functioning DT of a road construction project. A casestudy includes the integration of sensor data with BIM, on anapproximately 300m access road project in Maribor,Slovenia, being constructed at the degraded area of a formergravel pit within the CINDERELA project. +e road wasdesigned following the CE principles, especially the use ofSRM-based products, namely, recycled aggregate for thesubgrade and base course and recycled grind asphalt withsupplements for the surface course.

Although small scale, we demonstrated challengesthat could be expected in an upscaled road DTproject. Tobest simulate cross-functional integration, various BIMmodelling and BIM coordination tools were used, BIMelements that embody BIM sensors (object libraries) werecustom made, various sensor data structures were em-bedded, etc.

5.1. Technical Requirements. Based on the literature reviewpresented in Sections 3 and 4 and in line with internationalstandards, i.e., EN ISO 19650-1:2018 [48], minimal func-tional requirements for the platform suitable digital twin-ning of the road construction were identified. In summary,they include the following:

(i) Capability to import and federate multiple IFCmodel files (preferably to support both IFC2x3 andIFC4 schema)

(ii) Support for handling and analysing BIM metadata(iii) Capability for data augmentation (adding new at-

tributes) directly within the system(iv) An interface for reading, analysing and auto-

mating the exchange of the model metadata (suchas scripts, extensions, add-ins)—this is crucialsince importing additional information fromexternal data sources, such as structured XML orCSV files, is the envisioned concept of sensor dataintegration

(v) Capability to export integrated BIM with sensordata and links to external documentation, in theopen IFC file format (preferably to both IFC2x3 andIFC4) to ensure compatibility with other supportedBIM software

5.2. Implementation. +e overall workflow consisted of fourinterconnected tasks (Figure 5).

+e project design was initially developed in 2D CAD.+erefore, the first step toward setting up the DT of theroad was developing the BIM based on the initial plans,geometric survey, etc. +e BIM was developed using theauthoring tools Autodesk Civil 3D and Revit, where at thetime, only the second was certified by buildingSMART asan IFC file format compatible software [49]. Althoughexport in multiple versions of the IFC schema is availablein Revit as well as Civil3D, IFC 2 × 3 was used in the casestudy.

After modelling was completed, the common data en-vironment to establish a federated model was chosen basedon the criteria presented in Section 5.1. +e federated BIMserved as a base to establish a DT. Bexel Manager BIManalysis and management tool was selected since it was fullycompliant with the requirements.

+e federated BIM (Figure 6) included multiplesources. Elements for the access road with earthworks weremodelled in Civil 3D and sensors were modelled as separatesources in Revit. +e adopted level of development of theBIM represents each material and layer of the roadstructure as a separated BIM element. Additionally, torelate sensor readings with specific test sections of themonitored road, the BIM was longitudinally separated toelements 10m in length. All elements (layers) of the single-road test section include the attribute Test Section ID,containing the specific tag (test section ordinal identifier)that is also included as part of the Sensor ID attribute ofcorresponding sensors.

Journal of Advanced Transportation 7

Figure 6: Federated BIM.

Table 1: Implemented sensors, types, and position in the road cross section.

Sensor Mark Type Count PositionTemperature sensor T Point sensor 36 Between the layers, in road axis and boundaryInductive displacement sensor (verticaldeformation) EMU Network

sensor 16 On top and the bottom of subbase courses, below assumedwheels position

Soil moisture sensor TDR Point sensor 8 Between the base and subbase course layers, in road axisAsphalt strain sensor HAS Point sensor 8 Below surface course, below assumed wheels positionHorizontal inclinometer (verticaldeformation) HI Network

sensor 4 Below subbase course in the entire profile, measuring pointsdistance: 25 cm

Pressure pads (vertical pressure) PP Surface sensor 8 Between two base courses layers, below assumed wheelsposition

Create parmetric 3DBIM

Sensor modeling

Establish commondata environment

Establish integratedDT

Federated BIM

System optimization feedback

IFC compatiblecommon dataenvironment

(BEXEL manager)

IFC compatiblesensor

modeling tool(Autodesk Revit)

IFC compatibleinfrastructuremodeling tool

(Autodesk Civil 3D)

Sensor data

CAD plansSpecification andstandards

Sensor data attributes scheme

Sensor geometry3D sensor model

3D Road model

Figure 5: IDEF0 case study execution workflow diagram.

8 Journal of Advanced Transportation

5.2.1. Data Structure within the BIM. To integrate the sensordata within the BIM, certain attribute extensions had to beensured on the BIM elements that represent sensors. Besidesa unique sensor identifier (Sensor ID), which was used toconnect the data to the element, two additional attributeswere generated as an output of the integration process:

(i) Sensor Value: Numerical attribute representing the(processed) value of the sensor or a KPI at the giventime

(ii) Sensor Value Timestamp: DateTime attribute rep-resenting the exact time the value was sampled

5.2.2. Sensor Inputs. Based on the literature review (Section3), relevant sensors for the lifecycle response of SRM-basedconstruction materials showing the structural health andenvironment monitoring of the road were selected. +emost appropriate position was examined primarily formonitoring but also from a modelling point of view. Fi-nally, the sensor positions were defined and modelled.Longitudinally, sensors had to be placed in the middle ofthe monitored 10m section, between the road layers.According to the naming convention, each sensor had tohave the unique identifier, including the test sectionidentifier, sensor-type mark, and sensor identifier. +eadopted sensors, their type, and position in the road crosssection are presented in Table 1.

In addition to the sensors listed in Table 1, the moni-toring of environmental data (e.g., leachates chemistry, andparticles emission) should also be considered.

5.2.3. Sensor Data Integration. +e Bexel Manager allowsexpanding functionalities by developing custom add-insusing the open C# API, which allows the development ofcustom software modules for exchanging data from anyexternal data source and interacting with the BIM envi-ronment in a programmable way. +ese mechanismsallowed us to build a dedicated sensor integration add-inthat acts as the main point of integration between thesensor data provider and the BIM itself. Additionally,working in a .NET development environment provided usaccess to many mature software libraries with graphs and

charts, which were used to develop a highly functional UIfor the add-in (Figure 7).

5.2.4. Sensor Data Presentation. In the case study, the re-lationship between sensors and road model elements wasdefined during the modelling process using the standardizedtagging of road model elements within the Test section IDattribute and well-structured naming of Sensor ID property,which contains Test section ID. +erefore, it was possible tocreate smart selection sets containing sensor elements andthe corresponding road elements by creating simple attri-bute queries. Defining attribute-based rules is presented inFigure 8.

+e main advantage of the attribute-based queries is theautomated update of element sets if the BIM is updated. InFigure 9, the colour coded element breakdown according totest section selection sets is presented.

Last, we had to link the datasets, e.g., documents andphotos, to the federated model elements that can com-plement the sensor dataset and provide full insight intothe behaviour of the SRM-based construction materialsand overall structural health and impact of the monitoredroad.

5.2.5. Filtering Sensor Data Based on Specified Time-Range toAllow Aggregated Loading into the BIM Environment.With the developed add-in, received sensor data can befiltered between a specific start/end timestamp and theaggregated value can be loaded into the BIM. For example,the user can isolate the average value for a specific day andattach that value to the related sensor element based on itsidentifier.

5.2.6. Sensor Data Processing. Since the sampling frequencyof particular sensors can be quite high, it has beenestablished that additional processing needs to be per-formed on the raw sensor outputs before they can beconsumed within the BIM environment. +is may includecondensing sample resolution (e.g., minutes instead ofmilliseconds) or extracting valuable key performance in-dicators (KPIs) from the dataset. Finally, the processed data

Figure 7: Sensor Data Integration Data Flow Scheme, import of test sensor data by metadata enrichment.

Journal of Advanced Transportation 9

must be exposed either through a dedicated web service, adatabase or provided in a file.

6. Conclusions and Feature Work

Inspired by the potential benefits arising from introducingmaterial circularity in the construction industry, this paperexamines the benefits and issues engineers are faced with whenthey decide to use SRMmaterials in road construction projects.+rough desktop research, it was concluded that sensing roadcomponents and their environmental impact is crucial toensure safety and operability through their life cycle, all the wayto decommissioning, recycling, and potential reuse. Accord-ingly, the paper summarizes monitoring techniques applicableto capture digital data compatible with existing BIM tools.

Based on theoretical findings, a prototype was estab-lished to prove the hypothesis that digital twinning could be

a valuable technology to address challenges posed usingSRM-based materials in civil engineering projects. Corre-spondingly, the practical part of the research relies on dataflow in a road construction project being realized within theCINDERELA project. With the successful integration ofsensor data readings and BIM, we made the first step towarda fully functioning DT. Since the construction of the roadwithin the CINDERELA project case study is still inprogress, the paper mainly summarizes the prototypefunctioning tests from the functional point of view.

Despite the fact that construction has not been com-pleted, two theoretical evaluations has indicated the possi-bility of two advantages. First, we can highlight a feature thatexceeds the so-called static BIM, which is the advantage ofcentralized data collection with related enquiries. Moreover,perhaps an even more important advantage is the graphicalpresentation of (K) PI. Both can contribute to better-

Figure 9: Colour coded element breakdown.

Figure 8: Smart selection sets.

10 Journal of Advanced Transportation

informed decision-making, which is one of the most es-sential goals of digital twinning.

Notwithstanding the effective prototype implementa-tion, two main challenges must be highlighted besides thewell-known lack of standardized semantic schemas in civilengineering IT support. +e first is “How to incorporate avast amount of relatively small sensors?” and equally im-portant is “How to deal with the high frequency of dataacquisition coming from some sensors?”. Both challengesneed to be addressed; otherwise, the data amalgamation inDTs might be at risk.

In this paper, we demonstrated that digital twinningchallenges in civil engineering projects are real but man-ageable. It turns out that the technical problems are oftenattributed to software incompatibilities but can be resolved bythe thoughtful use of BIM libraries with attention to its at-tributes. +e data processing and presentation is a morecomplex challenge, which is not only of a technical nature.+orough careful consideration will always be needed toframe the substantively correct message that is to be conveyedto the end-users. One of the options we used in our case is theaggregation of monitor readings with smart model break-downs to generate a colour-coded element presentation.

Data Availability

+e data used to support the findings of this study can beobtained from the corresponding author upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

+e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


+is paper was supported by European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grantagreement no. 77675 (CINDERELA) and the Shift2Rail JointUndertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020research and innovation programme under grant agreementno. 826250 (Assets4Rail).


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