Discover your true north

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Live Your Life

You are told that you cannot make it, that you are ugly, that you are overweight, that you are short, that you are not talented enough or smart enough. Everyday you hear that you are not such type to be such person.

You are persuaded not to dream big. Even you are afraid to dream. You allow their words and judgement to frame your future. You want to hear YES but they repeat NO. You are rained with thousands of NOs whenever you think about your YES!

It is time to listen to your own YES. Do you hear it? Listen more. It is your inner voice! Their NO is no longer relevant when you listen deep to your YES. Give a chance to hear yourself. You are not your weight or height or wealth. You are not their words. You are You and you deserve to live as you.

More than seven billion people on earth but you are unique and different from any one of them. The way you think is absolutely unique; your style, your beliefs, your actions, your personality, your habits, and your intentions are exclusively unique.

This uniqueness is your strong point from which you can grow and evolve. It is very easy to accept that you are your father’s life, your professor’s life, or your society’s production. It is easy to give up yourself and live the life of others. Yeah but you will never know who you are!


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Self-identity is a big struggle for many and only few who are able to get to know themselves. I had such bloody struggle inside me for years. I didn't feel that I was living the life I want. Mostly I was living the life that my society told me to live.

Repurposing my life was the solution. No one accepted this but I did listen only to my YES. I believe I can be better if I live my life. I can help the world with my uniqueness but only if I discover and live it. People were expecting me to act such way or to talk such way as exactly they do but I was doing things on my way. In someway they didn't like my way. It was natural because it was my way not theirs. It is my true north.

First Step Toward Your North

Perhaps you ask how can I live my life. My answer is simple “listen to your inner voice and take action accordingly”. Your situation is so hard to be managed or your boss is horrible to cope with or your pocket is empty or you don't have anyone to help; Yeah I know you have such problems but YOU ARE STILL ABLE TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT! !


No more theories about this but I will share with you a practical example through which you will see how it is very possible to live the life you love and want even with problems. I will speak my heart out to you and take the curtain off to let you watch all the stories behind the evolution of the personality I have today.

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I am not telling you a simple story; it is a mixture of pain, failure, hardship, and tears pilling over years. I pass it but its memories still live deep inside me. I never talked about my story either in writing or speech; but now I decide to share it with the world; perhaps it will help you obtain power or regain hope that you can make it and live the life you love.

My story reveals my uniqueness and unlock the secret that nothing is impossible and for sure you will reach your goals when you work hard for them. Look nowhere but inside you. The giant is sleeping there; wake it up.

!Ok I will leave you with the story and I hope you will enjoy it.



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At the end of my life, I would love to find that I fully live my life and wholeheartedly love and crazily matter in a lot of people’s life… Mini Naji

How it started

It all started in a very isolated small naturally beautiful town in Mauritania, Barkeol. The rain just stopped and all people were happy and asked each other about their homes. In my town, Barkeol, as other Mauritanian cities, rain is the most important thing as most people depend on animals in their lives.

In that beautiful atmosphere, I heard people whispering that my Dad has just divorced my mum. Though I was 10 years old, I did not understand much of that but I did feel that the news was not pleasant.

Yeah I was 10 years old and I haven't yet understood much about life. 10 year-old boy nowadays can be a boss of a company but in my days was a very simple boy. Technology has speeded the mental growth of kids.

The only family I had was my mum, my grandma and my aunt whom I consider as my mum and even my relationship with her was deeper than the one I had with my mum.

I did not know my dad very much because he was always on travel. But I remember that I enjoyed, from the button of my heart, the few days I spent with him.

I was a very spoiled boy because I was the only kid of the whole family. I was crazy about playing. My dream was always to have time to play with my 25- year-old neighbour who was helping me to couch birds for my cat.

With time, my dad stayed in the Capital, Nouakchott, and got married with another woman. Once in a time, he visited us for

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3 days and it was unforgettable days. He came with his fancy car, Toyota Hilux, and I was boosting about it in front of my friends as few people at that time owned cars.

My mum was one of the most beautiful girls in the town and she is very hard-worker and passionate about helping others. She started depending on herself and tried to start a kind of business in the town after divorce.

Everything was difficult because bringing goods from the Capital needed a lot of money as there no roads to my town and it was very isolated. Buying goods locally had no big ROI. Anyway, she started her simple store only to support her family including me.

I remember her hard work under the burning sun sweating. She was always sick because of the sun and when I told her “mum you need to take rest”. She replied “if I stop who is going to support the family” and started joking with me that one day when I grow up and become a big boss, she will get rest. Always expressed her dreams and wishes for me that one day I will be so rich and she will be with me.

I was a kid so I did not help much or even understood her situation. The only important thing for me was to play. I started escaping school because teachers were beating us a lot and everything was unpleasant in the school. I loved to play and sleep. That’s it!


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Moving to the Capital I did not know how that happened but my mum told me that I would go with her to the capital. I was supper excited because it was the first time to travel and to where, to the capital. I heard that they have electricity, roads, small cars and much much more. In my town we did not have electricity at that time and there were no roads nor small cars.

After spending days with me in the capital, she told me that she would be back to the town and I would stay with my dad. I liked to stay with him because his house was clean and had electricity and TV plus his beautiful car that I enjoyed a lot.

I was so astonished about the small cars I saw and the big surprise was with TV. I never heard about it before. My little brain was not able to process what I saw. Everything was new to me and strange.

I love my dad so much. I stayed in his house with my step-mother. He treated me very well. He gave me money with which I bought a lot of things I never tried before. It was like a dream. I bought chocolate, sweets, and Ice-creams to taste them for the first time in my life. Nothing more joy-able than to test things for the first time!

Suddenly my step mother changed her mind about me and started gossiping to my dad that I am a bad boy. He changed the way he treated me too. Everyday he shouted in my face and blamed me for things I had no idea about. She convinced him that I spent money on cinema and cigarets and hanging out with bad friends. Then he stopped giving me money.

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I started studying in a school not far from home. I discovered later that my mum wanted to leave me with my dad as he is a man and with his control he can force me to study.

At that time, there were no cell phones to reach my mum. My life became a hell. My dad was always angry with me and my step mother was able to convince him that I am a devil and everything bad happens at home is my responsibility.

You can imagine a countryside boy whose background is very plane and traditional found himself in a modern life where he was abused and badly treated. The only thing I could do at that time was to cry and cry. I enjoyed crying alone before I sleep. I had no one to tell and I had no power to change anything.

It went like that for a year and a half. Then my dad sent me back to my mum to spend a month with her. It was unforgettable moment!! In the car, it takes one day from the capital to my town.

I arrived in the evening and the driver was shouting in joy at my mum “I brought Mini to you”. My grandma came out running and hugged me crying then my aunt. My mum was not there at the moment. They sent someone to inform her. She came with a big smile on her face. My mum is so strong when it comes to me and my future.

Later my mum asked about my situation in the Capital. I replied “everything is ok. I like staying with my dad. He treats me so well”. I knew deep in my heart that my mum couldn't fund my study and she barely could support her mum and her handicap sister. Also I did’t want to make her feel guilty and sad by knowing I was treated badly. She asked me a lot if I am

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happy there and how my step mother treats me but my answer always “everything is cool”.

I told my mother about the TVs and small cars and how I enjoyed them. I almost told everyone in the town about these things :))).

Then I came back to the capital again and the same scenario continued. Year after year it got worse. My step mum never stopped gossiping about me and even she was aiming to make me look like a real poor boy.

My cloth was dirty and where I lived was super dirty. I remember that my jeans were full lice☺

In the evening I played football with kids of our neighbours but I always felt that they didn’t want to play with me. They wore very clean and new cloths, so they didn’t want to hang out with a poor boy.

In Mauritania we have two important feasts and all the boys wore beautifully and got money and sometimes went to the beach with their family. I always stayed at home or took a walk to see all people happy with their new cloths and family gathering.

What bothered me much was that my step-mother had a boy of 6 years. She always sent him to bother me more. In the days of feasts, she bought him beautiful cloths and told him to pass in front of me to make me feel bad. He would tell me that I don’t have cloths and I am poor. In the evening they went out to the beach and left me home alone.

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I remember all the details as if they happened yesterday. I remember that when he for example broke a glass or did something wrong she told my dad that I was the one who did so. No one will listen to me. I was always wrong. She was to great extent able to design a bad image about me and install it into my father’s brain. I was a buckler behind which everyone hid when they did wrong. I paid all the bills of misbehaviours at home.

Don't think that those things happened only for one day or one year; they continued for about 6 years. Everyday I woke up and slept on these problems. Every day there was a new suffering and a new abuse.

With time I learned to appear so happy while I am bleeding inside. I never talked about my problems and no one ever knew about them. That is what made my situation harder. It is the first time in my life to write about them. You are one of the first people to whom I reveal my secrets. I was used to cry a lot in the middle of the night when all the memories haunting me.

After about 6 years of this situation, my dad divorced. It was great news because I was sure that my dad loves me but this girl was advertising wrong information to him about me and I was unable to defend myself.

I couldn’t know my dad though I lived with him and we never had any friendly conversation. He always blamed me and for that reason I did not want to talk to him. My feeling was unexplainable!


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Yeah she got out of home and I stayed with my dad but we still had no positive communication. When you are a kid, your dreams are so small and everything can make your little heart butterflying. I had a dream to communicate with him friendly but I failed. The key of my full happiness was in his hands, just one good word and I will be well satisfied.

Two months later he got married with another girl :) and she came home. First she was so sweet with me and we were like friends. Then later she started gossiping to my dad about me too in a very dirtier way.

She was different from the first one. The first was clear in her position; she showed me that I was not welcomed and she expressed that in words. Even sometimes she made jokes about my mum and my family which drove me crazy. But this new one was doing all of that under the table and she appeared as an angel.

The game now was so dirty. One day my dad told me not to sit any more with them in the living room. I didn’t know why but he announced this order. Then he told me not to watch TV. I always went to neighbours to watch TV though we had two TVs at home.

Every day I heard that I am nothing and just a bad boy who will get no future. I remember that I spent 6 months I cried every day either in the room when I was alone or in the bathroom.

In 2003, I started to study hard. The whole world seemed not welcoming me and in books I found the release. I read a lot.

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Sometimes I spent days going out only for an hour or two to have walk then came back home to read.

Those books gave me power and inspiration. After a year of reading, I was no longer care about what was going on. I saw life from a new angle.

In 2004, I talked to my dad that I want to travel to another city to study in Mauritanian traditional schools, El-mahdara. His reaction was: “Mini I know you will never do anything and you are a complete failure. But if you want to go, go”.

Actually I went. I discovered that I was very ignorant. I was ashamed about myself. That shame was great drive to study hard. In two years I was one of the distinguished students in that school because I studied all the time and I took a vacation only for 3 to 5 days yearly. When I came back home in the capital, problems and memories started to come back so I returned very fast to the school.

Though I did great job at school and a lot of students came to me for help, I was still not confident. It was normal because I spent years hearing that “I am nothing”. I was programmed to see myself as no future and as no one. In some way, I deeply believed that.

At that time I was able to write poetry in Arabic and enjoyed writing excellent essays that many people loved. I read hundreds of books in Arabic and that gave me great ability in Arabic language.

I was so shy and I cannot talk in front of people. I had a zero confidence in myself.

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Back to the Capital !In 2008, I came back to the capital and started studying French language. Then I participated in Baclearia and when the results were out I was among the 30 students.

After that I did not know what to do. I didn’t have money to study abroad and locally there were little opportunities.

Finally I decided to go to English department in Nouakchott University. But I knew nothing about English even the basics. Anyway I decided to give it a go. Before a month of their approval exam, I registered in a language centre school. I studied so hard and I haven’t yet known internet or even known how to use a computer. So my dependence was on books.

I participated in English department approval exam and I passed with a very low grade☺. Anyway I was in. The school year started and I was so ashamed because people were participating in the class and even I didn’t understand what teachers were saying.

This helped me to study as a crazy! I had no friends or a girlfriend and I had no money or a car to go out. I just came home and started studying and studying. I was able to master English in only one year. To my surprise, the first test we did was in grammar and I was the first in the class. I couldn’t

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believe it really! So my classmates introduced themselves to me and friendship was made.

My grades were so good and I was beloved but I was still with a zero confidence in myself. I didn’t participate in the class though I knew in a great extent the subject was discussed.

At home, the situation was as it was or worse but no longer affected me as I achieved and got results. The achievement I realised in school had great effect on my life.

In my last year, I was able to apply a new strategy to overcome my shyness and gain confidence. In that year I was like a star (or I felt so ☺). I started participating in the class and leading some shows as a speaker. I really enjoyed those moments with my heart.

I saw myself evolving! In the same year one of my friends gave me a book by Steven Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. This book has changed me from the root. I applied the principles that Mr. Covey shares in his book and I was teaching them to any one I talked to till I became very sick of teaching them.


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Good moments hate to last! !I did great in the test before the final exam. I was so proud of myself. We finished the test on Friday and we had a week off before the final. On the same Friday I got Grit Disease. I came back home and in the morning I woke up all my body was full of blisters.

On Sunday, I felt unbearable pain that I couldn’t sleep. My dad took me to the hospital but they refused me because the illness I had was contagion and they didn’t have a room for such illness. Medicine in my country was so primary and is still. I spent days and nights without a sleep. In the night I was talking to myself how can I spend the whole year studying hard and I passed all the models and this is the last year and the final exam and I will not be able to do it. I won’t graduate! What a sad news!

My friends tried with the department headquarter in order to do a separate exam for me when I recover but they totally refused. On the next Saturday, the exam will start. On the eve of Friday, I felt somehow better. I talked to my dad that I will do the exam. He told me that with this illness I couldn’t do it. But I insisted. On the exam day, my dad took me very early to the university.

My friends were really shocked to see me like that. Some girls cried when they saw me. It was really disgusting to look at me. I knew that but I had to do my exam and I was expecting all of

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these reactions. I kept a big smile on my dark blister-full face! I didn’t revise for the final; I just depended on the information I had. Luckily I passed but I still need to repeat Spanish. I did it and passed it too.

On the day of graduation, no one of my family was there. I was used to celebrate my success alone as no one at home giving a dam to what I was doing. All my classmates were accompanied by their families and brought drinks and cakes to celebrate with them. For me I was alone but I was so confident and not affected much by what was going on.

I got my diploma but I didn’t know what to do next. A businessman who had a company in USE needed someone who speaks English. He visited us at home to see me but I wasn’t yet recovered from my illness and the signs were still on my body which made it annoying to look at me. After he met me, he apologised later that for now he didn’t need an employee but I was sure that he did need but my look was really not encouraging.

Then I went to stay with my mum for 4 months, the longest period I ever spent with her after I went to the capital. I seized this opportunity to read a lot to Mr. Covey and other Arabic writers who write about self growth and business.

I really got excellent ideas. I was in a very simple environment where no internet but because of the books I read I was living in another world.


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The Journey Has Just Started

!When I came back to the capital, my dad found a job for me in the government but I refused because if I want to succeed in this job, I need to steel, receive bribery, and cheat others. Mostly in the government people are like this. My cousins called me the crazy man because I refused such great opportunity as they saw it.

My dad had a friend who has some work in Angola. At that time Angola was the target of Mauritanian youth for its good economy and high salary too. For that reason it was so difficult to get its visa.

Very fast, I got a work visa for Angola. I was really afraid to go to Angola as it was not safe and just finished civil war. But it was the best choice.

It was confusing day in my life. Things were going so fast. The day of departure arrived. For me it will be the first time to travel with airplane and to visit another country. My time departure will be at 5 am. At 10 clock I went to my Step mother and we have been for long time in a very bad relation.

I told her “well! life is so short and I will travel and I don’t know when to be back. Perhaps I was bad person so now I apologise for any bad treatment”. She started to cry and convinced that she was wrong in her treatment to me. Anyway I stood up and kissed her head and she was crying more. I said

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“I am sorry and forgive me”. She hugged me crying. Really I was about to cry but I controlled my tears.

I called my other step mother too to say goodbye. I forgave all people who ever did something wrong to me. They helped me to succeed but in another way. If they were good to me, I will be nothing because I was very lazy and loved to play and sleep. With their bad treatment, they ignited the power and woke the giant inside me.

I knew that all people are good and they have negative reactions only if they are afraid that someone will take them down or get their things.

If you work hard on your goals and you got results even your enemies will admire you and change their minds. So don’t focus more on your hater's feeling but get your goals achieved.


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The moment has come

My dad was so proud of me and all my family even my step mother. One time my dad expressed to me that he is proud of me. One night, light was on in my room and my dad woke up at 3 a.m to switch it off thinking that I was sleeping. He found me between my books studying. He stopped at the door with his beautiful smile and said “Mini really I am proud of you. You make my head up between friends and neighbours. I never bother myself about your study and you prove to me that you can really succeed. Thanks so much for the honour you brought home”. Then said “sorry to bother I just come to switch the light off thinking you are sleeping”.

He left but left a great joy inside me with his beautiful words that I never heard from him. I couldn’t even continue studying because of his words. I love him so much and all these years I was working hard to draw his attention. I hoped to hug him or to sleep on his arm as I always did to my mum. None of that happened and by now I guess you know the reason.





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Luanda is Another Story

After 24 hours of flying, I arrived to Luanda, the capital of Angola, at 4 a.m. It was really scary and the police spoke only Portuguese in which I had a zero level.

I didn’t know who was waiting for me and my heart was beating so fast. One of the police seized the opportunity and stopped me to ask for money and for sure I gave him what I had ☺. I found a businessman waiting for me. He took me to his house and on the way I saw some people drinking, and I said to myself “I am in the wrong place really”!

I stayed in his house and he was really good to me. I found a book in their shelf written by a Mauritian who worked in Angola. He wrote that book about his journey and counted horrible stories about Angola and its people. I was in a very bad psychological state. People around me talked about horrible experiences they had with both thieves and polices. I spent three months at home without working and I was so afraid to go out.

The first time I went out, I passed by an accident. Someone was laying on the street bleeding; it was horrible scene. For me it was the first time to see a dead person. In Mauritania, it is not normal to see someone on the street laying dead.

In where I lived there were 3 guardians and each had a gun which was horrible to look at. I felt I was in a war. Though I never encountered any problem in Angola but the first year was difficult for me as it was full of fear and bad expectations.

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Later I made friendship with Angolans and I was able to interact successfully. I became one of them and I was invited several times to attend parties. Now I consider Angola as my second country because I know everything about it and I know its people and their culture.

Back to the beginning, I started working with the businessman in his company. He has a series of companies and the one I worked in was the biggest transportation company in Angola. I started as a client receptionist at one of the company station. My weakest point was that I didn’t speak Portuguese which is the official language in Angola.

I was so happy because this was the first job I got in my life. I got my salary and sent it immediately to my family.


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Bad News Never Let me alone I had a dream to get money and buy for my aunt all she wants. She was part of life and my love was in her blood. She has no children and considered me as hers.

I remember when I came to visit her in the town; she spent all her time serving me. One day her neighbour told her “why you are no longer visiting us”. She replied “Mini is here those days and I am here always to prepare food for him when he comes back home and stay with him”. These words went deep inside me. The only job she had was to serve me. I love her so much and I was used to joke with her a lot.

But at that time I was a poor jobless boy who had nothing to provide. When I got a job in Angola, the first thing to do was to make her live the life she wants.

Her health was not always stable. In the evening with a friend of mine, my phone ringed and the number was my mum's. She told me “Mini no one will stay in this life and you have to accept that. Mariam has passed away today. Be strong”! I did not say anything. Just my tears were running on my checks and I couldn’t talk.

My friend was asking what was going but I couldn’t talk to him either. I just ran out of the room and went to my room and closed it and cried a lot. It was just like a dream but a nightmare. People came to me and tried to calm me down but whenever I remember her face or her smile I cried more.


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I spent about three weeks in a very bad situation. Even I couldn’t eat. I had desire for nothing. I couldn't believe; I have been working hard the whole of my life to make her happy and build a house for her and even buy her a car and now when I got a job and salary she left my world. So hard really!

Then... A month later I was running in the rain and I fell down to find that my elbow has broken. They took me to the hospital and the doctor said that I need an operation. As medicine is very expensive and not to that good in Angola, I was obliged to travel outside. I didn’t tell my mum about that. I told her that I will travel for business. I didn’t want to worry her.

I went to Tunisia and did the operation alone. I lived alone. It was not easy.

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I came back to Angola and to my work. I studied Portuguese very fast and applied some techniques to get noticed in the company. I went from receptionist to an accounting manager of the station.

Then they moved me to the commercial department which was my goal. I could do better in commerce than any other place. Also I started as a simple worker who arranged tyres and such things. After a year I became a manager of the place I was working in as a simple.

On January 2013, they sent me to China to sign a contract with a coach company. We bought more than 250 buses and the deal was so big and it was success because my colleague and I were fighting a lot to get better price and more support.




Life Started Smiling

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When I came back I was appointed to be the commercial manager for the whole commerce in the company. Also I was still responsible for relation with Chinese company because I had a very good friendship with its managers.


Turning Point in My Life

!In Dubai Airport, I bought a book entitled Rich Dad and Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I read the whole book in the airplane. I can tell you that I entered in the plane someone and got out of it someone else. I was looking for this book for long time but I never knew that such information was there.

Though I was a successful employee, something inside me always told me that employment is not the best solution to my financial problem. People around me envy me for my fast growth in the company but for me it was not my goal but even I didn’t know why.

Kiyosaki addresses my problem. It was as if he was reading my thoughts. I shouted WOW! What a book! I immediately registered in Rich Dad program coach online and they completely changed my thinking about money. I started to think differently.

Before that, in 2012, I joined a Network Marketing Company from Britain and I was amazed at how it was possible to make money from Internet. I spent a year in this business and it taught me a lot about online marketing.

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For that reason, I continued studying about building business online. I quitted Network Marketing. I took expensive courses online about how to build a blog that converts and how to use Youtube and social media to grow your business; I took courses on editing, programming, CPA networks, Niche business, Adsense, Media buying, Copy writing, advertising, outsourcing, and selling online.

The whole 2013 was only for trying different ways on making money online. None of the people who were with me or friends have any idea about what I was doing. For that reason they bombard me with advice after advice that I have to be careful about Internet. I knew that they loved me and so their advices were welcomed but it was hard for them to understand what I was on.

I bought a camera and a little studio equipped with light kits and white background and installed it on the side of my bed. Also I bought a version of a software editor, Screenflow. So I am ready to learn. I started filming and editing by myself. Learning process took some time but finally I was able to film and edit professionally.

I got on Odesk to hire a freelancer to build my blog and other one to make an Intro. Also I got another girl on Fiverr to design the logo. I started blogging in Arabic. This is the link of my blog in Arabic also this is my my Channel on Youtube. Take a look at my blog and my Youtube channel.

I got many followers around the Arab world and they were amazed at the way I produced my videos. I use fast cut and try to include something funny always in my videos. I produced

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very short, entertaining, and helpful videos. I was distinguished in the market. I started my blog only to practice what I’ve learned and to test the market. To my surprise, my blog and my ideas seem to work well. !

The hard decision "My dream is always not to be an employee but to have my own business where I can help people. I wholeheartedly love to bring a smile to a person. In my life I did help many to discover their voices and guide them to the right path.!

One of my strongest points is that whenever I speak to anyone about self improvement or business or relationship they always listen to me and at the end they convince that those ideas are awesome!

I did suffer in my life and it is very easy for me to feel your problems and worries. I know the solutions because I know the problems and I experienced them in my life too. If you fail, I failed too; if you are treated bad, I was too; if your life is hard, my life was too; if you are poor, I was too; if you are not happy, I was too; if you are unconfident, I was too... and many more I experience in my life.

Therefore, why not spread the love and share my solutions and plant a smile in everyone’s face, I said to myself. But how?

I know that Internet can pave the way for my dream to be true. So I invest in it but I don’t have time to produce the quality content I wish because of my daily job. An idea came to me to

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resign from the company and to look for the life I want and love.

I talked to my friends about that. All of them saw the idea as the craziest idea I ever had. I was among the top 5 leaders in the company. The company is one of the biggest transportation companies in Angola. A lot of prestige this company gave me and my salary was good and they gave me a car and a beautiful office.

Deeply inside me I don’t want a job. I want a life. I want to do what I love not what I am told to do. I know in order to get what I want I need to sacrifice. I need to leave the better for the best. It was bloody struggle inside me. After 4 months I decide to give it a go. I didn't tell anyone; I just wrote my resign and handed it to the company. All of them were chocked.

I spent three years in this company working with my heart and I had a zero problem with anyone. I love them so much. They became my family so it was really hard to say good bye. No one accepted my resign. Even my clients were chocked and some of them offered a job in their companies. But I said thanks I need to try something different.

The owner of the company had a meeting with me to offer anything I want to turn back to work. But at the end of the meeting I convinced him that I want nothing, just let me go.

I didn’t tell them that I will work online because it will be a silly idea for them ☺ so I kept it my secret.

I stayed at home working on Internet. I am building my business online where I can help you and get the freedom I

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dream of. Though I started from zero but the results did worth it.

Now I am traveling around the world and working on my projects day and night. Traveling is not easy for me because I have a Mauritanian passport and almost all the countries require a visa for Mauritanian citizens. However, I am trying my best to get visas the faster the possible.

You know what the company had another meeting with me asking for my cooperation. I had a wide experience in oversea market and I did many successful deals for them so they did’t want to lose me completely. I agreed to work with them but not as an employee. I am free in my time but if they want to buy something from China for example, I can go there to close the deal.

%90 of the things you worry about never happen. That’s really true! All of the bad things I expected to happen after my resign none of them took place.

If you want a better future, you need to sacrifice. Leaving the better for the best is not easy at all. People around you will blame you a lot and their words will install confusion and fear inside you.

You will never completely overcome your fear or confusion but with confidence and belief in your dreams you keep the wheel rolling. Sometimes you feel down and broken but that for me is always a good sign. If I get a day full of failure, I am sure that the next day will be full of joy. Any bad month always leads to another great month; any bad experience gives birth to another successful experience.

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You get this only if you continue but if you stop you will live always in the bad day and never give yourself a chance to reach the good day. The good day is not at the beginning of the journey but at the end. Breathe and continue.

Also give the best and forget about the rest. I worked hard for this company and I was loyal to them. The result was when I resigned, they invited me for cooperation. As well I received another invitations from my clients. Why? Because they know I did good.

If you are working with others, just give them the best and the future will be bright.

To Make the Long Story Short As you may see till now that your problems are your big motivation in life. They push you harder to think and work for solutions till you discover your TRUE NORTH.

Your True North is there but it needs some efforts to be discovered. You need to try different things. Hardship is always the best tool through which you discover your true north. I can imagine if my life was smooth and with no problems, I will be just as most of my friends looking for a simple and save life. But my problems were really hard to bear so I was breathlessly pushing and fighting to solve them.

If you read about successful people from all the walk of life you will discover that a problem was behind all the achievements they have. Healthy, economic, psychological, social problem or whatever can get you to a place you never imagine to be.

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Humans are in need for motivations and to be hardly pushed to get things done. Problems are to be for that job. A boy is reading hard because of his father; an employee is working with sweat because of his boss. A wise man or woman is working hard for a solution because of a problem.

Never ever estimate your problems or look at them as a negative sign but rather see them as life saver that will drive you to make your life better.

Never quit your dreams and life will not end if you take the right decision. Your fear is there but never let it control your life. You are wonderful so act accordingly... smile to the world, the world smile back to you :)

My Strategy I never give up. When a problem happen, I know deep in my heart that this is a good sign that the good day is coming. Therefore, I keep continuing. Difficulties at the beginning never stop me or keep me away from what I want.

In my life, I started a lot of projects from zero but thanks to continuation, I was able to achieve what I want.

SO if you want to discover your true north, keep going and never give up. That simple!


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Let’s be friends! I really hope that you’ve got a lot from this eBook. I have enough information to take your life to the next level. For that reason, I have built a blog only to share with you my experiences in both life and business. In my blog I share with you things about self growth, business opportunity, CPA Networks, how to build a blog that generates, how to make money online, tips about online marketing and much much more.

This is the last touch of this E-book but I hope this isn’t the end of our relationship. If you are interested, you can keep in touch through the following ways:

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!Finally I want you to do me a favour. If you like this E-book send me an email at saying “Hey Mini I just finish the book and I love it”.

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