Discover Moldova Tours 2014

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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About Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is situated in the central – eastern part of the European continent. It is neighbouring Romania in the west and Ukraine at north-east and south. Moldova has the following characteristics: hard-working and hospitable people, traditions kept sacred, diverse climate and the nature with its simple but heart-conquering beauty.

The natives, as well as the foreign guests describe Moldova as being a very hospitable country. Each guest is given a very hearty and hospitable welcome. People have been preserving zealously their cultural inheritance, which is now present in their everyday life. As far Moldova’s historical profile is concerned, tourist meet here a mix of cultures combining the Eastern and Western ones, due to the fact that Moldova is a bridge to these two Eastern cultures. The nature is rich enough to offer spectacular views of forests, caves, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, natural reserves. One can also find here unique historical monuments: ruins of ancient metropolis, monasteries and several fortresses. In Moldova, wine producing is a cultural tradition preserved for over 3 thousand years, not merely an industry. Tourists can visit numerous underground cellars and even participate in the wine production itself.


Area: 33,700 km2Population: 4, 3 million Capital: ChisinauReligion: OrtodoxOfficial language: Romanian. Most people speak also Russian. The young generation speaks English, French, Italian.Currency: Moldavian leu. 1$=13 MDL, 1€ = 16 MDLLocal time: GMT + 2 hours

National holidays: January, 1st – New YearJanuary, 7th – ChristmasMarch, 8th – International Women’s DayApril, May – EasterMay, 1st – Labour DayMay, 9th – Victory DayAugust, 27th – Independence DayAugust, 31st – Language Day

How to get to Moldova: by train, bus, airplane (connection in Bucharest, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Moscow, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Paris, Rome, Athens)

The main tourist destinations:Monasteries: Hincu, Capriana, Japca, Noul Neamt, Saharna, ŢipovaUnderground wine “cities”: Milestii Mici, Cricova, Cojusna, PurcariFortifications and medieval fortresses: Orheiul Vechi, SorocaSpectacular landscapes: Saharna, Ţipova, Orheiul Vechi, Noul Neamţ

If you decide to discover this wonderful land named “Moldova” in its entire splendour, AmadeusTravel is the best support you can count on for an experience to remember.


Old Orhei –historical cradle of Moldova

Grottoes, ancient fortifications, cave monasteries, monks, hermits… You can watch the living history with your own eyes in the region called Old Orhei. This is an open-air museum-complex revealing a territory which was first inhabited almost 40 thousand years ago.The open air museum represents a true natural fortress, inhabited since ancient times. On the territory of Old Orhei, which stretches over 220 ha, there can be observed relics of various civilizations: the Geto-Dacian fortress (VI-Ith c.c. BC), orthodox cave monasteries (IX-XVth c.c.), Tatar-Mongol town Shehr al- Gedid (XIVth c.) and Moldavian town Orhei (XV-XVIIth c.c.). Most items discovered during

the diggings made here are on display in the local museum, which counts more than 4 thousand exhibits. In the “Peasant’s house of XIXth c.” museum, which is located in Butuceni, one can get acquainted with the ethnography of the site and life style of the Moldavian people. Lunch in national style with traditional dishes of Moldavian cuisine, folkloric program and visit of sale exhibition of handicrafts will get you acquainted with the traditions and customs of our people.


Chisinau City TourChisinau, capital of the Republic of Moldova, is nowadays an image of modern metropolis, with wide boulevards and streets, grown up from old city built according to the traditions of Europe. The city is located in the central part of the Republic, on the river Bic having an area of 160 sq km with the population of 750 thousand of inhabitants. The history of Chisinau is original. Situated on 7 hills,

Chisinau was mentioned for the first time in 1436. The second documentary attestation (this time about the village Chisinau) dates with the chronicles from 1466. That year, the greatest ruler of Moldova Stephen the Great and Saint signed the donation to his uncle Vlaicu, who became the owner of the village Chisinau near the well Albishoara. The city’s emblem represents the pictures of buildings in the city’s center built in neo classical and neo Rumanian style: among which there are City Council (1902, arch. Elladi, Bernardazzi), Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of the History of Nature and Ethnography, National Museum of History (former Secondary school for boys), Water Tower (nowadays, Museum of city), Ciuflea Church – Cathedral of Saint Martyr Theodor Tiron, built in 1850-1858, Mazarakii Church (1752-1757) – the oldest building preserved in Chisinau. The monuments of history, culture and fine arts represent a unique wealth of our capital. One of them is mostly distinguished, the monument to the ruler of Moldova Stephen the Great and Saint (set up in 1927, arch. A. Bernardazzi), national symbol, dominating the Square of Great National Assembly. This genuine patriot and warrior defended the country without any foreign assistance, from the attempted invasions of Turks, Tatars, Hungarians, Poles and other aggressors. The busts of the most distinguished personalities of national literature and culture from XIV-XXth XX c.c. are represented in this Alley: M. Eminescu, V. Alecsandri, I. Creanga, B.-P. Hijdeu, A. Hajdeu, D. Cantemir, A. Mateevici, A. Donici, O. Goga etc. In the same park, there is a bust of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, who spent a few years in Chisinau being sent here in exile. Modern Chisinau is a city of sweet-smelling verdure, with clean parks and streets, with a great number of entertaining and business centers, hospitable restaurants in national style and ambient atmosphere, restaurants in national style and ambient atmosphere.


Monasteries in the heart of Codru forest

Situated in the heart of the natural reservation Codri , Capriana and Hincu represent the holies symbols of Moldova’s history and culture. The picturesque sides blend perfectly with the architecture of the monasteries, giving silence and warmness to all visitors.Capriana Monastery is situated in a picturesque forest area, only 40 km north - west of Chisinau.Dating from 1429, one of the oldest monastery in Moldova, it was for a long period of time the headquarters of Moldova’s bishop. Originally it was constructed completely from wood, later, in 1545, a church for the summer period called "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" was constructed from stone. In 1840 - the "St. George" and in 1903 -the "St. Nicolae" churches were built. The biggest convent library in Moldova was situated here in Capriana, being endowed with precious gifts by different leaders. Closed and dilapidated during the post-war period, it was only reopened in 1989, becoming a

symbol of national revival.Hincu Monastery is situated in a forest at the source of the Cogalnic river (about 55 km west of Chisinau). It dates from 1678, founded as a convent of nuns. The convent was named Parascheva. The wooden churches and cells were often destroyed by the Tartar invasions during the XVIIth c., and the "St. Parascheva" monastery remained uninhabited. In 1835 a stone church was built in a Russian-Byzantine style for the summer period. Later, in 1841, it was built a church for the winter season.

From 1956 to 1990 the convent was closed by the Soviet authorities. In 1990, at the request of the local population the Hincu convent was reopened, becoming one of the most well arranged and most visited religious communities.A lot of water springs surround the convent, one of them is mineralized.


Saharna and Tipova Monasteries – proof of spiritual life

Saharna Monastery is situated 8 km from Rezina town, 45 km from Orhei town and 120 km from Chisinau. Saint Trinity Monastery in Saharna is located in one of the most picturesque gorges on three succeeding alternating terraces, on the shore of Nistru river, near Saharna village. The Monastery is surrounded from all sides by the high rocky hills, which are partly covered with forests. The historical heart of the Monastery

Saharna dates back to the ancient times. The monastery was founded by the hermit Bartolomeu in 1776. Today, it represents a complex of constructions: summer church of Saint Trinity (1818-1821), sanctified by the metropolitan G. Banulescu-Bodoni; winter church of Virgin’s Assumption (1863) guarding the relics of Saint Macarii; cells and chapel of Virgin Maria with a miracle icon. On the top of the mountain Grimidon a small chapel is raising.

According to the legend, in this place, Virgin Maria appeared to Bartolomeu and left in the rock her footstep. You can see by yourselves the Virgin’s footstep printed in the rock. The river Saharna forms 22 waterfalls along its way.

Tipova represent hermitage carved in a rock of about 100 m high. The most ancient part of the monastery consists of 19 caves built on the same level and connected by a narrow path. The last part of the monastery was built in 1756. In the first half of the XIXth century, the monastery was reconstructed and till nowadays kept a spirit of ages and various civilizations. It is said that the

wedding of our great Ruler Stephen the Great and Saint and his wife Maria Voichita was held in this monastery. Walking along the dark passages of monastic cloister, you can catch far away the voices of ancestors or Orpheus’s lyre that is still humming the melody of his love… Tourists can visit the splendid Tipova nature reserve. Wonderful landscape, rocky mountains, mirror surface of Nistru river, rumble of waterfalls: here you can rest from the world’s vanity, cheer up and find the peace of mind.


Milestii Mici – the old traditions of winemaking

"MILESTII MICI"is the oldest storehouse of the "divine liquid" - Wine. Having its particular glamour, this natural wine deposit – the largest of the world – appreciated in the lime galleries at a depth of 40-85 meters in the seventies of the last century. Over 50 km of the underground galleries are transformed into wine warehouses in the Milestii Mici Village (almost 20 km south Chisinau).

Now, as many years ago, the underground kingdom still excites the visitors. The lucky guests who get into it have the rare opportunity to travel the darkened avenues and streets with rows and niches, where precious bottles are carefully laid down, where barrels are placed. Covered with the attributes of antiquity – spider web and grey dust – they attract all looks, just like a magnet. In order to make the time travel even more exciting, all those who wish are given the map of the wine depository, sealed with wax. The same map is present on the labels. The constant annual temperature of +12 ... +14 C0 and the high moisture level offers favourable conditions to store the high quality wine. The wine collection consists of over 2 million bottles. The grapes collected on

the vineyards around Milestii Mici village are of special quality. The wine made out of these grapes has a rich and noble taste, which is stored then in the stone subways for many years. Cabernet", "Cahor", "Muscat" or "Aligote" – each of them bears the mark of the creator, his soul, energy and inspiration, though all of them are perceived as a part of the universal history of winemaking, as a part of the Moldovan culture.


Cricova - the famous underground wine city

Being placed under the town of Cricova, the cellars form a true underground city with avenues, streets and broadways. Only their names seem to be so old: Cabernet, Feteasca, Riesling, Aligote, Sauvignon … Every street’s name corresponds to the wine brand preserved right there, in the adjacent niches.Cricova winery was initially conceived as an elite wines producing enterprise, which were to be manufactured in accordance with strict classical rules of the European technologies. Afterwards “Cricova” relied heavily on its successful activity upon the original favourable conditions of the

galleries which are spread at a distance of about 60 km – labyrinths with an unique microclimate.Here, all the year round, the temperature is constant ( +10-+12 °C) while the relative air humidity is about 97-98%. Namely these exclusively favourable natural factors make possible the keeping and ageing of the vintage and classical sparkling wines, offering them an authentic character. The cellars are situated in the depth depending on the relief, ranging from 35 m at the entrance till 60-80 m in the Cellars. All the

labyrinths, altogether with the production departments, cover about 53 ha of the underground space. The originality of the Cellars is supported also on the impressing tasting complex consisting of few special decorated halls: “The Conference Hall”, “The Ocean Floor”, “Casa Mare” (meaning the traditional guest room in a Moldavian village house) and others. The wines from Cricova collection have an ancient history: the oldest bottle is dated from 1902. The local guide will tell you the odyssey

of some bottles from this collection that has got here after the Second World War.At the end of the excursion you can taste the most famous wines.


Purcari Winery –explore the history of wines

Situated at 140 km from Chisinau, the tour to Purcari Winery will let you enjoy on the way the view of rolling hills and moldovan villages. Its history bottled and corked..."Purcari Wines are a legend of the all-conquering high quality retaining in it, the whole history of an exceptional bouquet of wine. This is a legend of French settlers and warm Black Sea winds, of the English Queen Elisabeth II and the glittering of gold medals."Well-known for their receipts as kept in a great secret more than three

Centuries, Purcari wines are considered by specialists a persuasive competitor to the famous Bordeaux, and do not differ by bouquet originality. That is why Purcari wines were forbidden by large wine-trading companies and for a long time were sold under French names with high price. Warm and humid Black Sea winds and sandy-argillaceous soil of Purcari area exquisite wines and enjoy a marvelous country.The visit to Purcari Winery includes:

a tour to the manufacturing site of the factory-reception of raw materials, department for processing grapes, department for wine storage, a bottling line

visit to the historical part of the factory-cellars, where wine are kept in oak tuns and bottles; survey of Purcari wine collection; survey of the tourist complex: both the tasting hall and the cozy hotel complex nearby.


Recommended Itineraries

I. Wine Road Tour

Accomodation: Hotel ****, 4 nightsBoard: breakfast includedTransport: transfer to/from airport, excursions by minibus


Day 1. Meeting at the airport. Transferring from airport to hotel. Excursion + guide – the panoramic tour of Chisinau. Returning to hotel.

Day 2. Excursion+guide at the Capriana Monastery. Excursion to the largest wine “city” Milestii Mici + wine tasting + national food in the underground gallery.

Day 3. Visiting the Purcari Winery – a French style castle. On our way to Purcari, we will visit the church in the Causeni village built in 1763 (with an unordinary frescoes). Excursion+tasting+lunch with selected wines. Possibility to buy premium wines. Returning to hotel in Chisinau.

Day 4. After visiting open – air museum Orheiul Vechi, we continue our trip to wine galleries Cojusna. After the underground excursion on the streets full of bottles dusted by value and taste, we enter a stone hall, where we take part in a professional wine tasting – wine that worth the best appreciation. Here we will also taste traditional dishes specific to that region. Return to hotel.

Day 5. Free day (shopping, souvenirs). Transfer from the hotel to the airport.


II. Wine Festival Tour

Come and see the charming Moldovan autumn! Come to Moldova to drink a cup of good WINE! In first weekend of October in Chisinau takes place The National Wine Holiday. You are welcomed with opened arms, with the hospitality and the enthusiasm so typical for us, the Moldavans.Don’t miss the event of the Moldavan autumn! Accomodation: Hotel ***, 5 nightsBoard: breakfast includedTransport: transfer to/from airport, excursions by minibus Program:

Day 1. Welcome to Moldova (Chisinau)! Meeting at the airport. Transferring from airport to hotel. Excursion + guide – the panoramic tour of Chisinau, visitation of the major attractions, commercial and rest centers.

Day 2. Chisinau – medieval city Orheiul Vechi – Branesti – Chishinau Excursion + guide, visit of the medieval city Orheiul Vechi, the cave piles and monasteries. Raut river defile panorama. Exploration of the Wine Cellars in Branesti. The tasting of the traditional, Moldavian wines, all with the typical food for the region. Presentation of the local wine-making technology. Returning to the hotel in Chisinau.

Day 3. Chisinau – Chateau ,,Vinaria Purcari” – Chisinau Excursion + guide, the royal welcoming at the famous french-style castle „Purcari Winery”, the wines of which are served at the court of Queen Elisabeth the II of Great Britain. Lunch with traditional food + tasting of 8 exclusive wines, initiation in the wine-tasting art offered by the professionals of „Chateau Purcari”. Returnig to your hotel in Chisinau.

Day 4. Chisinau (The National Wine Day) – Milestii Mici - Chisinau Participation at the official opening of the autumn event – „The National Wine Holiday”. Excursion + guide, car-tour on the 200km long streets of the world’s largest wine-gallery, registered in „The Guiness Book” – Milestii Mici. Lunch with traditional food and tasting of the wines from the greatest wine-collection of the world. Return to Chisinau, attending the party in the city: national dances and music, tasting of new wines from different regions of the country. Contest „The best presentation of the national cuisine”.

Day 5. The National Wine Festival - show must go on!Wine-making technology presentation – technological evolution, from past till nowadays + the energizing atmosphere of the holiday, dances, folk music. The final concert. Admiring the spectaculous fireworks.

Day 6, So long, Moldova! But first, shopping. A free day for shopping, souvenirs, transfer from the hotel to airport.


III. Weekend in Moldova

Accomodation: Hotel ****, 6 nightsBoard: breakfast includedTransport: transfer to/from airport, excursions by minibus


Day 1. Meeting at the airport. Transferring to the hotel. Excursion + guide – the panoramic tour of Chişinău. Returning to hotel.

Day 2. Excursion+guide – the medieval town Orheiul Vechi. Raut river defile panorama. A halt at the agrotourist pension “Casa din lunca”. Returning to hotel.

Day 3. Excursion+guide – visiting of the Hîijauca Monastery (1740, classicism style, unordinary interior painting).. Excursion+guide – the homecraft center “Casa parinteasca” at the Palanca village. A lunch with traditional Moldavian dishes. A walk in the peasant garden. Returning to hotel.

Day 4. Excursion and walking along the canyon (150 – 200 m. depth), visiting the rocky monastery Ţipova (the peculiar zone), monks’ cells (dig in the rocks). Admiring the landscape at a height of 100 m. Lunch at a pension in the Lalova village. Returning to Chişinău.

Day 5. Excursion+guide in Tiraspol (the monument of Vladimir Ilich Lenin). Visiting the sport complex “Sheriff”.Excurison+degustation+lunch at the wines and cognacs factory “KVINT”. Returning to Chisinau.

Day 6. Excursion+guide at the Capriana Monastery. Excursion at the largest wine “city” Mileştii Mici + wine tasting + national food in the underground gallery.

Day 7. Free day (shopping, souvenirs). Transfer from the hotel to the airport.


IV. Tasting Moldavian divines

Accomodation: Hotel ****, 3 nightsBoard: breakfast includedTransport: transfer t to/from airport, excursions by minibus


Day 1. Meeting at the airport. Transferring to the hotel. Excursion + guide – the panoramic tour of Chisinau. Returning to hotel.

Day 2. Excursion+guide in Tiraspol (the monument of Vladimir Ilich Lenin). Visiting the sport complex “Sheriff”. Excurision+tasting+lunch at the wines and cognacs factory “KVINT”. Returning to Chisinau.

Day 3. Visiting the Hirjauca Monastery, situated in the central part of Moldova, in the very heart of „Codru” (1740, classicism style, unordinary interior painting). After a short stay at the monastery, we are going to the wines and cognacs factory “Calarasi”. After the excursion you can taste 7-8 types of selected cognacs and to have a lunch with national dishes.

Day 4. Free day (shopping, souvenirs). Transfer from the hotel to the airport.