Disaster Case Study: How Fleet Services Survived a Tornado and Two Floods

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Disaster Case Study: How Fleet Services Survived a Tornado and Two Floods. Mike Wilson, CAFM Fleet Manager, University of Iowa. Outline for Today’s Presentation. Overview of each event What we have learned from these events. Our Facility 4/13/06. Our Facility 4/13/06 at 8:30 pm. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Disaster Case Study: How Fleet Services Survived a Tornado and Two Floods

Mike Wilson, CAFMFleet Manager, University of Iowa

Outline for Today’s Presentation

• Overview of each event

• What we have learned from these events

Our Facility 4/13/06

Our Facility 4/13/06 at 8:30 pm

Our Home for 16 Months

Our Current Facility

June 10, 2008 Cue Noah

June 11, 2008 – Fleet Services Moves Building

June 16, 2008

Moving students from one of our residence halls

Fleet Services Operation Moves

• Moved to counter at University Services Building.

• When that building was threatened, we moved to Mossman Business Services Building

• Then we moved back to the University Services Building

• Then we moved back to our building.

The Flood of 2013 That Wasn’tMay 29, 2013

Filling Hesco Barriers

Building split and ready for the road

This is where our building used to be.

One Casualty on the Move Back

What We Learned• Focus on operations and priorities will

become clear

Get your information systems back on-line Repair and get back to service what you can.

Salvage, and recovery

At the end of every day, review and plan for tomorrow.

What We Learned

• Keep track of everything

Damages and Repairs



• Focus on operations and priorities will become clear

What We Learned• Focus on operations and priorities will become clear• Keep track of everything• Communication

Make a list of important phone numbers. Do this now, before a disaster

Check with vendors

Check with your customers

Check with your institution Plan communication methods

What We Learned

• Communication

• Focus on operations and priorities will become clear• Keep track of everything

• Use your weight, be your vendors 1st priority You must outsource You must be selfish You must be flexible

What We Learned

• Communication

• Focus on operations and priorities will become clear• Keep track of everything

• Use your weight, be your vendors 1st priority• You are on your own

We are not a core function

What We Learned

• Communication

• Focus on operations and priorities will become clear• Keep track of everything

• Use your weight, be your vendors 1st priority• You are on your own• Conclusions

Hard to plan for disaster Operations rule Be flexible, set

priorities You know the fleet,

be a resource