Ditch Your Smartphone?

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Business of Software 2014 Lighting talk about "The Future of Mobile Technology"




Maybe less.....Is more?

“The more forcefully we attempt

to stop the passage of time, the

less available we are to the very

moment we seek to preserve”

Douglas Rushkoff


“The human body — and thereby our human potential —

is far more plastic or amenable to change than most of us realize”


It’s micro-moments like these,

in which a wave of good feeling

rolls through two brains and bodies

at once, that build your capacity

to empathize as well as to

improve your health.

"When things begin accelerating out of control,

sometimes patience is the only answer.

Press pause.

We have time for this."

“One real encounter, even for a

few seconds, is far more useful

than several hundred


If curiousity killed the cat....

And the smartphone killed curiousity...

Then who really killed the cat?
