Digital Video And New Literacies

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Candy Beal, Lori Holcomb, John Lee, Meghan Manfra, Kevin Oliver, Carol Pope, Hiller Spires and Carl Young North Carolina State University

P. G. Schrader, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

New forms of multimedia are contributing to a shift toward new literacies (Luke, 2003, Hobbs, 2006, & Ranker, 2008)

Several frameworks for conceptualizing new literacies (Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, Leu, 2008; Jenkins, Clinton, Purushotma, Robinson, & Weigel, 2006; New London Group, 2000)

New Literacies Collaborative

Students are demonstrating an increased passion for and reliance on technologies for entertainment and communication (Lenhart & Madden, 2007)

Short video as a medium for viewing and authoring is one particularly powerful and impactful technology

We need new forms of knowledge representation that reflect changing assumptions about who makes video as well as how and why it is viewed

Overview of creative and disciplinary uses of digital video in teacher education

Discussion and explore theoretical and practical solutions to using video in teacher education

Interactive sessions – face to face and online

Sessions will be facilitated online at the new Literacies Collaborative website

Join Overview of sessions