Diversity of Living Things

Post on 26-May-2015

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Diversity of Living Things


•The Five Kingdoms


• Methods of grouping things according to similarities and differences (ex. colour, age, size)

• Sorting things into groups helps put order into our lives.

Carolus Linnaeus• 1700's - Carolus Linnaeus -

Swedish Biologist – established a simple system

for classifying and naming organisms

– Based on structural similarities of organism

– Binomial Nomenclature - 2 name naming system - still in use today.

– Created a system of groups called TAXA or TAXON

– Each Taxon is a category into which related organisms are placed

• Approximately 2.5 million kinds of organisms identified

The Science of classifying organisms

Classifying plants or animals can be difficult

Where do we put the frogs?

Where do we put the dogs?

•Protist•Monera (bacteria)•Fungi•Plant•Animal

The Protist KingdomThe Protist Kingdom Single Celled Single Celled

All have a nucleusAll have a nucleus

Absorb, ingest, and/or Absorb, ingest, and/or photosynthesize foodphotosynthesize food

Examples are: Examples are: paramecium, amoebaparamecium, amoeba




The Monera (Bacteria) The Monera (Bacteria) KingdomKingdom

Simplest form of lifeSimplest form of life Do not have a nucleusDo not have a nucleus Absorb foodAbsorb food These are bacteria and These are bacteria and

cyanobacteria which is also cyanobacteria which is also referred to as blue green referred to as blue green algaealgae

Bacteria can be found Bacteria can be found anywhere, it can grow in anywhere, it can grow in hot or cold placeshot or cold places

Bacteria can feed on many Bacteria can feed on many different thingsdifferent things


Staphylococcus aureus means "golden cluster seed" in Latin

E. Coli

Methanogenium frigidum bacteria prefer the cold

The Fungi Kingdom• Rooted to the ground• Are Not green• Cannot make their

own food• Mushrooms, yeasts,

moulds are all forms of fungi

• They breakdown dead animal and plant remains

The Plant Kingdom• Second largest group

of living things on earth

• Can grow almost anywhere there is light and water

• Trap energy from the sun and make their own food

• Examples are ferns, evergreens, roses

The Animal Kingdom• Largest group of living

things on earth• Have many cells• Cannot make their own

food• More than a million

different kinds of species• Able to move• Examples; insects

mammals, amphibians

Some plants and animals have special structures and behaviours called adaptations.These adaptations allow them to live successfully in their environment




Makes organisms difficult to see

Helps plants or animals to hide

Helps animals sneak up on prey

Chameleons can change theirskin so it blends in with its Background. Camouflage helps the chameleon to hide.Can you find the Chameleon?

• Is bright and easy to see

• Is used by organisms that are poisonous, or dangerous

• Is used to warn away animals, to keep them from trying to eat an organism

The Monarch butterfly has a verybitter taste that birds hate. After trying to eat a monarch butterfly, a bird willremember the bitter taste and the bright pattern, and avoid Monarchs in future

• Makes an organism look like another organism

• Is used to trick animalsThe Viceroy butterfly looks like a

Monarch butterfly, but it doesn’ttaste bitter. Birds avoid the Viceroy butterfly, because they think it is the Monarch

REVIEW1) What does it mean to classify items?

2) Who is Carols Linnaeus? And why is he important?

3) What is Taxonomy?

4) What are the 5 Kingdoms? List and explain each one briefly.

5) What is Adaptation?

6) What three kinds of adaptation were discussed? List and explain each one briefly