Dinner party

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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The Dinner Party

You will be working with your partners to plan a dinner party. This is no ordinary dinner party. You are inviting 6 special people plus yourselves. Those people must be famous people, either dead and alive. A list of people is suggested below but you may add others.

Materials: List of famous people, PPT chart paper, markers, handout, imagination!

The Dinner PartyStep 1

Who will come?Write the names of your 6 guests below. Please write a

short explanation of why you would want to meet and host this person.

The Dinner Party

Step 2

Where will we sit?Now please draw your dinner table and the

arrangement of guests.

Ludwig van Beethoven( Austrian composer)Albert Einstein( scientist)Ang Lee (Taiwanese film director)Choi Min-shik (Korean actress)Cleopatra (Queen of Ancient Egypt)Gabriel García Márquez ( Colombian author)George Bush (American President of USA)Jennifer Lopez (American actress)Karl Marx (German writer, philosopher)Kim Dae-Jung( Korean politician)Kim Il-Sung( Korean politician)Kitano Takeshi (Japanese director/TVstar)Kurosawa (American film director)Madonna (American singer)Micheal Jackson ( American Singer celebrity)Oe Kenzaburo (Japanese author)Steven harper( Who is he?)Sadaam Hussein (Ex-Iraqi leader)Frida Kahlo ( Mexican artist)Tom Cruise ( American actor)Admiral Lee Soon-shin (Korean historial figure)Pablo PicassoChang Hui-mei (Taiwanese singer)Lady GagaAntoni Gaudi( Spanish architect)