Discrimination in the workplace and non-discrimination laws · March ’16 - Today. Initiatives....

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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Discrimination in the workplace and non-discrimination laws

(In)equality is (not) good for business

Marta TrindadeAbreu AdvogadosPortugal

Andreas WhiteKingsley NapleyUnited Kingdom

Dr. Sara Ianni-MullinsVischer Ltd.Switzerland

Rachid Aolad SiDoorn & KeizerThe Netherlands

My career – Angela Tessa

BS, Mechanical Eng’rg (Turin Politecnico)MS, Biomechanical Eng’rg (Turin Politecnico


2 kids (1 boy- 13 years old, 1 girl- 10years old)I like to spend time with my children, travel,

reading & walking in the mountains. I am part of an acting company

About Me

Control System Engineering(9 months)

Avio focal point for CT7-8 FAA certification

(2 years)

Team building (cross-cultural)Clear thinkingNegotiation capability

Engine /Helicopter integration (3 years)

PWC & F119 & HON Program Manager (3 years)

CT7/T700 & AW Program Manager (2 year)

Rivalta Product Quality & Laboratories Leader

PM&PS Best Practice & Knowledge Management

NegotiationTeam building (cross-culturalCulture challenging

CT7-8CTerminaionEIT of T6E1engineCustomer/IPT

First PMO in AvioAeroKnowledge of PM Processes

Power GenerationTyphoon engine

Y: 1998

Y: ’99 -2001

Y: 2001 - 2004

Y: 2004 - 2007 PM RoleManagement of Customer/IPT

Y: 2007 - 2009

Y: 2014 – May’15

GE & AW Military Prog’sProgram Director

(5 year)

Y: 2009 - 2014 Managing a Cross functional team

Typhoon program(10months)Avio Aero


May ‘15- March ‘16

Senior PM - Military Non-UE InitiativesMarch ’16 - Today Fist time AA

nominated MSC

1. Papa, don’t leave: maternity and paternity at work2. Catch up if you can: closing the gender pay gap3. Getting women on board: women’s quota4. Leading by example: advance third gender equality 5. Better than cure: measures to prevent discrimination6. Key take away: ongoing work in making progress


1. Papa, don’t leave: maternity and paternity at work

Legal framework in Switzerland

Maternity leave: 14 weeks after giving birth;

No right to return to work within the first 8 weeks;Compensation: 80% of salary, but up to a maximum of CHF 196.00 / day (i.e. cap at monthly

salary of CHF 7’350.00).

Paternity leave: 1 day (i.e. day of birth)

Parental leave: Does not exist!

Reduction of work quota is a career killer.

Do you agree?

Member state level

WC right of access payment data (Germany)

Mandatory firm reporting (UK)

Legally enforced (Iceland)

2. Catch up if you can: closing the gender pay gap

EU level

European Commission Action plan 2017-2019

Source: Eurostat 2018

3. Getting women on board: women’s quotaMember state level

Soft (best efforts) – hard (regulation):

Target from 20% (Italy) to 33% (France)

(Non-executive) directors

Reporting obligation/comply or explain

No sanction or carrot approach (Portugal) – dissolution of

company (Norway)

EU levelProposal Directive (2012 2017):

Target 33 or 40%, December 2022

Non-executive directors of companies listed on stock


Procedural rules: recruitment procedure, priority rule and

information duty

Reporting obligation/comply or explain

Flexibility clause for MS: effective enforcement measures

Quota’s are a ceiling on the employer’s obligations whichwhen satisfied ends the discussion as well as

advancement of the quotas’ subjects.

Do you agree?

4. Leading by example: advance third gender equality

* Does mandatory binary allows compliance withthe equal treatment right?

* Standing up for women rights as opposed to men rights - impact

* Gender / sex

* Principle of human self-determination – gender recognition/acceptance as a human rights matter?

Policy Other

5. Breaking bad: measures to prevent discrimination

Clear diversity policy at all levels

Allocate responsibility

Set targets

Board composition

Diagnose data and remedy ills

Diversity & leadership training

Diversity officer

Facilitate flexibility

Anonymous job application could be a solution for preventing hiring discrimination.

Do you agree?

Solutions: fake vs real

6. Key take away: ongoing work in making progress

New challenges are waiting ahead

but slow progress on the old…

Strong case for closing GPG,

women’s quota and longer leaves

but are we treating the symptoms rather

than the illness…

Prevention on company level is a

good start

if it translates in action involving all
