Division of Rheumatology - Case Western Reserve University

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Division of Rheumatology

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University Hospitals of Cleveland2

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To Our Patients:

We respect your decision to choose us and strive to treatyou with the utmost care and compassion. We consider

our clinical care and cutting-edge research some of the best in the nation. And we hope to help find ultimate control of and a future cure for rheumatic diseases.

Our Division not only practices with experts in the field, but also it trains the rheumatologists of tomorrow. In doing so, we stay abreast of the latest information on the diagnosis andmanagement of rheumatic conditions.

On behalf of the Division of Rheumatology, I welcome you toour system of health and rheumatology care.


Ali D. Askari, MDProfessor of MedicineDirector of Rheumatology

Division of Rheumatology

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RHEUMATOLOGY delivers the advancedcare and advanced caring for whichUniversity Hospitals Health Systemis known.

Division Rheumatologists are topprofessionals who are nationally-recognized and/or have been notedfor their publications and research.

They are qualified to properly evaluate,accurately diagnose and efficientlytreat a host of rheumatic diseases.

In addition to implementing the latestin rheumatologic developments andtechnology, the Division’s access toUHC orthopaedic surgery, physical andoccupational therapy, neuroscience andradiology services gives patients numer-ous diagnostic and treatment options.

The UHC Division of Rheumatologystrives to help make the lives of itspatients better, one day at a time.







All Division Rheumatologists have had

extensive education, training and experience

and are board certified in Rheumatology by the

American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).




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Patients benefit from the support,resources and programs of the

Division of Rheumatology


Sjögren’s Syndrome CenterAli D. Askari, MD, founded the Sjögren’sSyndrome Center to improve treatmentand build awareness of Sjögren’s syn-drome, as well as to increase research intofuture remedies and better control of thedisease. The Center provides the higheststandard of service and care for Sjögren’spatients, through its multi-specialty teamof physicians who work together to helpeliminate the inconvenience of multiplevisits to numerous specialists. Advancedcare for patients with Sjögren’s syndromestarts here.

Comprehensive Clinical &Research Services The latest medical technologies and clinicalbreakthroughs are used in the Division’sstate-of-the-art disease managementmethod, through a multi-disciplinaryapproach. The Division of Rheumatology’sclinical and basic science research effortsfocus on expanding the uses of investiga-tional drugs and exploring the safety andefficacy of new treatments.

The Spine InstituteThe Division of Rheumatology is a majorparticipant in the University Hospitals ofCleveland Spine Institute, which managesan entire range of spinal care issues,including the treatment of spinal diseaseand spinal injuries through surgical andnon-surgical approaches.

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Chagrin Highlands OsteoporosisCenter Rheumatology experts at the OsteoporosisCenter at Chagrin Highlands Medical Centercan diagnose and treat osteoporosis at nearlyany stage. Certified DXA scan technologistsperform bone density scans, which are rec-ommended for post-menopausal women,women who’ve had hysterectomies, people50 years of age and older, people with eatingdisorders or patients on chronic prednisonetherapy.

Chagrin Highlands InfusionCenterStaffed by a certified peripheral infusiontherapist, the Infusion Center at ChagrinHighlands offers advanced care for infusionsof biologic agents that are used to treat inflam-matory arthritis. Because infusions can last upto several hours, the Center is equipped withaccommodations, including a comfortablelounge chair, movie library and snacks.

University Hospitals Health System

Chagrin Highlands Medical Center Services

Chagrin Highlands Medical Center

is one of several UHHS suburban

community outreach medical centers

that helps make it easier for patients

to access rheumatology care.

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Division Rheumatologists diagnose and treat a variety

of diseases, including (but not limited to):



Division of Rheumatology 7

Sjögren’s Syndrome is an autoimmunedisease that mostly attacks the body’s moisture-producing glands. The most commonsymptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth,fatigue, swelling of the joints and salivaryglands, difficulty chewing or swallowing andfrequent oral yeast infections. Managementincludes the latest diagnostic and therapeuticapproaches and the multi-disciplinary careoffered by the Sjögren’s Syndrome Center.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(Lupus) is an autoimmune disorder thataffects women about 8-to-10 times more oftenthan it affects men. Multiple organ systems and body parts can be affected. Symptoms caninclude joint pain and/or stiffness, abnormalskin rashes and positive antinuclear antibody(ANA) or other abnormal blood tests. Theheart, lungs, kidneys and blood could also be affected. Specialized treatments are available for these purposes.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic,inflammatory autoimmune disease that causesthe body’s immune system to attack the liningof the joints. This process often leads to severedamage and disability. The average onset ofRA is between 20 and 45 years of age. Althoughit is more prevalent among women, RA can alsoaffect men. The disease may be geneticallytransmitted, but it is a controllable one whosetreatment has been made easier thanks to a number of medicines, including: corticos-teroids, disease-modifying antirheumaticdrugs (DMARDs) and biologic agents directedagainst specific inflammatory processes.

Scleroderma is a rare, chronic, degenerativedisease that may cause loss of mobility, fatigue,Raynaud’s phenomenon and skin tightness. TheDivision considers a state-of-the-art diagnosticand multi-disciplinary approach to treatment.

Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies(Myositis) are forms of autoimmune illnessesthat cause inflammation of the muscles. Other organ systems may also be involved.With the particular talent in the Division ofRheumatology, devastating complications ofmyositis can be prevented.

University Hospitals of Cleveland8


“OUR DIVISION…trains the

rheumatologists of tomorrow.

In doing so, we stay abreast

of the latest information on

the diagnosis and management

of rheumatologic conditions.”

Division of Rheumatology 9

]Vasculitis is inflammation of the bloodvessels. Vasculitis as the primary problemor associated with other medical conditions– such as RA or Lupus – can affect multipleorgan systems. This disease can lead tosymptoms of joint pain, purple spots onthe skin, pneumonia-like ailments andhigh blood pressure. Treatment optionsmay include corticosteroids or medicinesthat modify the immune system.

Fibromyalgia affects about two per-cent of the U.S. population. It is a type ofsoft tissue syndrome that causes muscu-loskeletal pain and fatigue. Women areseven times more likely to have fibromyalgiathan men. Fibromyalgia is characterizedby tender points of the body, fatigue andsleep disorders.

Osteoporosis is a disease characterizedby decreased bone strength and increasedbone fragility. Affected individuals – oftenpost-menopausal women – are at anincreased risk of bone fractures. Estrogenloss, aging, steroid use, eating disordersand smoking are risk factors associatedwith getting osteoporosis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most com-mon form of arthritis: Approximately 20 million-or-more adults in the UnitedStates have OA, also called degenerativejoint disease. OA is a type of arthritis thataffects primarily the cartilage and oftenleads to joint degeneration with subsequentpain. Medication is one way to relieve someof the discomfort associated with OA, inaddition to exercise, weight loss and, inextreme cases, a surgical procedure forwhich UHC has earned national recognition.

Psoriatic Arthritis causes pain and swelling in the joints. It is typicallyassociated with a skin rash called psoria-sis. The arthritis may affect the peripheraljoints and/or the spine. Pain can alsooccur in the wrists, knees, ankles, fingers,toes, lower back and buttocks. PsoriaticArthritis is treated with anti-inflammatorymedicines to reduce pain, stiffness and


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swelling. More specialized treatments, includingthe use of biologic agents, are also available.

Ankylosing Spondylitis – inflammatoryarthritis of the spine, joints and ligaments –results in pain and stiffness. It is more commonin men. Pain from the disease is alleviatedthrough exercise and medications. Dramaticresults with biologic agents are being noted.

Paget’s Disease of the Bone (PDB)causes both the destruction and the rebuildingof bones to accelerate, thereby decreasingbone strength and leading to pain, discomfort,potential bowing of the legs, enlargement ofthe head and fractures. Treatment of PDBrequires a multi-disciplinary approach onwhich Division Rheumatologists can focus.

Raynaud’s Phenomenon occurs whenblood vessel constriction causes extremities tobecome cold and discolored. Raynaud’s could bea sole finding (primary Raynaud’s) or be associatedwith other systemic diseases (secondaryRaynaud’s). Scleroderma and other rheumaticdiseases can present with secondary Raynaud’s.

Gout is the accumulation of uric acid in thebody and formation of crystals in the joints thatleads to severe inflammation and pain in thetoes, feet, ankles, knees and wrists. Gout can betriggered by ingesting diuretics and excessivealcohol or protein consumption. Appropriatemanagement of gout can prevent relapsingattacks and save patients from suffering.

Behçet’s Syndrome is a complex rheumaticdisease that can cause recurrent inflammation inthe body – including in the brain, heart, lungs and major vascular structures – and painful ulcerations of the mouth, eyes, genitalia andother skin parts. Though benign in many patients,the disease could be serious in others. Treatment,rendered by experienced Division specialists,includes a variety of immunosuppressive medi-cines, dependant upon the severity of the disease.

Please note: This brochure is deemed current at publication date and isintended for informational purposes only. For questions, please contactyour primary care physician or a rheumatologist.

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About UniversityHospitalsUniversity Hospitals Health System (UHHS) is theregion’s premier healthcare delivery system, servingpatients at more than 150 locations throughoutnorthern Ohio.

Committed to advanced care and advanced caring,UHHS offers the region’s largest network of primarycare physicians, along with outpatient centers andhospitals. The System also includes a network ofspecialty care physicians, skilled nursing, elderhealth, rehabilitation and home care services,managed care and insurance programs and themost comprehensive behavioral health services inthe region.

The System’s 947-bed, tertiary medical center,University Hospitals of Cleveland (UHC), is the primary affiliate of Case Western ReserveUniversity. Together, they form the largest centerfor biomedical research in the State of Ohio.Included in UHC are Rainbow Babies & Children’sHospital, one of the nation’s best children’s hospitals;Ireland Cancer Center, designated by the NationalCancer Institute as a Comprehensive CancerCenter (the nation’s highest designation); and MacDonald Women’s Hospital, Ohio’s onlyhospital for women.

For more information about

University Hospitals Health System,

please visit


Division of RheumatologyUniversity Hospitals Health System

11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106( 216 ) 844-2289

To schedule an appointment, please call (216) 844-6001

Our patients are seen in a variety

of in- and out-patient settings.

Please call for more information.
