DIY | How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under {Around } Eyes Permanently & Naturally

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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DIY | How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under {Around } Eyes Permanently & Naturally17  Tips & Home Remedies To Remove Dark Spots And Dark Circles Under Your Eyes : Easy and Effective ways : 


Remedy : # 1DIY – How to cure Dark-Circles with Cucumber-Juice : 


Ingredients :1. Cucumber Juice2. Water

Cucumber juice is a common remedy. It should be applied daily around

eyes and washed off with plain water after 15 minutes.

It not only removes dark circles but also relieves your eyes from burning

sensation. Do this twice daily for a week.

Remedy : # 2

DIY – How to cure dark circles with Potato and Cucumber : 


Ingredients :1. Potato2. Cucumber

Mixing potato juice with cucumber juice in equal quantities helps if there

is puffiness along with dark circles.

Follow the same procedure. This is the most effective natural remedy.


Remedy : # 3

DIY – How to cure dark circles with Sandal wood : 

Ingredients :1. Rose Water2. Sandal wood


Mix some rose water in sandalwood powder to make a paste and apply

this paste on your face and neck to eliminate dark spots or age spots on


Make a paste of sandal wood powder, glycerin, rose water and lemon

juice. Apply on the dark spots, let it dry, and then wash with cold water.

Remedy : # 4DIY – How to Remove Dark circles with  Honey  Oatmeal Mask : 


Ingredients :1. Milk – 4 table spoons2. Honey – 1 table spoon.3. Oatmeal – 30 grams.


Prepare an exfoliating face mask by mixing four table spoons of milk

and one table spoon of honey in 30 grams of oatmeal. Apply it on face

and neck for ten minutes and then rinse it off.


Remedy : # 5DIY – How to Cure Dark spots or Dark circles with Butter Milk and Tomato : 

Ingredients :

1. Butter Milk – 4 tea spoons2. Tomato Juice – 2 tea spoons.


Combination of four teaspoons of butter milk and two tea spoons of

tomato juice serves as an effective solution for reducing dark spots on


Remedy : # 6DIY – How to Remove Dark Circles with Sour Milk , Cream and Honey Mask : 

Ingredients :1. Sour Milk2. Cream3. Honey


Prepare a mixture by adding sour milk, cream and honey. Daily apply

this remedy on your face for about ten minutes to remove dark spots


Remedy : # 7

DIY –  How to cure Dark Circles Around Your Eyes with Almond oil : 


Ingredients :1. Almond Oil2. Water


Almond oil is another natural ingredient which is very beneficial for the

delicate skin around your eyes.

All you need to do is to apply a little almond oil over the dark circles

before going to bed and wash it off with cold water the next morning.

Remedy : # 8DIY – Mint Mask For Dark Circles : 


Ingredient :Mint Leaves

Applying crushed mint leaves over your eyes will not only soothe your

eyes but will also help you in getting rid of dark circles.

Apply freshly crushed mint leaves all around your eyes and leave it for 5

or 10 minutes. Then gently wipe it off with a clean and cold cloth.


Remedy : #  9 DIY – Horse Radish and Warm Milk : 

Ingredients :1. Horse Radish2. Milk 

Applying horseradish juice mixed with warm milk,  can help to reduce

dark circles on around your eyes and Dark spots in your Face.

Remedy : #  10DIY –  Massage With Vitamin E oil For Dark Spots : 


Ingredients :1. Vitamin E oil2. Honey {optional }3. Raw potato Juice { optional }


Massaging the area with vitamin E oil is also useful in eliminating acne

scars and brown spots on face.

Vitamin E oil in its natural form has antioxidants, which helps to even

out the skin tone and reduces dark spots.

Similarly , you can apply honey too. Besides, raw potato juice is

considered valuable in fading dark spots.

Remedy : #  11 DIY –  How to Remove Dark Circles with Cucumber and Lemon : 

Dark Circles Remove Permanently with Lemon and Cucumber Juice


Ingredients :1. Cucumber

2. LemonDark circles can also be treated by mixing cucumber juice with lemon

juice in equal quantities.

Lemon, a citric fruit, acts as a bleaching agent. Applying lemon juice is

among the best home remedies for black spots on face.

Apply daily and wash off with water after 15 minutes.


Remedy : # 12DIY –  How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles with Orange juice Glycerin : 


Ingredients :1. Glycerin2. Orange Juice

Regular application of orange juice mixed with glycerin is an effective

way to get rid of dark circles.

Remedy : # 13DIY – Tomato Paste for Dark Circles : 


Ingredient :Tomatoes

Tomatoes  paste is the one of the most effective remedy for dark circles.

Take tomatoes straight from the refrigerator and rub on the dark spots.

The cooling effect helps in fading of the spots.

Remedy : # 14DIY – Milk and Honey Mask For Dark circles : 


Ingredients :1. Milk2. Honey


Mix milk and honey and apply the solution on your dark spots. Leave it

for 5 – 10 minutes.

Milk is known as a lightening agent and honey works as a very good

moisturizer, together they form an effective team to fight dark spots.

Remedy : # 15DIY – Turmeric and Tomato Mask For Dark Circles :  

Ingredients :

1. Tomatoes – 22. Lemon Juice – 1 table spoon3. Gram Flour – 1 Pinch4. Turmeric Powder -1/2 tea spoon.


Take one or two fresh tomatoes , one tablespoon of lemon juice and a

pinch of gram flour and 1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder.

Blend these ingredients nicely until they become a thick paste and apply

it very gently around your eyes.

Rinse it off gently with clean water after 10 – 20 minutes. Repeating this

process twice or thrice every week will make your skin tone around your

eyes lighter and will eventually make your dark circles go away


Remedy : # 16DIY – Aloe Vera Eye Mask For Dark Circles : 

Ingredient :Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is rich in Anti – inflammatory properties. You have to simply

massage with its gel, this would reduce the swelling and also improves

the circulation of blood around the tender eye area.

Before applying you have to keep the Aloe Vera leaf in the freezer and

once it is cooled, take it out and then slice it, you will find the gel coming

out, with the help of fingertip and apply  it over the affected area.

Aloe Vera has healing powers and this helps the dark spots to fade

slowly and effectively.

Remedy : # 17DIY – Turmeric & Yogurt Face Mask For Dark spots, Dark Circles Under Your Eyes :  



Ingredients :1. Yogurt { Curd }2. Turmeric

Take some turmeric powder and mix it with curd to make a paste. You

can apply this paste on the affected area of your face { Around your

Eyes }. It helps to treat dark circles or dark spots on your face.

Apply this Weekly twice, This is very effective and simple remedy for

dark circles.