Directions for making a pencil vase

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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How to make a Pencil Vase


Directions for making a Pencil Vase


• Colored papers• Glue• Scissor• Ruler

Step 1

Prepare a paper and fold it in half and then repeat it the other way around again

Step 2

• Fold the 4 edges following the folded lines into a triangle

Step 3

• Fold the paper like a door

Step 4

• Turn it over and fold it like a door as the same way as step 3

Step 5

• Insert the bottom part into the top part

Step 6

• If you do the following from step 1-5, then you are done making one part of the pencil vase. Now repeat steps from 1 to 5 5more time to make 6 triangular figures.

Now you are done makinga pencil vase!