DNA Unit 7 Quiz. What is the complimentary mRNA sequence to the DNA sequence A-T-T-G-C-A? a....

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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DNAUnit 7 Quiz

What is the complimentary mRNA sequence to the DNA sequence


a. T-A-A-G-C-Ab. U-A-A-C-G-Uc. T-A-A-C-G-Td. U-A-A-C-G-T

If DNA is like a ladder, the “hand rails” are made up of:

a. Amino acids & proteinsb. Nucleotides & nitrogen basesc. Adenine & Uracild. Phosphate group and sugar

What kind of molecule is this?

a. tRNAb. RNAic. mRNAd. rRNA

Which of the following would have a weak hydrogen bond between


a. Phosphate group & Deoxyriboseb. Nucleotide & Uracilc. Guanine & Adenined. Adenine & Thymine

What kind of molecule is labeled X in the diagram below?

a. tRNAb. RNAic. mRNAd. rRNA


What does DNA and RNA have in common?

a. Both contain deoxyriboseb. Both contain thyminec. Both are single strandedd. Both contain phosphate groups

What is the complimentary DNA sequence to A-T-T-G-C-A?

a. T-A-A-C-G-Tb. U-A-A-C-G-Uc. T-T-A-C-G-Ad. U-A-A-C-G-T

What is the purpose of tRNA?

a. It translates DNA into mRNAb. It transports amino acids to the ribosomec. It transforms ribosomesd. It delivers codons from DNA

The nucleus is removed from a somatic cell of 1 organism & is placed in an egg cell that has its nucleus removed. This process results in the production of organisms that are genetically

alike. This is called:

a. DNA fingerprintingb. Gene therapyc. Selective breedingd. Cloning

What is this structure called?

a. DNAb. Double helixc. RNAd. Nucleotide

Which could cause mutations?

a. Old ageb. Exercise c. Radiationd. Bacterial infections

DNA insertion mutations may be caused by the

invasion of:

a. Virusesb. Fungusc. Protozoansd. Amoebas

What type of mutation is in the diagram below?

a. Deletionb. Substitutionc. Inversiond. Insertion

This nucleic acid is responsible for the transmission of information

from the genetic code in the nucleus to the ribosomes?

a. tRNAb. mRNAc. rRNAd. RNAi

What process is occurring in the diagram below?

a. Replicationb. Transcriptionc. Deletiond. Translation

This contains the blueprint for making


a. tRNAb. DNAc. rRNAd. ATP

These organelles “read” mRNA instructions:

a. Ribosomesb. Mitochondriac. Golgi Bodyd. Lysosomes

Which of the following sequence of processes

correctly reflects how proteins are made?

a. Protein synthesis, transcription, translation

b. Protein synthesis, translation, transcription

c. Transcription, translation, protein synthesis

d. Translation, transcription, protein synthesis

What is a possible use of DNA fingerprinting?

a. Paternity testingb. Gene therapyc. Transgenic speciesd. Cloning

Translate the following code into an polypeptide chain:


a. Methionine, Glycine, Stop

b. Valine, Alanine, Serine

c. Methionine, Alanine, Stop

d. Alanine, Valine, Serine

The End

Answer Key1. B 11. C2. D 12. A3. C 13. D4. D 14. B5. A 15. D6. D 16. B7. A 17. A8. B 18. C9. D 19. A10. D 20. A