Disaster Control Template - Overview control templates.pdfliquid petroleum gas (LPG) ... n Kitchen...

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Disaster Control Template - Overview

1 Premises

2 Dateofrevision

3 Copynumber

4 Tobekeptat

(several copies to be kept on and offsite)

Whatistheaimofadisastercontrolplan?In the event of any emergency, the aim is to provide a coordinated response that will safeguard life and property. Having a disaster control plan will minimise any delay in implementing disaster recovery procedures, by pre-allocating individual responsibility and clarifying priorities.

HowtousethisplanThe plan should be easily accessible and straightforward to follow. It should also be maintained as a ‘living document’, it should be reviewed annually or if circumstances change, to ensure all information is accurate and up to date. This overview should be used in conjunction with the other templates as required.

CirculationCopies of the plan should be held by all members of the incident management team and all senior management.

TrainingRegular training sessions should be held to ensure that should any aspect of the disaster control plan need to be implemented, all members of the incident management team are aware of their required roles. All affected personnel should be trained in the proper procedures of caring for and handling fine art and antiques which can be found in the disaster control guidance notes.

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

Copies of the plan are also kept in the following locations; (include offsite locations in case of restricted access).

Location Paper/Electronic




5 Thisversionofthedisastercontrolplanisversion

6 Dateofissue

7 Thenextreviewofthisplanshouldtakeplaceon

(All previous copies of the disaster control templates should be recalled on this date to ensure that only the most recent version is in circulation.)

8 Iffoundpleasereturnto

Your details

1 Name

2 Assessment undertaken by

3 Address


4 Date

Review date

5 Area assessed

Calculating risk levels The easiest way to measure your risk levels for reference is to create a matrix, grading both the likelihood and severity: grade 1 indicating low risk, grade 2 medium risk and finally grade 3 implying high risk. The grades of likelihood and severity are then multiplied together to give a risk rating.

The likelihood of something happening can be graded as:

The severity of the loss (or risk of personal injury) if something does happen can be graded as:

Using the grading system will enable you to prioritise the need for further preventative measures as follows:

1 = Low (seldom)

2 = Medium (quite possible)

3 = High (best regarded as near-certain)

1 = Low (minimal damage or minor cuts and bruises only)

2 = Medium (damage to valuable objects requiring professional restoration, also risk of serious injury/incapacitation of three days or more)

3 = High (irretrievable damage to irreplaceable objects, also risk of fatality or multiple serious injury)

1 – 2 = low priority

3 – 4 = medium priority

6 – 9 = high priority

Disaster Control Template - Prevention

Template 1 - Risk assessment form

With low priority, no action at all may be required. With medium priority, additional measures may be required, and maybe a change in working practices. With high priority, it may be advisable to completely re-think the circumstances in which the objects are displayed or stored, and to suspend any working activities until this has been done.



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Risk details

* Note any further measures that are needed to reduce the risk to an acceptable level and record when they have been implemented

Hazards / risks / persons


Existing controls

Likelihood (L)

Severity (S)

Risk rating (L x S)




al c



Checklist of common hazards

Accidents and first aidn Provision of first aid equipmentn Persons with first aid trainingn Procedures to deal with accidentsn Transport arrangements to hospitaln Examine existing arrangements and assess what

is needed.

Fire safetyn Fire risk assessment in accordance with the

requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

n Combustible materials, flammable liquids and accumulations of waste

n Heaters, smoking and other sources of heatn Provision of fire exits, escape routes and signagen Provision of fire detection equipment and fire

fighting equipmentn Evacuation plans.

Legionella n An assessment is required to decide on the level of risk posed from exposure to legionella. A detailed risk assessment by a competent water management specialist may be necessary depending upon the complexity of the building in question.

Asbestosn An asbestos survey should be carried out to identify

if asbestos is present. If asbestos is found to be present, a full asbestos management plan will be necessary including a risk assessment to evaluate the likelihood of exposure.

Electrical safetyn Condition of fixed electrical installation, including

switches and socketsn Condition of portable electrical appliances,

including leads and plugsn Use of unauthorised electrical appliances and

temporary wiringn Mechanical damage to wiringn Overloading of circuits using multiple adaptors.

Gas safetyn Condition and maintenance arrangements for fixed

gas boilers and heatersn Condition and arrangements for use, including

storage and changing of cylinders for portable liquid petroleum gas (LPG) heaters.

Control of hazardous substancesInternaln Cleaning materials and detergentsn Paints, solvents, adhesives and other chemicalsn Types, amounts, storage arrangementsn Fumes and dustsn Provision of personal protective equipment.Externaln Pesticides, herbicides, petroln Types, amounts, storage arrangementsn Provision of personal protective equipment.Other

Plant and machineryInternaln Kitchen equipmentn Laundry equipmentn Lifts, hoists and other lifting equipmentn Ladders and scaffolds including storage and

accessibilityn Display screen and computer equipmentn Any other machinery and equipment.Externaln Lawnmowers, gangmowers, strimmers, etc.Other

Slips, trips and fallsInternaln Loose carpets, rugs, mats and other floor coveringsn Loose and uneven tiles, stone paving and

floorboardsn Trailing leads and other obstructionsn Spillages of water and other liquidsn Worn, steep and uneven steps and stairs.Externaln Uneven and poorly maintained yards, car parks,

paths and stepsn Potholes, tree roots and unprotected dropsn Long grass and undergrowthn Poor drainage of paths and growth of algaen Inadequate lighting and lack of handrails.

LightingInternaln Adequacy of lightingn Pay particular attention to stairs, steps, cellars,

basements and attics.Externaln Paths, steps, drives, car parks, boiler room steps

and entrances.

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

Falls from a heightInternaln Any work requiring a person to be positioned

somewhere from where they could falln Arrangements for light bulb changingn Storage at high leveln Use of unsecured laddersn Unprotected openings and walkways at high level.Externaln Clearing of gutters and valleysn Low parapets and balustrades

Food hygienen Extent of food preparationn Food preparation for people who are at increased

vulnerability from infection e.g. elderly, immuno suppressed etc.

n Nature of foods to be prepared and storedn Temperature controlsn Areas used for food preparationn Facilities for washing and preparation of foodstuffsn Facilities for storage of foodstuffsn Experience, training and competence of food


Manual handlingn Moving and lifting of stock, plant and other

equipmentn Transfer and handling of people where appropriaten Numbers requiredn Specialist equipment needed.

Display screen equipmentn List all computer equipmentn Who uses it and for how longn Check seating, workstation, screen, softwaren Lighting and glare.

Hazardous buildings/glazingn Loose brickwork, stonework, falling masonry, slates,

tiles, gutters, flagpolesn Detail any glass in windows below waist height and

indoors or beside doors below shoulder height that is not of safety material or protected against breakage

n Narrow panes up to 250mm need not be includedn Check if any asbestos present.

Personal safetyn Threat of violencen Lone workingn Handling of cashn Means of raising an alarm, summoning assistancen Travelling and working unusual hours.

Other activities and hazardsn Events, exhibitions, work away, etc.n Age-related hazards (children/elderly)n Disability access/provisionn Fêtes, sponsored walks, fundraising activitiesn Look for and note any other hazards which could

cause someone harm, that are not included in the above checklist.

Building construction

1 What year(s) was the building(s) constructed?

2 Is the building listed?

What Grade?

3 What are the predominant building materials?

4 Is the building in good condition?

5 Is the building well maintained?

Building maintenance

1 Is the building regularly inspected to ensure everything is in order?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:

2 Have the electrical systems been recently inspected?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:

3 Have the heating systems been recently inspected?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:

4 Have the plumbing systems been recently inspected?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:

5 Have the drainage systems been recently inspected?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:

Disaster Control Template - Prevention

Template 2 - Risk reduction questionnaire

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

6 Has the roof been recently inspected?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:

7 Were any problems found during these inspections?

Last inspection: Next inspection date:


1 Is there a security system operational?

What type of alarm?

What method of signalling?

2 Is there an inventory of contents?

3 Are there key operated locks on all windows and 5 lever mortice deadlocks on all external doors?

4 Is there adequate external lighting?

5 Are there any other security features?


Fire protection

1 Has a fire risk assessment been undertaken?

Last inspection: Next inspection due:

2 What types of fire detection devices are installed?

3 Are the fire protection devices regularly inspected and maintained and operational?

Last inspection: Next inspection due:

4 Are there portable fire extinguishers?

How many: What type:

5 Are the fire extinguishers regularly inspected and maintained?

Last inspection: Next inspection due:

6 Has the building had a Fire Safety Inspection by the local fire department?

Last inspection: Next inspection due:

7 Is there an evacuation plan for the building?

8 Are regular fire drills carried out?

Last drill: Next drill due:

Climate control

1 Have measures been taken to ensure the building maintains a constant, optimum climate (including insulating and monitoring/ correcting temperature and humidity)?

Light control

1 Are vulnerable objects protected from damaging UV radiation?

2 Have collections been stored away from direct light?

3 Are drapes/blinds or shades installed to minimise the effect of light?

Water damage control

1 Are there any areas at risk of escape of water from pipes and tanks (if so, state where from)?

2 Are these locations closely monitored?

3 Are all vulnerable items at least 15 cms above the floor?*

4 Are leak detection devices installed?

*Vulnerable objects should not be stored near known leaks, water sources or in attics and basements.

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

Storage and handling

1 Is storage furniture in use in the building?

2 Does the storage furniture provide optimum protection?

3 Does anyone who handles the collection have training in proper handling procedures?

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Person responsible for overall facilities maintenance

1 Name

2 Address


3 Contact numbers



Main utility supplies details

Provider Contact Details Location (e.g.of stop cock or alarm panel)

Additional information






Provider Contact Details Location Additional information





Location of fire fighting equipment

1 Extinguishers

2 Fire hoses

3 Manual call points

4 Fire assembly points


Routine checks for potential disaster



Maintenance checklist

1 Are the locks of doors and windows secure and a key register maintained?

2 Has an inspection of external facilities been undertaken?

3 Was the roof checked after the last occurrence of bad weather?

4 Was the guttering checked after the last occurrence of bad weather?

5 Were all drains checked after the last occurrence of bad weather?

6 Are the loft or attic access points (internal and external) clear and accessible?

7 Are all Fire and Emergency Escapes clear and accessible?

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No


Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

Disaster Control Template - Planning

Template 4 - Snatch and salvage cardsChoosing collection priorities – deciding which objects should be salvaged first, or should be rescued first in the event of an evacuation– should be meticulously thought through.

Please do not include any sensitive or secure information.

Item Location Relevant information

The collection priority list should include all items in order of salvage precedence. Specific values should not be included on this list.

Priority salvage card sample template

Priority salvage cards should also be created and laminated. On the reverse they should clearly show routes in and out of the building.

How to make a priority salvage card

n Use a photo of the object and add a short descriptionn Note any special removal instructionsn Include a plan of the room and one of the buildingn Laminate finished cards for durability.

Card Number 1

Fire zone 1

Which floor Ground

Which room Drawing room

Size of room 30.2m x 30m

Plan of the building Location of the most important objects in the drawing room

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

drawing room

Emergency contacts should include a list of people and organisations you may need to contact. In addition, it is advisable to list names and contact details of experts, such as conservationists and other professionals, who can provide advice and support in the event of an incident.

Name Contact number

Emergency Services Police/Fire/Ambulance 999

Local Council

Water Company

Electricity Company

Gas Company

Alarm System

Telephone Company

Medical Advice

Insurance Company/Broker




Drain Cleaning

Pest Control





Disaster Recovery Services

Drying Company



Boxes / Crates

Cold Storage / Freezers

Conservation Equipment

Protective Clothing

Emergency Lighting

Fire Extinguishers

Polythene Bags / Sheets


Portable Toilets


Emergency Equipment Rental



Disaster Control Template - Planning

Template 5 - Emergency contact list

Insurance information

A copy of your Insurance schedule should be attached, along with a copy of your policy wording or a summary of cover.

Policy Number


Contact Number

When you contact your insurer or broker to make a claim, the following information will be useful:

n The location, nature and time of occurrencen Details of circumstancesn The extent of damagen The current situationn Who the loss adjuster should contact on site.

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

In the event of an incident, this team will be responsible for managing the response so it is important to have people identified for this and they should be clear about their roles.

Role Responsibilities Name Contact Information

Disaster control plan coordinator

Oversee the co-ordination of the entire incident. Liaise with externalservices (including emergency services, insurers etc.) and ensurecommunication between all other members of team. If no specific individual in charge of PR then alsomanage liaison with media and interested external parties. In the event of small incidents the coordinator will decide thelevel of response necessary.

Disaster reactionmanager

Supervise initial response to the discovery of a disaster, ensure thebuilding is made safe and Health and Safety procedures are followed,including the correct use of personal protective equipment. Organise thelogistical support for the disaster response team and ensure that the site is secure.

Disaster recoverymanager

In charge of salvage (or evacuation) operation. This involves prioritisingobjects to be moved and ensuring they are documented thoroughlyand treated correctly.

Disaster reaction andrecovery teammembers

Everyone in the team should be fully briefed on what will be required ofthem in the event of a disaster.

Disaster Control Template - Planning

Template 6 - Disaster response team

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014


FireFire evacuation drills will be carried out every

All persons should ensure that they are familiar with the escape routes and ensure that these are kept clear of obstructions. If you discover a fire:

n Immediately raise the alarm. n Telephone the emergency services. n If it’s safe to do so, check the building for people. n If it is not possible to tackle the fire or if you are unsure which fire extinguishers to use, assist in the evacuation of the building and ensure that all doors are closed behind you. The general rule is people before property. n Ensure clear access for emergency vehicles. n When it is safe to do so, begin the salvage operation.

Flood Register for flood alerts with the Environment Agency or SEPA for early warnings. If you discover a flood:

n Do not approach or stand in water as there is a risk of electrocution. n Immediately alert the disaster reaction manager. n Locate the source of the water and control if possible. n Evacuate to the designated assembly point if necessary. n When it is safe to do so, begin the salvage operation, protecting areas that are at risk of escalating water damage. n If there are large quantities of water the Fire Brigade (or a plumber) may be needed.

Riverwaterfloodwarning n Immediately alert the disaster reaction manager. n Contact Floodline on 0845 988 1188 or www.environment-agency.gov.uk/floodline or www.floodlinescotland.org.uk for advice. n Turn off utilities at mains. Services should not be re-connected after flooding until checked by an accredited person. n Move vulnerable items at risk of flooding to higher areas.

Disaster Control Template – Response

Template 7 - Emergency response and evacuation procedures

Plans for dealing with flooding, fire, terrorist alerts and explosions should be drawn up in consultation with the relevant authorities. Examples are included, but they will need to be tailored to the specific locations and to the emergency systems and equipment available.

Designated Assembly Point

Bomborsupsectpackage n Immediately alert the disaster reaction manager. n If a telephone warning was received then the bomb threat checklist should be completed. n The building should be evacuated to the designated assembly point. n The disaster reaction manager should liaise with the police over what action should be taken.

Telephone bomb threat checklist

Write down the exact words of the message as told by the caller:


What is the location of the bomb?

What time is it set to go off?

What does it look like?

What type of bomb is it?

What sort of explosives does it use?

Why has it been planted?

Who are you?

Where do you live?

As soon as the call is over, check the automatic display (if fitted) for details of the caller’s number or trace the call if possible through the operator or automatic number identification.

Details of the caller

Male Female

Child Adult Juvenile

Did you recognise the voice?Did the caller appear familiar with the site?

Yes No

Yes No

Manner of speech

Normal Hysterical


Rambling Other

If ‘other’ please specify below

Anything distinctive about the voice?

Accent (please specify if recognised)

Did the message appear to have been read or was it spontaneous?

Was the caller speaking fast or slow?

Caller’s attitude

Background noise

Noise on the line

Call box pay tone or coins

Operator Interruption


Children Giggling

Traffic Conversation


Machinery Aircraft

Church bells Trains Other

Please specify below

The following are qualified First Aiders:


First Aid

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

Disaster Control Template - Response

Template 8 - Telephone treeCommunicationsCommunications are vital during any emergency. A telephone tree ensures all relevant people are informed and does not leave one person to make all the telephone calls. Every person need only make two telephone calls.

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014


Name Tel

Team Member B

Name Tel

Team Member A


Name Tel

Disaster Control Plan Co-ordinator



Call 1



Call 2



Team Member C



Call 1



Call 2



Team Member D



Call 1



Call 2



Team Member E



Call 1



Call 2



Team Member F

Telephones Telephones Telephones Telephones

Disaster Control Template - Response

Template 9 - Initial situation reportIncident assessment and reactionIf areas of the building and collection are under threat and if the authorised person deems it safe, the salvage operation should be initiated. If the disaster is concluded and access is possible, once it is safe to do so the disaster recovery plan should be instigated.

Who is in charge?

1 Name

Incident assessment

1 Have the relevant emergency services been contacted?

2 What is the nature of the incident?

3 What is the cause?

4 What areas are affected?

Has the entire building been checked?

5 Who discovered or reported the incident?

6 What actions have so far been taken?

Safety status

1 Are there any obvious dangers?

If there is any danger then the buildings should be evacuated and any salvage operation should not commence until the building is declared safe by the emergency services.

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

2 Are there any possible health and safety issues?

Any possible health and safety issues should be fully recorded in detail on the Risk assessment form.

The collection

1 Which collection objects are affected?

2 What is the extent of the damage?

Building assessment

To be completed only if safe to do so

Area of damage

Type of damage

Action ordered/date

Undertaken by

Estimated cost (if known)

Date completed

External Damage





Yes No

Area of damage

Type of damage

Action ordered/date

Undertaken by

Estimated cost (if known)

Date completed



Internal Damage








Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

Disaster Control Template - Recovery

Template 10 - Recovery planThe disaster recovery plan comes into action after the full extent of the disaster is known.

Health and SafetyThe emergency risk assessment form should be completed (Template 1). Personal protective equipment necessary for the Recovery Operation should be assembled and utilised.

Emergency risk assessment form


1 Name

2 Assessmentundertakenby

3 Address


4 Date

5 Areaassessed


* Note any further measures that are needed to reduce the risk to an acceptable level and record when they have been implemented

Hazards/risks/ persons affected

Existing controls

Likelihood (L) Severity (L & S) Risk rating (L & S)

Additional controls*

Accommodation for recovery operation

Assembly Area


Rest Area

First Aid Point

Sorting Area

Storage for Unaffected Material

Treatment Area

Packing Area

PR guidelines

The Disaster control plan co-ordinator (or specific PR Manager ) should manage the information supplied to interested external parties and liaise with the media as necessary. Basic administration capabilities need to be restored and phone lines need to be diverted. The prearranged conservation advice should be acted on, and professional helpers should be called to assist as quickly as possible.

Prepared press statement

A prepared press statement should be issued, broadly as outlined in the following sample:

A (insert description of incident, e.g. fire)

occurred at (insert property name)

Fire brigade personnel swiftly attended the scene and have worked hard to extinguish the blaze whilst limiting damage to the building and collections.

Our disaster control plan has been activated and a salvage effort is underway.

The building will be closed for (insert date)

Further information will be circulated (insert date)

Key contact information




Salvage procedures

For information on the correct handling procedures for fine art and antiques refer to Salvage procedure overview section of the Disaster Control Guidance Handbook.

Recording and evaluation

Damage record form - inventories and exit books

Every item should be photographed systematically and in a way that can be related to the exit book of inventory of collection items. Damage to the collection is thoroughly documented for insurance purposes and as an aid to future conservation.

Object reference number

Object description

Original location

Damage Treatment New location

Photograph reference numbers(s)

Every object, box or crate should be assigned a reference number and a record of each object completed in the form below. Photographs should also be taken and references recorded below.

Recovery needs

Assess what has occurred, detail which objects are affected, and document the nature and scale of damage to each. Note down what each object is made of, whether it is a priority object, whether movement would risk further damage and what type of salvage will be required. If in any doubt about the treatment or handling of a damaged work, the advice of a conservator should swiftly be sought.

Stabilisation / packing

If enough people are available, organise a human chain to remove priority objects from the building as quickly as possible.

is in charge of organising packing for treatment.

are responsible for the salvage effort. (Here you should nominate an external company, such as Harwells or Document SOS.)

Disaster response equipment kit

An extensive but not exhaustive list of equipment that may be needed in the event of an emergency. Depending on the size of the buildings and type of collection

Absorbent paper

Acid-free wrapping paper


Back supports

Batteries (various sizes)

Blotting paper

Boots (waterproof with steel toe caps)



Bubble wrap



Chemical sponges


Copy of the Disaster

Control Plan


Crow bar



Digital camera (additional memory card and batteries)


Distilled water

Dust masks

Dust pan and brush


Emergency lighting

Extension leads

Fan heater


Fire blankets

Fire extinguishers

First Aid Kit

Fluorescent waistcoat

Freezer bags


Gloves (rubber, leather and nitrile)



Hard hats

Head torches

Humidity monitor

Laboratory coats


Masking tape

Masks (dust / particle)


Mobile phone (with battery and charger)




Parcel tape


Pencil sharpener

Pens (waterproof)

Plastic clothes pins

Plastic containers

Plastic crates


Polythene bags

Polythene sheeting

Portable lights



Refuse sacks


Rubber bands

Safety pins






Screws and nails




Stanley knife



Tags (waterproof)

Tape measure






Utility knife

Vacuum cleaner


Waterproof clothing

Warning signs

Wet vacuum

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,Gloucester GL1 1JZ

©Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2014

After salvage

Returning the building to normal

A visual inspection of the external building structure was completed on

A visual inspection of the internal building structure was completed on

Learning from the disaster and revision of the disaster control plan

A review should be conducted after the situation has been returned to normal and the Disaster Control Plan should be revised and updated where necessary.