Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy...2020/08/06  · September 2020 Re-opening Plan Presentation August...

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Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy

September 2020 Re-opening Plan Presentation

August 6, 2020

Sparking Minds, Enriching Souls, Inspiring Futures

Opening PrayerHeavenly Father, we come today to ask for your guidance, wisdom, and support.

Help us to have the courage to engage in meaningful discussion.

Deliver us from fear of the unknown.

Allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community.

Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions affecting the community of Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy.

We remember all that we do is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of humanity.

We ask these things in your name, Amen.

DWCA Reopening Task Force Miriam Bonici, Bob Schirling, Marianne Traverson, Linda Keppel, Sylvia Roccia, Nicole

Moskowitz, Vanessa DeVito, Michelle Kurzyna, Dennis Duong, Suzanne McCarthy, Juliana Carron, Fr. Greg McIlhenney, Sherise Elmore, Carolyn Meenan, Suzanne Karl

This presentation addresses the key elements of the plans submitted to the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the State Education Department (SED) on August 3, 2020 for approval. They are subject to change based on requirements or recommendations beyond those currently known. We continue to monitor recommendations and requirements issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), NYSDOH, SED, and the NYC Department of Health and Hygiene (NYCDH).

Our Guiding Principles 1. We promote a COVID 19 free environment

2. We minimize risk while entering, travelling, and exiting the premise

3. We promote a heightened level of cleanliness and hygiene

4. We adhere to, and supplement where appropriate, government requirements

5. We maintain the quality and diversity of our programs and services

Survey Feedback Surveys received – 240

Duplicates/consolidation – 36

Family survey’s received 204

Thank you for you feedback!

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Assuming our reopening plan meets CDC and State guidelines, how comfortable are you having your child return to the school building for full-time in-person learning?

Not comfortable – 29%

Somewhat comfortable – 21%

Quite comfortable – 30%

Extremely comfortable – 20%

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Sample of comments when “Uncomfortable”

1. Not enough info has been collected in relation to the science. Or studies on other countries that school is now back in session.

2. Have no idea at all how other parents are following the protocols in the household. Many people have relaxed or are not following the protocol at all.

3. I worry about social distancing within the school building. Also, if students are expected to sit in the same seat all day without PE and playground time.

4. We have an family members at home at high risk, and we feel the children will not adhere to the wearing the mask.

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Sample of comments when “Uncomfortable”

I don't really see how we can say one way or another with our children returning when we still have absolutely no idea what a return to school would look like at this point. With the information we currently have, I'm extremely uncomfortable.

- Will there be masks required (and provided) for all students and teachers?

- Will there be decreased class sizes?

- How will lunch hour be handled?

- How will appropriate social distancing be maintained?

- Will there be wellness checks or symptom screening of any kind?

- Is there adequate ventilation and filtration of air in every classroom?

I recognize that this is all changing every day, but I definitely don't feel like we have enough details to answer this question. And, to be completely honest, that's making me more uncomfortable than anything.

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Sample of comments when “Somewhat Comfortable”

1. I worry about social distancing within the school building. Also, if students are expected to sit in the same seat all day without PE and playground time.

2. If every student returns to school, I'm not comfortable that it's possible to properly distance, assure that all students will wear masks properly and that desks and common areas will be sanitized between use.

3. The CDC recently changed their guidelines to be more accommodating, which is inconsistent with many other scientific community guidelines. We’d want to see the school’s plan for opening prior to making a decision.

4. I want my children to go back to school and see their teachers and have social interactions with their peers, but I am not comfortable with a full day or 5 day a week schedule, especially for my younger children.

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Sample of comments when “Quite Comfortable”

1. My concern is not what the school is doing because I feel like it is going beyond my expectations. My worry is more the unknown of the virus and if other families will be as responsible as I will be in not sending my child to school if she doesn't feel well.

2. I think we are like most-concerned of the unknown but trying to remain reasonable and rational.

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Does your child or anyone in your household have a HIGH RISK health concern such

as diabetes, cancer, or COPD, that would impact your decision to have your child return to in-person learning?

Yes – 32%

No – 68%

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Does your family require early morning drop off?

Yes – 35%

No – 65%

Does your family require after school care?

Yes – 39%

No - 61%

Survey Feedback (cont’d) Does your child have access to the internet/WiFi to complete all digital

assignments/virtual lessons consistently?

No – 1% Sometimes – 3% Yes – 96%

Does your child have access to an internet capable device such as a TABLET, LAPTOP, OR DESKTOP Computer to complete all digital assignments/virtual lessons


No – 8% Sometimes – 24% Yes - 61%

Primary and Back-up Plans Primary Plan - Full-time in-class learning- Distance learning an option for families at high risk

Primary Backup Plan – Hybrid model- Staggered schedule between in-class and distance learning- All family members would be grouped consistently

Secondary Backup Plan – Full-time distance learning- To be implemented only if mandated

Today’s presentation will focus on our primary plan

Mandatory requirements The New York State Department of Health as published Guideline for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools.

The Guidelines include mandatory components addressing the following areas:

1) Social distancing and face coverings2) Gatherings and Operational Activities3) Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfection4) Communication5) Screening and Testing

The following slides outline those requirements and our assessment of whether our current plan meets such requirements

Requirements - Social Distancing and Face Coverings

-Ensure that social distancing (of at least 6 ft. OR a physical barrier) is maintained between individuals while in school facilities and on school grounds, including in the cafeteria, unless safety or the activity (e.g. moving equipment, traveling in common areas) requires a shorter distance or individuals are of the same household.

- If social distancing is not possible, individuals must wear acceptable face coverings; excluding students who are unable to medically tolerate a face covering.

- Be prepared to don a face covering if another person unexpectedly cannot socially distance; for this reason, individuals, including students, must wear face coverings in common areas, such as entrances/exits, lobbies, and when traveling around the school.

-Acceptable face coverings for COVID-19 include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings and surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose.

- Provide acceptable face coverings to faculty and staff while at work at no cost; and provide face coverings to any student who does not have their own, at no cost.

Reqmts - Social Distancing and Face Coverings (cont’d)

-Train all students, faculty, and staff on how to correctly put on, take, off clean (as applicable), and discard PPE.

- Students must wear an acceptable face covering to ride school buses and must wear it while entering, exiting, and seated.

- Ensure social distancing while eating in the school cafeteria; if not possible, serve meals in alternate areas or staggered meal periods.

- Prohibit sharing of food and beverages (e.g. buffet style meals, snacks), unless individuals are members of the same household.

Plan meets or exceeds all mandatory requirements?

Requirements – Hygiene, Cleaning & Disinfection

-Adhere to hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection requirements from the CDC and NYSDOH and maintain logs that include the date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection.

- Identify cleaning and disinfection frequency for each facility type and assign responsibility

- Train all students, faculty, and staff on proper hand and respiratory hygiene.

- Provide and maintain hand hygiene stations, including handwashing with soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels, as well as an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol for areas where handwashing is not feasible.

- Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection of facilities and more frequent cleaning and disinfection for high-risk areas used by many individuals and for frequently touched surfaces, including desks and cafeteria tables, using products identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as effective against COVID-19.


Reqmts – Hygiene, Cleaning & Disinfection (cont’d)

-Ensure regular cleaning & disinfection of restrooms.

- Ensure distancing rules are adhered to when restrooms are used.

- Provide for the cleaning and disinfection of exposed areas in the event an individual is confirmed to have COVID-19, with such cleaning and disinfection to include, at a minimum, all heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces.

Plan meets all mandatory requirements?

Requirements – Communication- Affirm the Academy has have reviewed and understands the State-issued guidance and submits reopening plans prior to reopening.

- Conspicuously post completed reopening plans at the school and on the school website for faculty, staff, students, and parents/legal guardians to access.

- Engage with school stakeholders & community members In developing reopening plans.

- Develop a communications plan for students, parents/legal guardians, staff, and visitors.

- Encourage students, faculty, staff and visitors to adhere to CDC/DOH guidance regarding the use of PPE, specifically face coverings, when distance of 6 ft. can’t be maintained, through verbal communication and signage.

- Train students, faculty, and staff how to correctly follow safety protocols, including hand hygiene, proper face covering wearing, social distancing, and respiratory

Plan meets all mandatory requirements?

Requirements – Screening and Tracking- Implement mandatory health screenings, including temperature checks, of students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors.

- Use a daily screening questionnaire for all students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors. The questionnaire should determine whether the individual has:

a) Knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19;

b) Tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the past 14 days;

c) Has experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including a temperature of greater than 100.0°F, in the past 14 days; and/or;

d) Has traveled internationally or from a state with widespread community transmission

-Conduct temperature checks for all individuals every day (ideally, at home, prior to departing for school) before entering school.

- Ensure those performing in-person screening are protected from potential exposure

Requirements – Screening and Tracking (cont’d)- Denying entrance to any individual who screens positive for COVID-19 exposure or symptoms, or who presents with a temperature greater than 100.0°F

- In the case of students:- They must be sent home w/ instructions to contact a health care provider for assessment and testing.

- They must be immediately separated from other students and supervised until picked up.

- Immediately notify the state and local health department about the case if diagnostic test results are positive for COVID-19.

- Develop protocols for any who develop COVID-19 symptoms during the school day, incl:

- Identifying a dedicated area to separate them from others until they can go home or to a health care facility, depending on severity of symptoms observed;

- Ensuring that students remain under visual supervision with appropriate distancing;

- Specifying PPE requirements for personnel caring for sick individuals, which must include both standard and transmission-based precautions; and

- Establishing guidelines for cleaning and disinfection.

Requirements – Screening and Tracking (cont’d)- Develop protocols for asthma-related acute respiratory treatment care.

- In case of a positive test, develop plans to trace all contacts with the individual, in accordance with the NYS Contact Tracing Program.

- Implement protocols to maintain confidentiality as required by regulation.

- Implement plans to alert individuals when they come into close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19.

-Develop process for closing and reopening all or parts of the school if/when COVID- 19 cases are discovered, in consultation with NYCDH.

- Establish policies, in consultation NYCDH, for determining when individuals, particularly students, who screened positive for COVID-19 symptoms can return

- Protocol must include a documented health care provider evaluation, negative COVID-19 testing, and symptom resolution, or if COVID-19 positive, release from isolation.

Plan meets all mandatory requirements?

Responsible parties and Health Team • The Principal will be the responsible party as it relates to COVID-19 matters and will be

the COVID-19 coordinator.• The Academy has instituted a “Health Team” to address Health matters generally• The Health Team is responsible for• Continuous compliance with COVID-19 requirements relating to the school’s reopening plan,

including any phased-in reopening activities;• Defining and monitoring metrics that will serve as early warning signs that positive COVID-19 cases

may be increasing beyond an acceptable level, as established by the NYSDOH and NYCDH;• Facilitate contact tracing processes pending guidelines established NYSDOH and NYCDH.• Assessing instances of non-compliance to determine whether process changes, if necessary, are

identified and implemented.• Determining the extent of communications regarding COVID-19, and health matters more generally• Reporting to the Board of Directors matters relating to COVID-19 and other health matters

• The Principal serves as the Health Team Lead• The Associate principal, Early Childhood Director, Counselor and DOH nurse are

members.• The Health Team is advised by the Health and Wellness Director.

Cohorting- One of the approaches to reducing the risk of transmission is the use of Cohorting.

- Cohorting is the identification of specific groups (cohorts) where learning or administrative objectives are similar.

- Cohorts would have extremely limited direct interaction with other cohorts (other than through remote techniques).

- Cohorts will still utilize all other techniques to reduce transmission (i.e., face coverings, desk barriers, etc.).

- To the extent there are instances of exposure requiring actions such as quarantining, cohorting provides the opportunity to limit the broader impact of exposure beyond the cohort (though actions taken will be based on facts and circuimstances).

Cohorting (cont’d) Identified cohorts

- Administration:- Principal, Assistant Principal, Early Childhood Director, Operations Manager, Exective Assistant to

Principal, Bookkeeper, Board members, Parish support staff- Nursery:- Includes all Nursery children, faculty and aide- Pre-K for All (Each classroom a separate cohort)- Structure further dependent on DOE mandates- Kindergarten – Grade 4 (Each classroom a separate cohort)- Includes all children, faculty and aides (K only) for a specific class- Grades 5 - 8 (each classroom a separate cohort)- Includes all Children in class- Faculty would move between cohorts


ConfidentialityIn accordance with state and local laws and regulations, school the Academy will notify local health officials, staff, and families immediately of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Entrance protocols for students, teachers, & visitors - Students will be assigned a specific door for entrance and exit,

- Nursery will use door leading into their classroom directly; - PreK will use door by portico; - K, 3 and 6 will use main entrance on Alameda; - Grades 1, 2, 4 and 5 will use Statue of Mary entrance;- Grades 7 and 8, will use 245th entrance closest to Alameda.

- Early drop off students will enter through Father Smith Hall and be assigned a seat at a table following social distancing protocols.

- All visitors will be required to use the main entrance on Alameda.

- A teacher will be placed at each entrance to monitor students during arrival; - Any student with a temperature of more than 100.0 F. will be brought to the

supervised isolation room until a parent or guardian picks them up.

Entrance protocols (cont’d) - Anyone entering the building will have temperature checked (mounted scanners).- Anyone with a temperature of greater than 100.0 F will not be admitted.- Visitors will be limited. • Disposable masks will be placed at each door for students that forget their mask.

Hands-free hand sanitizer stations will also be available.

- CDC/NYCDH developed signage will be posted both inside and outside of all entrances- Signage will include reminders regarding face coverings, social distancing, as well as

hand and respiratory hygiene protocols.

- The Academy will remind families daily through social media, Academy website and through the messaging platform stressing the importance of following the NYCDH tenets. Parents will be instructed to take their children's temperature before leaving their homes.

Additional health check protocols• In addition to taking temperature of students before leaving home, daily affirmations

will be instituted for students, faculty, and staff to regarding exposure risks.

• We expect a full-time DOH nurse will be available to us in the building to support our efforts, including keeping the Academy informed regarding changes in requirements.

• Any student throughout the school day, who expresses COVID-19 symptoms will be escorted to the medical room (with proper social distancing and face covering) to be evaluated by the DOH nurse. • The DOH nurse will determine if student is to be sent to the isolation room with a

supervising adult present utilizing appropriate PPE, and will notify the Principal;• The Principal or her designee will contact the parent/guardian regarding next steps.

• In most cases, it is expected that parent/guardian will transport child to their home or a nearby health facility for further evaluation based on the circumstances.

Protocols for addressing ill students and staff-The Academy will follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of an illness. Symptomatic students or staff members will follow CDC’s Stay Home When You Are Sick guidance unless otherwise directed by a healthcare provider, NYSDOH or NYCHD.

- Return will only be permitted if:- Student/staff is diagnosed by a healthcare provider as NOT having COVID-19;- There is no current fever (temperature exceeding 100.0 F) without the use of

fever reducing medicines, and;- They have felt well for 24 hours.

- If the student/staff have been diagnosed with another condition, and have been cleared by a health care provider they can return to school, documentation will be required.

Protocols for addressing ill students and staff (cont’d)- 911 will be called, notifying the operator of a possible COVID-19 case, if a student or staff member has emergency warning signs such as:

- trouble breathing;- persistent pain or pressure in the chest;- new confusion;- non-responsive to attempts to respond or waken;- bluish lips or face.

-If a student/staff IS diagnosed with COVID-19 OR does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms indicative of COVID-19, they will NOT be permitted to return until:

- it has been at least 10 days from when symptoms first presented; - it has been at least 3 days since the individual has had a fever; - it has been at least 3 days since the symptoms have subsided.


COVID-19 exposure response plans- If a student/staff member tests positive for COVID-19:- All students/staff in cohort, and others with contact outside of the cohort will be identified:- Impacted families and staff members will be notified;- All impacted parties should begin 14 day quarantine;- Cohort will switch to remote learning until cleared to return;- The impacted areas will closed for sanitizing and disinfecting

- In the event students/staff in multiple cohorts test positive for COVID-19:-All families and staff will be notified;

-The Academy will switch to remote learning until cleared for return;

-The entire building will be disinfected.

- The Academy will consider switching to remote learning if absentee rates inhibit the ability to effectively deliver in-person learning.

- The Academy may modify operations prior to closing to help mitigate a rise in cases in consultation with NYSDOH and NYCHD.

- The Academy has developed a comprehensive remote learning plan to respond to these risks and provide best academic outcomes for all students.


Contact Tracing

-The Academy will coordinate with, and fully cooperate with, NYSDOH and NYCHD contact tracing in the event of cases of COVID-19.

Maintaining cohort integrity will assist in this effort

-The Academy will maintain records that will document:

- Who may have had contact with school students and staff in the school building;

- Confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students and staff;

- Timely updating of student schedules;

- Academy visitors which includes date, time and where in the school they visited.

Social Distancing in the Classroom- Nursery and Pre K for All – To be determined.

- Kindergarten – Approved table barriers will be used on the tables. - Class size will be limited to 15 following Article 43 recommendations.

-Grade 1 – Same barriers as in Kindergarten will be used on the tables.

-Grades 2 – 4 – These are self-contained classes – no teacher or student movements out of class except for;- entrance, dismissal, restrooms, lunch, recess, emergencies-Grades 5 – 8 – These are departmental classes – only teachers move between classes except for:- Entrance, dismissal, restrooms, lunch, recess, emergencies

-For grades 2-8- All student and teacher desks will be outfitted with barriers- Floors will be marked for desk placement, and all desks will face in one direction.- Students, teachers, aides and volunteers will wear face coverings. - Adults will reinforce social distancing and health and hygiene directives

Social Distancing outside the ClassroomLunch- Initially, lunch will be eaten in each classroom at their respective scheduled times- Feasibility of providing boxed lunches for Lunch Program still being assessedRecess- Students will receive recess time by cohort- Students required to remain with their cohortLockers and computer lab- Will not be used until further notice. Hallways and stairwells- Hallways will have 6 ft. markings for social distancing with one way signage- Stairwells will be designated as up or down and have 6 ft. markings- Water fountains restricted to filling water bottles onlyBathrooms- Schedules will be in place for classes except for emergencies.- Handwashing will be strictly enforced- Bathrooms will be cleaned between scheduled usesIn person Mass, multi class events, group projects initially remote only (no cohort mixing)Throughout building- Display posters reinforcing distancing and hygiene protocols

Maintaining Hygiene-Automatic, free standing hand sanitizing stations will be placed at all entry points, including FSH.

-Students will be encouraged to use hand sanitizers throughout the day.

Adults lead by example

-Frequent handwashing will be encouraged throughout the day>

Adults lead by example

-Disinfectant wipes will be provided in every classroom.

- PPE supplies will be available to all students/staff

Facility Cleaning and Disinfecting• Prior to school opening, school will be deep cleaned and sanitized utilizing approved foggers and


• A new cleaning company with COVID-19 disinfecting and sanitizing capabilities has been retained as our service provider, with services commencing September 1.

• Anyone performing custodial work will receive training on proper disinfecting routines and schedules prior to school opening.

• As part of evening cleaning, disinfecting foggers using approved chemicals and protocols will be used.

• Continuous cleaning of high touch surfaces, i.e. handrails, doorknobs, light switches, bathrooms, etc. will take place throughout the day.

• Doors to offices, classrooms and hallways will be kept open to reduce number of touches and assist with ventilation.

• As noted previously, areas of COVID-19 exposure will be closed and disinfected before reopening for use.

Face Coverings• Face masks will be provided to students and staff by the Academy.

• Students and staff may utilize their own facemasks if:• The facemask meets CDC recommendations• The facemask does not have any words drawings, sayings or logos other than those permitted by

Academy policy

• For students with sensory issues or anxiety, they will be permitted to bring fidget cubes or other small devices that will help deter them from touching their face or face mask.

• Families will receive instructions on the washing of reusable masks and the proper way to put them on and remove them after use.

• Faceshields are permitted but are not a substitute for facemasks.

Adults must lead by example!

Start practicing with your child now!

Keeping you informed/Working together

• The Academy will host monthly Coffee and Conversations• Separate session for early childhood, middle grades, upper grades• Frequency may change based on facts and circumstances

• The Academy will supply families with a care package containing COVID-19 information packet, face masks, and personal size hand sanitizers.

• The Academy may periodically surveying stakeholders to evaluate programming and support and make adjustments

Your child’s teacher should continue to be your first contact when you have questions!

Programs & Emotional Support

• Our counselor will assist with emotional support by:• Providing resources to parents and staff to address the emotional health of

our students. These resources will be available on our website.• Be available to assist our staff to address their emotional support needs• Survey students and ask about their emotional state and needs using age

appropriate mood meters, i.e. Today I Feel…• Instituting a school wide social-emotional program to help support the

transition back to school and provide ongoing support throughout the year. • Assisting our staff all staff in developing a deeper understanding of their role

in supporting students’ social and emotional competencies and well-being.• Implement explicit Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons & embed

opportunities to develop & practice SEL competencies within lessons.

Air quality

1) HVAC system

The Academy has installed a new HVAC system throughout the building which will help regulate the climate within the building.

The HVAC filters in the classrooms will be regularly cleaned

2) Air purification units

The Academy is installing air purification units with HEPA filters to improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of airborne contamination.

3) As noted previously, doors to offices, classrooms and hallways will be kept open to reduce number of touches and assist with ventilation.

Documents under development

Supplement to Parent Handbook, including:

- COVID-19 supplement to capture in one place all policies and requirements

- Remote Learning in collaboration with Diocese

- Distance Learning Protocols

Plan to post on Academy website

Next steps and useful linksNEXT STEPS

1) Follow - up survey based on this information2) Sharing of link to presentation replay3) Further updates re remote learning option with Diocese4) Further updates re Nursery5) Register if you have not yet done so – certain classes may face capacity limits6) Complete your FACTS payment plan if you have not done so


CDC - School Decision Making Tool for Parents, Caregivers and Guardianshttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/decision-tool.html

NYSDOH – Guidelines for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schoolshttps://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/P12_EDU_Summary_Guidelines.pdf

State Office of Religious and Independent Schools (SORIS) Reopening Guidancehttp://www.p12.nysed.gov/nonpub/documents/reopening-guidance-religious-and-independent-schools.pdf


Thank you for attending!

“The wise man in the storm prays God not for safety but for deliverance from fear.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson