Dmx x gon’ give it to ya

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Dmx X gon’ give it to ya

First shotFirst shot is of a muscle car as we can see by the front, this represents the genre really well as the song is a rap song, and strong muscle cars can be associated with them.

Second shotAnother shot which shows the representation of the rap genre. The artist is shown in the centre so all the attention is on him as well as he’s wearing gold chains. All of these are stereotypes of rap music

Third shotHere is another shot which also represents the genre. Since the lyrics aren’t relevant yet. It is a skull which also represents death. Death also is associated with rap music on some level. Also all the shots are at night which is dark and also works with death.

Fourth shotFirst time seeing the artist face clearly. Once again in centre frame and has the facial expression of anger Which is normally associated with rap, as they are fast moving. We can also see a earring which isOnce again associated with rappers since they like to wear shiny things.

Fifth shotThis shot is different because it features the same artist wearing new clothing and also has some sort of explosion. Which once again is seen in a lot of videos witch have rap. Also the artist is once again centre frame.

Sixth shotWhat’s different about this shot is that the lyrics occasionally appear on screen. This links the song to the video. While also having a font which goes with the genre of rap.

Seventh shotThis shot is very different and the same at the same time. It shows the main artist in white in the centre again. But the white against the black makes him stand out more and has every eye fix on him. His clothes are also very stereotypical of what people where in the rap genre

Eighth shotA medium close up of the artist. Showing the contrast between him and the men in the back. It also shows all the necklaces the artist is wearing. While still being in the centre of the frame. All of which are staples of the rap genre.