Disk Diffusion test

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Disk Diffusion test. Antibiotic resistant mutant colonies within zone of inhibition. Disinfectants. Chemical substances used to prevent microbial growth on inanimate surfaces. Antiseptics. Chemical substances used to prevent microbial growth on the surface of living tissue. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Disk Diffusion test

Antibiotic resistant mutant colonies within zone of inhibition

Chemical substances used to prevent microbial growth on the surface of living tissue



Chemical substances used to prevent microbial growth on inanimate surfaces

Decontamination: Decreasing microbial burden on a material in order to make it safe to handle (i.e. use of disinfectants).

Sterilization: Complete destruction of all microorganisms on a material. Examples include: AutoclavingIncinerationEthylene oxideIrradiation

Spore indicators validate sterilization

Microbes Ranked by Susceptibility to Disinfectants

Least Susceptible

Most susceptible

Lipid Enveloped Viruses (flu)

Most Bacteria


Non-Enveloped Viruses

Mycobacteria (tuberculosis)

Spore forming bacteria (Bacillus, Clostridia)

StrengthExample Disinfectant



Alcohol andMost household disinfectants

StaphylococcusGram + cocciIn clumps

StreptococcusGram + cocci in chains

Gram + rodsBacillus

Gram neg. cocci

Gram neg. rods

Results• Acid-fast cells stain

reddish-purple• nonacid-fast cells

stain blue


• Endospore will stain green

• Vegetative cell will stain pink


Review the complete presentation.

1 2 3 4 1) Aerobe2) Obligate anaerobe3) Micro-aerophile4) Facultative anaerobe


• Uses an anaerobic jar which contains:1) inoculated plates to be grown anaerobically

are placed inside2) gas generator envelope—produces H+ and

CO2 upon the addition of water3) paladium catalyst—combines H+

with oxygen to form H2O4) indicator strip—impregnated with either

methylene blue or resazurin to indicate whether anaerobic conditions inside the jar have been achieved

(The methylene blue indicator strip becomes colorless in absence of oxygen.)(Resazurin becomes pink in presence of oxygen.)

GasPak Anaerobic System

The GasPak Anaerobic System is used to create an oxygen-free environment for the growth of anaerobic microorganisms.  Inoculated plates or tubes are placed inside the chamber, and anaerobic conditions are created by adding water to a gas generator envelope that is placed in the jar just before sealing. The envelope contains two chemical tablets, sodium borohydride and sodium bicarbonate. Water reacts with these chemicals, producing hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide. The hydrogen gas combines with free oxygen in the chamber to produce water, removing all free oxygen from the chamber. This reaction is catalyzed by the element palladium, which is attached to the underside of the lid of the jar. The carbon dioxide replaces the removed oxygen, creating a completely anaerobic environment.

Page 113

Use Mueller-Hinton plates: (MH) enriched media supplemented with beef broth and other nutritional supplements facilitates growing fastidious organisms

Disk Diffusion test

Antibiotic resistant mutant colonies within zone of inhibition