Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions How might the proximity (closeness) of countries impact a...

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions How might the proximity (closeness) of countries impact a conflict/fight? What are alliances? Predict how they might lead to war. Map Activity Pg. 579Map Activity Pg. 579 France Spain Portugal Austria- Hungary Germany Belgium Switzerland Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Italy Russia Serbia Norway Sweden United Kingdom Step 1: Identify Key Countries Step 2: Identify Key Cities Berlin Paris Vienna Sarajevo Rome Constantinople St. Petersburg Step 3: Shade in these alliances: Central PowersAllied PowersNeutral Countries Ticket to Leave: How did/do you think alliances could start a HUGE war? Article on World War I Why it still resonates today Underline important things and write down (CCQs): 1.Comments (Your thoughts as you read) 2.Connections (Does it remind you or anything) 3.Questions (This could be anything) Whats going on in the world before the war? The Powers of the world are changing going into the 1900s Countries in Europe becoming enemies New countries are forming Countries building up armies to control parts of the world Woodrow Wilsons Diplomacy pg. 576 Wilson opposed imperialism. What did he believe America should promote around the world? What event tested Wilsons policy as soon as he took office? List the events in order of the Mexican Revolution. (You dont need dates, and can use bullet points) Where will Wilson send troops in Mexico? How do the Mexicans feel about Americans? Who was Pancho Villa, and what were guerillas? Who does Wilson send into Mexico? Are they successful? How does the rest of the world view this whole situation? Woodrow Wilsons DiplomacyWoodrow Wilsons Diplomacy Opposed imperialism (Whats that?) US should promote democracy His policy is tested early on in his presidency. The Mexican Revolution Events impact the US even if we dont think they will Unrest in Mexico Country ruled by elite 1911 rebellion forced dictator (Porfirio Diaz) to flee Eventually, Military Leader ( General Victoriano Huerta ) takes over HE HATES THE US Wilson takes action against Huerta Wilson Sends Troops to MexicoWilson Sends Troops to Mexico Woodrow Wilson thinks most Mexicans are Pro- American Theyre NOT Wilson takes over a port in Mexico controlled by bad guys Pancho Villa Mexican Leader Starts attacking Americans, in America (Guerilla Warfare) How it ends?How it ends? Wilson sends General John Pershing into Mexico to capture Villa Drags on for 3 years Wilson has to give up Mexico hates the US, and the world didnt like US attempts to create governments in these places Ticket to LeaveTicket to Leave Was Wilson right to try and start a democracy in Mexico? Why? Causes of WWI M.A.N.I.A M ilitarism building up of military A lliances pact/agreement between countries N ationalism pride in ones country/homeland I mperialism taking over other countries A ssassination murder of government figures Alliance SystemAlliance System 1871 Germany is created Prussia had attacked France to give Germany some land (France hates Germany) For protection Germany signs alliances with Italy and Austria-Hungary ( Triple Alliance ) This scared Russia Creates alliance with France Militarism Germany starts to build up a Navy that will challenge Great Britains Arms Race Great Britain gets nervous and forms an entente cordiale (Like an Alliance) with France and Russia Triple Entente : Great Britain France Russia Nationalism Balkan Crisis Serbia received independence in early 1800s from Ottoman Empire. By early 1900s, many other Balkan regions who were under Austria-Hungarian or Ottoman Empire control wanted independence. Serbia led quest to free all Slavic people in Balkan region. Austria-Hungary did not want these Slavic nations of the Balkans free. Imperialism Powerful nations taking over weaker ones for wealth, natural resources, people, etc. led to intense European competition The Assassination!The Assassination! June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand, next king of Austria-Hungary, visited Sarajevo, the capital city of the province Bosnia of Austria-Hungary. He and his wife Sophie were assassinated by Serbian nationalist (member of Black Hand) Gavrilo Princip. The DeclarationsThe Declarations July 28, 1914: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (with Germanys support.) July 31, 1914: Russia mobilizes its army to help Serbia. August 1, 1914: Germany declares war on Russia. August 3, 1914: Germany declares war on France. August 4, 1914: Germany invades Belgium on way to France & Great Britain declares war on Germany. Ticket to Leave/Homework: Explain the role all the aspects of M.A.N.I.A played in the start of the war OR Do you think the actions of one man can start a war? What would your plan be if you were Germany? World War One Schleiffen Plan: Germany invades West towards France hoping for quick defeat so it could focus on Russia in East. Invade through neutral Belgium. Triple Entente became the Allies. Triple Alliance became the Central Powers (+ Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, - Italy.) German plan was working (got within 30 miles of Paris.) But Russia invaded Germany, dividing German forces. Created Deadlock along WESTERN FRONT. American NeutralityAmerican Neutrality President Wilson declared neutrality. Many Americans supported one side or the other. Immigrants supported their homelands. Most Americans supported Allies. Most American businesses and banks supported the Allies. British used propaganda to gain America support. British Navy blockaded Germany to prevent them from receiving supplies. Germany: U-Boats. Feb. 1915: Germany announced it would sink any ship in Atlantic Ocean. Germany claimed that many merchant ships were hiding contraband. Moving Toward WarMoving Toward War Sinking of the LusitaniaSinking of the Lusitania May 1915: German U- Boat sank British passenger ship Lusitania killing 1,200 people (128 Americans.) Germany did not yet want U.S. in war; issued Sussex Pledge. Wilson, as peace President, defeated Republican Charles Evans Hughes in 1916 election. U.S. Declares WarU.S. Declares War January, 1917 German official Arthur Zimmerman sent telegram to Mexican government. Zimmerman Note: Mexico declare war on the U.S. When Germany won WWI, they would give back lost territory of Southwest back to Mexico. British intelligence intercepted the telegram; American public outraged! Between Feb. 3-March 21, 1917, German U Boats sank 6 American merchant ships. April 2, 1917 Wilson asks Congress for war on Germany.