Diocesan & Payne Smith

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Diocesan & Payne Smith Prospectus


Diocesan and Payne Smith Church of England Primary School

Telephone: 01227 462158 Email: headteacher@diocesan-canterbury.kent.sch.uk

Website: www.dps-primary.co.uk Headteacher Mrs Carol Wakelin Deputy Headteacher Miss J Warnock Office Manager Mrs G Harding Site Manager Mr D Wilce School Governors Chair of Governors Mr G Duplock Foundation Governors Reverend Mark Ball

Reverend Michael Stace Mr J Christopher

Mrs H Ratcliffe Miss M Wells LEA Governor Mr G Duplock Parent Governor Ms T Peacocke Mr D Smith-Wallace Non- Foundation Governors Mrs C Wakelin Teacher Governor Miss J Warnock All prospective parents are welcome to make an appointment to view the school and discuss their child’s possible admission. We do hold school open days in January (contact school for details) but welcome visitors throughout the year.

This school is administered at County level by:- The Director of Education Kent County Council Education Department Springfield MAIDSTONE Kent ME14 2LJ Tel: 01622 696705 At local administrative level there is Area Education Office who may be contacted with reference to admissions, inclusions or quality of provision. Our Area Education Officer is Mr Martyn Doole, who is based at Clover House. Our District Inclusions and Achievement Officer is Mr Peter Byatt, based at Clover House. Area Education Office Clover House John Wilson Business Park Thanet Way WHITSTABLE CT5 3QZ Tel: 01622 696705 The Diocesan Board of Education Director of Education – Mr Nigel Genders Diocesan Board of Education Lady Wooton’s Green CANTERBURY Ct1 2LU Tel: 01227 459401 The information given in this document relates to the school year 2010/11

Welcome to our school, where every child matters. We believe that every child has skills and talents that we are able to develop within a creative and supportive environment that sets out clearly what is to be achieved and how we are all going to be successful. Our school is a place of discovery, rich in support and with active involvement in the community. We are a one form entry, admitting 29 pupils every September. Between the ages of 3 and 11 our pupils are offered a wide variety of learning experiences that include three separate excellence and enjoyment weeks each year, a wide variety of after school clubs and opportunities to work off-site at local museums, the library and sports and recreational facilities. Our fully equipped Nursery for 3 – 5 year olds offers exciting and stimulating learning within a warm and supportive environment that has been recently refurbished and enhanced. Difference and diversity are celebrated, with multi cultural weeks, the teaching of modern foreign languages and involvement in a wide variety of community projects from the celebration of the Chinese New Year, to art, music and sport festivals. We all recognise that “If it’s to be, it’s up to me,” and work hard to maximise potential by understanding how the brain works and using proven methods for stimulating brain activity. Physical education is well catered for and includes exercises for the mind (brain gym) as well as the body. Learning never stops in our school and you will find yourself invited to attend group learning sessions designed to either enable you to more confidently support your child’s reading at home, or help us to improve attendance, develop community policies on anti-bullying or understand the curriculum and how it is being delivered. In our school the individual is respected and we incorporate high expectations academically with a broad range of opportunities to develop socially, morally and spiritually. As a Church of England Voluntary Aided school, we actively promote a Christian ethos that teaches us to love, share and celebrate together, but other faiths are also taught and we actively promote sensitivity towards other religions and cultures. Our assembly is a place of celebration and we encourage visitors to join with us regularly. Our school is warm and friendly, has a listening ear and works well with pupils, parents and members of the wider community. We care about every individual and want the best for each. Please read our prospectus and consider first whether this is a good environment for your child. Why not pay us a visit and see for yourself? We know that you will be impressed by the energy, focused learning and range of opportunities on offer for every child.

What’s the school like? Well, it’s an old building with considerable character and numerous quirks. The main school building is 160 years old and the site has in it’s turn been a secondary school for boys, a secondary school for girls and an infant’s school. The name of the school has also changed over the years; the current name celebrating the lives of two Archbishop’s of Canterbury. School logs tell us that the site became Diocesan & Payne Smith Primary School in September 1957 Many years ago the school house was the head teacher’s residence and visiting past pupils have spoken of their experiences of learning domestic science in the school house. We are a Church of England school, in fact the last remaining within the city, but work closely with all of the Canterbury schools sharing resources and participating in shared professional development and group projects. The building is surprisingly large with generous sized classrooms, but the playing area is limited. Hence we frequently go off site to use recreational facilities. Every child from 7 – 11 goes swimming at Kingsmead Swimming Pool, whilst we use Kingsmead playing fields and Kingsmead Sports Hall for indoor and outdoor sports. Our children receive swimming, football and basketball coaching; they enjoy fitness training and indoor hockey as well as dance. We offer football, netball and dance after school clubs and participate in local sporting tournaments. All in all the quality of physical education within the school is good despite the lack of an on-site playing field. Do we operate Extended Hours? The school opens at 7:45 am for Breakfast Club, where for £1.00p a day your child can receive a nourishing, healthy breakfast that includes cereals, fruit, yogurt, a special of the week and fruit juices. There are after school clubs, run by the school staff every evening from 2:30 pm until 3:30 pm. We also have an arrangement with Havelock Street Nursery that runs an after school club every evening until 6:30 p.m. Members of their staff collect children registered for the after school club from the school playground every evening and take them round to their premises where there is after school provision until you are able to collect them.

What’s the Nursery like? Our Nursery is off-site, being situated in Old Ruttington Lane, just opposite the main school building. The Nursery was refurbished in 2005 to provide a safe but stimulating environment that provides for all areas of learning. It is well equipped and has three full time members of staff. Miss Lampard is our Nursery Teacher and Mrs. Ward Davies the Nursery Nurse. Both are very ably assisted by Mr. Powell, who forms the third member of the team. The Nursery runs morning sessions and is able to accommodate 26 pupils. Currently each session is 3 hours long. I would like my child to attend Diocesan & Payne Smith Nursery. What do I need to do? Admission forms for the Nursery are available from the school office, situated in the School House in Broad Street. All children are welcome and the secretary will be able to tell you whether there are any vacancies. Where there is over subscription, waiting lists are kept and you are contacted as soon as a vacancy becomes available. I would like my child to attend Diocesan & Payne Smith Primary. What do I need to do? Speak to the school. Ask for an opportunity to visit. The Head will be able to confirm whether there is a vacancy or not. We are a school that supports inclusive education. We have experience dealing with a wide variety of needs from the gifted and talented to those with hearing impairment or in need of specialist support. We follow the county guidelines for admission to Foundation and would refer parents to the admissions policy, a copy of which is at the back of the prospectus. On-line admissions is an available facility through either the county or the school web site. Admission forms can also be collected from the school. We have a standard entry number of 29, admitting pupils in September of the academic year in which they are five. We encourage every prospective parent to first visit the school to see the quality of education that is delivered and the environment within which children learn. Pupils can be placed on waiting lists at any age and parents who have shown an expression of interest will always be contacted as the time approaches for their child to start school.

Can my child and I visit the school together? Of course you can. In order to help children overcome the first feelings of strangeness we always invite them in. For Foundation pupils there are a series of Induction sessions in the summer term prior to joining the school. During these sessions both you and your child will come into the school to see the classroom, meet their teacher and find out about uniform, how the school day runs and what is generally expected. Where children are joining the school at a later stage we always recommend a visit and then look for an opportunity for your child to spend at least half a day with their new class before starting. It is so important to know where your classroom is, where you will sit and to have at least a few friendly faces to say “hi” to on the first day. Of course your child will have a ‘buddy’ until they have settled in and we will be in close touch with you to ensure that ‘settling in’ is quick and successful.

Applying for a place

You will be invited into the school at the end of your child’s first day to meet with the class teacher. This is an opportunity to share important information not already exchanged. It is important to us that your child feels happy, safe and secure as quickly as possible because this is the state in which children learn most rapidly. What time does school start and finish? Gates open 7:45 (Breakfast Club) Doors open 8:20 (School Day) Registration 8:30 Gates open 2:20 (end of day) School finishes 2:30 Only the main school door (by zebra crossing) is open for Breakfast Club. Please do not use the School House door and do not arrive before 7:45am. At the end of the day in Foundation and Class 1 are collected from their classrooms. Children in Classes 2 – 6 are brought down to the playground by the teachers and are collected by you from the teachers. Please inform the school if your child is going home unsupervised. What is Breakfast Club? Breakfast Club is available for all pupils every school morning. The club is run by three members of staff who will encourage you child to eat a healthy breakfast comprising of cereals, toast, fresh fruit or fruit juice and fromage frais. The children are well supervised and have the opportunity to socialise and play games with their friends before the start of the school day. Breakfast Club will cost £1.00p a day from September. It is appreciated if monies for the week can be paid in on a Monday but if this is not possible or you have a last minute change of circumstances and need Breakfast Club unexpectedly then please do not worry. Send your child to Breakfast Club and we can sort the monies out later. Breakfast Club operates in the school hall and children attending enter by the top gate. The gate is open between 7:45am and 8:00am.

What happens if we are late arriving? If you are late arriving for Breakfast Club then please let a member of staff know so that your child still receives a breakfast. If you are late at the start of the school day then you will find the gates onto the playground are closed. They are closed every morning at 8:35am to maintain the security of the site. Entry after this time has to be through the school house. Please press the entry phone for admittance. Please do try to arrive in good time. Children that arrive late have no time to greet their friend, exchange news or sort out their belongings. If they go into a classroom where work has started then they will not know what is happening. This is a very poor start to the day for anybody and in particular for your child. What happens if I am late at the end of the day? Please try to phone the school if you are going to be late. We can then ensure that your child is safe and supervised until your arrival. If parents are very late then the children will have been taken into the school house. It is important that you make every effort to be in the playground by 2:30pm as your lateness causes distress to your child. What if I wish to speak to a teacher? We ask you not to disturb teachers at the beginning of the day but to transfer information either through a brief message left with the Classroom Assistant, a note placed in the book bag or the school office. In the morning teachers are focusing on the learning that is to take place that day. All teachers are happy to talk with parents at the end of the school day. If you need more than a brief word then plese book an appointment through the office. The Head teacher is in the playground every morning and evening so please feel free to approach her.

What if I have a concern related to school? Always share any concern sooner rather than later. In the first instance please speak to your child’s teacher. If you feel that the matter has not been resolved, then please talk to Miss Warnock. She has overall responsibility for the Key Stages and will be pleased to help. Finally if there is still no satisfactory answer then ask for an appointment with the Head. As a school we always deal with concerns as a matter of urgency. If matters cannot be resolved there are then we will agree a date when things will be sorted. It is important to us that the school is a happy, safe and stable environment that challenges and motivates children to achieve their potential. This cannot happen if there are unresolved problems. How well will my child be looked after during the day? All parents in a recent survey found the school to be a warm, safe and caring environment where their children were extremely well looked after. Staff supervise the morning and lunch time breaks. All staff are First Aid qualified and will deal with minor scrapes and grazes but contact you immediately if they feel your child has sustained an injury or feels generally unwell. What if my child has an accident? Minor accidents are dealt with by staff who are qualified in administering First Aid, but in the event of an accident that requires medical treatment we will always, in the instance contact you. If you are unavailable then the head or a member of staff will take the child for treatment. It is very important that contacts numbers and addresses are up to date to enable the school to be able to reach you in an emergency. What if my child is ill? If your child is ill during the night or first thing in the morning the please keep them at home and telephone the school office on the first morning of their absence. If your child becomes ill during the school day then we will contact you to arrange collection from the school office.

Please, it is appreciated if you send an absence note on your child’s return to school, confirming the reason for absence. The school work closely with the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) to ensure that children are in school. We have a responsibility to inform the EWO if children are absent or late regularly. We work hard with parents to resolve problems before absence or lateness becomes a real issue. What if I, or my child, has a personal problem? All problems are best shared so that the right help can be enlisted. Mrs Wakelin is your Family Liaison Officer who has the time to sit and listen to your problems and point you in the right direction for help. Will my child experience bullying? Within any community there will be people who are unkind but in Diocesan and Payne Smith Primary we have a very proactive and positive approach to behaviour. Bullying is not tolerated and people who bully are dealt with immediately. Our community anti bullying policy applies to everyone who works in or uses the school. It applies to our playground and to the streets down which you walk as you approach the school. If you are bullied, child or adult, then you need to tell someone; the teacher, a friend or colleague, another parent. Never suffer in silence. Bullies are successful only if they think you won’t tell. Who is responsible for the management of the school? The Head is responsible for the daily management and health and safety of all who work in the school. Together with her senior staff the Head ensures that all children receive a broad and balanced range of academic, social and emotional learning opportunities within a safe and stimulating learning environment. The Governors are responsible for the strategic management of the school and the delegated budget. The Governing Body comprises of nine members, three of whom are parent, and together they deal with the issues arising, whilst ensuring that the budget is well managed and that the school is appropriately staffed.

What if I have a complaint about the management of the school? In the first instance speak to the Head. If the Head is unavailable then please speak to a senior member of staff (Miss Warnock). All complaints will be dealt with and a response made within 24 hours. If you feel that your complaint has not received an appropriate response then please contact the Chair of Governors, Mr G Duplock, who can be reached through the school office. You may also wish to contact the Local Education Office that is based at Clover House in Whitstable. The school’s local Education Officer is Mr M Doole. What if I am happy with the school and it’s management? Tell someone. A teacher, the Head, the school office, another parent or a neighbour. We appreciate your recognition of our hard work. We want the best for your children. Every child deserves the best.

Important Information

Appendix 1


There is a school uniform which consists of the following:- • Blue fleece with school logo* (£12.00) • Blue Sweatshirt with logo* (£7.50) • White polo shirt • Blue or grey skirt / pinafore dress for girls • Optional dark blue / black trousers for winter months • Summer dress – red gingham or stripe • Grey or black long / short trousers for boys • White, navy or grey socks / navy tights • Black shoes

NB for safety reasons please do not be pressurised to buy high heels or high wedges, they are not suitable for school wear. Neither are open toe sandals or backless shoes. PE kit:

• Dark shorts (blue or black) • White T-shirt with school logo* (£4.50) • Trainers for outdoor games • Swimming costume / trunks (Key Stage 2 children) • Plain dark jogging bottoms (optional) • PE bag* (£3.00) • Book bag* (£3.50) • Book bag with strap* (£5.50)

*These items can be purchased / ordered from school. Please speak to the school secretary whose office is on the ground floor of the School House. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Remember that names written in biro fade with washing, and with so many items of clothing similar in colour and size, identification is not always easy. Watches and sleepers / studs are the only jewellery allowed in school. BICYCLES Children who have been given permission to ride a bicycle to school MUST wear a crash helmet and must be riding a bicycle that is road worthy with working breaks and lights.

Appendix 2

Academic Year 2011/ 2012 Term 1 Thursday 01 September – Friday 21 October Term2 Monday 31 October – Friday 16 December Term 3 Tuesday 03 January – Friday 10 February Term 4 Monday 20 February – Friday 30 March Term 5 Monday 16 April – Friday 25 May Term 6 Monday 04 June – Friday 20 July Known Staff Development Days Thursday 01 September 2011 Friday 02 September 2011 Monday 06 September 2011 School closures: There will be up to six additional staff development days throughout the school year Academic Year 2012/ 2013 Term 1 Tuesday 04 September – Friday 26 October Term 2 Monday 05 November – Friday 21 December Term 3 Tuesday 07 January – Friday15 February Term 4 Monday 25 February – Thursday 28 March Term 5 Monday 15 April – Friday 24 May Term 6 Monday 02 June – Wednesday 24 July School closures: There will be up to six additional staff development days throughout the school year

Appendix 3 1. What is a complaint? The school considers a complaint principally to be an expression of grievance or dissatisfaction received from or on behalf of a parent or member of the public regarding:-

• Action taken by or o behalf of the school. • Failure by the school or its staff or contractors to respond to a reported

problem. • The standard of services(s) provided or discrimination in their delivery. • The policies of the school.

2. How to make a compliant A parent or member of the public may make their complaint in the first instance either verbally or in writing to the teacher. In the event of the teacher being unable to provide a satisfactory response then an appointment should be made with the Headteacher to fully discuss the complaint. The school, if asked, will help anyone who would like assistance to set out their complaint including access to translation services where necessary. 3. How are complaints dealt with? It is hoped that the majority of complaints can be resolved informally, by raising them verbally, in person or on the telephone, or by putting them in writing, given or sent to the school. The staff are happy to talk to parents after school has finished, at a mutually agreed time, when a satisfactory explanation can be given or resolution be speedily implemented. Complaints that cannot be resolved informally will be dealt in accordance with the following:

• An acknowledgement (or final response where possible) will be sent to the complainant with five working days.

• The complainant will be told the name of the person dealing with the


• A full response will be sent within twenty school working days (ie school term days) or if a complete answer still cannot be given the complainant will be told what is being done to investigate the complaint and how log this will take.

• The complainant will be told if their complaint has to be dealt with under a special procedure.

4. Where to go if not satisfied with the outcome:

(i) Complaints not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint dealt with by the Headteacher should write to:-

The Chairman of Governors c/o The School

who will arrange for the complaint to be looked into and where necessary arrange for the Governing Body’s Complaints Committee to consider the matter. Even at this stage it is hoped that the complaint can be resolved informally and the appropriate Chairman will attempt to do this in the first instance if at all possible.

(ii) Thereafter, complainants still not satisfied with the outcome and who want to take the matter further outside the school can write to either:- Mr Martyn Doole Area Education Office Clover House WHITSTABLE CT5 3QZ Or The Secretary of State, for Education Department for Education Sanctuary Buildings Great Smith Street Westmisster LONDON SW1P 3BT

What to do if the complaint is about the Heateacher Complaints about the Heateacher that the complainant cannot or does not wish to raise directly with the Head should in the first instance be sent to the Chairman of Governors who will arrange for the matter to be dealt with as set out in 4 (i) above.

Appendix 4 Public access to documents and information The following documents are held in the School Office for inspection. A charge may need to be made if copies are required.

• National Curriculum statutory documents • Dfes Circulars about the National Curriculum • Every Child Matters • Policy Statements and Schemes of work • Re Syllabus • School Prospectus • School’s Admission Policy • Kent’s Information about Schools • The Minutes of the Governing Body and Governors’ Annual

Report to Parents • Published Ofsted report dated 2008 • Science Report 2009

Appendix 5

School Staff – September 2011

Senior Management Headteacher Mrs C Wakelin Deputy Headteacher Miss J Warnock Teaching Staff Teacher in charge of Nursery Miss C Lampard Reception / Foundation Class Mrs K Hodge Class 1 Mrs J Travis Class 2 Mrs A Manktelow Class 3 Miss H Croft Class 4 Mr L Hennessy Class 5 Mrs J Wallace Class 6 Mrs K Issitt Reading Recovery Teacher Mrs J Matthews Number Counts Teacher Mrs C McDougall Nursery Nurse Mrs S Ward-Davies Teaching Assistants / HLTAs Mrs K Alcock

Mrs S Ball Mrs T Bates

Mrs E Bean (HLTA) Mrs D Brown (HLTA) Mrs R Christopher Mrs P Hills

Mrs M Maile Mr A Powell

Miss L Richard Mr M Segal

Mr P Vass Mrs M Wallace (HLTA) Mrs A Wharfe (HLTA) Graduate Teacher Trainee Miss E Frampton-Fell

Office Manager Mrs G Harding Family Liaison Officer Mrs C Wakelin Children’s Liaison Officer Mrs H Royden Midday Meals Supervisors Mrs P Hills (Senior) Miss V Carter Mrs S Hibbett Mrs Y Hinde Resource Manager Mr A Wiffen Site Manager Mr D Wilce Voluntary Reader Mrs J Scott