Distributed Constraint Optimization for the...

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Distributed Constraint Optimization for theInternet-of-Things

Pierre Rust Gauthier Picard

Orange LabsMINES Saint-Étienne




Internet-of-Things (IoT) and its Control

Huge (marketing ?) trend today

25 billion of connected objects in 2020 ? (Gartner)

Hardware and communication is cheaper and cheaperContrained devices

I limited cpu and memory resourcesI limited communication capabilities

Connected things’ actions should becoordinatedCurrent approach: centralizingdecisions

I CommunicationsI ResilienceI ScalabilityI Cost

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 2

Distributed Coordination and Decision MakingAutonomous and spontaneous

Coordinating objects to achieveobjectives

CoordinationI DecentralizedI SpontaneousI Autonomous

No central point

Self-adaption to environmentalchanges

Self-repair in case of one componentfailure

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 3

About decisions

xi ?

s.t. “I’m happy with xi”

xj ?s.t. “agent i is fine with xj”

How can agents autonomously make their decisionsin a coordinated way, without external control ?

⇒ Decentralized decision making

Agents have to coordinate to perform best actions

Agents form a team→ best actions for the team

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 4

About decisions

xi ?s.t. “I’m happy with xi”

xj ?s.t. “agent i is fine with xj”

How can agents autonomously make their decisionsin a coordinated way, without external control ?

⇒ Decentralized decision making

Agents have to coordinate to perform best actions

Agents form a team→ best actions for the team

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 4

About decisions

xi ?s.t. “I’m happy with xi”

xj ?s.t. “agent i is fine with xj”

How can agents autonomously make their decisionsin a coordinated way, without external control ?

⇒ Decentralized decision making

Agents have to coordinate to perform best actions

Agents form a team→ best actions for the team

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 4

About decisions

xi ?s.t. “I’m happy with xi”

xj ?s.t. “agent i is fine with xj”

How can agents autonomously make their decisionsin a coordinated way, without external control ?

⇒ Decentralized decision making

Agents have to coordinate to perform best actions

Agents form a team→ best actions for the team

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 4

About decisions

xi ?s.t. “I’m happy with xi”

xj ?s.t. “agent i is fine with xj”

How can agents autonomously make their decisionsin a coordinated way, without external control ?

⇒ Decentralized decision making

Agents have to coordinate to perform best actions

Agents form a team→ best actions for the team

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 4

About decisions

xi ?s.t. “I’m happy with xi”

xj ?s.t. “agent i is fine with xj”

How can agents autonomously make their decisionsin a coordinated way, without external control ?

⇒ Decentralized decision making

Agents have to coordinate to perform best actions

Agents form a team→ best actions for the team

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 4

Application Domains

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 5


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 6


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 7


Distributed Constraints Optimization Problem

Definition (DCOP)A DCOP is a tuple 〈A,X ,D, C, µ〉, where:

A = {a1, . . . , a|A|} is a set of agents

X = {x1, . . . , xn} are variables

D = {Dx1 , . . . ,Dxn} is a set of finite domains, for the xi variables

C = {f1, . . . , fm} is a set of soft constraints, where each ci defines a cost∈ R ∪ {∞} for each combination of assignments to a subset of variables

µ is a function mapping variables to their associated agent

Definition (Solution)A solution to the DCOP is an assignment A to all variables that minimizes∑i fi

1Some contents taken from OPTMAS 2011 and OPTMAS-DCR 2014Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 8

DCOPExample and Graphical Representation


a2 a3



x2 x3















f123x2 x3



Objective Function

F (A) =∑

xi,xj∈Xfij where fij = (xi + xj + 1)mod3

In figure (a):F ({(x1, 0), (x2, 0), (x3, 0), (x4, 0)}) = 4

F ({(x1, 1), (x2, 1), (x3, 1), (x4, 1)}) = 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 9

DCOP Algorithms


Fully Decentralized

Partially Decentralized

Search Inference

Synchronous Asynchronous

Search Inference Search


Fully Decentralized

Synchronous Asynchronous


OPTApo PC-DPOP SyncBB DPOP andvariants

AFB; ADOPT and variants

Region OptimalDSA; MGM


Sampling Inference

Max-Sum andvariants


Figure 5: Classical DCOP Algorithm Taxonomy.

3.3. Algorithms

The field of classical DCOPs is mature and a number of different algorithms have been proposed. DCOP algo-rithms can be classified as being either complete or incomplete, based on whether they can guarantee the optimalsolution or they trade optimality for smaller execution times, producing approximated solutions. In addition, each ofthese classes can be categorized into several groups, such as: (1) partially or fully decentralized, depending on the de-gree of locality exploited by the algorithms; and (2) synchronous or asynchronous, based on the way local informationis updated. Finally, the resolution process adopted by each algorithm can be classified in three categories [16]:• Search-based methods, which are based on the use of search techniques to explore the space of possible solutions.

These techniques are often derived from corresponding search techniques developed for centralized AI searchproblems, such as best-first search and depth-first search.• Inference-based methods, which are inspired from dynamic programming and belief propagation techniques.

These techniques allow agents to exploit the structure of the constraint graph to aggregate rewards from theirneighbors, effectively reducing the problem size at each step of the algorithm.• Sampling-based methods, which are incomplete approaches that sample the search space to approximate a func-

tion (usually a probability distribution) as a product of statistical inference.Figure 5 illustrates a taxonomy of classical DCOP algorithms. In the following subsections, we briefly describe

some representative complete and incomplete algorithms of each of the classes introduced above. A detailed descrip-tion of the DCOP algorithms is out of the scope of this document. We refer the interested readers to the originalarticles that introduce each algorithm.

Throughout this document, we will often refer to the following notation when discussing the complexity of thealgorithms: the size of the largest domain is denoted by d = maxDi2D |Di|, and w⇤ refers to the induced width of thepseudo-tree.


SynchBB [17]. Synchronous Branch-and-Bound (SynchBB) is a complete, synchronous, search-based algorithmthat can be considered as a distributed version of a branch-and-bound algorithm. It uses a complete ordering ofthe agents in order to extend a Current Partial Assignment (CPA) via a synchronous communication process. TheCPA holds the assignments of all the variables controlled by all the visited agents, and, in addition, functions as amechanism to propagate bound information. The algorithm prunes those parts of the search space whose solutionquality is sub-optimal, by exploiting the bounds that are updated at each step of the algorithm. SynchBB agentsspace requirement and maximum size of message are in O(n), while they require, in the worst case, to perform O(dm)number of operations. The network load is also in O(dm).

AFB [18]. Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB) is a complete, asynchronous, search-based algorithm that can beconsidered as the asynchronous version of SynchBB. In this algorithm, agents communicate their reward estimates,


[FIORETTO et al., 2018]

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 10


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution MethodsDPOPMax-SumDSAMGM

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 11

Distributed Pseudotree Optimization Procedure (DPOP)[PETCU and FALTINGS, 2005]

3-phase distributed algorithm


1. DFS Tree construction token passing

2. Utility phase: from leaves toroot

util (child→ parent, constrainttable [-child])

3. Value phase: from root toleaves

value (parent → children∪ pseudochildren, parentvalue)

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 12

DFS Tree Phase

Distributed DFS graph traversal: token, ID, neighbors(X)1. X owns the token: adds its own ID and sends it in turn to each of its

neighbors, which become children2. Y receives the token from X: it marks X as visited. First time Y receives the

token then parent(Y ) = X. Other IDs in token which are also neighbors(Y )are pseudoparent. If Y receives token from neighbor W to which it wasnever sent, W is pseudochild.

3. When all neighbors(X) visited, X removes its ID from token and sends it toparent(X).

A node is selected as root, which starts

When all neighbors of root are visited, the DFS traversal ends

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 13

DFS Tree Phase: Example


x2 x3



[x1] x1 parent of x2


x2 x3


[x1, x2]

x2 parent of x3x1 pseudoparent of x3


x2 x3


[x1, x2, x3]x3 parent of x4x3 pseudoparent of x1



x3 x4

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 14

DFS Tree Phase: Example


x2 x3



[x1] x1 parent of x2


x2 x3


[x1, x2]

x2 parent of x3x1 pseudoparent of x3


x2 x3


[x1, x2, x3]x3 parent of x4x3 pseudoparent of x1



x3 x4

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 14

DFS Tree Phase: Example


x2 x3



[x1] x1 parent of x2


x2 x3


[x1, x2]

x2 parent of x3x1 pseudoparent of x3


x2 x3


[x1, x2, x3]x3 parent of x4x3 pseudoparent of x1



x3 x4

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 14

DFS Tree Phase: Example


x2 x3



[x1] x1 parent of x2


x2 x3


[x1, x2]

x2 parent of x3x1 pseudoparent of x3


x2 x3


[x1, x2, x3]x3 parent of x4x3 pseudoparent of x1



x3 x4

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 14

Util Phase

Agent X:

receives from each child Yi a cost function: C(Yi)

combines (adds, joins) all these cost functions with the cost functionswith parent(X) and pseudoparents(X)

projects X out of the resulting cost function, and sends it to parent(X)

From the leaves to the root

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 15

Util Phase: Example



a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0




a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0


All value combinationsCosts are the sum of ap-plicable costs


a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0

Remove XRemove duplicatesKeep the min cost

Project out X

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 16

Util Phase: Example



a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0




a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0


All value combinationsCosts are the sum of ap-plicable costs


a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0

Remove XRemove duplicatesKeep the min cost

Project out X

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 16

Util Phase: Example



a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0




a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0


All value combinationsCosts are the sum of ap-plicable costs


a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0

Remove XRemove duplicatesKeep the min cost

Project out X

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 16

Util Phase: Example



a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0


a a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0




a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0


All value combinationsCosts are the sum of ap-plicable costs


a a a a 3a a a b 4a a b a 4a a b b 5a b a a 4a b a b 5a b b a 5a b b b 6b a a a 6b a a b 4b a b a 4b a b b 2b b a a 4b b a b 2b b b a 2b b b b 0

Remove XRemove duplicatesKeep the min cost

Project out X

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 16

Value Phase

1. The root finds the value that minimizes the received cost function in theutil phase, and informs its descendants (children ∪ pseudochildren)

2. Each agent waits to receive the value of its parent / pseudoparents

3. Keeping fixed the value of parent/pseudoparents, finds the value thatminimizes the received cost function in the Util phase

4. Informs of this value to its children/pseudochildren

This process starts at the root and ends at the leaves

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 17

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges




Y Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DTREE : DPOP for DCOPs without backedges



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b1 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size: linear

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 18

DPOP for any DCOP




Y Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

DPOP for any DCOP



Z WY Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Y Wa a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Ya a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

X Za a 1a b 2b a 2b b 0

Ya b

Xa 2 2b 2 0

Ya b1 0

Xa b2 0

X ← b

X ← b

Y ← b

Z ← b W ← b

Optimal solution:

linear number ofmessages

message size:exponential

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 19

GDL-based approaches

Generalized Distributive Law [AJI and MCELIECE, 2000]I Unifying framework for inference in Graphical modelsI Builds on basic mathematical properties of semi-ringsI Widely used in Info theory, Statistical physics, Probabilistic models

Max-sumI DCOP settings: maximise social welfare




For example, consider the min-sum semiring in Table I(entry 7). Here is the set of real numbers, plus the specialsymbol “ .” The operation “ ” is defined as the operation oftaking the minimum, with the symbol playing the role of thecorresponding identity element, i.e., we definefor all . The operation “ ” is defined to be ordinaryaddition [sic], with the real number playing the role ofthe identity, and for all . Oddly enough, thiscombination forms a semiring, because the distributive law isequivalent to

which is easily seen to be true. We shall get a glimpse of theimportance of this semiring in Examples 2.3 and 4.3, below.(In fact, semirings 5–8 are all isomorphic to each other; for ex-ample, 5 becomes 6 via the mapping , and 6 becomes7 under the mapping .)Having briefly discussed commutative semirings, we now de-

scribe the “marginalize a product function” problem, which isa general computational problem solved by the GDL. At theend of the section we will give several examples of the MPFproblem, which demonstrate how it can occur in a surprisinglywide variety of settings.Let be variables taking values in the finite

sets , with for . Ifis a subset of , we denote the

product by , the variable listby , and the cardinality of , i.e., , by . We denotethe product simply by , and the variable list

simply by .Now let be subsets of .

Suppose that for each , there is a function, where is a commutative semiring. The

variable lists are called the local domains and the functionsare called the local kernels. We define the global kernel

as follows:


With this setup, the MPF problem is this: For one or more ofthe indices , compute a table of the values of the

-marginalization of the global kernel , which is the function, defined by


In (2.2), denotes the complement of the set relative to the“universe” . For example, if , and if

, then

We will call the function defined in (2.2) the th objec-tive function, or the objective function at . We note that thecomputation of the th objective function in the obvious wayrequires additions and multipli-cations, for a total of arithmetic operations, wheredenotes the size of the set . We shall see below (Section V)

that the algorithm we call the “generalized distributive law” canoften reduce this figure dramatically.We conclude this section with some illustrative examples of

the MPF problem.

Example 2.1: Let , , , and be variables takingvalues in the finite sets , , , and . Suppose

and are given functions of these vari-ables, and that it is desired to compute tables of the functions

and defined by

ptThis is an instance of the MPF problem, if we define localdomains and kernels as follows:

local domain local kernel

The desired function is the objective function at localdomain , and is the objective function at local domain. This is just a slightly altered version of Example 1.1, andwe shall see in Section IV that when the GDL is applied, the“algorithm” of Example 1.1 results.

Example 2.2: Let , , , , , and be six vari-ables, each assuming values in the binary set , and let

be a real-valued function of the variables ,, and . Now consider the MPF problem (the commutative

semiring being the set of real numbers with ordinary additionand multiplication) with the following local domains andkernels:

local domain local kernel

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 20

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2







m4→1 m1→4

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2




Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2




m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2




m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2




m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

All incoming messages except x2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2


m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

All incoming messages except x2


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2


m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

All incoming messages except x2


z1(x1) = m4→1(x1) +m2→1(x1)

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2


m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

All incoming messages except x2


z1(x1) = m4→1(x1) +m2→1(x1)



Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2


m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

All incoming messages except x2


z1(x1) = m4→1(x1) +m2→1(x1)



All incoming messages

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum[FARINELLI et al., 2008]

Agents iteratively computes local functions that depend only on thevariable they control

x1 x2


m1→2(x2) = maxx1 (F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Shared constraint

All incoming messages except x2


z1(x1) = m4→1(x1) +m2→1(x1)



All incoming messages



Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 21

Max-Sum on acyclic graphs

Max-sum Optimal onacyclic graphs

I Different branches areindependent

I Each agent can build acorrect estimation of itscontribution to theglobal problem (zfunctions)

Message equations verysimilar to Util messages inDPOP

I Sum messages fromchildren and sharedconstraint

I Maximize out agentvariable

I GDL generalizes DPOP[VINYALS et al., 2011]





m1→2(x2) = maxx1(F12(x1, x2) +m4→1(x1))

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 22

Max-Sum Performance

Good performance on loopy networks [FARINELLI et al., 2008]I When it converges very good results

I Interesting results when only one cycle [WEISS, 2000]I We could remove cycle but pay an exponential price (see DPOP)

Max-sumPerformance•  Goodperformanceonloopynetworks[Farinellietal.08]

–  Whenitconvergesverygoodresults•  Interes1ngresultswhenonlyonecycle[Weiss00]

–  Wecouldremovecyclebutpayanexponen1alprice(seeDPOP)

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 23

Max-Sum for low power devices

Low overheadI Msgs number/size

Asynchronous computationI Agents take decisions whenever new messages arrive

Robust to message loss

Max-Sumforlowpowerdevices•  Lowoverhead

–  Msgsnumber/size•  Asynchronouscomputa1on

–  Agentstakedecisionswhenevernewmessagesarrive•  Robusttomessageloss

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 24

Local Greedy Approaches

Greedy local searchI Start from random solutionI Do local changes if global solution improvesI Local: change the value of a subset of variables, usually one

−4−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 25

Local Greedy Approaches

Greedy local searchI Start from random solutionI Do local changes if global solution improvesI Local: change the value of a subset of variables, usually one

−4−1 −1 −1


−2 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 25

Local Greedy Approaches

Greedy local searchI Start from random solutionI Do local changes if global solution improvesI Local: change the value of a subset of variables, usually one

−1 −1 −1



Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 25

Local Greedy Approaches

Greedy local searchI Start from random solutionI Do local changes if global solution improvesI Local: change the value of a subset of variables, usually one

−1 −1 −1



−2 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 25

Local Greedy Approaches

Greedy local searchI Start from random solutionI Do local changes if global solution improvesI Local: change the value of a subset of variables, usually one

−1 −1 −1



Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 25

Local Greedy Approaches

ProblemsI Local minimaI Standard solutions: Random Walk, Simulated Annealing

−2−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 26

Local Greedy Approaches

ProblemsI Local minimaI Standard solutions: Random Walk, Simulated Annealing

−2−1 −1 −1


−1 −1

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 26

Local Greedy Approaches

ProblemsI Local minimaI Standard solutions: Random Walk, Simulated Annealing

−2−1 −1 −1


−1 −1

−1 −1

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 26

Local Greedy Approaches

ProblemsI Local minimaI Standard solutions: Random Walk, Simulated Annealing

−2−1 −1 −1


−1 −1

−1 −1

−1 −1

−1 −1

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 26

Distributed Local Greedy approaches

Local knowledgeParallel execution

I A greedy local move might be harmful/uselessI Need coordination

−4−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 27

Distributed Local Greedy approaches

Local knowledgeParallel execution

I A greedy local move might be harmful/uselessI Need coordination

−4−1 −1 −1


0 −2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 27

Distributed Local Greedy approaches

Local knowledgeParallel execution

I A greedy local move might be harmful/uselessI Need coordination

−4−1 −1 −1


0 −2

0 −2

0 −2

0 −2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 27

Distributed Local Greedy approaches

Local knowledgeParallel execution

I A greedy local move might be harmful/uselessI Need coordination

−4−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 27

Distributed Stochastic Search Algorithm (DSA)[ZHANG et al., 2005]

Greedy local search with activation probability to mitigate issues withparallel executions

DSA-1: change value of one variable at time

Initialize agents with a random assignment and communicate valuesto neighborsEach agent:

I Generates a random number and execute only if rnd less than activationprobability

I When executing changes value maximizing local gainI Communicate possible variable change to neighbors

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 28

DSA-1: Execution Example

−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 29

DSA-1: Execution Example

−1 −1 −1


rnd?> 1


?> 1


?> 1


?> 1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 29

DSA-1: Execution Example

−1 −1 −1


−2 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 29

DSA-1: Execution Example

−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 29

DSA-1: Execution Example

−1 −1 −1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 29

DSA-1: Discussion

Extremely “cheap” (computation/communication)Good performance in various domains

I e.g. target tracking [FITZPATRICK and MEERTENS, 2003; ZHANG et al., 2003]I Shows an anytime property (not guaranteed)I Benchmarking technique for coordination

ProblemsI Activation probablity must be tuned [ZHANG et al., 2003]I No general rule, hard to characterise results across domains

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 30

Maximum Gain Message (MGM-1)[MAHESWARAN et al., 2004]

Coordinate to decide who is going to moveI Compute and exchange possible gainsI Agent with maximum (positive) gain executes

AnalysisI Empirically, similar to DSAI More communication (but still linear)I No Threshold to setI Guaranteed to be monotonic (Anytime behavior)

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 31

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

−1 −1

G = 2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

−1 −1

G = 2

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

−1 −1

G = 2

−1 −1

G = 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

−1 −1

G = 2

−1 −1

G = 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

−2 0

G = −2

−1 −1

G = 0

−1 −1

G = 2

−1 −1

G = 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32

MGM-1: Example

−1 −1

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 32


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 33

Hands on PyDCOP I

Install VirtualBoxImport the pyDCOP Virtual Machine (https://bit.ly/2JUrrKP)

I It’s a Debian image with everything preinstalled:I python3, pyDCOP, matplotlib, glpk, etc.

Alternatively, followhttps://pydcop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html

1. https://pydcop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/getting_started.html

2. https://pydcop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/analysing_results.html

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 34

Hands on PyDCOP IDCOP - Graph Coloring


v1 v3

(a) constraints graph

p2 v2




v3p1 p3

(b) factor graph

Objective: minimize

Domain: 2 colors R and B

Variables: V1, V2, V3

Constraints: neighbors must have different colors + preferences

Agents: 3 agents

Yaml representation

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 35

Hands on PyDCOP ISolving the Graph Coloring DCOP


$ pydcop solve --algo dpop graph_coloring.yaml


..."assignment": {"v1": "R","v2": "G","v3": "R"},"cost": -0.1,...

With other algorithms:

$ pydcop --timeout 2 solve --algo dsa graph_coloring.yaml$ pydcop solve --algo mgm --algo_params stop_cycle:20 \


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 36

Hands on PyDCOP IResults

Full results :

{"agt_metrics": {...},"assignment": {"v1": "R","v2": "G","v3": "R"},"cost": -0.1,"cycle": 20,"msg_count": 158,"msg_size": 158,"status": "FINISHED","time": 0.03201029699994251,"violation": 0}

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 37

Hands on PyDCOP ILogs

Simple:use -v 0..3

$ pydcop -v 2 solve --algo dpop graph_coloring.yaml

Precise :use -log <log.conf>

$ pydcop --log log.conf -t 1 solve --algo dsa graph_coloring.yaml

Now, look at algo.log

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 38

Hands on PyDCOP IRun-time metrics

periodic: "--collect_on period --period <p>"

$ pydcop --log log.conf -t 10 solve \--collect_on period --period <p>--algo dsa graph_coloring.yaml

cycle: "--collect_on cycle_change"Only supported with synchronous algorithms !

$ pydcop solve --algo mgm --algo_params stop_cycle:20 \--collect_on cycle_change --run_metric ./metrics.csv \graph_coloring_50.yaml

value: "--collect_on value_change"

$ pydcop -t 5 solve --algo mgm --collect_on value_change \--run_metric ./metrics_on_value.csv \graph_coloring_50.yaml

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 39

Hands on PyDCOP IRun-time metrics

With a bigger graph coloring problem

$ pydcop solve --algo mgm --algo_params stop_cycle:20 \--collect_on cycle_change \--run_metric ./metrics.csv \graph_coloring_50.yaml

Plotting with matplotlib

$ python3 plot_cost.py ./metrics.csv

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 40


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 41

SECP modelSmart Environment Configuration Problem [RUST et al., 2016]

Example of applying DCOPs to a"real" problem

Coordinate objects in thebuildingModel

I objectsI relations between objects and

environmentI user objectives and


Formulate the problem as anoptimization problem

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 42

SECP modelSmart Environment Configuration Problem [RUST et al., 2016]

Focus on smart lighting use cases

Objects: anything that can produce light: light bulbs, windows withrolling shutter, etc.

User preferences: having a predefined luminosity level in a room,under some conditions

Energy efficiencyLinking objects and user preferences:

How to model the luminosity in a room ? variableHow to model the dependency between the light sources and theluminosity ? function / constraint

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 43

SECP modelExample application to ambient intelligence scenario

ActuatorsI Connected light bulbs, TV, Rolling shutters, ...

SensorsI Presence detector, Luminosity Sensor, etc.

Physical Dependency ModelsI E.g. Living-room light model

User PreferencesI Expressed as rules :

IF presence_living_room = 1

AND light_sensor_living_room < 60

THEN light_level_living_room ← 60

AND shutter_living_room ← 0

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 44

SECP modelExample application to ambient intelligence scenario

ActuatorsI Decision variable xi, domain DxiI Cost function ci : Dxi → R

SensorsI Read-only variable sl, domain Dsl

Physical Dependency Models 〈yj , φj〉I Give the expected state of the environment from a

set of actuator-variables influencing this modelI Variable yj representing the expected state of the

environmentI Function φj :

∏ς∈σ(φj)Dς → Dyj

User PreferencesI Utility function ukI Distance from the current expected state to the

target state of the environment

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 44

Formulating SECP as a DCOP

Multi-objective optimization problem



ci and maxxi∈ν(A)




s.t. φj(x1j , . . . , x


j ) = yj ∀yj ∈ ν(Φ)

Then mono-objective DCOP formulation




uk − ωc∑i∈A

ci +∑ϕj∈Φ


with reformulation of hard constraints φj into soft ones:

ϕj(x1j , . . . , x

|σ(φj)|j , yj) =

{0 if φj(x

1j , . . . , x

|σ(φj)|j ) = yj

−∞ otherwise

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 45

Formulating SECP as a DCOPRepresenting a DCOP as a factor graph







ϕ1 y1 u1


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 46

SECP Factor Graphin a house (without rules)











ltv2 ltv3

lk1 lk2




Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 47


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 48

Distribution of computationsAllocating computations to agents

DCOP: 〈A,X ,D, C, µ〉µ : function mapping variables to their associated agent

Why is distribution needed ?

Common assumptions:

computation ≡ variable

each agent controls exactlyone variable (bijection)

binary constraints

Real distributed problems:

agents must be hosted on realdevices

the set of devices might begiven by the problem

for some variables the relationwith an agent is obvious, butnot always

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 49

Distribution of computationsAllocating computations to agents

Distributing computationsI computations depends on the graph modelI variables and / or factors

Distribution impacts the system characteristics :I speed,I communication load,I hosting costs, etc.

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 50

Distribution of computationsAllocating computations to agents

Simple heuristicI No computation on sleepy devices (sensors)I Computation should be close the the impacted variablesI Spread the computation load amongst agents

How good is it ?




x2 c2

ϕ1 y1


u1 x3



Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 51

Distribution of computationsOptimal definition

Optimal distribution ?Problem dependentOptimization problem :find the best distribution, for your problem’s criteriaOptimal distribution ≡ graph partitioning,NP-hard in general [BOULLE, 2004]

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 52

Distribution of computationsBetter definition

SECP distribution problem

Devices have limited memory

Communication is expensive and has limited bandwidth

Variable related to an actuator are hosted by it

Objective : minimize overall communication between agentsOptimization problem : define an ILP for it !

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 53

Binary ILP for computation distribution

xki , binary variables that map computations to agents andαmnij = xmi · fnj

∀xi ∈ X,∑am∈A

xmi = 1 (1)

Message’s size between variable xi and factor fj : msg(i, j)




msg(i, j) · αmnij (2)

Memory footprint of a computation: weight(e) , and memorycapacity for a device: cap(ak)

∀am ∈ A,∑xi∈D

weight(xi) · xmi ≤ cap(am) (3)

and a few linearization constraints

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 54

Binary ILP for computation distribution

More generic case:

Add route cost: com(i, j,m, n)

∀xi, xj ∈ X, ∀am, an ∈ A,

com(i, j,m, n) =

{msg(i, j) · route(m,n) if (i, j) ∈ D,m 6= n0 otherwise (4)




com(i, j,m, n) · αmnij (5)

Add hosting costs : host(am, xi)



xmi · host(am, xi) (6)

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 55

Binary ILP for computation distribution


ωcom ·∑



com(i, j,m, n) · αmnij

+ ωhost ·∑


xmi · host(am, xi) (7)

subject to

∀am ∈ A,∑xi∈D

weight(xi) · xmi ≤ cap(am) (8)

∀xi ∈ X,∑am∈A

xmi = 1 (9)

∀xi ∈ X, αmnij ≤ xmi (10)

∀xj ∈ X, αmnij ≤ xmj (11)

∀xi, xj ∈ X, am ∈ A, αmnij ≥ xmi + xnj − 1 (12)

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 56

Solving the ILP for computation deployment

NP-hard, but can be solved with branch-and-cutLP solvers are very good at thisYet, only possible for small instancesGives us a reference for optimality: benchmarkingWhen not solvable, still gives us a metrics to compare heuristics

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 57


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 58

Hands on PyDCOP II

1. https://pydcop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/deploying_on_machines.html

2. https://pydcop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/cli/run.html

3. https://pydcop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/cli/distribute.html

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 59


A Very simple SECP: single room

3 light bulbs, 1 model and 3 rules


Solve with

pydcop --log log.conf -t 10 solve--algo maxsum --algo_params damping:0.8--dist adhoc single_room.yaml

Result : "cost": 702.3000000000004, ...I not that good ...I Look at the yaml definitionI the rules contradict each other !

Change the yaml definitionI comment out rules to keep only one activeI could be done with ’read-only’ variablesI solve it again

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 60

Hands on PyDCOP IISECP - Running on several machines

We used solveI great for testingI everything run locally, in the same process

Launching several agents:I One agent for each light bulb a1, a2 and a3 (change port for each agent)

pydcop -v3 agent -n a1 -p 9001--orchestrator

I an orchestrator

pydcop --log log.conf -t 10 orchestrator \--algo maxsum --algo_params damping:0.8 \--dist adhoc single_room.yaml

I run the agents on different Virtual machines, different computers

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 61

Hands on PyDCOP IIA bigger SECP

in /tutorials/hands-on_2/SimpleHouse.yml13 light bulbs, 6 models











ltv2 ltv3

lk1 lk2




Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 62

Hands on PyDCOP IIDistributing a SECP

$ pydcop --output dist_house_fg_ilp.yaml distribute -d ilp_compref \-a maxsum SimpleHouse.yml

Need to specify the algorithm

computation graph

weight of computation’s

size of computations’ messages

On such a small system, we can compute the optimal distribution !

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 63

Hands on PyDCOP IIDistributing a SECP

cost: 8725.0distribution:a_d1: [mv_desk, mc_desk, l_d1, r_work, mc_livingroom, mv_livingroom]a_d2: [l_d2]a_e1: [mv_entry, r_entry, mv_stairs, l_e1, mc_entry, mc_stairs]a_e2: [l_e2]a_k1: [l_k1]a_k2: [l_k2]a_k3: [l_k3]a_lv1: [l_lv1]a_lv2: [mc_kitchen, l_lv2]a_lv3: [l_lv3]a_tv1: [l_tv1]a_tv2: [l_tv2]a_tv3: [r_lunch, l_tv3, mv_tv, r_cooking, r_homecinema, mc_tv, mv_kitchen]inputs:algo: maxsumdcop: [SimpleHouse.yml]dist_algo: ilp_comprefgraph: factor_graph

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 64


DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 65


So far we have:

Designed a model for SECP

Formulated this model as a DCOP

Distributed the computation of the DCOP on devices / agents(bootstrap)

Run our system to get an auto-configuration of the devices

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 66

But what happensin dynamic environments ?

if objects appear and disappear?

Pierre Rust, Gauthier Picard Distributed Constraint Optimization for the Internet-of-Things 67

SECP is a dynamic problem

Dynamics in the infrastructure

Devices can disappear

New devices can be added tothe system

At runtime..

No powerful device available tosolve the ILP

The deployment must berepaired: self-adaptation

Only consider a portion of thefactor graph: the neighborhood

c1 x1 u1


c2 x2 ϕ1 y1


c3 x3 ϕ2


c4 x4 y2 u2


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k-resilienceDynamics in the infrastruture

Definition (k-resiliency)k-resiliency is the capacity for a system to repair itself and operatecorrectly even in the case of the disappearance of up to k agents

Two parts:I Do not loose the definition of the computations: replicationI Migrate the orphaned computations to another agent: selection /


Apply to any graph of computations, not only DCOP

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Replication of computations

Replica distribution

For each computation, place k replica on k other agentsreplica equiv definition of the computation

Must be distributed !

Optimal replication ? impact the set of available agents whenrepairingwhich criteria ? too hard (quadratic multiple knapsack problem)...

Distributed Replica Placement Method (DRPM)

Heuristic : place replica on agents close (network) the activecomputation, while respecting capacity

Distributed version of iterative lengthening (aka uniform cost searchbased on path costs)

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Replication of computationsiterative lengthening on route and hosting costs


a2 a3


a2 a3


route(a1, a2) = 1route(a2, a3) = 3

route(a2, a4) = 1

route(a1, a4) = 1

host(a2, xi) = 1 host(a3, xi) = 1

host(a4, xi) = 5

Figure: A sample route+host–graph with 4 agents (in gray), where a1 search forhosting computation xi. For k = 2, DRMP places a replica on a2 (cost of 1 + 1 = 2)and another on a3 (cost of 1 + 3 + 1 = 5) if enough capacity on these two agents,since the minimum cost path to host on a4 is higher (1 + 5 = 6).

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Migrating computationsSelecting an agent

Migrating a set of xi computations Xc

set of candidate agents Acmigrating the computation must not exceed agent’s capacity

for each computation, select the agent that minimize hosting andcommunication cost

Same optimization problem than for initial distribution, but on a subset ofthe of the graph

Distributed process !

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Migrating computationsSelecting an agent

Distributed optimization problem⇒ let’s use a DCOP!A is the set of candidate agents AcX are the binary decision variables xmiC are the constraints ensuring that all computations are hosted,agent’s capacities are respected and hosting and communicationcosts are minimized

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Migrating computationsSelecting an agent



xmi = 1 (13)



weight(xi) · xmi +∑


weight(xj) ≤ cap(am) (14)



host(am, xi) · xmi (15)


c ×Ni\Xc

xmi · com(i, j,m, µ−1(xj))


(xi,xj)∈Xmc ×Ni∩Xc

xmi ·∑


xnj · com(i, j,m, n)) (16)

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Decentralized reparation

When agents are removed:

computation to migrate = computation that where hosted on theseagents

candidate agents = remaining agents that posses a replica of theseorphaned computation

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Solving the migration DCOPWhich algorithm should we use ?



fast (even if not optimal !)

monotonic : mix of hard and soft constraints

MGM-2 : like MGM, with 2-coordination

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Experimental results

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240time (s)







average cost with perturbationaverage cost without perturbation

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DCOP Framework

Focus on Some Solution Methods

Hands on PyDCOP I

Focus on Smart Environment Configuration Problems

Distributing Computations

Hands on PyDCOP II

Dynamic DCOPs


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To sum up

What we’ve seen today:

Some generic conceptsI How to model coordination problems using DCOP formalismI Some solution methods (complete and incomplete) to solve DCOP

Some specificities of IoT-based appsI How to model a specific smart environment configuration problem as a

DCOPI How to use PyDCOP to model, run, solve, and distribute DCOPI How to equip a system with resilience using replication and DCOP-based


Want to go deeper into DCOPs→ OPTMAS-DCR workshop series(AAMAS/IJCAI), other tutorials at AAMAS/IJCAI

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The End

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