Discover the 5 New Windows 8 Security Features You Should Know - by Denver IT Support Specialists

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Are there any security features in Windows 8 you should know about? Learn About the 5 New Windows 8 Security Features - Presented by your Denver IT Support Specialists and Technology Consultants at North Star, Inc. Visit Presentation designed by Social Media Virtual Assistant: Andrea Kalli at



You Should Know


N O R T H S T A R , I N C .

Helping your Organization to be More Productive

NORTH STAR, INC. Presented by

With every new release of the Windows operating system, one of the most

significant elements is the introduction of new and improved security features.

It is often for this reason that it is important, particularly for business users, to make sure that they are always using the latest software.

In addition to many other new features, Windows 8 introduces an abundance of

new security features (dependent on the edition you choose).

The most exciting of these new security features in Windows 8 are

explained here.

Secure Boot, All Editions

The new Secure Boot feature is designed to

prevent any unauthorized firmware, drivers or

operating systems from launching as the computer

boots up into Windows.

This feature may be disabled if …

… You experience hardware compatibility

problems on older devices.

… You experience hardware compatibility problems with other

operating systems, such as Linux, which you may want to run alongside Windows.

But …

Businesses find Secure Boot very useful in securing corporate IT resources, since it makes Windows 8 extremely resistant to rootkits and

other low-level malicious software.

Picture Password, All Editions

Windows 8 makes touch screen devices more secure.

Rather than using the onscreen

keyboard, passwords can be

entered with a three-swipe

gesture over a chosen image.

Both touch screen device and traditional computer users will be able to use this feature, as well as the regular written password.

If you forget your picture password, you will always be able to enter your written

password instead.

Integrated Antivirus, All Editions

Windows 7 included the very basic free antivirus

software, Windows Defender.

Windows 8 comes with a new version of Windows

Defender - fully integrated.

The new Windows Defender boasts all of the features of Microsoft Security Essentials plus some additional features

and performance tweaks.

Although this feature is

extremely welcome to home users, businesses will

probably still want to use more

sophisticated, professional

antivirus software instead.

SmartScreen Filter, All Editions

SmartScreen Filter is a feature of Internet Explorer.

But …

In Windows 8, it is applied to the operating system itself, as well as

Internet Explorer 10, which ships with the

new operating system.

SmartScreen Filter helps to ensure that only safe files are downloaded from the Internet or other sources

onto your computer.

It will also warn you if you are trying to

download something suspicious.

This is an extremely valuable tool for

businesses, which must rely on

multiple users.

Security Features in Windows 8 Pro and Enterprise Editions

Windows 8 Pro, designed for

businesses and enthusiasts, replaces the

Professional and Ultimate versions of the operating


Windows 8 Pro is the fullest edition of the operating system.

Windows 8 Pro includes Bitlocker, Bitlocker To Go,

file system encryption (EFS),

domain membership and

group policy object


All of these features are

similar to Windows 7 and Windows Vista, with some new additions to compensate for

the other changes in Windows 8.

Windows 8 Enterprise Edition is

the same as Windows 8 Pro, although only

available to larger companies which

have volume licensing

agreements with Microsoft.

These companies will have access to the new Applocker, DirectAccess

and Windows To Go features.

Applocker provides administrators with

the power to restrict access to

certain applications.

DirectAccess allows computers to connect securely to company


Windows To Go is a version of the operating system which runs directly off a

USB storage device on any 64-bit computer.

Please feel free to contact us for your network analysis.


Looking forward to our future collaboration!

N O R T H S T A R , I N C .

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Presentation Designed by Andrea Kalli