Dmca Kickstarter CLE @ Seattle Univeristy Law w/ Tim Bilick

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Session 1 - Kickstarter, Terms of Use, and the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Tim Billick,



DMCA and Kickstarter

Tim Billick is an attorney with the Mann Law Group Seattle, WA.

DMCA Basics - Overview

Pillar Point Harbor aerial view CC – BY SA Robert CampellPD Image from Wikimedia

DMCA Basics – Safe Harbor

Who is protected by the safe Harbor?

DMCA Basics – Safe Harbor

How to qualify statutory definition of a “service provider.” +

Registered Agent


Service provider CANNOT

have actual or “constructive” knowledge of

infringing activity...


If the service provider has the right and ability to control the activity, then the service provider cannot receive financial benefit that’s “directly


CC BY Faramarz Hasheml on Flickr

+ /=CC BY 2bgr8STOCK on Deviantart


must promptly respond to a “notice

and takedown request” of allegedly infringing material.

How do I use the DMCA

Be a tattle-cat. Protect your content. photocredit: The geniuses at

How do I use the DMCA

Write the Takedown Request

DMCA Takedown Must haves

• identify the material that is allegedly infringing your copyright(s), and describe how to find that material

• provide information to enable the service provider to contact you

• state a of good faith belief that the service provider’s use is not authorized by law

• state that the information in the takedown request is accurate, and

• that you’re authorized to act to enforce the copyright.

DMCA Takedown

What if My Stuff is Taken Down?

How to file a counter-notice

DMCA statute:• The subscriber’s name, address, phone

number and physical or electronic signature • Identification of the material and its location

before removal • A statement under penalty of perjury that the

material was removed by mistake or misidentification

• Subscriber consent to local federal court jurisdiction

How to file a counter-notice

Other Options

Email Poster

Other Options

Sam Moore turned Obama into Grumpy Cat when he sent the then-presidential-hopeful a cease-and-desist letter, a more appropriate tool than a DMCA Request.

Kickstarter Policy

Fair Use Factors under § 107

Purpose and character of the useNature of the workThe amount & substantiality of portion usedThe effect of the use upon the potential

market/value of the work

Fair Use Factors under § 107

Best Practices?

PD image

PD image



Most images are under open licenses or fair use

This Presentation is based on a 4 part series written for the WLA Blog Avalible at:

Talk by Tim Blick, attorney with the Mann Law GroupSlides by Brian Rowe Under CC-BY