Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

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February 2019

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

We would like to acknowledge the ASIO Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2018 –2020 in the development of this document.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 23 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 2601

© Commonwealth of Australia 2019

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ACCC 02/2019_1445


1ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

ForewordThe Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) are pleased to present our first Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

This strategy outlines our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that drives performance, innovation and productivity.

The ACCC and AER are committed to ensuring our people feel valued, supported and respected, free to contribute and influence different perspectives and ideas, and for all to have equal access to opportunities.

We have a proud history of supporting and embracing our differences. Our daily actions should promote a fair, equitable and supportive work setting and we all have a role to play.

Creating an environment of trust, respect and inclusion leads to benefits such as happiness, engagement in our work, improved performance, better decision making, greater innovation, and retention of our talented staff.

As an organisation we are dedicated to a culture that reflects and represents the citizens and community we serve. By embracing the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace, we will become an even stronger organisation that quickly and effectively responds to the needs of Australian consumers.

Rod Sims ACCC Chair

Paula Conboy AER Chair

Rayne de Gruchy Chief Operating Officer

On behalf of all ACCC Commissioners, AER Board members and the ACCC and AER Senior Executive team.

2 ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

Our commitment to diversity and inclusionWe are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that drives performance, innovation and productivity, where our people feel supported and valued.


Senior leadership



Diversity and Inclusion Strategy


A diverse and inclusive culture ensures our people feel valued, respected and have access to equal opportunities, supporting full participation and productivity at work.

At the ACCC/AER we believe people are our best asset and that our

differences and individual perspectives bring value.

Our differences are valued and we are able to bring

our whole authentic selves to work.

3ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

How diversity and inclusion make us strongerIn order to thrive and innovate as an organisation, we must aim for not only a diverse workforce but also an inclusive culture.

What do we mean by diversity?The Diversity Council of Australia defines Diversity as “…all of the differences between people in how they identify in relation to their:

�� Age, caring responsibilities, cultural background, disability, gender, Indigenous background, sexual orientation, and socio-economic background (Social Identity)

�� Profession, education, work experiences, and organisational role (Professional Identity).

All of these aspects of our identity inform our individual perspective of the world.”1

BenefitsDiversity within an organisation has a multitude of benefits including increased innovation, improved understanding of, and service to, the Australian public, and attraction of talent from the widest possible pool of potential employees.

Organisations demonstrating high rates of diversity are generally shown to be higher performing than those with lower rates. This is demonstrated in a study by McKinsey2 of companies with diverse executive boards (in this case gender and multiculturally diverse groups) that enjoy significantly higher earnings and returns on equity.

What do we mean by inclusion?“Inclusion occurs when a diversity of people (e.g. of different ages, cultural backgrounds, genders) feel valued and respected, have access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute their perspectives and talents to improve their organisation.”3

BenefitsEmployees who are valued in the workplace and able to contribute are overall more satisfied with their jobs and therefore more productive.

Findings from the DCA-Suncorp Inclusion@Work Index4 show that employees who work in an inclusive team are 10 times more likely to be highly effective, 9 times more likely to innovate and 19 times more likely to be very satisfied with their job than employees in non-inclusive teams.

1 https://www.dca.org.au/di-planning/getting-started-di/diversity-inclusion-explained2 https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/is-there-a-payoff-from-top-team-diversity3 https://www.dca.org.au/di-planning/getting-started-di/diversity-inclusion-explained4 https://www.dca.org.au/research/project/inclusion-index

4 ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

How diversity and inclusion make us strongerInclusion and diversity in the ACCC/AER means we can foster a work environment where individual differences, whatever they may be, are appreciated and valued as characteristics that enhance our work environment, our productivity and our capability.

Employees that are valued in the workplace and able to contribute are overall more satisfied with their jobs and therefore more productive.

Our people

�� Promotes equal opportunity for all employees

�� Supports our people to be their best

�� Supports the health and wellbeing of our people

�� Ensures our people are happy and engaged

�� Ensures our people are valued and included

�� Increases employee satisfaction

Our APS values

�� Impartial

�� Committed to service

�� Accountable

�� Respectful

�� Ethical

ACCC Values

�� Independent

�� Expert

�� Strategic

�� Trustworthy

Our organisation

�� Ensures we are reflective of the Australian population

�� Fosters innovation and creativity

�� Increases productivity

�� Improves performance and outcomes

�� Builds the organisation’s reputation

�� Increases employee retention

�� Helps us manage talent

�� Develops better problem-solving abilities and decision-making

5ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

Our strategic priorityTo build an inclusive, diverse and equitable environment and culture.

This will help enable:

�� all employees to bring their whole selves to work and freely contribute to the best of their ability

�� a robust recruitment process free from bias

�� a gender balance across all levels of the organisation

�� access for people with disability and support for carers

�� LGBTQI+ employees to feel safe and be themselves at work

�� recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, communities and cultures, having regard to our agency-wide target of three per cent of employees self-identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

�� recognition of cultural and linguistic diversity

�� recognition of experience available from returned service personnel

�� people of all ages and life stages to contribute fully

�� access to flexible working arrangements for all employees to be business as usual

�� full recognition of the value that people of diverse cultures, backgrounds an perspectives bring to the ACCC/AER.

6 ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

The strategyThe ACCC/AER’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategy aims to facilitate the creation of a diverse and inclusive culture:

Objectives Initiatives/actions Outcomes

Promote broad awareness of the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive culture

�� Communicate the Strategy and initiatives

�� Staff engagement, presentations, guest speakers

�� Share success stories and acknowledge achievement

�� Induction training

�� A positive and cohesive work environment

�� An environment that encourages diversity of thought and innovation

�� Increased workforce capability

�� Increased staff retention and recruitment

�� We are viewed as an attractive employer of choice

�� Staff feel valued and respected with access to equal opportunities

�� Diversity and inclusion influences broader strategic programs

�� Increased corporate citizenship —employees understand and actively engage with diversity and inclusion initiatives

Embed practices for an inclusive workplace culture

�� Leaders to champion and model inclusive behaviours

�� SES performance plans that hold leaders to account

�� Guidance on inclusive leaderships practices

�� Leaders to focus on empowering employees to build inclusive teams and harness diversity of thought

�� Training on unconscious bias and inclusive leadership

�� Ongoing communication and engagement with staff

�� Staff led diversity networks and initiatives, including the LGBTI Ally Network, the Disability and Carers Network and the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Employee Network

�� Australian Government initiatives and collaboration

Develop inclusive policies, practices and procedures with a focus on diversity

�� Participate in specific action plans and goals such as the Reconciliation Action Plan and the Disability Action Plan

�� People and Culture policies and practices with diversity focus

�� Strengthened recruitment practices with a focus on diversity

�� Use inclusive language eg. job advertisements free from all forms of bias

�� Reliable recruitment assessment tools that remove all forms of bias

�� An SES composition goal of 40 per cent representation of women, 40 per cent of men and 20 per cent of any

�� Establish a baseline for CALD SES to inform initiatives and targets going forward

�� Consultation with relevant organisations such as the Australian Network on Disability and Pride in Diversity

�� Comprehensive HR metrics reported biannually

�� Reporting and accountability including reporting against this Strategy biannually in March and September

Build a safe and healthy work environment free from bullying and harassment

�� Workplace Contact Officer Network

�� Accessibility of support from People and Culture

�� Employee Assistance Program

Actively support flexible working arrangements and work–life balance

�� Embedding ‘If not, why not’ approach to flexible working

�� Manager and staff guidance

�� Regular review of systems and policies

7ACCC/AER Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

Critical success factorsThere are certain factors critical to the success of this strategy, the most important of which is leadership. We must have the tools available to implement, communicate and monitor the range of programs that fall under the diversity and inclusion banner but it is crucial for success that the principles of diversity and inclusion are championed by senior leadership. Our critical success factors are leadership, policy infrastructure, communication, reporting and tools.





4.Reportingand tools

HR metrics will be refined and reported quarterly to senior management.

This will include diversity in recruitment, remuneration and flexible working arrangements.

Biannual reporting against this strategy.

Guidance on inclusive leadership.

Support for diversity and inclusion, including networks and training.

HR policies will guide our actions in terms of diversity in areas such as recruitment and flexible working arrangements.

Diversity strategies provide specific areas of guidance such as the Reconciliation Action Plan.

Our senior leaders must champion these concepts and take the lead in embedding these practices.

Leaders must take ownership of creating an inclusive workplace culture and supporting a diverse workplace.

Communicate across the organisation on matters relating to diversity and inclusion.

Run job advertisements in unbiased language o�ering flexible working arrangements.

Acknowledge and facilitate di�erent workplace communication styles.

Consult on diversity and inclusion via the Diversity Reference Group, Employee Council and direct feedback.