Diploma Suplement Master

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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student identifi cation number or code

This Diploma Supplement model was developed by the European Comm sslon, Counci of Europe and UNESCo/cEpES.

The purpose ofthe supplement s to provide sufficient independent data to improve the internationa 'transparency'

andfairacademicandprofessiona recognitionolqualifications(diplomas,degiees,certficateseic.).ltisdesignedtoprovideadescriptionofthenature, evel,context,contentandstatusofthestudlesthatwereoursuedandsuccessfully

completedbyrheindividualnamedontheoriginalqualficatlontcvihchthssuppementisa pended. tshoudbefreefromanyvaluejudgemenls,equivaiencestatementsorsugEestJrsaio!tre.J_Qnior nlormaton na

eight sections should be provided. Where information is not prov ded, an erpLanation srou c g ve the reason why.




26 June r99r, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

o'r'r 9oro57'r



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nameofqualificationand(ifapplicable)titleconferred(inoriginallanguage) magistraeksperimentalnebiologije; mag.biol.exp.

mainfield(s)of studyforthequalification [xperimental Biology, module Zoology

nameandstatusofawardinginstitutionandstudyprogrammesaccreditation Sveuiili§teuZagrebu,Prirodoslovno-matematiökifakultet.Public

act higher education institution. Accreditation issued by the Ministry of

Science, Education and Sports on October Z, 2oo4. Accreditation for

the university graduate programme of Experimenta biology issued by

the Ministry on June 2r, 20oS.

name and status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies -

language(s) of instruction/examination Cf oati an


levelof qualification University graduate programme - second cycle

official length of programme Two-year programme; rzo ECTS credits

access requirementG) University undergraduate programme - first cycle


modeofstudy Full-time programme

programme requirements and learning outcomes

The study programme proceeds through mandatory and electlve courses that are organ- Master in Experimental Biology acquires the following skilis:

lsedintomodules.Threemodulesareavaiableforstudentsiphysioogyandimmunobiology, r<Nowr:ocEANDUNDERsTANDTNCoF

botanyandzoology.Thestudyprogrammemodulesofleredenabletheoreticalandpractca -complexbiologcaiprnciplesandtechniques

physiology, marine biology, population biology ofplants and anlmals, evolution, immunolo- other sc entific disciplines

gy, etc.) and olher natura sciences. The acquired theoretica and practica l<nowledge s per- REsEARcH sr«LLs

work.Thegoalofthissystematicandbroadeducationlstoacquirethecapablitesandskills otherinformationairesources

experlmental solutions, so that they can actively work in fundamenta and app ed research. biology

Duringthefina semesterstudentsindependentlyprepareadiplomathesisthatisaprereq- -ablitytofoundandorganiseprofessionalandscientlfic


uistetocompletetheirstudies.WiththeproductionanddelenceofthedlpLomathesisstu- ablitytocritcalanayseresutsofprolessionalandsclentifcresearchdents prove their capabilities to p an and implement a research project by themselves, as TRANs roNAL si«LLs

well as present results in oral and wr tten lormat. The ski s acquired allow employment in -ability

to lead and organise lndividual and team wor<

experts quailfied to wor< in medlcal, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, forenslc and other labora- and research and their results

taprotection,aswellasingovernmentallnstitutions,butalsoasemployeesofprivatecom- recognisingtheneedandwi ingnessforlifelonglearnngpanies.

Programme details

Ecrs date of

houß credils examination grade subject

I 75 5.o 17.2.2o14. 3 Molecular Evolution

? ?o ?.o r.2.2or4. 5 Animal Phylogeny and Systematicsr Jv J.v

: 6o 6.o u.2.2a14. 5 ParasitologY

a 9o 9.o r4.s.2or4. 5 Animal Ecophysiology

s 6o 6.o r.2.2or4. 5 Animal Developmental Biology

6 30 3.o 3.7.2or4. 5 Principles and Fundamentals of Systematic


t 6o 6.o )2.9.2014. 4 Animal EcologY

s 90 9.o 1s.7.2ü4. 4 Biodiversity of Croatian Fauna

e r2o 3.o + ZoologY FieldCourse

ro 6o 6.o rs.9.2or4. 5 Animal Behavior

rr 45 5.O r5.7.2o14. 5 ZOOgeography

i 45 4.a 22.4.2o1s. 5 MalacologY

r3 45 5.o 24.4.2aß.4 OrnithologY

14 45 5.o 3.2.2ors. 5 Crayfish Biology

rs 6o 6.o 24.2.2a1s. 4 Conservation Biology

rG 45 5.o rs 9.2o15. 4 MammalogY

r7 45 5.o 3.7.2o1s. 5 APPlied BotanY

1s 24o 24.o r9.2.2016 5 Master's Thesis

rg 6o 6.o r9.2.2or6. 5 Final (Master's) Exam

addit onal Ecrs credits

total ecrs credits I 2'l

beginningofthestudy+ndofthestudy r October 2ol3-19 February zot6

diploma number 572-2-1a61 2016..

masterthesis;mentor;defendedon Vocalization ofBalkan snowvole (Dinaromys bogdanovi

Martino,t gzz) in different caplive enviroment conditions; Assistant

Professor Duje Lisiöii, PhD; r9 February zot6



gradingschemeand,ifavailable,gradedistributionguidanc€ ln most courses student work is continually assessed. Each required

activity, such as regular class attendance, homeworl<, laboratory work,

partial tests, and final exam is evaluated. Mode ofevaluation, i.e. the

impact of a particular activity on the final grade, depends on the spe-

cific structure of each individual course. The grading scheme consists

of five grades with numerical equivalents: izvrstan - 5 (excellent); vrlo

dobar - 4 (very good); dobar - 3 (good); dovoljan - z (sufficient); nedo-

voljan - r (insufficient - fail). The minimum passing grade is dovoljan - z

(sufficient). Some courses are not graded, but their requirements must

be met. Such courses are marked with "+" in students'transcripts.

averagegradeandoverallclassificationofthequalification Cummulativegradepointaverage:4.653


ofurtherstudy Upon successfu completion of the graduate study programme tltle

holders have acqulred basic knowledge from fundamental and applied

biology, which enab es further educatlon atthe university postgraduate

(doctoral) study programme from the field of Biology at the Faculty of

Science in Zagreb and other univers ties in the world.

employabilityandprofessionalstatus,ifapplicable Atitleholderisauthorisedtousetheacademiclitleprotectedbylaw

Master in Experimental Biology and to execute prolessional worl< in the

area for which he/she has acquired the title. The study programme is

based on fundamental knowledge of biology and other natural science

disciplines. The knowledge and skills acquired can be applied in per

forming technical and associate tasl<s related to the research of biolo-

gy, biotechnology and other natural science disciplines. The acquired

l<nowledge allows employment in scientific institutions (investigators,

assistants and research assistants) and professional laboratories (labo-

ratory managers) - in medical, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, forensic and

other laboratories and biotechnological companies, in agriculture and

forestry, nature and environmental protection, as well as governmen-

tal institutions, but the holder is also qualified to work in private en-





additional information

further information sources Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, www.mzos.hr, University

of Zagreb, www.unizg.hr; Faculty of Science, www.pmf.unizg.hr;

Department of Biology, www.pmf.unizg.hrlbiol

place and date

Zagre6,6 N.4ay 2o'r6

z.: capacity


s;'.fuL-'"$8 f:.-§#'i' atr r"r,.'.i'.?.1 ,$


7.1 z.z name and signature






Types ofinstitutionsuNrvERSrrES (sveuii/iito) are institutlons ofhigher education which offer university studyprogrammes natleasttworesearchareasand/orartareascoveringanumberofdisc-pines.Exceptionally,unversitiesmayasooflervocationastudyprogrammes.Unlversities

may be compr sed ofconst tuent unlts whlch are lega entities and whlch are cal ed rncuL-r Es (Fokulteti) or ART ACADEM r Es (umjetniike okodem4e). Universltles and thel r const tuentunits offer study programmes, and engage in research and other professional and art-relat-ed work.poLYTEcHN rcs (ve/euiili§to) and scHooLs oF vccAr oNAL H tcH ER EDUCArloN (visoke §ko/e)

are hlgher education inst tutions which offer vocationa study programmes. The two types

olinstitution differ in the range ofprogrammes they offer: polytechnics are institutions ofvocational hig her education wh ich offer vocational study program mes i n th ree or more dis-

ciplnes.Theirmissionistooffercareerorlentedprogrammes,whichoftenincludepracticalworl< experience.

Pub ic unlversitles are established by law; publ c polytechnics and schools ofvocationalhigher education are established by a decree ofthe Croatian Government; private hiqher

education lnstitutions are established bv the lounder.

Types ofprogrammesu N rvERsrry sru Dy pRocRAM M ES prepare students for work i n research and hig her education

institut ons, as well as in pr vate and pub ic sectors. Students in these programmes rece ve

an education that enab es them to develop and use scholarly and professiona knowledge atthe appropriate level.

vocATroNAL sTUDy pRocRAMMEs provide students wlth a careerready ievel of knowledge,

sk lls and competences requ red for work in specific vocations.

Accreditation ofhigher education institutions and study programme5

Higher educatlon institutions (HE s) and their study programmes are s!alect io an eva ua,

tionprocessinordertogetaccredtation.Therequestforaccrediator ssubmrttedtothelV i nistry i n charge ol hig her ed ucation, wh ch then requesis an ela uat oi iro m rle Nai cna

Council for Hlgher Educatlon (rcHr). The ncua appoints an €xpert c.rm ttee u,hich, ln

cooperation with the Agency lor Science and H ig her Educatron, oeriorms ihe eva uat or and

subm ts a report. A draft report is then sent to the HEi fcr i'eedback and c ar flcat ons. The

NationalCounci mal<esafinalevaluationoftheproposedstuiyprogrammecrolthehlghered!cat on lnstitution and recommends to the mlnister ssuance oT den al ofaccreditat on.

Organisation of university study programmes

Since zoo5, all study programmes in Croatla measure student work load ir rcrs cred ts. A

student is typically required to earn 6o rcrs credlts in one academic year.

uNrvERsrry UNDERCRADUATE pRocRAMMEs - F Rsr cycLE (preddiplomski sveuiiliini studtj)

normallytakethreeyearsinwhichstudentsarerequiredioearnr8oecrscredlts.Amnorityof u ndergraduate u niversity programmes i n Croatia are offered as fou ryear programmes i n

which students are required to earn z4o rcrs credits. Upon completion students are award-ed a diploma and the academic degree ofUn versity Bache or (sveuii/i5ni prvostupnik) withan indlcation ofthe field ofstudy. Students graduating in technical sciences rece ve the aca-

demic degree of University Bachelor in Engineering (sveuiili5ni prvostup nik inienjer) withan lndicatlon ofthe field olstudy.Students holdlng a flrst cycle univers ty degree can apply for admission to university gradu-

ate programmes or vocat ona specia lst graduate programmes, or enter the workforce.

uNlvERsrlcRADUArEpRo6RAMMES sECoNDCycLE(diplomskisveudiliinistudij)normalytake two years in which students are requ red to earn rzo ecrs credlts. A mlnorlty olgrad-uate programmes in Croatia are olfered as one-year programmes in whlch students are re-quired to earn 60 ECTS credits. The tctal number ofcredits earned in the flrst and second

cyc e programmes must be at least 3oo. Upon comp erion students are awarded a diplomoand the academic degree of [/aster ol (mogistor struke) with an indication ofthe field ofstudy.Studentsgraduatingintechnica sciencesreceivetheacademlcdegreeofNy'asterlnEng neering (mogistarinienjer)with an lndication ofthefie d ofstudy.Students ho ding a second cyc e univers ty degree can continue the r studies in un versilypostgraduate programmes or enter the workforce.


oND cycLEs (integrironi preddiplomski i diplomski sveuii/i§ni studry) normally take five orsix years in which students are required to earn 3oo or 36o ecrs credits respective y. Upon

completion students are awarded a dlplomo and the academic deg ree of tr,laster of (mogis-

torstruke) wjth an indication ofthe fie d olstudy. Upon compLetlon ofintegrated first and

second cycle programmes in mediclne, dentistry and veterlnary medicine students receive

the academic degree of Doctor (doktor struke) with an i ndicat on ol the lield of study (e.g.

Doctor of Medicine, etc.)


or enter the worklorce.

uN rvERsrry posrcRADUATE pRo6RAM M ES - rH Lno cvcrr (poslq ediplomski sveuiiliini studij)normally ta(e three years. Upon comp etlon students are awarded a diplomo and the aca-

demic degree of Doctor ol Phi osophy (or Doctor scientarum), or Doctor of Fl ne Art (doktorznanosti or doktor umletnosti), with an indication ofthe academ c f eld or art lorm.

uN vERSrry spECrALrsr posrcRADUArE pRocRAMMEs (pos/lediplomski sveuiili§ni specijoli-

stiiki studij) normally take one to two years. Upon completion students receive a diplomo

and the academic degree ofUn versity Specla ist (sveuiiliini specijalist) wlth an lndication

olthe leld ofstudy.

Organisation of vocational study programmes

sHoRT CYCLE voCATToNAL sTUDy PRoCRAMMES (struaai studil) normaiiy take two or

twoand- a-halfyears, ln wh ch students are requ red to earn between r20 and tSo ECrs cred-

its respectively. Upon completion students receive a di plo ma (svjedodiba) aad a Short-Cy-

ceVocationa Degree(srruinipristupnik)wthanindicationofthefieldofstudy.Students holding a short-cyc e vocational degree can apply for admlsslon to higher levels ofvocational study programmes, or enter the worl(force.

vocATloNAL UNDER6RADUATE pRocRAMMEs - F Rsr cycLE (struörti preddiplomski studij)normally tal<e three years i n which students are requ ired to earn I 80 ECrs credits. A m inorltyofvocational programmes n Croatia are offered as lour-year programmes in which students

are required to earn u 40 Ecrs credits. Upon completion students are awarded a dip oma and

the vocational deg ree ofVocational Bachelor (struini prvostupnik) v/ith an ind ication of the

field olstudy. Students graduating in technical sclences receve the vocatlonal degree ofVocational Bachelor in Engineering $truant prvastupnik rnienjer) w th an lndlcation ofthefield olstudy.Studentshodingafirstcycevocationaldegreecanapplyforadmissiontovocationa spe-

c alist graduate program mes, or to second cycle u niversity graduate program mes under con-

dltlons determined by the university, or to enter the wori(force.

vocAT oNAL SpEC ALrsT CRADUATE pROCRAMMES - SECOND CyCLE (struini diplomski speci-

yolisriiki studry) normaJ y take two years i n rvhich students are requl red to earn tzo rcrs cred-

its. A m nority ofvocational speciallst graduate programmes ir Croatla are oflered as one-

vear proQrammes in which students are requ red to earn 60 ECT5 credlts. The total number

ofcredlis earned in first and second cycle programmes must be at east 3oo. Upon comp e-

tion ofvocatlonal spec aiist graduate programmes students are awarded a diploma and the,.,ocat onal degree ofVocatlona Specia st (struini specro/ist) w th an indication olthe fie d

ofstud),. Students graduating in technica sc ences receive the vocational decree ofVoca-

tiona Specaist nEngineerng(struinispeci)olistinienjer)withanindicationolthelieldofstudy. and students graduatlng in the fie ds of medicine, dent stry or veterinary medicine

receive a diploma vocat ona degree (diplomironi) with an indication ofthe fie d ofstudy.Studentshodlngasecondcyclevocationa degreecanentertheworl<force,ortheycanasoappy,underconditionsdeternnedbyuniversities,lortranslertoauniversitydiplomastudypfogramme(wththeprovsooftakngdfferentla exams)andadmlssiontoaunversitypostgraduate programme.

Educational requirements for admission into study programmes

Higher educat on lnst tutions independently set the mlnimum educational requ rements

lor admission to university undergraduate programmes and first cyce vocatonal pro-

grammes. Normally, the m nimum requirement for admission to unlversity undergraduateprogrammes is completion ofa fouryear secondary school; the mlnimum requirement forenrolmentlntofirstcycevocationalprogrammes scompletionolathree-orfouryearsec-ondary school.

The admissions process to first cycle study progrämmes at Croatian un versities s normal y

based on secondary school grades and an entrance examination. Each constituent unit ofa university usually carries out its own entrance examinat on. The admissions process tofrstcycLeprogrammesatpoytechnicsandschoosofvocationa highereducation salsobased on secondary school grades and sometimes an entrance examination, but the use ofthe latter is less common than in the case ofunlversities.The minimum educational requ rement for enro ment in university gradlate programmes

is completion of a university undergraduate programme. Universities can a low students

withahighereducationvocationa degreetoenrol nunlversitygraduateprogrammesunderspecial y defined requirements.

The minimum educatlonal requirement for enrolment ln vocaliona specia ist graduate pro-

grammes s completion ofa unlversity undergraduate programme or a vocationa pro-

gramme (first cyc e). The mlnimum educationa requirement foT enro ment n univers typostgraduate programmes is completlon ofa specific graduate programme. Norma y, therequirement for enrolment n a university postgraduate programme is completion ofa unl-versity graduate programme. Students who have comp eted pre-Bologna undergraduateprogrammes asting at least four academic years (sveutili§nt dodiplonskr stud4) can applyfor admission to Bologna postgraduate programmes as well.

Grading scale

The Croatian national grading scale cons sts offive grades with numerical equlva ents:

izvrston S (excellent); vrlo dobar- 4 (very good); dobor-3 (9ood); dovoljan- z(suffrcient); nedovoljon - t (fail). The min mum passing grade is z (sufficlent).



university undergraduate programme;

3-4 years; University Bachelor

university graduate programme:

t-z years; Master of...

u niversity postgraduate programmej

3 years; Doctor of Phiiosophy/ Doctor of Fine Arts

integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme;

5 6 years; Ny'aster/ Doctor of...

university specialist postgraduate programme;

r-2 yearsj University Specialist

vocational undergraduate programme;

z-3 years; Vocational Bachelor

vocational specialist graduate programme;

r-2 yearsj Vocational Specialist