Din enda identitet på sociala medier · Din enda identitet på sociala medier Jan Nolin December...

Post on 25-Jun-2020

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Postmodernview of identity asunderstood inthe1980s

Identity isaprocess,always indevelopment,notfixed

Identity managementisaskill,differentroles indifferentcontexts as


Development of identity involvesconstruction of socialsurroundings

Development of identity involvesconstruction of materialsurroundings

You need to prove who you are:authentication

Identification:others recognizing you

1990s- onlineidentity

Authentication byanonymouspassword:often noidentification of


Onlineidentity theft through passwordintrusion without identification of off-


Playfulness of anonymous onlineidentity (1995)

• You are thecharacter andnot atthesametime,you are both.

• Visible and invisible atthesametime• Can change fundamentalaspects of yourselfsuch asgender,nationality andagefromdayto day

• Experimentwithout riskofpunishment

2004- Facebook:realname onlineidentity

Authentication connects off-lineandonlineidentity

Identity,identification andauthentication x2

Internetdevelops into asurveillance economy:marketingstrategies of connecting off-linewith


3older traditionsof surveilling Identityasamarketcommodity

1.Keeping records oncustomers2.Listpeople fordirect marketing3.Creditcompanies

• Allof these combined foruse bymodern-daydatabrokers

Databrokers andalgorithmic identities

• Buypersonaldatafromcompanies• Refined asalgorithmic identities andsoldtoother companies

• More data=more accuracy =more value ofalgorithmic identities

Algorithmic identities pushbackwards:giving us what we have been

Personally Identifiable Information(PII):afailed strategy


2010s- Smartphone:further collapseoff-lineandonlineidentities

We think we are surroundedbyhumans,but even more surroundedby


You are where your phone isSocialMobileLocal (SoMoLo)

Dailyme,echo chamber,filterbubble

Mysmartphone isalways with me:can ittell me who Iam?

Quantified self


Pledging allegiance to identity-systems

OAuth 2.0(2012):bring your socialnetworkwhen you login

Authentication byfingerprint

Authentication byfacerecognition

Collapse identification andauthentication

Authentication through anything

Authentication within Internetofthings:following your things

Alwaysinyour personalized bubble

You have one identity revisited:forthesakeofdemocracy,dowe need toknow who (identified

andauthenticated)says what?