Diving into sql server 2016

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Diving into SQL Server 2016Mohamed Zaatar, M.Sc.Readify Developer@mzaatar

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TO-DO List› Into Azure

› DB Stretching› SQL Server data files in Azure

› SQL Server Engine › JSON Support› Query Store

› In-Memory Computing› In-Memory OLTP - Memory-Optimized Tables› In-Memory Columnstore Indexes

› Security› Row-level security› Dynamic data masking

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TO-DO List› Into Azure

› DB Stretching› SQL Server data files in Azure

› SQL Server Engine › JSON Support› Query Store

› In-Memory Computing› In-Memory OLTP - Memory-Optimized Tables› In-Memory Columnstore Indexes

› Security› Row-level security› Dynamic data masking

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Stretch Database

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Database Stretching› Why? Transactional data/save money› Not same as Linked Server› Microsoft charges you when query data not

when move itAzureLocal DB

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SQL Server data files in Azure› Save mdf /ldf files in Azure Blob storage› Why?

› Backups› High Availability› Security Azure

SQL Server (on premises)

DB 1

DB 2

DB 3


Azure Blob Storage

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TO-DO List› Into Azure

› DB Stretching› SQL Server data files in Azure

› SQL Server Engine › JSON Support› Query Store

› In-Memory Computing› In-Memory OLTP - Memory-Optimized Tables› In-Memory Columnstore Indexes

› Security› Row-level security› Dynamic data masking

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JSON support› Native support (like xml)› What to do ?› Export/export data from string to JSON› Format strings (varchar) as JSON› Query› Validate string against JSON standards

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Query store› New in 2016 and SQL Azure v12› Bunch of tables:

› sys.query_store_plan , sys.query_store_query , sys.query_store_query_text

› Why?› Find and fix› How many time execute a query› Top n queries› Audit the history of queries

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TO-DO List› Into Azure

› DB Stretching› SQL Server data files in Azure

› SQL Server Engine › JSON Support› Query Store

› In-Memory Computing› In-Memory OLTP - Memory-Optimized Tables› In-Memory Columnstore Indexes

› Security› Row-level security› Dynamic data masking

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In-memory OLTP› i.e. Memory-optimized tables› ACID? YES !› Data in memory, saved on commits/check

points› Data consistency? Using row versioning› Durable/nondurable data? Both are available› How to access data? T-SQL and Native-

complied table/sp

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In-memory ColumnStore indexes

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In-memory ColumnStore indexes

 ID  Name Date Amount       





 ID Amount 



RowStore ColumnStore

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In-memory ColumnStore indexes› Columnstore Index (memory-optimized)› What is new? Clustered Index› Massive better performance !

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TO-DO List› Into Azure

› DB Stretching› SQL Server data files in Azure

› SQL Server Engine › JSON Support› Query Store

› In-Memory Computing› In-Memory OLTP - Memory-Optimized Tables› In-Memory Columnstore Indexes

› Security› Row-level security› Dynamic data masking

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Row-level Security – aka RLS› 2014 – enhancement in 2016› Why? Multi-tenants DB

Application Server



Solution 1

Solution 2

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Mohamed Zaatar



Dynamic data masking› Customer service verifying credit cards› By a simple column attribute

Application Server


Mohamed Zaatar



Matt Davies 7652-2372-2746-2815



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Demos ?https://github.com/mzaatar/DBScripts/

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Resources› https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn935011.aspx › http://sqlwithmanoj.com/tag/stretch-database/› https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/dn466438.aspx› https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-au/library/dn934994.aspx› http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2011/10/29/sql-server-fundamentals-of-columnstore-ind

ex/› http://www.nikoport.com/2015/09/02/columnstore-indexes-part-64-t-sql-improvemen

ts-in-sql-server-2016/› https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn133165.aspx› https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/query-store-a-flight-data-recorder-for-your-dat

abase/› https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn765131.aspx› https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt163865.aspx
